Blackgate Season One WvW Video

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


I personally feel that the video and the Blackgate WvW players are being misinterpreted. While “woot we won/we beat you guys” is part of it, its only a small part of why Blackgate is proud of this achievement. Going into seasons, we expected the roughest road, at no point did we assume this was going to be a cake walk. We respected our enemies because we know how tough you guys can be.

I don’t see this as just a win on the battle field, numbers vs numbers, time zones and coverage. What made me proud to be part of the Blackgate community through this win was watching everyone come together for a common goal, watching every one work as hard as they can in every time zone. Guilds coming together and building a stronger community, not just guilds and time zones.

Getting first in the season and the rewards given to us by Anet were just a formality. The true prize was being part of such a driven and dedicated community, watching everyone go above and beyond to bring success to our server. It is a absolute pleasure to be apart of Blackgate!

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


I personally feel that the video and the Blackgate WvW players are being misinterpreted.

Perhaps but any celebrations on the public forum are likely to be viewed as chest thumping by others. BG players have pilloried SOR players in the past for chest thumping when we’ve simply celebrated a victory for example.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


I don’t know, perhaps you should consider not insulting other T1 servers when your own server can pull 24/7 queues when fighting against T2 servers?

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a 24/7 queue when fighting T2 servers.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


I personally feel that the video and the Blackgate WvW players are being misinterpreted.

Perhaps but any celebrations on the public forum are likely to be viewed as chest thumping by others. BG players have pilloried SOR players in the past for chest thumping when we’ve simply celebrated a victory for example.

I can’t argue with that as I fully agree. We probably couldn’t even count the amount of trolling and “chest thumping” that has gone on between our servers. Plus its always easier to be negative then think of the positive considering the differences in perspective.

The video was more about our journey through seasons and the community involved. I fully understand why it would be perceived as chest thumping and wouldn’t blame anyone for assuming that. Our community has a huge amount of respect for all the servers involved in the gold league, this was never meant to disrespect them, rather to only commemorate Blackgate.

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Reslinal.2359


I don’t know, perhaps you should consider not insulting other T1 servers when your own server can pull 24/7 queues when fighting against T2 servers?

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a 24/7 queue when fighting T2 servers.

It is a figure of speech, I haven’t personally witnessed 24/7 queues, I do remember seeing a JQ poster mentioned it but it also looked more like a figure of speech.

Blackgate Engineer

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


I don’t know, perhaps you should consider not insulting other T1 servers when your own server can pull 24/7 queues when fighting against T2 servers?

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a 24/7 queue when fighting T2 servers.

It is a figure of speech, I haven’t personally witnessed 24/7 queues, I do remember seeing a JQ poster mentioned it but it also looked more like a figure of speech.

I get asked a lot how the queues on BG are, or how I am liking them. It seems like everyone assumes we have a full map force 24/7 when in reality it isn’t even close to that.

For instance, just yesterday I was running with a 10 man “zerg”. They were the only players on the map. We got wiped plenty of times by HUGE JQ forces for poking their bay or hills.

It is truly amazing how people can fabricate such perceptions about a server, actually I I don’t with the amount of people from other servers giving false perceptions.

Oh well though, I am sure there are some people out there that know the truth.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Crimson Riddles.3892

Crimson Riddles.3892

I don’t know, perhaps you should consider not insulting other T1 servers when your own server can pull 24/7 queues when fighting against T2 servers?

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a 24/7 queue when fighting T2 servers.

It is a figure of speech, I haven’t personally witnessed 24/7 queues, I do remember seeing a JQ poster mentioned it but it also looked more like a figure of speech.

I get asked a lot how the queues on BG are, or how I am liking them. It seems like everyone assumes we have a full map force 24/7 when in reality it isn’t even close to that.

For instance, just yesterday I was running with a 10 man “zerg”. They were the only players on the map. We got wiped plenty of times by HUGE JQ forces for poking their bay or hills.

It is truly amazing how people can fabricate such perceptions about a server, actually I I don’t with the amount of people from other servers giving false perceptions.

Oh well though, I am sure there are some people out there that know the truth.

People will say whatever they can to make themselves feel better. No matter how you look at it, they will never be satisfied until they are the ones that are winning…

(edited by Crimson Riddles.3892)

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: dasging.2980


Awesome video! It’s been fun playing on Blackgate these last few weeks. =)

are you shazbawt? :P

Nope, I’ve been playing my warrior ‘Roy C’.

Cookie to the first person to find Roy in the video. It’s like a sick version of find waldo…

i found him, now where is my cookie nubbie


Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420


Don’t want to sidetrack the thread bur just wanted to clear up some of the things mentioned about the DEYS alliance. DEYS (Death Ends Your Sorrow or Don’t Eat Yellow Snow depending on who you talk to) was made up of [KDS] Keepers of the Dark Side, [RK] Radiant Knights, [HB] Herfolge Boldklub and [MA] Mystical Awakening. We did indeed transfer from EU servers to Blackgate in October 2012, we were never on HoD and were never part of Titan.

Oh, must’ve been thinking of someone/guild else.

I like the snow version better, especially since the snowfall started today and I needed that reminder.

(edited by UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420)

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Sreoom.3690


Congratz BG. Do you still count yourselves as underdogs?…just wondering.

“The Leaf on Wind”
JQ Ranger

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


Congratz BG. Do you still count yourselves as underdogs?…just wondering.

Why? Are you guys still calling us the underdogs?

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Congratz BG. Do you still count yourselves as underdogs?…just wondering.

Why? Are you guys still calling us the underdogs?

The only people I’ve ever seen call BG underdogs are from BG, hence his question.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Ferris Bewler.9706

Ferris Bewler.9706

Guys guys guys….. We on BG dont need to defend our video or even respond to anyone that posts in here. We know why we made it, its an appreciation video for OUR server, made by OUR people. So who gives a flying rats kitten what anyone else thinks.

Seasons are over we won it all and thats that. Just enjoy the beautiful video for what it is worth, a server saying thank you to all the people that are on it.

Pheras Bewler Lvl 80 Ranger (JINX-BG)
Frozen Man Lvl 80 Guardian (JINX-BG)
Frozen Moo Juice Lvl 80 Warrior (JINX-BG)

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Loki.8034


The OP put the video in PUBLIC forum and not the BG community can be perceived as chest thumping.

Maybe removed this post and add it to the BG community and it will be discussed less.

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Troma.3250


WvW is in a sad state of affairs when 1 Euro is worth about 20 NA. Who remembers when Ruin left ET and dominated Euro ladder for a month because they had no competition.

Hello, i never post in NA subject, but sorry this is totally false. We Vizunah played a lot more all night long to resist RUIN fresh timezone army. They won only one week. Its still on mos. Things are very different here as we play on one timezone. This is the moment we lost the more commanders due to burnout.

Nice video btw

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: SonofNoob.3102


From Pot:

This epic video is fitting for an epic time in Season 1. Amazing job by the creators <3

BeeGee, it has been an epic journey on Blackgate since day 1. Many thanks to friends and foe alike. I’ve seen all of BGs victories and defeats and it was a pleasure to work alongside all of my guild and alliance mates, friends and fellow BG alike since launch and through Season 1. We’ve been predicted to be a dead server many times by our opponents but we never gave up and kept fighting through it all!

Want to give a special shout out to some people as well. Thanks to Malevolent Omen, for being an awesome guild leader and commander whose selfless dedication is an inspiration to me. To Reyana, for her hard work as TS admin verifying hundreds of people and for making sick graphics/posters for the server! And to Layloh who is the best scout I’ve seen and who puts countless hours into protecting our structures! And lastly, thanks to all guilds, staff and Chocpudding

Fall. Stand. Learn. Adapt.

(edited by SonofNoob.3102)

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Gudradain.3892


Nice video! Really like it

But… you should spread… Half of your wvw guilds would still be 2 times more than our number of wvw guilds and we are middle silver…

Afala – Ehmry Bay

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I don’t know, perhaps you should consider not insulting other T1 servers when your own server can pull 24/7 queues when fighting against T2 servers?

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a 24/7 queue when fighting T2 servers.

Since I mainly play in the Oceanic hour of my T1 server, I can confirm our complete and utter lack of any number of queues 24/7. I can also highlight the numerous out manned buffs when cruising the BL’s.

See bubble. See bubble burst. Burst bubble burst!

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Israel.7056


Enjoyed the video. Good job team Blackgate.

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: SmoothHussler.6387


congratulations on your transfers and coverage. Big achievement.

Maguuma: Thug Life: [DERP][ME][PYRO] and other assorted dead guilds.

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


It’s like bragging about beating someone up while they are sleeping……. oh wait, coverage wars.

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Irony.5203


The OP put the video in PUBLIC forum and not the BG community can be perceived as chest thumping.

Maybe removed this post and add it to the BG community and it will be discussed less.

The video has been up on our forums for a day longer than it has been here. The decision to post it here was pushed by the community as a whole.

Understand that although our site has a good number of players signed up and a good level of traffic, we can still not share it with everyone on our server through only our own site.

Also this posting has caused a good spike of signups to our forums – visibility is a good thing, and this video is quite visible here according to the statistics.

Irony Torzung – [US] Blackgate – Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Pinkus.2860


The OP put the video in PUBLIC forum and not the BG community can be perceived as chest thumping.

Maybe removed this post and add it to the BG community and it will be discussed less.

The video has been up on our forums for a day longer than it has been here. The decision to post it here was pushed by the community as a whole.

Understand that although our site has a good number of players signed up and a good level of traffic, we can still not share it with everyone on our server through only our own site.

Also this posting has caused a good spike of signups to our forums – visibility is a good thing, and this video is quite visible here according to the statistics.

Cheers to getting our community site out there more!

Takes a swig of his glass full of tears… Mmm so very tasty.

Pinkus – Webmaster

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Sunt.6835


It’s like bragging about beating someone up while they are sleeping……. oh wait, coverage wars.

lol your NA was probably sleeping the whole 7 weeks as well, so i couldn’t find anyone from Mag at all.

maybe now you guys are still sleeping as well to lose to SBI


Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Epic.3950


But in other news reposting just incase you didn’t see RIOT’s awesomeness;


totally could have solod that zerg with one ability lul nubz

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Zeke Azul Falcon.5176

Zeke Azul Falcon.5176

i just love those tears.

Thief DD : DP : PD : SB
Elementalist S : DD

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: dzeRnumbrd.6129


So in summary hell yeah it is an achievement and Beastgate lives on.

You deserve that limited use dolyak finisher.

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Lindamus.8150


Well done to all of Blackgate.

The think we are overlooking is, “Well done Tarnished Coast”

Blackgate | [Noc]turnal

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: WhiteAndMilky.2514


Well done to all of Blackgate.

The think we are overlooking is, “Well done Tarnished Coast”

I got dat covered already!

I play all the things 80. Pew Pew Pew. Killin joor commanders.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


I don’t know, perhaps you should consider not insulting other T1 servers when your own server can pull 24/7 queues when fighting against T2 servers?

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a 24/7 queue when fighting T2 servers.

It is a figure of speech, I haven’t personally witnessed 24/7 queues, I do remember seeing a JQ poster mentioned it but it also looked more like a figure of speech.

I get asked a lot how the queues on BG are, or how I am liking them. It seems like everyone assumes we have a full map force 24/7 when in reality it isn’t even close to that.

For instance, just yesterday I was running with a 10 man “zerg”. They were the only players on the map. We got wiped plenty of times by HUGE JQ forces for poking their bay or hills.

It is truly amazing how people can fabricate such perceptions about a server, actually I I don’t with the amount of people from other servers giving false perceptions.

Oh well though, I am sure there are some people out there that know the truth.

People will say whatever they can to make themselves feel better. No matter how you look at it, they will never be satisfied until they are the ones that are winning…

I am going to have to agree. Sad thing is, if someone ever beats BG they will still post how we have 24/7 queues xD.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Sandman.4192


Nice video Choc
I saw it allready on the bg forum. Nicely done.
And goodjob to all the guilds on Blackgate to win the first season, also the guilds who ain’t mentioned in the video.
Great job

[SLAY] The Soul Slayers!! FSP EU
Prepare To Die!! Never Stop Fighting!!

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


What song is that in the video?
Oh, nice video too.

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: SpiderPepper.3219


JQ thanks you as well for all the bags! >:3

Poor SoR got beaten on for like, 90% of that video…

(edited by SpiderPepper.3219)

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: SlasherX.5198


Congrats Blackgate! It feels more of a family to me than just a community..

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Grumpdogg.6910


Congrats Blackgate! It feels more of a family to me than just a community..

I wouldn’t get too attached, the contracts have expired and the guilds are transferring off again.

You guys probably should’ve bought a nicer finisher from the cashshop for gems, it would’ve been cheaper.

“I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, oh look I swung a sword again!”
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Crimson Riddles.3892

Crimson Riddles.3892

Congrats Blackgate! It feels more of a family to me than just a community..

I wouldn’t get too attached, the contracts have expired and the guilds are transferring off again.

You guys probably should’ve bought a nicer finisher from the cashshop for gems, it would’ve been cheaper.

Care to name these guilds? :P

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Darkened.4076


Awesome video! It’s been fun playing on Blackgate these last few weeks. =)

are you shazbawt? :P

Nope, I’ve been playing my warrior ‘Roy C’.

Ah so you are the reason that ‘HAMMMERRRSTUNNNN’ is getting nerfed today. That makes total sense now.

On a separate note, I don’t tend to come on these forums much these days due to the excessive amount of trolling people feel the need to do. However, alot of the ‘facts’ that have been thrown around about EU timezone, Coin, ZDs, HB, RK, Iron (was GD mentioned?) and even the timezone before are actually incorrect for the most part. Please refrain from writing things as ‘fact’, when they are in fact, your opinionated view on the situation. Something important to note though, that all the guilds listed and not listed within both time zones, on all three servers mentioned have had an impact and done their part.

Every server has had its internal drama’s throughout the season, some were able to work through it, and others were not. This is a personal opinion and doesn’t reflect my guild or server that I am currently dedicated too, but people know that I don’t accept excuses. When a situation or goal doesn’t pan out the way you want it too, look at the problems, break them down, learn from them and move on. Then next time, ensure the same problems don’t arise again. This is one of the only ways to improve as a player, team, guild, community and server. An excuse is merely a deflection from the real issue, and its unfair to use it as an offense against others. BG won this season with the resources that were allowed by the game type and used them accordingly.

This brings me onto my final point. There is someone on the server, who I feel has not had the praise that they deserve. Though this phase does not do this person justice, they have literally gone above and beyond to ensure that everything works out and runs smoothly. They put all aspects of the community before their own personal agenda and I know have sacrificed countless upon countless hours behind the scenes to guarantee its success.

Chocpudding, having played 12+ years in this game type, you really are one of the best community leaders I have ever come across in ANY guild/alliance/community based game/mmo. Yes this was everyone’s victory on BG, but this was also your victory.

Béatrix Windrunner | Squad Leader
Desolation BlackGate Gandara | Veteran Commander
Inner Sanctum [Coin]

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: SlasherX.5198


Congrats Blackgate! It feels more of a family to me than just a community..

I wouldn’t get too attached, the contracts have expired and the guilds are transferring off again.

You guys probably should’ve bought a nicer finisher from the cashshop for gems, it would’ve been cheaper.

Dude I have been on BG since October 2012, I have seen its ups and down…

Though the victory was for all BG players, I agree with Darkened.4076 that Chocpudding needs a special award for the things he have done in the entirety of the community..

(edited by SlasherX.5198)

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: MasterYoda.8563


Can’t give congrats to a server that bought their win by paying for guilds transfer cost to guilds to help them win. (EU guilds and one Russian guild and maybe more) Transfers should be locked once the season started so no one server with ton of gold can fill in their week time slots once the season started. ETC.

Game Security Lead “Closing this thread,
your account,and your 384 other accounts”
GG Anet

(edited by MasterYoda.8563)

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Jizmak.1489


Oh… I see, so…

1. We filled out time slots… you should have.
2. Oh wait…. you couldn’t get guilds to xfer? Why? Why you no fill your poor coverage spots?
3. Since everyone is talking about how guilds are xfering off… whats your poor excuese this week, we don’t even have Q’d maps now.
4. Our transfers happened before season started, shows what you know. Locking when seasons started would change zero.
5. If the time your server spent with the QQ was used to fix your community, and your coverage gaps, you wouldn’t have gotten 4th place.
6. Oh yea… did I say 4th place?? Why you loose to TC, JQ? No pride, no first place, so we just take out ball and go home.

Battle Commander – [JINX]

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Neuroticgrim.8769


I would like to personally thank Choc for all he does for the BreadGate community, I know he puts in a lot of personal time, above and beyond what some could even imagine to make our community work ! Without you sir, we would definitely be a group of drunk, un-cordinated, WVW players! But with you, we are a bunch of drunk, coordinated, killing machines!

This video is Amazing! Thank you for recognizing the community and those who put in the time and effort this season. I cant even count the amount of overtime that was put in by countless people (self included) , Scouts, Commanders, Soldiers, BG Leaders, etc…. You have earned it! Ignore the naysayers / trashtalkers and start training your troops for Season 2.

WVWVW? More like Ninija training grounds, become one with the environment, blend in with the shadows, NINJA! Everything!, Become Legend!

Correction for Jizmak above: 6. Oh yea… did I say 4th place?? Why you loose to TC, SOR? No pride, no first place, so we just take our ball and go home.

[JINX] – [BG → FA] – (Veteran Commander) – Neuroticanecro

(edited by Neuroticgrim.8769)

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: SmoothHussler.6387


The video has been up on our forums for a day longer than it has been here. The decision to post it here was pushed by the community as a whole.

Anyone else get the feeling that bg likes to think of themselves something along the lines of this???


Maguuma: Thug Life: [DERP][ME][PYRO] and other assorted dead guilds.

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Blade.3456


The video has been up on our forums for a day longer than it has been here. The decision to post it here was pushed by the community as a whole.

Anyone else get the feeling that bg likes to think of themselves something along the lines of this???


Vortex Blade – WvW Commander

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Irony.5203


The video has been up on our forums for a day longer than it has been here. The decision to post it here was pushed by the community as a whole.

Anyone else get the feeling that bg likes to think of themselves something along the lines of this???

>Ask question on forums
>Get votes
>Do what the majority wants

It isn’t that difficult – it’s what I used to do, It’s what Choc did, and it’s the way it’s going to stay because people like it.

It’s not some sort of hardcore democracy, it’s just common sense.


Irony Torzung – [US] Blackgate – Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Crimson Riddles.3892

Crimson Riddles.3892

The video has been up on our forums for a day longer than it has been here. The decision to post it here was pushed by the community as a whole.

Anyone else get the feeling that bg likes to think of themselves something along the lines of this???

No way! There’s way too many women on Blackgate to look anything like that…

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


>Ask question on forums
>Get votes
>Do what the majority wants

It isn’t that difficult – it’s what I used to do, It’s what Choc did, and it’s the way it’s going to stay because people like it.

Woah! A whole 52 votes.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: BAITness.1083


People will say whatever they can to make themselves feel better. No matter how you look at it, they will never be satisfied until they are the ones that are winning…

I can’t imagine someone would feel the need to complain about and belittle their opponents that just smashed the crap out of them. That would not make any sense, as it would just be indirectly insulting themselves. I really think that even the biggest whiners would not

Woah! A whole 52 votes.

…alright nevermind you were right Crimson.

More on topic though, nice video, and of course it should be posted here. I bet this more than tripled the number of contributing BG players that were able to see the video.

Hyade and his flamethrower

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: goldenwing.8473


The video has been up on our forums for a day longer than it has been here. The decision to post it here was pushed by the community as a whole.

Anyone else get the feeling that bg likes to think of themselves something along the lines of this???

Actually, I tend to think of myself more like this:

But that could be because I play an Asura. /shrug


BG: 52 alts, 29 lvl 80’s. They all look good, so I am done with the game: Oct 2014

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Zeke Azul Falcon.5176

Zeke Azul Falcon.5176

The video has been up on our forums for a day longer than it has been here. The decision to post it here was pushed by the community as a whole.

Anyone else get the feeling that bg likes to think of themselves something along the lines of this???

No way! There’s way too many women on Blackgate to look anything like that…

this guy knows whats up, so many real women in BG every guild has 3-4 or something even in wvw scouting. oh yeah im talking about you bishy baby.

Thief DD : DP : PD : SB
Elementalist S : DD

Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: mistsim.2748


ZD’s should be form the start of the video to the end. the only reason why you won.

ZDs? i saw them once and they got wiped by about 30 Jq pugs.

Blackgate buys “top” WvW guilds, this much is known. my suggestion to these guilds is if you have any cojones and truly want a challenge, you should play on a server that isnt stacked =)

also, a lot of these guilds xfer and try tier 1 NA in an attempt to prove themselves, but generally become disillusioned very quickly and run back home to mama after being overwhelmed by gold league NA zergs.