IDEA: Outmanned buff changed so that that server’s normal camps/towers/keeps are worth 1/2 the points when taken. Doesn’t matter if they leave or not. You take Anz and speld? Great! 0 points. You have to take Anz and Mend for 1 tower point. speld and pangloss for 1 camp point etc. If they take them and then port away (removing the buff) the points stay as they were when they were given (at half value rounding down).
This doesn’t mean that if red loses Wildcreek to green, green only gets 1/2 value. Nor if green has anz before red becomes outnumbered so green loses 1/2 value for anz simply because red ported away. Outmanned only effects the territory that is naturally the buffed server’s AND only when the tower is taken. If green already had anz, they keep full points. If red is outnumbered and loses wildcreek, green gets full points.
There may be some consideration if red actually has a huge number on some other BL and are attempting to use Outmanned as a shield.
I kind of feel that zergs are a natural part of massive pvp. Unorganized zergs get crushed with seige or well organized zergs. Its natural. I think the situation that a lot of ppl are complaining about is trying to fend off a zerg without comparable numbers or enough supply to build the seige up (because you can’t hold anything long enough to build up the supply). This situation is rough because as time goes on only a more organized zerg can beat a zerg and nothing can beat an organized zerg. So my idea is remove the incentive for a zerg to run roughshod over an outmanned group.
Think about it, its natural. If a server, or a region of the world, can only muster 10-15 warriors for every 30-40 of your own then it would seem that those parts of the world are somewhat less rewarding to take. The boons of sacking Paris should not be as beneficial as taking London. If it were, no one would go for London, they would just zerg Paris over and over again.
In fact, I’d actually be interested in a large wxp bonus given to groups that defend successfully when outmanned. I think that would provide the incentive for the small group to work together when faced with long odds. If its just 5 extra points, then that’s not really worth the stress. If its a 5x multiplier then maybe it would be.
TL;DR Outmanned buff diminishes the value of taking that server’s territory and maybe buff the wxp for outmanned defenders (defenders only mind you).