Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Syrae.4310


Please Guys, kick Blacktide out of T1 and let them go through the T´s till every Server-switching Guild is gone from BT. Just as they did it with FS.

Looking forward to play against Viz next Week !
I still have great Memories from the Fights against you, in the time we visited T1.

Even if its gonna be a short visit, we´ll give our best – especially against PRX and other NA Guys..

Greetings from Elona, happy Xmas Viz!

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


As a VS player since the very beginning end a member of Grand Cross i can assure you that there haven’t been any transfer in our favor (maybe some isolated players but not more). We face you with our regular forces as we do since few months now.

What a huge joke. Arborstone, was at some point, almost better then BT. Now they dropped T2, and this week they lost tremendous Tire points (almost 100), wich only happens if you play incredible bad. At the same time vizu has more players then ever. I’ve have an eye for zerg numbers, and they increased a lot. Is this a Coincidance? Nope. AS transfered to Vizu. Stop hiding in lies.

One thing is for sure, I play this game for fun. Vizu plays on a strain of madness, thinking the world will end if they don’t win, by whatever the means to an end.

And the sad thing is I’m sure you believe all the bs your mouth is able to flow out.

Take a deep breath and look out through the window dude. Elona is coming on T1, you should move there.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Grosbillou.8420


That’s only because we have canadians guilds, be are no life, we use cheats, we are pros nightcamping and BT works for us.

Merry Xmas

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


At the same time vizu has more players then ever. I’ve have an eye for zerg numbers, and they increased a lot. Is this a Coincidance? Nope. AS transfered to Vizu. Stop hiding in lies.

It’s holidays, no one can confirm that. But it would be a pleasure because they are EU.
(Let me be clear, i have nothing against Americans players, but they have their ladder… One day, if ArenaNet creates a international ladder.)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


What a huge joke. Arborstone, was at some point, almost better then BT. Now they dropped T2, and this week they lost tremendous Tire points (almost 100), wich only happens if you play incredible bad.

Yeah, exactly like Desolation, Blacktide, Elona Reach and some others at different time. I guess that everyone from every servers moved to VS.

It’s ridiculous, but a lot of AS and VS are the worst ennemies in EU ladder, they just hate each other. Give me some proof that former AS came to VS. It looks like SFR loves screen, give me a screen of an AS zerg in VS.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Eccentric.3649


There’s just too much speculation in this thread. Bring facts or shut you piehole.

Vizunah needs to quit their yapping about NA guilds. Anet approves of it and seeing as they made the game you really should just go with it. If you have complaints regarding this matter then report it to Anet.

It really was an epic first week for us from SFR in tier1. Winning is winning. No matter how many warlocks with tigerblood Vizunah have we still won. And we did it in great fashion and style.

Vizunah are a great WvW server and you have the upper hand so far this week by numbers and skills. People talk alot about your Pugs but I see alot of organized guilds in your megablobs leading the charge. Kudos for making zerg fighting intresting and not a genicide.

Things that bug me:
Vizunah troll saying vz only have 20 ppl at night switching maps.
Red Guard acting nice on forum when we all know they are brutal killers.
Swedish not being the dominant language of the world.

Eccentrïc – 80 Mesmer
Team Sweden [SWE] Guild Leader
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

(edited by Eccentric.3649)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


This week we much more than 20 at night because of holidays. We had 40+ bus even at 3 or 4am yesterday. In regular week, we’re at least half of this.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Mystery.7392


That’s only because we have canadians guilds, be are no life, we use cheats, we are pros nightcamping and BT works for us.

Merry Xmas


Aloha Luana – The Iron Triangle [IRON]
Warrior – Gunnar’s Hold
Will always love Elona!

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Faunus.3647


That’s only because we have canadians guilds, be are no life, we use cheats, we are pros nightcamping and BT works for us.

Merry Xmas


Yep you seem to be still so dominant during holidays >_< we still have hardtime next week so…Then you will back playing with AS :P

Commander Vizunah Square
Eternalïa [OVER]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


This topic seems to be filled with angry people who keep crying about losing to VS…
Just get over it and fight ingame rather then trying to bring your popularity up by being keyboard warriors…

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


Please Guys, kick Blacktide out of T1 and let them go through the T´s till every Server-switching Guild is gone from BT. Just as they did it with FS.

Looking forward to play against Viz next Week !
I still have great Memories from the Fights against you, in the time we visited T1.

Even if its gonna be a short visit, we´ll give our best – especially against PRX and other NA Guys..

Greetings from Elona, happy Xmas Viz!

Kick BT from T1? We’re already out of T1 for next week… <—- your best friend when it comes to WvW scores. Maybe you should check it more often

A lot of the BT players wanted to get out of T1 for a while already and we finally are going to T2!

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion |

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


Vizunah needs to quit their yapping about NA guilds. Anet approves of it and seeing as they made the game you really should just go with it.

I saw the topic about nightcapping but not on intercontinental migration, you have the link, it interests me. Thx !

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


The real irony being Viz are the biggest nightcappers out – seems they don’t like any form of challenge or their own medicine.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


The real irony being Viz are the biggest nightcappers out – seems they don’t like any form of challenge or their own medicine.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Scryar.2954


There’s just too much speculation in this thread. Bring facts or shut you piehole.

Vizunah needs to quit their yapping about NA guilds. Anet approves of it and seeing as they made the game you really should just go with it. If you have complaints regarding this matter then report it to Anet.

“There will be 3 major regional designations for the release of Guild Wars 2:
Europe: Defined as Western Europe and Eastern Europe. Players in these regions connect to the European datacenter.
•North America: Defined as Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Players in these regions connect to the North American datacenter.
•Other: Players in countries not listed above will connect to the North American datacenter.*

So you can see that the european ladder was supposed to be more regional, only for europeans, while the american ladder is global, for everybody outside europe.

Arenatet kittened it up with no region lock und free server transfers, so you have to deal with it that we complain about this unfair abuse of arenanets mistakes from servers like Desolation or SR until something changes. They have many possibilities to do this. Stopping free server transfers, region lock, merging us and european servers or removing the de/fr/es tags from the national servers.

WvsW smallscale & tpvp
Champion- Magus, Shadow, Illusionist, Hunter

(edited by Scryar.2954)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Choko.6821


This week is funny new Seafarers random that I don’t know seems to play really weaks and being victim of BT players who I used to kill them 100 % when I was on guild with just 3 or 4 man, those guys was on riverside sitting on camp or sitting on certain traps. Now to boot those people are around 15 and can’t do anything except for dead unless I come for help and interupt their tactic.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: IKaikiasI.1932


All I see is that Desolation is whining everywhere. I have never seen so many people who are trolling of an enemies ts. Of course, this means nothing, but on the other hand your permanent flaming isn’t helping to prove yourself. Maybe it’s time for other servers to show their skills and maybe guilds should more think about it where they go.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


This week is funny new Seafarers random that I don’t know seems to play really weaks and being victim of BT players who I used to kill them 100 % when I was on guild with just 3 or 4 man, those guys was on riverside sitting on camp or sitting on certain traps. Now to boot those people are around 15 and can’t do anything except for dead unless I come for help and interupt their tactic.

I’m sure some of that was in English….

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Liriel.1473


As a VS player since the very beginning end a member of Grand Cross i can assure you that there haven’t been any transfer in our favor (maybe some isolated players but not more). We face you with our regular forces as we do since few months now.

What a huge joke. Arborstone, was at some point, almost better then BT. Now they dropped T2, and this week they lost tremendous Tire points (almost 100), wich only happens if you play incredible bad. At the same time vizu has more players then ever. I’ve have an eye for zerg numbers, and they increased a lot. Is this a Coincidance? Nope. AS transfered to Vizu. Stop hiding in lies.

One thing is for sure, I play this game for fun. Vizu plays on a strain of madness, thinking the world will end if they don’t win, by whatever the means to an end.

it’s not because people don’t say they transfer that you didn’t havetransfer on your server lol. I’m from arborstone and each time we were in T1 and go down to T2 we lost many many PU who decide to left for vizunah sometimes entire guild moved. it’s not because we have french tagged server that bandwagonners doesn’t exist

And for the performance of this week from Arborstone, don’t know if guilds move to vizunah but i can tell you that most guild from our alliance are on holidays and are not raiding during prime time this week and some won’t next week.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: GrandMechantLoup.8201


(And please don’t mention this “vizunah spirit” anymore… lol)

THAT !!!! xD

You can really add the “sectary argument” against VS, … REALLY … :o

can you imagine our feeling when they announce the name of PUG guild …. Vizunah Square Spirit. :help: : f

Is this a Coincidance? Nope. AS transfered to Vizu. Stop hiding in lies.

Nice show, really funny ! But all french speaking community know two things :

- The most important thing for AS in the world is ……….. beat VS
- The most important thing for VS in the world is ………… beat AS

Some people in each side have hate from 10 years ago …

If one day AS and VS players merge in the same server, then war is over for you.

jade sea, EU

(edited by GrandMechantLoup.8201)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Erostrate.4326


Looking forward to play against Viz next Week !
I still have great Memories from the Fights against you, in the time we visited T1.

Hi, in VS we all remember how hard you kicked our kitten when you came in T1 some time ago. You were the first to do it, and since then, T1 is much more challenging and fun. We learnt many things from you.
I hope it will be as fun next week. It looks like during holidays Elona is unbeatable.

And gogo SFR, don’t surrender yet or you’ll lose too much players from transfers and you’ll go back in T2. It’s the issue with too much players from non national servers, they lack server pride, and switch when they lose to winning servers.

And I agree with Eccentric.3649.
Stop whine ! Go fight ! RG we miss you ! And glory to vikings !

Merry Xmas and happy new year from VS!

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: ladyfabulous.1403


I’v been told that viking mean kitten in swedish and that this is why god hate sweden.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


Isn’t Sweden mostly a secular country? So saying God hates Sweden is like saying Bigfoot hates Sweden :P

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion |

(edited by Centrix.4065)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


Please Guys, kick Blacktide out of T1 and let them go through the T´s till every Server-switching Guild is gone from BT. Just as they did it with FS.

Looking forward to play against Viz next Week !
I still have great Memories from the Fights against you, in the time we visited T1.

Even if its gonna be a short visit, we´ll give our best – especially against PRX and other NA Guys..

Greetings from Elona, happy Xmas Viz!

Someone seems agitated from the last time they met us.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Faunus.3647


we saw something fun this morning , team [swe] didnt you blame us for the hack of cheesepandah ? calling him cheater and blahblahblah ?

Did you look your members this morning? cause one of them was on Vz

Commander Vizunah Square
Eternalïa [OVER]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Meryt.9823


Enough of the bullkitten about timezones. Anet should just make T1 & T2 international for the top 12 servers and give us more varied matchups.

As for VS (aka le troupeau) , they just crack me up

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


Amazing number of night players in VS tonight, big grats to you guys for mustering up huge zergs in every map- I expect I’ll log on tomorrow and see everything green with a touch or two of red.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Eccentric.3649


we saw something fun this morning , team [swe] didnt you blame us for the hack of cheesepandah ? calling him cheater and blahblahblah ?

Did you look your members this morning? cause one of them was on Vz

I am glad he amused you. I will tell him you said Hi.

What’s your point anyways?
We already explained and showed proof of what Cheesepanda did; so how exactly do you compare my guildmember with Cheesepanda? You’re just way out there in space eating those yummy shrooms aren’t you?

Have fun.

Congratulations to Vizunah on this weeks upcoming win. Your coverage is amazing and the scouting done is impressive. What’s the trick to get your dogs sitting so nicely in a tower a full evening? I bet they do it for treats. ;-)

See you on the battlefields.

ps. It doesn’t matter what intentions ArenaNet had, about dividing EU and NA players into different ladders, from the start. There’s alot of EU players on NA servers and NA players on EU servers and ArenaNet approves of it, atleast for the time being. So again: Send your complaints to ArenaNet and quit yer yapping about it in this thread. ds.

Eccentrïc – 80 Mesmer
Team Sweden [SWE] Guild Leader
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

(edited by Eccentric.3649)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: zarak.2314


So much drama here.. I really liked the first week in T1 specially the last few days when VZ made a come back and we needed to actually work to keep up and win but this week (sure you can blame holidays) it’s plain boring since VZ just night caps everything till the morning wich makes it really boring to fight. During the day/evening the fights are really nice and it’s prette balanced (1 moment vz leads the next sfr). Now it just feels like different tiers again where 1 server leads and the other 2 just kitten about. Not sure if that’s fun for you guys but since wvw is 24/7 it’s totall valid.

I hope it’s true that this is just a holiday result if not I rather be in T2 or even in T3/T4 since having to actually fight and win/lose with a few k points is the most awesome thing imo.

See you on the field!

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Pukknub.7368


VS deserve the most respect as a server. They have maintained their T1 status from week 1 and continue to push for T1 victories. Their achievements far outweigh yours.

and this without any external assistance by US/RU players.

But… Canadian players.

Proud member of Velocity [VcY]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Choko.6821


BB BT going miss you. Not really actually. I already hinted a charr ranger from CiR the moment they need to back off 10m for a GC warrior during tier 3?. And now you can’t even put a landing against most pub considering I gived most Seafarers player a sample for against such confrontation. =/

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Koops.6097


VS deserve the most respect as a server. They have maintained their T1 status from week 1 and continue to push for T1 victories. Their achievements far outweigh yours.

and this without any external assistance by US/RU players.

But… Canadian players.

Nice try but no we still haven’t Canadians on VS. Maybe one day your dream will be true but not for now.
Is it so embarassing to be beaten by french (and Belgium and Swiss) people that you have to find some sort of excuses and make up some storys about Canadians ?

Koops – Fëar Morniëo [FM] – Grand Cross Alliance – Vizunah Square

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: tita.6358


proof of canadians on VS + high pop at night!
screenshot of our teamspeak server at 5 AM


Tita the Sunless, Vizunah Night Rats
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting

(edited by tita.6358)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Allen.1620


hi, am frm SFR, and i ask my server to just let it go we win they win, they at T1 still at top, they deserve a worthy opponent and we also deserve an worthy opponent cas we grinded our crap through the ladder, we had bad bad phase, but our peeps r so nice, yes their zerg is intimidating, scary, sometimes overwhelming, with same numbers we wud win, “But” we will still win after this holidays and the speculations will end.

There is just 1 way to prove this ……. and we know how, rite ? we know they r the worthy opponent we have to raise our game cas their number is overwhelming but its easily possible, lets stick together as we always do, everyone hates the No.1, only way is to topple their position………

My guild stopped doin wvw cas was no contest xd, we be back next week the few we r we can take one side of their zerg, so count one zerg is done by us, and i request to stop this flame wars, we r T1, we bound to "hate " each other xd

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Qwixx.5923


proof of canadians on VS + high pop at night!
screenshot of our teamspeak server at 5 AM

Photoshopped !
Well, 19 ppl multimap, so for all borderlands.
We told you, only one zerg who switch map constantly. You still have a lot to learn from us SFR. NEXT !

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Binafus.8153


A screen shot of who knows what is all the proof anyone could ask for.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: tita.6358


come on our TS and check for yourself. some of you already know the IP

Tita the Sunless, Vizunah Night Rats
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Amshaa.7492


There’s just too much speculation in this thread. Bring facts or shut you piehole.

Talkin’ about fact, there’ll be only one around here, ever.

And here it is : the only playable character that can be found in every single MMO that has been or will be released, whatever its lore and background, is the Forum Troll.

Sadly, respect, kindness and honesty are none of its skills or traits. Even on Xmas time.

Props to anyone trying to keep up any kind of positive attitude here.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Saviolakos.6473


It’s really futile to try to reason the illogical people. One thing is a fact. Everyone sees the truth by his own eyes and only by those.

For some winning is everything. But winning has many definitions of the term. Winning for most is what the numbers say at the end of the WvWvW week.. For others is the collection of bags they have behind a t3 door using 15+ sieges to defend.. For others is the open fights, the tactics of mass pvping and who will stand alive after a huge fight like this.

I for example, I care more about the last part, although I admit that seeing my effort in fighting being rewarded with the weekly win, is a very nice bonus. But I wouldn’t be happy if, for example, I would lose every single open fight, be afraid of going out to stand my ground, and lose even with more numbers on my side BUT win the week in score (by other factors, which are important to have in WvWvW). Some though, think that this is good game for them..

This shows how the truth is different in our eyes and in my opinion noone is wrong.
In the end of the day, I can go to sleep happy knowing what my guild and my server can do in open field fighting. And you can go sleep happy that you win the week.

Happy holidays to all and Happy New Year.

The Oscure Brotherhood
Seafarer’s Rest

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Syrae.4310


Red Guard, play against us when we have holidays and the same amount of players.


The last time i looked at matchups we were 0,4 Points in Front of you, now we are 20K and more.
And dont worry our Visit in t1 will be at least max 2 weeks, then we´ll give our Place to Arbor or deso, maybe it could be blacktide. We´ll see.

And its not a secret that we dont like pushed servers like BT,SFR and others.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: smitske.4912


Our 24/7 zerg is legitimate, because it is composed of EU players only. Seriously, shame on SFR if you do not stay 1st all weeks.

Please stop trolling with this.. What is the distinction between a different time zone player and a nolife nightcapper (no offence here it’s only to make it clear) that plays the same time on a 24/7 server?
Is the jobless or nolifer player time much worth than the others or what?
If the nightcap is legit so is the different time coverage…if it Is not so let’s go on with all the other crap about u noskilldroids are only a 200zerg that steamroll everything and die as mobs where in same numbers etc etc

Because a person doesn’t replace six. Our hours of night not a substitute for a primetime even if we have good presence.
It is not a question of numbers, but a question of equity and fairplay relative to local timezone of EU ladder.

Could you stay in T1 on a single timezone ?
The answer is no, you have so nothing to do in T1 EU. Other legit server wait to move up.
It is you who are in wrong, does not give us the fault.

Who died and named you boss? Why are you the one to decide what “legit” is?

That’s my point of view on equity and fairplay, people are free to participate.

You are French so I will let it slide you don’t know the right words, you mean hypocrisy and it is only allowed if we win. VS is only T1 due to their extreme night capping, which is valid for sure, but don’t whine when U get capped at other times. With equal force VS often fails. Proving that one night you got your kitten beaten does not mean you aren’t the number 1 server at night capping, at present. And also the number one server which you guys obviously still are and also deserve for your very good covering.

(edited by smitske.4912)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: rhuobe.5137


many people forget that this is only a game.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Faunus.3647


many people forget that this is only a game.

It’s a game , so it’s kittening serious man.

We deal our life on battlefield , Troma pay us for that.

Commander Vizunah Square
Eternalïa [OVER]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Syrae.4310


many people forget that this is only a game.

It´s more than this! Its war!

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: rhuobe.5137


made in Troma, made in Troma, Troma is our guru

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Faunus.3647


made in Troma, made in Troma, Troma is our guru

Join us ! We are legio. :p

Commander Vizunah Square
Eternalïa [OVER]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: rhuobe.5137


one resumance the thought of Spiritique troma

(edited by rhuobe.5137)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: MoonSpell.4512


Our 24/7 zerg is legitimate, because it is composed of EU players only. Seriously, shame on SFR if you do not stay 1st all weeks.

Please stop trolling with this.. What is the distinction between a different time zone player and a nolife nightcapper (no offence here it’s only to make it clear) that plays the same time on a 24/7 server?
Is the jobless or nolifer player time much worth than the others or what?
If the nightcap is legit so is the different time coverage…if it Is not so let’s go on with all the other crap about u noskilldroids are only a 200zerg that steamroll everything and die as mobs where in same numbers etc etc

Because a person doesn’t replace six. Our hours of night not a substitute for a primetime even if we have good presence.
It is not a question of numbers, but a question of equity and fairplay relative to local timezone of EU ladder.

Could you stay in T1 on a single timezone ?
The answer is no, you have so nothing to do in T1 EU. Other legit server wait to move up.
It is you who are in wrong, does not give us the fault.

Who died and named you boss? Why are you the one to decide what “legit” is?

That’s my point of view on equity and fairplay, people are free to participate.

You are French so I will let it slide you don’t know the right words, you mean hypocrisy and it is only allowed if we win. VS is only T1 due to their extreme night capping, which is valid for sure, but don’t whine when U get capped at other times. With equal force VS often fails. Proving that one night you got your kitten beaten does not mean you aren’t the number 1 server at night capping, at present. And also the number one server which you guys obviously still are and also deserve for your very good covering.

u’r going to make me cry
i remember few nights/mornings, waking up at 5 am, to try to deff some of our points…. it was against BT with xaoc, being at bp with …. 10 players ( WOOOOWWW !!!) vs that zerg that passed d1, and turned around getting every single siege we got…. they kept turining around ( don’t know why, farming us as we try to rez once they move to another door, just having fun, afraid of our zerg coming by?) 30 mins, with all the /t " need help" 15 players after all….
we got havily night capped by every pushed server that passed by T1, but they give up soon, not cause we outnomber them, but cause they got bored…. PvD is fun for 2?3?4? weeks then? they’ll leave….
u don’t know what are you talking about by " vs night cap" t’ill u come with us, it’s an OP that we need to worke it up, to see who can stay up at night, who will wake up early morning, who will lead… and yes, here we try our best.

and yes, i already posted a video of our fight vs SFR, and i’ll post another ( later when i got home from work) to show you how we only zerg, and we’r no-skill-no-brain zerg!

have a nice day !

~~ MoonSpell ~~ Guardien [FM][GC][VS]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Miporin.3529


VS = old players + arbostone + canadians (nightcappers)

But i don’t care anymore since i’m sick of frenchies and fight outnumbered everytime 2 : 10.
Is a good thing we lose and back to fight against desolation and others in the 4-5-6 position. At least we will fight 1 : 1.
Play outnumbered all the day 24/7 is stupid and make no sence, expecially after nightcapping.

Sayonara and hope we will never see you again. Oh and tier 1 or tier 10 matter zero, you gain nothing and you lose nothing in wvw, pvp in this game is only to kill time and have fun.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Saviolakos.6473


Moonspell, any chance you post a video with an even number fighting or even you being less?
Don’t take it as a flame, I liked your video but as far as I saw you were more than them in round 1 and 2 and round 3 you had defending sieges + you were more…
Hoping to see more of your videos since I love watching pvp videos

The Oscure Brotherhood
Seafarer’s Rest