Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Lorthos.4976


Before the 7 day transfers starts Blackgate could use a few more NA guilds. We have outmanned buff even in EB. BG is “High” and we could use some help.


Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: jojojoon.8607


Wait, you want bandwagoners to jumped to blackgate before the 24 hour hour transfer ends? Isn’t that something you DON’T want to happen? This makes no sense.. Most of the hod guilds left for blackgate because they don’t like the bandwagoners, and now they’re encouraging them to join blackgate?

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Clever.7918


What he means is BG needs braves souls who will battle with War Machine =p


Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Stenia.9623


What happened to all the bandwagons?

“Jade Quarry overstacked in TKG timezone”

Necro Class Lead for Night Shift [NS]

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: jojojoon.8607


JQ is actually affected by it the most. SBI is made up of many oceanic and korean guilds while Blackgate has numerous oceanic and EU guilds. Majority of the bigger JQ guilds are from NA with many from the east coast.

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Forest.4197


^ you can tell because everyday 3 am we start losing everything. If we can get a significant 3 am to 12 noon presence that would be awesome.

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Mada.5319


All servers are High at the moment. BG, SoS, SBI and TC are almost always full. Don’t let Sandy deceive you!

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Lorthos.4976


They increased the cap on all servers. Stop trying to hijack this thread please.


Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


you should get different aliases for your domain name, like hackergate and bandwagongate

~ AoN ~

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Lorthos.4976


you should get different aliases for your domain name, like hackergate and bandwagongate

Have you seen JQQ and SBI? Troll harder.


Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Houdii.2563


What happened to all the bandwagons?

The OP is a bandwagoner, but you know how they are, always wanting more…

Houdii Hoo

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Cloud.7613


BG needing more – LOL.

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: kidbs.8920



Seen SBI what? We don’t hack and we’re certainly not a bandwagon server. If you’re not a pot calling the kettle black(gate) I don’t know what is.

SoR – Nethernoz (Necro), Zealot of Pain (Guardian), William The Butcher (Ranger)

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: DieQuex.4096


You can’t speak for everyone on your server. I’ve seen a handful of speedhackers this match-up on SBI, which I can’t say I’ve ever experienced prior to this match-up. Not saying everyone on your server does it, but I’ve definitely experienced it.

Lorthos’ post has been derailed enough though, so whatever. Completely off-topic.

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeden.5896


Guys. Let’s stay focused and review what this thread is about:

Before the 7 day transfers starts Blackgate could use a few more NA guilds.


We have outmanned buff even in EB.


BG is “High” and we could use some help.


Now, I admit that, obviously, every time I log in to Blackgate I start the night by hacking a few orbs (can’t anymore :-( ) then I join a zerg and turtle (the only way I feel safe) while our mesmer’s glitch through the keeps (the only way we can take them) but then just get owned because we’re skill-less bandwagoners but our night crew gets everything back for us. I also alt-F4 any time I’m downed (which is all the time) and when logging back in I pass them time by trash talking SBI and JQ in the forums. That’s all true. We can’t stop it. It’s in the genes. It’s disgusting. We disgust ourselves.

But guys, as true as that all is, chill the kitten out and don’t throw up on the forums every time you see the word Blackgate.


Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

Even if there was a hacker it doesnt account for 2 severs getting stomped by BG.”

Hey clever. How’s that stomping going? <3

Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: wacko.7543


actually, Blackgate needs less PvE carebear guilds.
we lost 3 oceanic guilds before the 7 day transfer took affect.
we shouldn’t be tier 1, maybe not even T2.
We have some good WvW groups, but we don’t have the numbers anymore… the
free transfers took care of that.

we have maybe 1/3 of the WvW population that the other two servers have.

Nori Senbei (Black Cloak) Blackgate

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

the free transfers also frontloaded you out of t-2 with those massive 700k wins over the smaller servers and giving the bandwagoners the massive ego and trash talk that you legit guys are paying for now. as soon as they saw that SBi was winning… most of those that posted the trash talk on page 1 and 2 of the sbi vs jq vs bg part 1 thread bailed out to another winning server. sorry it happened to you. they need to change transfers. if you havent found a home yet. you should stop playing the game and learn social skills.

Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


actually, Blackgate needs less PvE carebear guilds.
we lost 3 oceanic guilds before the 7 day transfer took affect.
we shouldn’t be tier 1, maybe not even T2.
We have some good WvW groups, but we don’t have the numbers anymore… the
free transfers took care of that.

we have maybe 1/3 of the WvW population that the other two servers have.

I hate to be sour, but this doesn’t sound like the Blackgate that facewiped T3/T2 and danced over our corpses when 50 of you killed 3 of us. I guess it’s really just one group of deplorable bad eggs server-hopping after all, I’m sorry for your server.

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


actually, Blackgate needs less PvE carebear guilds.
we lost 3 oceanic guilds before the 7 day transfer took affect.
we shouldn’t be tier 1, maybe not even T2.
We have some good WvW groups, but we don’t have the numbers anymore… the
free transfers took care of that.

we have maybe 1/3 of the WvW population that the other two servers have.

This is the truth by far. I am really tempted to fraps how bare our WvW population really is. I have a feeling everyone thinks we are just making up excuses as to why we’re losing :/.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Deadcell.9052


No way I think Blackgate is and will be fine, all the bad apple bandwagoners are gone and what is left is some of the most skilled and exciting players in the game, over the last few days I have seen small BG groups take out armies of players with ease, we always get a huge lol’s when I see or 5-10 of us chase off 15-20+ player zerg groups. Apparently in the higher tiers its all about who has the bigger zerg group and who can outnumber their opponents by the largest ratio possible, oh wait they call that “skill” lol! IMO they can keep it and play with themselves, quality over quantity and BG has quality by the buttloads! Who cares what tier we are in, T1,T7 doesnt matter there is no extra incentive for being higher. Over the coming weeks we will drop down to the appropriate tier where our population will match up properly to other servers and will lead to some of the greatest fights in the history of the game! So keep those heads up BG we may be losing in points this week and may lose by points in weeks to come but we always win in awesomeness!

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Ualtar.5047


Thanks for the laugh guys. Blackgate needs more people. LOL Maybe all the people in this game can be crammed into 3 servers, that would be fun.

Alrekr Yerling
Khazad Fundinul [KF] – Tarnished Coast

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Helathir.3647


laugh all you want but when we are down to people on 1 map that has instatq on na primetime you know you are short on people

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Ualtar.5047


laugh all you want but when we are down to people on 1 map that has instatq on na primetime you know you are short on people

Live by recruiting server hoppers, die by recruiting server hoppers. If somebody is willing to run from one bad situations who is to say they will not leave your bad situation. After seeing the poor sad shells that ET and HoD are now, I have little sympathy for Beastgate. Beastgate wanted to beat their chests while stomping their way to the top. Now you might just get a taste for how ET and HoD feel. Sorry if that is harsh, but I think very few people will have any kind of sympathy for Beastgate.

Alrekr Yerling
Khazad Fundinul [KF] – Tarnished Coast

Blackgate needs more NA prime time guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


the free transfers also frontloaded you out of t-2 with those massive 700k wins over the smaller servers and giving the bandwagoners the massive ego and trash talk that you legit guys are paying for now. as soon as they saw that SBi was winning… most of those that posted the trash talk on page 1 and 2 of the sbi vs jq vs bg part 1 thread bailed out to another winning server. sorry it happened to you. they need to change transfers. if you havent found a home yet. you should stop playing the game and learn social skills.

Brutal and awesomely true post. I’m an SBI fan from TC. They talked tons of smack to us when they beat us. Telling us to stop whining about the transfers and that they only did it to be competitive. Like you folks, our core players are original TC members and we won’t ever leave. Win or lose we are in it. I wish people would stop abusing the transfer system or it would just be closed permanently.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast