Blackgate WvW Dead?
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“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”
I’m actually GLAD that BG is out there again, finally. They should win this week easy, setting themselves up in a good spot for the season. It’s much more interesting when everyone shows up (we try during EU, but that will never be our strong spot).
Kashmara – Elementalist | Reapermara – Necromancer
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]
BG already tried buying few FA guilds.
explain this tanking theory please.
BG already tried buying few FA guilds.
Just curious, how much gold was offered? And did they say that “BG is outnumbered on all timezones so they need more wvw guilds?”
Hello Goldenwing,
Great to see that BG is out there this week kicking butt. At the moment BG is leading in the scores along with a rather balanced matchup. Much respect to the troops. /Salute.
PS: Had to update the sig with that one.
[SoX] – JQ
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