Best Tagging Profession
This is why we can’t have nice things.
Engineer. Use the Flamethrower, turn off auto targeting in the options menu, and just run around like an idiot, spinning around with auto attack. You’ll tag everything for massive loot potential and the range of the attack makes sure that you stay just out of range of all the heavy melee attackers. There’s not a whole lot of damage potential though unless you run full power or full condition.
Guardian. Stupid staff 1 spam go through everything.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Ranger for sure. Every time you enter combat, all you will see is loot bags scrolling by. Ask anyone and they will tell you that rangers are the best suited class for every kind of combat in WvW by a mile, while almost being impossible to kill unless it’s like 1v20.
Bearbow ranger.
Your description is literally a guardian with staff. Put soldier gear on and you’ll be able to zerg surf no prob
If you want to be ultimately useless and just press 1 1 1, then yeah, staff guardian is your best bet.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
This I guess:
Staff Guardian, with Purging Flames, Hallowed Ground, and Judges Intervention. Turn off the auto-target and have fun XD