Biggest (golem) ARMY you've ever seen!
We totally destroyed that keep =))
Juvez is awesome Commander!
Aurora Glade
Nope seen bigger which was around 20.
I see your 8 golem army and I raise you this epic video.
This has 30 and the doors go down in 2 seconds flat.
(edited by Azure Prower.8701)
All of this really highlights a serious problem with the game, which is that FOR FREE, you can acquire golems in jumping puzzles and then use a squad of them to eliminate the biggest, toughest, most upgraded targets so fast that the enemy simply can’t respond in time to do anything about it.
If every golem cost someone 1 gold or 100 badges, it would be hard to complain about situations like this.
But when I know golem rushes are frequently assembled using jumping puzzle rewards that cost nothing, I become frowny. Nobody should get to bash through thousands of supply and many hours of defensive upgrades for free, in under 3 minutes from the first knock on the door to the capture of the keep.
A game that’s 100% WvW
I see your 8 golem army and I raise you this epic video.
This has 30 and the doors go down in 2 seconds flat.
Looks like bunch of football players running out at the start of the game.
On a more important side note though it seems as if the golems are being used to nightcap or something or on a map the enemies were outmanned on which is when they are the most effective. I see golems go down too often to arrowcarts, even large groups of 9-15.
When [GASM] and [RED] were running a 21 Golem army (just for fun I might add) they were all nearly destroyed by proper defense at a single keep. Golems have their weaknesses, you just need to know how to deal with them.
Leader of [GASM] #ELEtism
(Retired) Commander [2500+ tPvP Matches Won]
Well, we had one Omega, i dont see any of them at that video
[WoLF] pack ;)
I see your 8 golem army and I raise you this epic video
Nice video buddy
By the way, it was funny and yes, with proper defense, 10, 20, 30 or 100 golems mean nothing, they can easily die too.
Yeah, had so much fun
[WoLF] pack ;)
We at Gandara raise you your alphas with 5 Omegas and 4 Alphas! We got 3 more omegas too later on, they were fun to drive
How about 100 golems?
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on equal power base.”
Hax. No way that those structures have that much load bearing capacity.
Someday people will figure out that a superior ballista > alpha siege golem..
The ShadowMoon
With the 30+ golems, you are looking at 3,000+ supplies… even if some are guild siege suits, that’s still what, 2, 500 supplies? At that point, they are either sacrificing supply inside tower/keeps and/or been given a ton of time to gather supplies from camps.
Even if they were free, that means they still had the skill and coordination to gather/use that many supplies. If the enemy couldn’t capitalize on that by taking a point as the golem army marched, then that’s them and not the game mechanic. I think a server using that many supplies for any army should be rewarded with taking points quickly. That’s a great use of supplies on a mobile siege battery.
Someday people will figure out that a superior ballista > alpha siege golem..
Not really. The siege golem has to break through the door first and usually by then their use is fulfilled.
Normal arrow carts not even mentioning superior ones tear golems apart while they are on the door.
The superiors do 1k damage per hit. It’s my favorite siege weapon superior arrow carts. I guess if you want to use them effectively when there is actually defenders you need to port them in and out (if you want more than one use) and come with numbers of them. I find them to be too squishy. While one gold isn’t that much money it is a bit too much for this current golem.
(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)
All of this really highlights a serious problem with the game, which is that FOR FREE, you can acquire golems in jumping puzzles and then use a squad of them to eliminate the biggest, toughest, most upgraded targets so fast that the enemy simply can’t respond in time to do anything about it.
If every golem cost someone 1 gold or 100 badges, it would be hard to complain about situations like this.
But when I know golem rushes are frequently assembled using jumping puzzle rewards that cost nothing, I become frowny. Nobody should get to bash through thousands of supply and many hours of defensive upgrades for free, in under 3 minutes from the first knock on the door to the capture of the keep.
The amount of time it takes to even get those golems (due to the “once per 24 hours” chests) is far more than the amount of time a keep has been upgrading. I’ve done each of the puzzles at least 15 times each, and I have yet to get a golem. It’s fine.
-Look, look with your special eyes!
-My Dragonbrand!
when I see that it reminds how such a joke this game is/ the guy who is in charge of development in wvw has no experience at all
The amount of time it takes to even get those golems (due to the “once per 24 hours” chests) is far more than the amount of time a keep has been upgrading. I’ve done each of the puzzles at least 15 times each, and I have yet to get a golem. It’s fine.
1 mesmer
1 guild with 50+ people on
Multiple free golems every day
There are also 4 jumping puzzles, so, yeah.
A game that’s 100% WvW
DDA got Bored, and wanted to see how many we could use, we ended up using 20 alpha 1 omega, it was Prime time, Weekend, around 4 hours after sever Change over.
note, we were vsing zergs of 40+. and we could of used something else, but we wanted to have fun as an guild.
Sea of Sorrow Based guild.
We, members of the guild PiNK, worship the allmighty Golem God, and we sacrifice in his name for success in WvWvW, and I have to say, as one of his prophets, he smiles down upon this thread, and sends his blessings your way!
PS: Some other Golem ish fun-
T.O.A.S.T. The Organsiation Against Server Transfers
bunch of baddies thinking they are good showing off with broken mechanics, pathetic.
Ask SoS about their 29 alpha and 1 omega golem rush that killed by 1 oil 3 weeks ago.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
It’s not the size that counts, it’s what you do with it. -wink wink-
Soon to be edited and up on youtube, Os guild took around 18 golems around eternal battlegrounds last week taking each keep at least twice and around 8 towers before all the golems died.
We got our money’s worth from our golem zerg for sure.
We await the final footage.
To first pic: was going to say pfft.. only 8 we had 12.
Then saw Notsuji’ kitten that, that’s just overkill. no other word for it…
~ nothing is constant but change~
Currently: 3619 kills ~ all for Piken Square
All of this really highlights a serious problem with the game, which is that FOR FREE, you can acquire golems in jumping puzzles and then use a squad of them to eliminate the biggest, toughest, most upgraded targets so fast that the enemy simply can’t respond in time to do anything about it.
Your time in the puzzle is free? Do you know what is the drop rate? What about all the complaining about getting ganked in the puzzle and being unable to finish it? And what about the people who say the puzzle is a waste of time and go do pvp?
Such a funny post is so many ways
Building golems and zerging down a door with several defenders that probably only required 3 of them is a great use of skill and tactics. I also give a lot of respect to guilds who build golems to that take over everything in Eternal Borderlands with no plans for an extended strategy to hold it. An excellent sweep of the zone for a total of 1000 points that could have equally been accrued by sitting on wall for 3 hours.
All of this really highlights a serious problem with the game, which is that FOR FREE, you can acquire golems in jumping puzzles and then use a squad of them to eliminate the biggest, toughest, most upgraded targets so fast that the enemy simply can’t respond in time to do anything about it.
Then the losing enemy can just do it right back. Nothing is stopping them. Just because one server/team/guild will either spend the time in jumping puzzles, spend the gold or spend badges to get golems and roflstomp while the opposing team won’t do the same doesn’t mean this is a serious problem with the game. Sounds more like a serious problem with people that want what everyone else has but won’t put the time and effort in to get what others have.
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances
@Slamz … sorry … your dead wrong. Jumping puzzles only give you a slim chance at golem prints. Most of the time you’ll get carts and ballista. It really sounds like your just want to take away from the game, and level the playing field to your expectations, versus getting together with your friends and doing the grunt work. It sucks, but its worth it. Anet does a good job here, they have stats on this stuff, and it all comes to play. Sorry, but the amount of money sync that wvw already is, please don’t complain about the 1 thing that helps alleviate cost. I’d rather sync that cash into my repair bills and small siege for the night. Many people drop upwards of 5 siege prints a night, and commanders well, let’s not even go there. I’ve seen them drop 50 silver per keep take over on zerg runs, only to have it lifted 1 minute later. This happens all day long on every server, and I know we can all say … “ya wow I can’t believe they dropped the 2 arrow carts, 2 ballista, 1 cata, and 1 treb” just there and lost it all because of that darn zerg following 1 min behind. Happens to us all, everyday, all the time. What about the poor guy who gets stuck refreshing things just to keep them live? He surely can’t stop that zerg alone.
Siege is a big part of WvW, and strategy.
@ krojack … +1 to you post, amen to that. We put the time and effort in to get the prints (seriously it takes time, and sometimes can be frustrating), or buy it through gems > gold > merchant.
biggest golembomb I’ve taken part in was this 10 golem 18 minutes EVERYTHING on the map zerg. was cheek hurting fun.
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
All of this really highlights a serious problem with the game, which is that FOR FREE, you can acquire golems in jumping puzzles and then use a squad of them to eliminate the biggest, toughest, most upgraded targets so fast that the enemy simply can’t respond in time to do anything about it.
If every golem cost someone 1 gold or 100 badges, it would be hard to complain about situations like this.
But when I know golem rushes are frequently assembled using jumping puzzle rewards that cost nothing, I become frowny. Nobody should get to bash through thousands of supply and many hours of defensive upgrades for free, in under 3 minutes from the first knock on the door to the capture of the keep.
I agree with you completely. As someone that barely knows where one WvW jumping puzzle is, I’ve only used one Golem I got as a random drop from a PC.
Maybe I am just jealous that doors can melt in 2 seconds but something tells me that isn’t right and the “golem” issue is only going to get worse over time.
Some people greatly overestimate the drop chance of a golem in the puzzles and underestimate guilds abilities to pool gold together for golem armies. It’s easy for my small guild to gather enough gold for two commanders, that’s 200 golems now that they aren’t spending gold on another commander rune.
If guilds want golem armies, or servers for that matter, then they don’t need a jumping puzzle at all. If your highly upgraded keep can fall to the number of golems that are dropped from the jumping puzzle, then you need more arrow carts and more scouts.
What do I win?
Magumma wins once again, rest of servers are you even trying?
hahaha, this reminds me of something:
Not much, just a medium sized golem rush.
(edited by Moderator)