[Blacktide] Battle reports

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

“I thought we had already established that SFR’s primetime starts when the other servers log off.”

Our prime time is usually 20:00 to 02:00.
When we login at 20:00 everything is blue (no big deal, germans are pushovers), then we grab everything and hold it till 2am or so infact right now (21:27) we’re at 275 points while BT is 155.
That’s saying a lot, considering that when we login you have fully upgraded the entire map so we actually fight the worst possible situation.
At 2am we go to sleep and poor germans have their little moment of glory for 3 hours, struggle to recap their lands and perhaps hold the SM a bit, then you login and cap everything easily until 20:00 again.

The fact a mid pop server can cap a fully upgraded map vs 2 servers at once is a great indicator of our ability.
I just wish we had a daylight guild to deal with you when we’re in real life.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


I’m sorry to say that today’s score doesn’t represent the normal primetime play since, as stated before, most of BT is taking it easy today to prepare for friday night’s switch.

Our referring to your primetime is a joke, relating to previous posts where SFR people claimed they reigned supreme during your primetime, despite several people posting screenshots/proof of this being not true. When cries went up of that being not in primetime, we had to conclude that your primetime is night-time/bedtime for us :p

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


I think the real evidence of BTs inadequacy is the score.

If you were dominating you’d be 300k plus, not low 200s. As evidence previously you’re only numerically in the lead as you play vs empty servers for 10-12 hours of the day. When theres opposition the score often changes hands and leaders usually within 20 points – which again demonstrates how weak you are as you numbers are far higher.

Next tier BT will collapse and come in 3rd.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: lin.2814


Sry, but u mistake. Come in 3rd is FS.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


Looking at how poorly BT uses its forces I wouldnt bet on it.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


And we’ll be second because Xaoc will be too focused on the FS Russians to look at anyone else, allowing Deso to get ahead :p

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


3rd. And by a long way.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

That’s ridiculous you think I’m going to take that seriously; there is no such excuse as “we lost on purpose because we’re preparing for fryday” come on.
3 hours of BT+germans trying very hard 2vs1 us yet we’re still on top.
Don’t try so hard to make it seem you’re not bad in the forums, show it in game.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Huh? We’re not losing on purpose, it’s simply that quite a lot of people aren’t playing tonight. There’s a grand total of 4 CIRs in WvW, and Xaoc mentioned they werent going to spend money on siege and stuff.
While some guilds are still playing and putting an effort in, its not exactly the same as it’s been before today.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: lin.2814


Red Falcon game already showed what u weak server, relax.

U dont have good time coverege.
Dont have good cooperation becouse u denyed separate u force on day and night(like guilds on gunnar holds) and play only in night time.

U loosed guys already . We are need to prepare for next match with FS.
If u want to show u skill and cooperation, then we will see u next time and u show them to us.

(edited by lin.2814)

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: soul.8617


Ok, i give you the benefit of the doubt. In the meantime, members of Chaos have to wake up at 5a.m (moscow time), put aside jobs and schools in order to win a round.


(edited by soul.8617)

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762



SFR own progress reports are like this:

20th – 04:15 CEThttp://pevepe.net/gw2forum/m/6083582/viewthread/4630182-20-oct-2012
21st – ~21:30 CEThttp://pevepe.net/gw2forum/m/6083582/viewthread/4642805-21-oct-2012
22nd – 02:20 CEThttp://pevepe.net/gw2forum/m/6083582/viewthread/4648728-22-oct-2012
23rd – 01:30 CEThttp://pevepe.net/gw2forum/m/6083582/viewthread/4660985-23-oct-2012
24th – 18:45 CET (80 points behind BT) – http://pevepe.net/gw2forum/m/6083582/viewthread/4670570-24-oct-2012

Ergo, consistently throughout the week BT loses everything after ~23:00 CET when most of BT working EU players go to bed, SFR US guilds (Apollo & co) that recently transferred over PvD and cap everything for a few hours until XAOC comes in the morning, reconquers everything and the cycle repeats until again, the BT EU players go to bed.

BT’s main weak spot is lack of US timezone guilds on our server. Any guild that transferred over would benefit from having covered OC/EU timezones, and wouldn’t have any queues whatsoever. When US plays, both the Russians and the EU are already long asleep.


[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Why do we have to have this discussion again? Blacktide was better and won, and that’s that.

SFR is doing heavy nightcapping, while they talk of prime fights. I don’t get it. From 23 CET to 4am CET (night time for Europe), SFR has tons of points and huge amount of people ingame. While there are some Euro players as well, feel free to login to see just how many US guilds play on SFR while Europeans are asleep. Neither Riverside nor Blacktide have NA guilds actually.

You are the only server in this weeks matchup who recruited NA guilds that bring you a huge amount of points, and you still constantly complain about Europeans playing during the day, just not when you’re online. The truth here is, without your NA guilds you would be behind Riverside as well.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Btw, SFR, i had a look at your battlegroups system, out of curiousity…. It doesn’t seem very flexible, and this week shows the error.
The night where the fighting was the closest from an earlier time was when your strongest finally moved from BT borderlands to the homeland to counter some of our strongest.
While of course, not everything should be a reaction, you might want to build in more flexibility than your current system seems to have.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Choko.6821


Played today from 13 PM till 5 PM +0GMT this sreenshot is currently 3PM and show much lyers currently BT are, not like matters since CiR and Xaoh are both jokers compared to Ruin.



[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Fine. Whatever lets you sleep at night.

I’m looking forward to next week’s (tomorrow night’s?!) matchup, it should be interesting, Desolation has become stronger each time we were up against them, and I personally have no experience against Shiverpeaks but i’ll go ahead and assume they’re up there for a reason

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Gabrrr.4620


For a start sorry for some mistakes in my posts, my english isn’t so well.
I’m very upset, when i read forum this week, sometime it was rly dirty. Its especially frustrate me cause SfR is best fighters what i saw in that game. But you, guys, talk about nightcapping, cheaters and that your medium server fight aganist full. It’s not way for people wtih strong spirit like you.
I want to write some my things about that.
About [Xaoc]: Yeah, we’re huge guild. Yes, we not so well organized like you are. Yes, sometimes our members seems like zerg. But you must undestood the difference. We play 18h at day vs yours 5-6h. Hudreds members log in and log out in game durring whole day. Its rly hard to teach all those peoples play that game well. If you have small or medium guild you need repeat some new info 2-3 times and be sure that you members learn some new trick, for example. We’re must repeat every 30 min and i cant be sure that all hear new information. So many people cant learn play well so fast, but we work with it every day. If suppose that chaos play 6h a day it would be seems not like zerg, because we have a good leaders and players, but its really hard (or mb impossible) teach for command playing 1k+ members .
About [Xaoc] and night/morningcapping: Yes Chaos start massively playing at 6a.m. (MSK). We do it for server, for points, for rating, and not because we like fight with empty keeps. If it need for victory – we do it. SfR also have a lot of russian guilds, but they dont want wake up before work or styding to stop us? Its your problems! Oh, you can hear that Chaos is guild of scholars and students which play whole day. Its lie!!
Yep, at morning we start with 30-40 ppl. But 2-3 hours later we have 5, maximum 10 players per map. Now europian players could wake up and play 1 hour before work for stop our upgrades in keeps as minimum. You yet dont want? Its your problems!
About “primetime”: I never understood what that mystic “primetime”. Just lol. What are you talking about? Its 24/7 war, there are no time when all should start fight. If you want win in 24/7 war, you must do something when its uncomfortable for you. If you dont want win – just stop that posts, its seems rly stupid.

P.S. Anyway SfR id best fighters that i saw in that game. [OSC], [FD], [Rise], [Fu] and all other small and big SfR guilds – my respect for your game.
P.P.S. Joke: “If you want always win in primetime, you just need to say that your primetime start when you take a lead!” Oh, wait….

[Xaoc] – Blacktide

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


[25.10.2012] Current match-up: Riverside vs Blacktide vs Seafarer’s Rest

From morning all was good, 1:30pm we have 450+ points/15min, but then it got worse. Is was an interesting situation, in the night Revierside activated and capture almost all maps and almost catch Seafarers (10k gap). So Riverside got a chance to take second place, and as for us – now we are spectators, our mission now to prepare next match up. Nothing will prevent our victory and position in ladder, even if we leave wvwvw, but of course we won’t leave wvwvw

Some new videos:
• how to take SM in 60 minutes: http://youtu.be/2Q3muxPweTU
• and extension: http://youtu.be/2Q3muxPweTU

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


Guys, it was clear from the beginning that WvWvW will be “War of time zones”. And some server that can cover 24/7 online would be one of the best. Is you cover only few hours you will be in 20+ position, if – 5-10 hours 10-20, if – 10-15 you go to top 10.
In this game it doesn’t matters you nightcapping or taking points in primetime, because:
1. Primetime is different for different players, here is no primetime to all server/people.
2. Primetime points have same weight as night.

There is no sense to discuss primetime, let’s discuss a war carelessly on time zones.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Freohr.7905


Okay, I’ll add my two-pence.

First off, hats off to SFR and Riverside, both servers fought well against us and I’ll not be the one to make derogatory comments on the skill level of players from another server based on an overall point system. Hats off as well to Blacktide, we’ve played well this week regardless of what a few derps on this forum say to the contrary.

In all fairness, the fact is that Seafarer’s Rest does have a smaller number of players than Blacktide. That said, I’ve not seen the out-manned buff on SFR Invaders as frequently as some posters on this forum would have us believe. I don’t have any evidence to back that up, so it’s really my word against the word of people whining on this board.

Really, the behaviour of some SFR player’s on this forum is utterly shameful and does not reflect well upon your server whatsoever. Even when liars are faced with pictorial evidence which contradicts their un-sourced claims, they continue to barefacedly lie to this forum. I will of course be interested to see my own server’s behaviour if we start to lose in tier2 but I’d hope that we conduct ourselves with a bit more class than some SFR guys have this week. I’m not going to tar all of Seafarer’s Rest with the same brush, but it would become you to learn sportsmanship, and lose gracefully.

I don’t expect Blacktide to win in the next tier, but if my server starts to lose momentum next week then you can be sure I won’t be whining on the forums to the other servers about it like a little child that didn’t get their cake. Keep an eye on my post history for verification on that if you must.

Lastly, to reiterate, all servers fought well this week. The little-mentioned Riverside really pulled their weight on many occasions several of which ended up with my warrior eating dirt on the ground before I even knew an angry horde had jumped off a cliff and wasted me. And as for Seafarer’s, well I think the greatest testament to their tenacity can be found last Saturday morning, when the matchup started. The number of times their forces pushed my guild, their allies and myself away from the Orb and their territory in SFR Borderlands was extraordinary. I’ll also pay homage to the tenacity of our own players and their ingenuity, we finally got that Orb with a lot of hard work and a bit of luck, then ran it back to Hills with an angry horde of Seafarer’s biting at our heels. I died on the flight to Hills. Excellent fight folks.

tl;dr have some dignity. everyone should take pride in their performance this week.

If having a bigger blob means victory then you will blob.
Sun Tzu said that, and I think he knows a little more about fighting than you do, pal.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


One would say that at least during primetime (there’s that word again), a lower population WvW focused server would have an advantage over a higher population one, since regardless of server status everyone can still only fit in 600 players (150 per map).

This would mean that a lower population server would have an easier chance getting their organized groups and guilds together, compared to high population servers who see their spots taken by pug players and randoms.

During offhours, high population servers would have the advantage, for obvious reasons.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Thudda.4392


I said it elsewhere so this is me repeating. Blacktide is very much different server than two weeks ago when we faced them. Sadly there are still people throwing around “nightcapping” and such. It happens and it will happen, time differences between people is huge and as there is no border between na/eu and also how dedicated people you have on server to do this “off-hours” things.

Anyways Blacktide was stronger this time but i dont think SfR will lose its will to fight. It seems we are more active now than couple days ago and growing stronger. Even though there is some vocal minor forum users, which cant be helped, most of us were/are fighting for real. There were some good battles around the week.

This is just my personal opinion. I dont claim it to be anyone else opinion, if someone decide to start quoting something.

PS. im glad someone cleaned that matchup thread, it was horrible to read

[FD] Thudda @ Seafarer’s Rest

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698



Riverside seemed to have closed a bit.

I thought they might sieze their chance on the last 2 days when Blacktide are coasting to the inevitable win and saving resources for the real match up next week?

The score site has them 18k behind, a bit too far I suspect.

@redfalcom you say ,Our prime time is usually 20:00 to 02:00.’ in what time zone is that your refering to?

I wasnt online, so no Primetime.

First rule of prime time is that I have to be there for it to count. I had an official post saying this but I lost the link, I will look for it.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

(edited by Snort.3698)

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Cunnart.6519


It was painful to log in yesterday and see that BT had the unmanned buff on and we were only pulling a mere 150 pts per tick. The time frame during our “primetime” our guild never had more than 10 people on and our zerg was never more than 15. Seems everyone took the night off instead of working on tactics and communications as our guild did. We managed to hold our own against some overwhelming numbers quite a few times.

ThUn-Black Tide EU
An american abroad.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493



Hot kitten looks like we’ll be facing Elona Reach for sure. There’s not even 3.000 rating left between them and Desolation.

Next matchup looks to be pretty tough.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Cunnart.6519


I like hot kittens…..

I look forward to it. hopefully we can get lots of footage of the battles.

ThUn-Black Tide EU
An american abroad.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


has losing a match up you expected to win given you more drive for the coming week?

If you lose which excuses will apply?

Amm.. they will fight vs two DE servers so it will be “teaming up” excuse. Which might as well be true however, but in any case it’s going to be tough. SFR will have the advantage of NA guilds, whereas DE have none. Will that be enough we will see..

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


It was painful to log in yesterday and see that BT had the unmanned buff on and we were only pulling a mere 150 pts per tick. The time frame during our “primetime” our guild never had more than 10 people on and our zerg was never more than 15. Seems everyone took the night off instead of working on tactics and communications as our guild did. We managed to hold our own against some overwhelming numbers quite a few times.

I went to the pub Cunnart, When I am a way the kittens( I typed kitten, its not the auto edit!) dont play.

No need for us to burn out or waste resources when we came top.

We need energy for what could be a very tough weekend. Of all the opposition we have faced in game, Elona were the ones that impressed me the most.

I shall be on tonite, check our forums for the times.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

(edited by Snort.3698)

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Deep Star.6541

Deep Star.6541

I thought we had already established that SFR’s primetime starts when the other servers log off.

Prime-time is usually from 18:00 – 24:00, perhaps till 2am but that is already a stretch for those who needs to wake up early for work/school.


Saturday/Wednesday we sucked i’m assuming, but yeah. At those times we beat every single up-hill fight against fully upgraded BT keeps and towers (more like Xaoc’s keeps and towers).

Not trying to rebuild the flaming debate we had before, just proving a point

Riviére, Select Start, Cmnd Ctrl, Uninteresting Event @ Three Steps Ahead [Oz]

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Cunnart.6519


I agree that resources should not be used unnecessarily it’s just sad to see such a low turnout, but we are competing with the facts of the halloween events going on and leading by a ton provides little motivation for people to come into wvw.

ThUn-Black Tide EU
An american abroad.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


This server should be renamed to “CRIMSON TIDE”

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: vulneraria.4865


in the last 2 days we have had finally some good fight against germans in evening EU time, dunno why they sleep monday and tuesday.
next week we will face 2 german servers so it will be a nice EU battle.

far who post screen at example 20 CET where BT have some influence in the map that means nothing you need to know how is before and how is after .

example (i take riverside is not related to this matchup) if riverside have this trend :
1300 pt 50
1400 pt 90
1500 pt 100
1600 pt 150
1700 pt 180
1800 pt 170
1900 pt 190
2000 pt 200
2100 pt 230
2200 pt 280
2300 pt 320
0000 pt 380
0100 pt 400
0200 pt 410

for me riverside is a winning server from 13 to 02.
if you take picture at 20, you can say, riverside at primetime is not so good server!
but that is not true! riverside is winning, they start in a bad shape and they go up a little every hour, so they are playng better then others.

then they go to sleep and at 0400 they go back to 50, till 1300.

ok they are 3rd because 3/4 of the day are under 200 pt, but half of the day they are substantially winning their match up.

sUk Clan

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Impala.4952


For a start sorry for some mistakes in my posts, my english isn’t so well.
I’m very upset, when i read forum this week, sometime it was rly dirty. Its especially frustrate me cause SfR is best fighters what i saw in that game. But you, guys, talk about nightcapping, cheaters and that your medium server fight aganist full. It’s not way for people wtih strong spirit like you.
I want to write some my things about that.
About [Xaoc]: Yeah, we’re huge guild. Yes, we not so well organized like you are. Yes, sometimes our members seems like zerg. But you must undestood the difference. We play 18h at day vs yours 5-6h. Hudreds members log in and log out in game durring whole day. Its rly hard to teach all those peoples play that game well. If you have small or medium guild you need repeat some new info 2-3 times and be sure that you members learn some new trick, for example. We’re must repeat every 30 min and i cant be sure that all hear new information. So many people cant learn play well so fast, but we work with it every day. If suppose that chaos play 6h a day it would be seems not like zerg, because we have a good leaders and players, but its really hard (or mb impossible) teach for command playing 1k+ members .
About [Xaoc] and night/morningcapping: Yes Chaos start massively playing at 6a.m. (MSK). We do it for server, for points, for rating, and not because we like fight with empty keeps. If it need for victory – we do it. SfR also have a lot of russian guilds, but they dont want wake up before work or styding to stop us? Its your problems! Oh, you can hear that Chaos is guild of scholars and students which play whole day. Its lie!!
Yep, at morning we start with 30-40 ppl. But 2-3 hours later we have 5, maximum 10 players per map. Now europian players could wake up and play 1 hour before work for stop our upgrades in keeps as minimum. You yet dont want? Its your problems!
About “primetime”: I never understood what that mystic “primetime”. Just lol. What are you talking about? Its 24/7 war, there are no time when all should start fight. If you want win in 24/7 war, you must do something when its uncomfortable for you. If you dont want win – just stop that posts, its seems rly stupid.

P.S. Anyway SfR id best fighters that i saw in that game. [OSC], [FD], [Rise], [Fu] and all other small and big SfR guilds – my respect for your game.
P.P.S. Joke: “If you want always win in primetime, you just need to say that your primetime start when you take a lead!” Oh, wait….

Your English may not be good but I have to say your statement to complaints about capping during non-EU prime-hours is the best I’ve seen in these forums. wvwvw is a 24/7 match and you guys are adjusting your play hours to take advantage of it. That’s smart and what everyone should do. Why put all your resources in the choke point called EU prime-time like everyone else when some of you can go around it and score a lot more points for your server (you have the least amount of gain/loss during that prime-time). That’s what [Xaoc] realized and are very smart for doing it. It may not be the most fun period of the day or the most convenient but you guys are sacrificing for your server because you are determined to do best for your server and win. Those people that complain must not want win and you’re right, it’s their problem. They could easily organize themselves and adjust their play hours during their non-work/non-school time. Maybe some of them sleeping during EU prime-time and waking up early and playing or even going to bed a little early and playing a little before work/school. This wouldn’t have to be done everyday. With organization and communication between guilds you could rotate this kind of play and have a good force to limit the gains from servers like BT and Desolation (my server) or maybe hit some of their weak points in the day like BT does to Desolation and we do to them and make huge gains in points. You’re right you have to make the effort to play at an uncomfortable time and take advantage of the 24/7 game and put pressure on your opponents if you want to win and if they don’t do it, it is their problem. With smart guilds like [Xaoc] and other servers with non-EU presence you almost have to start planning to play that way. There’s a reason the military like to attack at night or when they think their opponents are sleeping. I’ve given praise to [Xaoc] and BT in the past but I have even more respect for you guys now. We may or may not meet in the next match but when we do meet I know it’s going to be a lot of fun for both our servers. I had my best time in our last match. I stayed up very late a few times and saw [Xaoc] trickling in and eventually flooding in to all maps as our forces were depleting. You guys were scary in a good way. It was a lot of fun. Good luck to you guys in your next match.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Cunnart.6519


He does indeed bring up excellent points.

ThUn-Black Tide EU
An american abroad.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: BrutalPenguin.9017


Yeap, yesterday was a day off for Blacktide. [Xaoc] used this time to prepare for the next match-up by showing some of our members 80 lvl locations (some ppl lvled up only at WWW and have like 5-10% map completion) and doing events/digging resources there. It was fun to farm with a commander icon and a zerg =]
Here’s the video. The quality is bad because of my “experiments” with vegas =[


[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: vulneraria.4865


sun rise at least 6 hour earlier in Russia than in Italy… I don’t think this can be callad uncomfortable.
simply on every server (us or eu) Xaoc will have a nice pvd

this is not for cry, the world is made in this way, 2 weeks ago we have win against xaoc, first because they don’ have enough EU guilds for reduce our points in their nights, second because the 3rd server is the spansh one (south american too) that reduce xaoc points during our night.
actually they have some EU guilds that can hold a little bit more, and we have e german server that fight in our time reducing our point.

so GL to Xaoc I hope you beat Deso!

sUk Clan

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Naikee.5936


Thanks to Impala) It was hard to play against [ruin] last match-up.
It seems that Desolation will be in Tier 1 next match, so gl & hf against French servers;)

Represented by [Xaoc]

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Whats teh score at the moment are riverside fightng for 2nd or is it too late?

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Mortix.9725


it’s too late mate,13k difference + we have all 3 orbs and over 300 points atm.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


[27.10.2012] Current match-up: Elona’s Reach vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Blacktide

It was an epic day, we go rather good. Expect more loss of points at night, but Far Shiverpeaks get ahead on 2k, that is we were side by side. We won back points difference, but in 18-19 we again start losing points, because EU guilds not wake up yet and we cannot control all maps.

Battles were very complicated. For us is rather good that even in weekend day we not lose too much points. Now it is early to make some conclusions, and we look in gap on the morning. If Far Shiverpeaks fights on the limit of their strength, then they not impress us.

Funny moment was in Bay, we and Far Shiverpeaks made mesmers portals behind opponents. But our portal was 1 second earlier and we won this battle. Mesmers portals is excellent feature, but late afternoon we noticed that opponents rarely use portals and often fails with them.

Screenshots says more that words.


[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


If yesterday was any indication as to the kind of fights we can expect from this matchup, this is going to be an awesome week.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


[28.10.2012] Current match-up: Elona’s Reach vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Blacktide

Second war day with Far Shiverpeaks ended. There were more mutual attacks, as soon as one of us attack, another attacks first one, so we constrain each other.

From epic moments: 2-3 hours defend tower nearly Far Shiverpeaks teleport, at that it wasn’t upgraded. It was attacked with: 4-5 trebuchets, simple zerg staying in one point, many rams and catapults. It was amazing how long we defend this tower from “elite” FS forces (GF, Nugos). =)

Gap was in normal limits, in the morning would be around 6-10k. Glad that FS cannot get gap to us. We expect more resistance and gap from they. But exclusions we will see in tuesday.

And some interesting screenshots.


[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


[29.10.2012] Current match-up: Elona’s Reach vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Blacktide

How you can see, day was very successful! We recover 6k gap and outrun Far Shiverpeaks. But at 5-6pm Elona and Far Shiverpeaks left us only 130-150 points in 15 min, and Far Shiverpeaks began overtaking us. After AprillOne’s squad came to Eternal and situation became better and Elona took some Far Shiverpeaks keeps. So, we think in the morning outrun to Far Shiverpeaks will be around 3-4k. If more, then it would be perfect. So, first week day acquitted our expectations. If in tuesday would go like monday we could make conclusions about match up results.

Undoubtedly Far Shiverpeaks is good, organized better than we. But our system expect huge online even at the cost of organizing, we interesting in result score and we can’t do this if we would make only several hours event in day. They fights very good on such events (at theirs primetime) but it not enough to top positions in ladder.

Situation on 9pm (Moscow time, UTC +4, CET +3)


[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Very enjoyable fights over the last few days. I would say that it is certainly a higher bracket than the last.
The general players standard is slightly higher as is the population density in WvW.
We had to change a few of our tactics which is always a sign that the opposition are bringing new challenges.

Had some very good nights with THUN, DKR, CIR,HRSY and INT pushing a zone. We tend to do ok in our zone but when we play the others zones have a low Blacktide population.

The night before we had a nice push in the same zone I believe.These are vidoes from CIR, DKR and THUN all of the same period of play I think. They show different perspectives on our time in the zone together.



speedy version


We had lots of fun.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: steb.7048


Hopefully we can get another crack of the whip going over the next few days. Was sad to see such empty queues for Blacktides WvW maps. Still had a blast though. Definately have to idle on ThUn Mumble in future, made conveying info a hella’ lot easier.

Charr Warrior & Asura Necromancer
Proud member of Heresy on Blacktide EU.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: BrutalPenguin.9017


The fights are really intense, it looks like Elona has tens of thousands of active www players. Even during the day it is fun to play.
Captured a video from a Xaoc zerg POV. Liked the day much


[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


[30.10.2012] Current match-up: Elona’s Reach vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Blacktide

Today report is very short. Outrun to Far Shiverpeaks 22k, confidently have advantage on points in 15 min, except evening. In the morning Elona had good zerg and prevent us from taking more points, but we take first place on points in 15 min.

New videos:
Xaoc – [30.10.2012] Compilation, mostly with Elona’s Reach
(early post by BrutalPenguin.9017)

Xaoc – [30.12.2012] Epic Bay defence

Situation on 1am (UTC +4)


(edited by llexa.2396)

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Blacktide have added another sizable guild for the EU time slot. This will help shore up that period although we need more people there too.

I believe we added another Russian guild, that may need to be confirmed

We are still looking for a US crew to face the forces of the other top server?

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Cunnart.6519


That’s some good news Snort.

ThUn-Black Tide EU
An american abroad.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


Which guild transfered over? Or do they choose to remain anonymous for the time being.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn