Being in Tier 1 doesn't mean anything.
It’s not a new, WvW raking by Anet it’s only determinates by your schedule coverage, so, serv want to play this ladder need to adapt their gameplay to this.. VS make this very well.
But fight in T1 is boring only if you want stay on T1 and make all for this. If you play only for fight and not the ranking, fight in T1/8 change nothing in fact, even vs VS you can find small group to fight. Don’t play the laddergame if you find it boring.
Hs : you’r guild Oscure was on Karak Norn ?
Jade Quarry
(edited by Wothan.4673)
Being T1 means a lot, actually. I mean, what else am I supposed to use as a pickup line?
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
When there are rankings of any sort, you are going to have idiots who want to be on top for the sake of being on top.
aren’t you tired of qqing and whining all the time sfr ?
I agree that the ranking don’t really mean much.
About the only thing I see in them is higher tiers have more populations and more players so you don’t have a JQ server steam rolling a ET server.
I will say, it is nice if both servers have a good population and can continue to field opponents after you logged. A bit of suspense in how your team did while you slept isn’t a bad thing.
The rank and points of your server are not remotely an indicator of your PvP quality – that’s a fact. Also – they do not guarantee a higher level of enjoyment.
However, up until the reset the rank was meaning something for a specific category of players that deserve more compassion than disdain – the dedicated, hardcore PvPers, the GvGers of old, who are still waiting and hoping after 8 months of frustration.
In NA, there was a movement of these PvP centric guilds towards the tier 1, in a hope to get to fight people who share their interest. These guys are less concerned about the server score and more about fighting that guild or the other. They were trying to organize their “poor man” version of a GvG that might never happen.
They worked on that plan for weeks. And now ANet messed it again, at least for a few more weeks.
Told you – they deserve more compassion that hate.
More hackers in T1…never seen so many people abuse the down state hack
When population and number of organized guilds reaches a critical mass, servers go zerg.
This is just the result of the game mechanics.
We had some of the best fights last night in T2 BG/TC/FA that we’ve had all year. Why? The massive zerg guilds couldn’t get in because of the queue bug. I shudder to think what will happen once it’s fixed.
I’m fairly certain that’s why transfers were free for so long. Different tiers / servers offered different play styles.
Some folks only like to be on top, and that’s what they find fun and why they play.
Some find other things enjoyable, perhaps attempting to climb the ladder, or build a community and play regardless of outcome.
Im enjoying T1 in NA at present. The score and coverage is all really close.
The Tier ranks were meant so servers with less WvW centric people don’t get paired against servers that have more wvw centric players. So all can have fun.
Some play WvW only in GW2, other do PvE and WvW, some sPvP, ect.. The tiers were mainly to sort out who faces who so eventually all have close matches, and no complete blow outs. Starting next match it’ll be blow out matches again for a while.
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
Closer matches and more competition is a lot more fun than total blowouts.
I do wonder if things would’ve been better had the ladder been hidden entirely and just used as an internal balancing system. People wouldn’t hop servers as much due to no idea of “I want to be T1!” or similar, and no idea of which servers were ‘top’. But, one of the things the ladder does do is make people push for victory, if you take away the ranking part of it then people don’t put the same effort in as the ego-factor is removed.
I agree with the sentiment however – good guilds exist across the ladder, and there is no real reason to go for T1 at all, find a position that suits you and stay there. The only real reason I see is if you want your guild to be ‘recognised’… as the only people who tend to have the ‘best guild’ discussions are the ones in the top tiers, and so will only be able to comment on larger top-tier guilds.
What I do find interesting however, is to see the difference in videos from upper and lower tiers. Upper tiers most videos (not necessarily most combat) mostly show turtle vs turtle, with every utility/elite used in the first 10seconds and one side emerges victorious (altho why the higher tiers tend to have such high # of kills). In the lower tiers that is far less frequent, most likely due to people being more spread out, the CD burning wouldn’t kill every enemy with initial strike and thus leave them weakened for the rest of the fight.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:
I’ve enjoyed it in tier 8 and 9.
I played on whiteside ridge but moved because it seemed too one sided.
Now i’m on RoS and that is ones sided atm but there was some nice battles last week.
Seems they will both be in tier 1 next matchup and then probably drop quite a bit.
I’d rather play in the lower tiers tbh.
personally when i was in t1, the fights were extremely boring and defensive, if you want kills play defensive which is just boring, if you go offensive they play defensive and if they play it correctly you get farmed, either way its just boring, i remember the old days back in kaineg in t8 with DR and FC, those were the days, open field fights with 30, only 2 bl could be handled at one time, almost never a que except on reset nights. People like to say strategy this, strategy that, but honestly ive been to all the diffrent ranges of tiers, they use same tactics, it all comes down to coverage for who comes out on top, and if the coverage is extremely close, then it comes down to strategy and how the players of that server played.
That’s why Mag likes T4 and hopes it goes there again. Maguuma tier is the perfect balance between numbers, coverage, and fun.
T1 in NA means I will never login at any time day or night to find my world only has 10 people in WvW and we’re being spawn camped on 4 maps.
Only just got to T1 this week, reset night queue were seriously bad, I have never experienced it this bad yet, think a lot of people were just excited and wanted to wvw for a change.
I was in EB for about 8 hours and the action never stopped. Trebs hitting sm from all directions, trebs from sm shooting all directions, Klovan, Wildcreek and Anz flipped constantly. We pushed red keep a couple times, couldn’t deliver though they had LOTS of siege in the lords room but they burned 1k keep supply to repair everything.
I dunno, was fun, fast paced, we were always moving.
The queue was a little nuts, but I really enjoy wvw, its really the only part of the game I like and wish to play with others that feel the same way which you see a lot less of in the lower tiers. They are there, just less, much less.
Sanctum of Rall
I think you have some things confused.
“Tier” is irrelevant. It doesn’t amount to anything but a balance of 3 servers strength relative to each other. What you’re actually talking about are game mechanics. Coincidently, in WvW player numbers alter game mechanics all the time. What you’re identifying in your server dropping a tier is either A: a decline in player numbers or B: an alteration in the use of those numbers.
If Tier 1 servers and Tier 2 servers all had the same populations, then the zergs that followed would play into the game mechanics. You’d have the same “boring” response regardless of tier number. The fact is that in Tier 1 you have capped population limits, and as such huge zergs which alter and dictate the state of play. This can be viewed as “boring”, since, as you seem to be pointing out, there’s less “fighting”, so to speak.
Having balanced servers in terms of numbers is ideal in any situation, however exactly how many players that can be pooled into a single force dramatically effects game play SO THAT if you have to many, to the individual things become a lot less engaging and a whole lot more… mindless.
1000000000000000000% agree. Vizunah Square can only be beaten by boring tactics (coward behind walls, spamming siege). And having 24/7 coverage. Wich no server in EU has except them.
Spot 2-3 in EU will have huge nightmares, and it will never change until vizunah square drops the ball. I in fact hope they never bring special reward for the winning servers in the next updates (something they said they would), cause it would make it unfair for ppl in tire 1.
To bad you dropped SFR Desolation doesn’t like vizu either. I wish we didnt go up lol
Why did you play so bad
To be honest SFR guarding 2nd spot for a while was a good thing for desolation (more fun).
Fact: as long as vizunah square is in t1, t1 will never ever be fun.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
SoR player experience tl:DR
American t1 is way more balanced then EU t1. That is why you have fun. Vizunah square is not fun to fight, and almost impossible to beat. As long they are t1 EU it’s not fun.
Tbh i’m kinda jealous of american balance in t1. The matchup scores seem to show it’s quite exciting. Very different from EU t1 that is. I’m even considering paying 36g to an american server cause the balance in wvw seems better there.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
It means something to many in SoR for example, we worked our way from #17 to #2.
[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸
Viz is easy beat. Just don’t sleep or work.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
It doesn’t mean anything especially when servers can gain a massive amount of glicko through farming glicko for 3 weeks straight off a dead T1 server. Anet finally had to reset the ratings because of situations like that.
Beast mode
(edited by pot.6805)
Viz is easy beat. Just don’t sleep or work.
I know there was a financial crisis in the EU, but you folks are still richer than the average Chinese penal colony occupant.
Solution: use your Euros to hire enslaved Chinese gold farmers to play EU T1 off-hours.
t1 means long queues. that’s the big difffernece
T1 NA atm is balanced and fun. T1 EU will never be balanced and can only be fun at times… you can thank a certain french server for that. But dont worry, they work and organize with real dedication to make sure the other T1 EU folk dont have fun lol
GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]
Deso, SFR and elona would make a fine t1. The whole reason t1 sucks is vizunah. They play to win and they are the best at it hands down, but they are very disheartening and boring to be matched with.
Actually it means a lot in terms of 24/7 “competition”. I am on SOR and saw first hand what the matches were like in the lower tiers as some matches for weeks on end became one sided facerolls due to lack of coverage/numbers. The latter becomes very boring for either side…
Actually it means a lot in terms of 24/7 “competition”. I am on SOR and saw first hand what the matches were like in the lower tiers as some matches for weeks on end became one sided facerolls due to lack of coverage/numbers. The latter becomes very boring for either side…
Those matches were not a function of them being in a “lower tier”. They were a result of people who move to winning servers within tiers and upset the balance that was originally there. For many weeks the bottom 3 tiers were incredibly balanced while the top few tiers were not.
When the brackets are allowed to work properly without transfers the only meaning to a higher “tier” will be greater overall participation and coverage. “24/7 competition” means nothing to any individual player unless you play 24/7.
Actually it means a lot in terms of 24/7 “competition”. I am on SOR and saw first hand what the matches were like in the lower tiers as some matches for weeks on end became one sided facerolls due to lack of coverage/numbers. The latter becomes very boring for either side…
“24/7 competition” means nothing to any individual player unless you play 24/7.
My definition of 24/7 competition is being able to log on at 4:20 am on a work night and still have the option to join a major battle(s). After just leaving T2 that option was not always available, lol.
(edited by scootshoot.6583)
Cheers from Vizu, you’ll soon discover our fellow people from Jade Sea
Sure, there’s no skill involved, but being in T1 / T2 has one important aspect to it:
You get to fight some of the other amazing guilds in those brackets. I could not care less about the scores at the end of the week, but the fights you can have versus guilds like KAZ / IRON / OSC / etc. eclipse any of the downsides.
And unfortunately, the lower brackets do not have guilds of quite the same caliber, usually.
Troll topic is troll
aren’t you tired of qqing and whining all the time sfr ?
Don’t generalize. Not everyone from SFR agrees with these kind of posts. But you’re right, the whining has to stop. How is anyone to take SFR seriously with all these posts popping up.
No it doesn’t anyone can transfer to vizunah square and be in the top tier it’s not like anyone has to do anything apart from transfer to get to tier 1. It’s mainly based on server population. The server who wins a each tier are the good ones. Tier 1 isn’t the be all and end all
Aztro [Engineer] Extro [Warrior] Xilent [Thief] Tyrax Deathrain [Ranger] Krogax [Guardian]
From my experience, being in T1 means you have: an above average participation rate of players around the clock, a bunch of decent commanders, smaller well organized guild groups who can operate with success away from the main zerg.
P.S.: Thanks for the flowers btw, I play on Kodash
The reason for that is the presence of Vizunah, it’s just not fun to play against them.
I really enjoy NA T1 this week, thre equally matched servers that are also up for some action. So much better than fighting running Vizunas.