Best Guild in GW2 NA?

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Slininstien.7546


Just a side question since all the guilds I’ve been following have gone bye bye.

I know of : Everything Purple, Agg, Apex Prime, Night Shift, Ark, HB, and a few others but just wondering what y’all would consider the best.

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

I think there is another thread that already goes over this. You could try searching…

But then again the search is broken on this site so…..

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

I hear that is more popular opinion than anything. I think a better idea would be to do a SurveyMonkey of the Guild you hate to fight the most would show a better result.

Wish there was someway for something like the old GW1 Hall of Heros (I think it was called, been a long time) Guild battles that you could watch (think it was guild battles, might have been smaller). Having a tournament system that that would be awesome.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: CRAIG.9862


I hear that is more popular opinion than anything. I think a better idea would be to do a SurveyMonkey of the Guild you hate to fight the most would show a better result.

Wish there was someway for something like the old GW1 Hall of Heros (I think it was called, been a long time) Guild battles that you could watch (think it was guild battles, might have been smaller). Having a tournament system that that would be awesome.

You mean a pvp system that makes sense? Impossibruh.

WTB gw1 Hall of Heroes and Guild Vs Guild +1

Semidei [DEMI] #ThankYouBasedGod
Sea Of Sorrows

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


I hear that is more popular opinion than anything. I think a better idea would be to do a SurveyMonkey of the Guild you hate to fight the most would show a better result.

Wish there was someway for something like the old GW1 Hall of Heros (I think it was called, been a long time) Guild battles that you could watch (think it was guild battles, might have been smaller). Having a tournament system that that would be awesome.

Only the people who have not fought those guilds would think that.

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Vyx.8607


There’s some discussion on how to quantify this as a replacement to gw2gvg here

Henge of Denravi – Denravi Alliance [DA]
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG –

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Fox Goes Ding Quaggan Goes [Coo]

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Chuck Norris. Because Chuck Norris could solo 200 guilds at once.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


Until ANET allows guilds to fight across tiers, it is tough to have rankings.

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


EP is probably the best right now in NA. At least until someone else takes a match off of them.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma –

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Arete.7198


The best at what? Open field fighting? Certainly, many of the guilds listed are, but I only fight NS routinely.

The best at WvW? None of those listed.

Fidee OnS

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


The best at what? Open field fighting? Certainly, many of the guilds listed are, but I only fight NS routinely.

The best at WvW? None of those listed.

Idk man, I imagine if any of the people in those guilds decided to actually play PPT hard they would absolutely dominate. Most, if not all, of the guilds are populated by players who were originally PPTers who realized it was not worth it. So they know how to WvW.

An example is Mag. When they actually decide to play PPT, their defense is scary.

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Arete.7198


I suppose; however, I don’t think that’s true as a blanket statement.

It’s unfortunate that the guilds that show up every day and capture/defend structures, who build and run supply to siege, that walk yaks and do the scouting as well as the commanders that manage the strategy some times over 4 maps and coordinate with other commanders are not acknowledged as having ‘skill’.

Fidee OnS

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I suppose; however, I don’t think that’s true as a blanket statement.

It’s unfortunate that the guilds that show up every day and capture/defend structures, who build and run supply to siege, that walk yaks and do the scouting as well as the commanders that manage the strategy some times over 4 maps and coordinate with other commanders are not acknowledged as having ‘skill’.

Because its not skillful….that’s why…. lol

Is it important? Yes….is it appreciated definitely…

but how hard is it skill wise to run supply and drop an arrow cart?!

Now I agree…there is strategy in the overall maximizing of PPT… but really the only person that needs to be “skillful” in knowing what to attack and PvDoor is the commander.

Most people who have done that for a while and go bored of the dull maximizing ppt by hitting where the enemy zerg is not and time racing through gates and walls to cap keeps and towers…have focused on something else, such as improving group compositions…tailoring open field strategies and GvG….

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


I suppose; however, I don’t think that’s true as a blanket statement.

It’s unfortunate that the guilds that show up every day and capture/defend structures, who build and run supply to siege, that walk yaks and do the scouting as well as the commanders that manage the strategy some times over 4 maps and coordinate with other commanders are not acknowledged as having ‘skill’.

The question you have to ask, is how easy that job will be without guilds out there hunting opposing zergs. If no one fights the oppsing zergs all you will have is map blobs running from POI to POI.

Plus, when guild groups get bored they usually end up attacking an enemy tower or keep to draw attention to it. When normal WvWers get bored, they just log off and contribute nothing more that day.

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: nirvana.8245


Those guild rankings are pertaining to GvG. If you were to do an overall guild rating it would be very different.

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


Those guild rankings are pertaining to GvG. If you were to do an overall guild rating it would be very different.

People keep saying this, but provide no examples of guilds. Please give us your personal ranking of “proper” WvW guilds.

About the only guild I can think of that is notorious for holing up in a keep and defending it is MEND on IoJ. But even they have started venturing out because people realized that they can take the entire rest of the map if they let MEND just hang out in Hills by themselves.

(edited by Tibstrike.2974)

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: docMed.7692


RIOT is the best # 1 NA guild ever! We pew pew GvG and love might stacking.

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: etrigan.4213


Wish there was some metadata we could scrape that would give us an idea which guilds take the most stuff.

You can certainly scrape who claims stuff, but that obviously doesn’t help.

Would be nice to know who takes the most stuff and/or gets the most “defend” awards.

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: nirvana.8245


Those guild rankings are pertaining to GvG. If you were to do an overall guild rating it would be very different.

People keep saying this, but provide no examples of guilds. Please give us your personal ranking of “proper” WvW guilds.

About the only guild I can think of that is notorious for holing up in a keep and defending it is MEND on IoJ. But even they have started venturing out because people realized that they can take the entire rest of the map if they let MEND just hang out in Hills by themselves.

Heres some of the guilds Id probably rate in a overall top 20s in WvW:

Onslaught, Icoa, Get of Fenris, Strike Force, Shadow Gypsies, WvW, KnT, CERN, Night Shift, Little Paws, ENMA. Most of those would most certainly make the list. Then you have guilds like TW, CHOO and HIRE who would probably still make the list but have a question mark on them at present, so to speak. And there are guilds like ATM which is all but disbanded but certainly would have been a top 20 and probably a top 5. Theres MERC who are only a shadow of their former self after splitting in a server transfer whom could have scraped in the top 20 at its peak. Or SONG who, I don’t know where they are but they were right up there, I think they went to EU. Its hard for me to speak of guilds below Tier 2. But then how good can they be if they can’t even push there servers that high. Im probably missing a few obvious ones as well. But NS is probably the only one on the GvG list that would make the overall WvW list and only just.

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

Those guild rankings are pertaining to GvG. If you were to do an overall guild rating it would be very different.

People keep saying this, but provide no examples of guilds. Please give us your personal ranking of “proper” WvW guilds.

About the only guild I can think of that is notorious for holing up in a keep and defending it is MEND on IoJ. But even they have started venturing out because people realized that they can take the entire rest of the map if they let MEND just hang out in Hills by themselves.

Heres some of the guilds Id probably rate in a overall top 20s in WvW:

Onslaught, Icoa, Get of Fenris, Strike Force, Shadow Gypsies, WvW, KnT, CERN, Night Shift, Little Paws, ENMA. Most of those would most certainly make the list. Then you have guilds like TW, CHOO and HIRE who would probably still make the list but have a question mark on them at present, so to speak. And there are guilds like ATM which is all but disbanded but certainly would have been a top 20 and probably a top 5. Theres MERC who are only a shadow of their former self after splitting in a server transfer whom could have scraped in the top 20 at its peak. Or SONG who, I don’t know where they are but they were right up there, I think they went to EU. Its hard for me to speak of guilds below Tier 2. But then how good can they be if they can’t even push there servers that high. Im probably missing a few obvious ones as well. But NS is probably the only one on the GvG list that would make the overall WvW list and only just.

so all i need to do to become classified a “top” guild is transfer to t1? You must be in BG or JQ.

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Sahjin.2108


I’ve been in some of these guilds and t’s very hard to rate them so good when you have players constantly dropping in and out of them and rotating around so much, so they aren’t exactly static in how good they are. The commander of these guilds of course are some of the best I would say for the larger guilds. What about the smaller roaming guilds such as PRAE, JINX etc. . .I think PRAE is probably the best smaller group roaming focused guild by far as all of their players are heavily vetted and practiced when it comes to havoc stuff. so why does it have to be a huge blob guild to be the best?

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Handin.4032


The best WvW guilds are obviously the ones that do GvGs. I mean, if you noticed, all the ones in that survey were GvG guilds. Oh wait, you mean that survey only included guilds that like to do GvGs (which are really no closer to WvW than tPvp in the end..). Hm, that seems like a skewed sample I honestly don’t think there is a “best guild NA.” From my long WvW experience, I have YET to find a guild that is consistantly just amazing in all aspects of WvW. Most are great in a lot of things, but still have lots of work to do in others.

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300