(edited by Moderator)
Many of us are eagerly awaiting the re-match with Deso, no other server has come close in quality & quantity of fights you provided. Round 2 should be very interesting, both servers have grown and in the 1st week i think you’ll show us the quality T1 provides, week 2 i think it will be a slaughter fest on both sides as BT guilds adapt to the tactics being used.
Either way, hurry up and smash Arbors rating, we’re only 7 points from T1 I can taste it already :P
See you soon o7
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
Ahh, Blacktide. Loved fighting you guys (apart from the [xoac] zerg, no really skill there, just numbers). You have some great guilds though, looking forward to seeing you guys in T1.
A VS, DS, BT clash is going to be a ton-o-fun.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C – http://tinyurl.com/durmandpriory
We’ve been rooting for you guys to get into T1. I think the best matches we’re going to face in the future are going to be against BT. You guys gave us a good match the last time we met in T3 and we’ve both improved since and respect each other. We’re doing our best to knock one of the French servers down to T2. I think once BT reaches T1 there won’t 2 French servers in T1 for a while. It’s going to be interesting to see what happens when 2 EU juggernaut servers collide (it’s not going to be fun for the 3rd server). Nothing gets the adrenaline going more than [xaoc] suddenly hitting us on all maps in the morning. It’s going to be fun.
I am very much looking forward to a match between Blacktide, Desolation and Vizunah. I actually think it could be a very tough match-up and despite some of the things being thrown around this week, a very even one. My frank assessment of WvW, since the very start, is that it is primarily a numbers game, comparatively Blacktide has the numbers in the early morning, Vizunah during the day, and Desolation in the late night. As it stands, against Vizunah and Arborstone, they are both strongest at the same time, so their strengths counteract each others, leaving us free reign. Next week that could all change.
Plus, it will be pretty nice to play a server with a little stoicism again. Other than Blacktides very impressive defensive abilities, it was what I admired most about your server.
(edited by Knasher.5607)
5 more points Blacktide keep it going!! You bring the vodka, I’ll bring the cheese, and we will steal some whine off the French when you hit T1!!
Be sure all of Desolation is rooting for Blacktide to get into T1. We are actively focussing on keeping Arborstone down at the moment, to help you get into T1. We want to be matched up with you and are very much looking forward to it.
- Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]
And it would be really great if we get to T1 some other international server with 24/7 coverage so noone is gonna be blamed for nightcapping like it was a crime looking forward to meet you guys on the battlefield
I presume the fight will be great;) It is destiny to match our servers -The two most overpowered worlds in gw 2 for now.
3 points away!
Now 6 points, lol. If Desolation really wants Blacktide to get to T1, they can help by attacking Arborstone more than VS.
As a Fort Aspenwood player, I understand why your servers want more coverage so I am definitely rooting for you guys, but truthfully, I just want to see the meltdowns that will occur because of this.
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]
Be sure all of Desolation is rooting for Blacktide to get into T1. We are actively focussing on keeping Arborstone down at the moment, to help you get into T1. We want to be matched up with you and are very much looking forward to it
It’s not like if AS want to go in D2 you know, you don’t need to focus us for we down, we make this very good ourselves...
Atm we have nothing ( no ppl in night/morning ) to stay in D1, execpt in prime time or we take the road.. we can’t give a h24 to our opponent, so we don’t hang uselessly at our D1 place, it’s not interesting for us and for you.
But it’s nice to you to focus us, we make more token as before <3
Jade Quarry
(edited by Wothan.4673)
We feel Desolation put up a really good fight and were fun opponents. While they’re not the only server to have done so, they’re a server which hasn’t dropped, but has gone up instead, and fought more in higher tiers than us, on top of that, they grew significantly since our match.
So what we’re fighting will be Desolation+
Blacktide has an early morning/daytime coverage which doesn’t allow them as much leeway as they have normally, as you might’ve seen in our matchup before. I think that’s something they’re excited about as well, and i’m guessing also the fact that Blacktide, too, grew stronger since we’ve seen each other.
With Vizunah as a 3rd strong server (or so i assume), even if they don’t cover the same hours, it should be an interesting match regardless of your personal opinions on the servers or their tactics.
Here’s to hoping you get to T1 next week. I love fighting you guys because unlike alot of servers I’ve been involved in fighting against since the game released, you are 1 of 2 servers that never quit and fought with the same tenacity all weekend and week. See you on the battlefield in T1 sooner or later (hopefully sooner)!
I miss my Nug’s and GF’s ;(
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
It is admirable how two servers developed a good measure of respect for eachother based on rivalry and mutual fun on fights.
Its already a sure thing for you guys on Blacktide see you next match up!
Coming soon @ Eu Cinemas…oh wait WvW i mean.
WvW – Structure Upgrade Re-Work idea!
WvW – Art of War Guild Buffs & Keep Claiming Re-Work idea!
I want Desolation, Blacktide and a German server in the top tier, so I can make an Untergang parody video where Hitler sits in his bunker, raging over Americans and Russians ruining the war.
Crimson Imperium Reborn
Coming soon @ Eu Cinemas…oh wait WvW i mean.
Nice pic lol
(edited by Moderator)
Hi guys,
I’m a player from Arborea Stone I enjoyed the fights of yesterday night. However I’ve to admit that for the next week it will be better for the T1 if Blacktide and Desolation are both in the first division. Actually I can imaging how it’s boring for desolation to play when FR servers are almost empty.
In my opinion, we (Arborea Stone) really need to find players with different time zones and find a way to come back to the T1 with a server that offers a 24h fight. This is actually our only weakness. In fact, Desolation make a big part of its score by night, when Europe is sleeping. Everybody knows that. I can’t wait to see how Desolation will manage an opponent with the same time zone ( or with no time zone^^). It will be for sure a better challenge for Desolation and for sure more fun for players
I wish you the best in T1 and I hope we will find a way in the future to come back.
Have fun
dunno those FR servers are up awfully early this morning DS was down to about 40 people online and saw some huge VZ forces at 6am paris time. looks like next week BT and VZ will be smashing into each other in the morning.
—Modea Farstrider—
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war
As of the current scoring Blacktide has moved into T1!! Keep it up!!
Hi guys,
I’m a player from Arborea Stone
I enjoyed the fights of yesterday night. However I’ve to admit that for the next week it will be better for the T1 if Blacktide and Desolation are both in the first division. Actually I can imaging how it’s boring for desolation to play when FR servers are almost empty.
In my opinion, we (Arborea Stone) really need to find players with different time zones and find a way to come back to the T1 with a server that offers a 24h fight. This is actually our only weakness. In fact, Desolation make a big part of its score by night, when Europe is sleeping. Everybody knows that. I can’t wait to see how Desolation will manage an opponent with the same time zone ( or with no time zone^^). It will be for sure a better challenge for Desolation and for sure more fun for players
I wish you the best in T1 and I hope we will find a way in the future to come back.
Have fun
/Salute – Definitely think you guys can be a contender with 24X7 coverage and I definitely feared fighting the Arbor forces more than VZ, who seemed to just be a big squishy zerg. Not sure why they keep saying we are so bad because I’ve been in countless fights against them over the last 2 weeks in which our smaller forces wrecked their larger zerg.
(edited by kharza.3974)
We wanted Arborstone most in Tier 1 and they are coming down. Probably have to give it another week now then. Should be a good week though none the less looking forward to it.
Red Guard
it’s fun…all here to say that will be a great fight BT vs Deso but this really will not happen.
these servers are in T1 (or will be) thanks to americans and russian that have few or no hours in primetime to share, so russian will bash door like american, i don’t think these will be ‘so amazing’ match.
and a bunch of bandwagon guilds from eu will show a totally unorganized fight in primetime due to queue and the low level of most of them. probably owned by french server during primetime.
I think i will follow T2 next week, and fight in T3.
The primetime fight should be fierce with the Disorder League on blacktide to back up the already good blacktide primetime.
I heard that even more amount of guilds bailed from Far Shiverpeaks to Desolation, dunno which ones but they shouldnt be better than DL.
Although the off-time hours should be very boring since Ruin will bash reinforced door from 1AM to 6AM and Xaoc will bash the same doors from 6AM to 8AM and probably carry that lead the rest of the day.
I dunno what night hour Vizunah pretend to contest, but i’m pretty sure that they will be last unless mass incoming transfer from other FR servers to help them out.
And I actually think blacktide could win this first T1 week if they pull the extra effort to stay 1, 2h more into the night so that they can stall and damage control until xaoc CTA’s.
They both have the awesome coverage, but russians sleep last (edit: well this is misconcept since they are the first ones to go to bed :p) and I predict Blacktide victory.
Here, called it first, now deal with the pressure boys. :p
(edited by murtas.2417)
I just heard of one guild transferring to Desolation (AOD), not sure if any else followed, might be. GF + Nug went to Blacktide atleast.
As of right now we are above AS in the rankings according to http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#EU
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
Yea, looks like we are against you next week Hope its gonna be good like our last match with you guys.
Congratulations to everyone on Blacktide for reaching T1. When we last matched up in T3 I new it was only a matter of time before you guys would be in T1 with us. I’ve been looking forward to a rematch since because of your never give up never complain attitude. We have a something in common (non-international servers despise us) that makes us brothers outside of the battlefield. The mutual respect we have for each other you can’t find between any other servers. Our battle this week will be epic (I’m sure VS will play their best also). We both have time-zone weaknesses that goes against the other’s strengths. There’s going to be extreme pressure placed on both sides that we’re not use to that’s going to make this a fun match. I predict that all 3 servers will keep it close over the weekend but we will both separate ourselves from VS after that. The server that wins is going to be the one that wants it more. We think we want it more but I’m sure you do also. You guys have increased the fun factor in T1. Good luck this week and in weeks to come (I have a feeling we’ll be fighting for a long time).
Desolation we salute you!We will have some great battles coming up.. your my personal favorite enemy server to fight against.. Looking forward to this weekend!!
We shall bottle your tears..
Congratulations to everyone on Blacktide for reaching T1. When we last matched up in T3 I new it was only a matter of time before you guys would be in T1 with us. I’ve been looking forward to a rematch since because of your never give up never complain attitude. We have a something in common (non-international servers despise us) that makes us brothers outside of the battlefield. The mutual respect we have for each other you can’t find between any other servers…
…brought tears to my eyes – tears of laughter, that is.
Thanx, guys, threads like this one are priceless:)
edited – thanx to Ins ^^
Asura Thief
Elona Reach
(edited by Aysnvaust.7046)
…brought tears to my eyes – tears of laughter, that is.
Thanx, guys, threats like this one are priceless:)
How is that a threat? It’s a compliment lol
Looking forward to fighting you Deso it’s been awhile. Gonna be some fun fights ahead
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!