- Each tournament lasts one month. Tournament starts at Day 1 and ends at Day 28.
- Each server has 14 matches. Each matchup lasts 48 hours.
- Each matchup is different. If server A has been in matchup with servers B and C already, that same matchup will not happen again in same tournament. However, matchups of servers ABD, ABE or ACD are possible.
- At the end of tournament server with most points is declared winner, players from winning server who logged into wvw during the tournament will get awarded with special title and costumes that last for 1 month
Scoring points:
- After matchup ends (every 2 days), server with highest score in matchup gets 2 points. Server in second place gets 1 point. Server in last place gets no points.
- Actual score gathered during matchup has no effect. It does not matter if winner has scored 1000 more then other server or just 1 more. Everyone still gets 2, 1 or 0 points.
- If 2 or 3 servers end up with exact same match score, winner is declared based on server rating.
- Maximum points to gather during a month is 28 points if server wins all 14 matches. Minimum is 0.
- At the end of tournament, servers with more then 14 points will have their rating raised, all servers with less then 14 points have rating reduced.
- All servers are rated from “strongest” to “weakest”.
- Ratings will change after each tournament (every month).
- Servers with close ratings will likely fight each other.
Setting up matches:
- Every 48 hours new matches will start
- Same matchup can never happen twice in same tournament
- Servers have high chance to get into matches with closely-rated servers. This means high ranked servers will likely fight other high rank servers, and low rank servers usually fight other servers with similarly low rank. This also means most matches are fairly equal.
- Matches are also picked based on current score. If low rank server has won many matches already and gathered many points, it will be matched up with higher rank servers.
- Sometimes matches are still not interesting because one server is clearly stronger or weaker. This only lasts for 48 hours.
- Number of servers can be easily changed after each tournament. The system works with 15 servers, 20 servers or 30 servers.
- If people are leaving from some server and its total population over month drops below limit, that server will be disbanded.
- If total wvw population is growing, before next tournament new server will be added. This new server will have lowest rating.
- All new players entering wvw first time are automatically assigned to lowest rank server.
- You can only transfer to server with lower rating, you can never transfer to server with higher rating.
- Transfers are only allowed in reset time after one tournament ends and before next tournament starts, at days 29, 30 and 31.
- Transfer cost is based on number of players transfering to and from servers during this month. First player to leave server A has transfer cost 0, first player to transfer to server B has also cost of 0. After each transfer the cost for next player is increased by 1. After 100 players have transfered off from server A, next player must pay 100 gems. If 1000 players have transfered to server B already, next transfer will cost 1000 gems.
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