Blob vs Blob mentality

Blob vs Blob mentality

in WvW

Posted by: Skewed Reality.9056

Skewed Reality.9056

I used to really enjoy wvw but am starting to really hate it. Almost everyone has transferred to higher population servers in order to do anything because it has become nothing but a K train reigns supreme, ie blob vs blob mentality. This to me is nothing but the same champ farming idea that happened in queensdale for pve. Fact of the matter is if you dont have 30 plus players at any given time, good luck doing anything. People are openly cheating with hacks and creating fake accounts in order to track movement as well. This is quickly becoming discouraging to anyone who wants to have even a remotely fair fight; and who would blame them? Capturing things mean nothing because they are quickly lost, servers with high players recruit night and day teams in order to do K trains at all hours of the day. If this is what you see wvw as why not create bigger maps and organize all servers into weekly 3vs3 battles between all? The population problem is conveyed across all servers and everyone is aware of this so what can we do to fix the problem?

Blob vs Blob mentality

in WvW

Posted by: zengara.8301


I used to really enjoy wvw but am starting to really hate it. Almost everyone has transferred to higher population servers in order to do anything because it has become nothing but a K train reigns supreme, ie blob vs blob mentality. This to me is nothing but the same champ farming idea that happened in queensdale for pve. Fact of the matter is if you dont have 30 plus players at any given time, good luck doing anything. People are openly cheating with hacks and creating fake accounts in order to track movement as well. This is quickly becoming discouraging to anyone who wants to have even a remotely fair fight; and who would blame them? Capturing things mean nothing because they are quickly lost, servers with high players recruit night and day teams in order to do K trains at all hours of the day. If this is what you see wvw as why not create bigger maps and organize all servers into weekly 3vs3 battles between all? The population problem is conveyed across all servers and everyone is aware of this so what can we do to fix the problem?

First of all, your idea behind a “k train” is simply wrong, many times have people won a 40 vs 60 man zerg, just need good players and an amaizing commander, in higer tiers, they also teach people everything, from common stuff like where each profession should be in a fight since meele train will try to take down backline, and like ele without staff, should rethink to switch to staff, and one of the most common stuff and always spammed in mapchat so even new players get how important it is “teamspeak”, to a bit more complicated, like which siege should/can hit what kinda of wall/players. and also how to place sieges, like on what ground should a siege be placed since it would be a waste if you could place a siege that cant be hit and can hit like 5 different spots, but instead just place a siege that got insta killed (something like that, just with more people in a somewhat big WvW guild).

Sorry for long post, but just seems like you dont really know what is involved in what you call a “K train” calling a group of players/blob a K train is simply wrong, unless if they truly cannot fight at all, but only there because all they can do is hit gates/walls, then yeah.

On the second part of the post, you are right, they need to change the game so it is more about the fight than numbers at night, there are multiple posts about this issue, some request point based on numbers/time, this way everyone feels involved, problem is, even though EU got a small difference in night/day time, NA got a big one, around 7 hours I believe? Others have points per kill gets worth a lot more, this means that the servers have to focus on fights a lot more, the servers who win 1 every 10 fights, but still win at night time capping, would have to step up game in commander choosing…..

All in all, they really have to change the “Who can cap most at night time win the week” mentality, it really ruins the idea of WvW, from high tier to low tier WvW servers, also of course makes it less worth it to actually win, since it is not for the right cause.
All just from my perspective, rather subjective post and really comes down to which server you are on.

Blob vs Blob mentality

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


To the OP. I got there two years ago, then decided to move to EU.

Completely different atmosphere. Was a good move for me.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Blob vs Blob mentality

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


uh, its not a ktrain of 2 blobs are fighting over stuff, that’s called wvw

Blob vs Blob mentality

in WvW

Posted by: Skewed Reality.9056

Skewed Reality.9056

I’m on ET where we are lucky to have 10 plus people on at any given time, as for commanders most have left to other servers so its not a blob of 25 or 30 against….well 5. If you can tell me how to win that because im doing it wrong, im all ears. From what i understand speaking with other guilds that have moved into higher Tiers, it’s the same issue except with high numbers in the ratio. However… that is still the same issue. So it leads to a ‘K train’ or whatever you want to call it of one team literally sweeping each map killing and capping all objectives until others kinda get them back and doing it again. Never upgrading anything because they don’t have to.

Blob vs Blob mentality

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


Well to be honest, you’re on ET, which is arguably in the poorest shape of all the low tier servers.

Whispers with meat.

Blob vs Blob mentality

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


ktrain is when 2 or 3 groups just ignore each other and cap objectives in a circle for champ bags and wxp, like in eotm

this is just population imbalance whine thread #101348

Blob vs Blob mentality

in WvW

Posted by: Menaki.6329


I don’t understand why people complain about blob vs blob, that why I love wvw, big scale fights. Really, I like these fights, the make fun even when I died through bad positioning. A good and experienced commander with a few of his guildies around him, can reach a lot. The problem is that many players (aka fairweathers) give up too early and/or don’t listen to the commander or give him a chance to improve his commandstyle or reverse his tactic.

[KILL] – Jade Quarry

Blob vs Blob mentality

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Maybe they just don’t wanna use commander lame tactic like spam 111 and run same direction.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Blob vs Blob mentality

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


ktrain is when 2 or 3 groups just ignore each other and cap objectives in a circle for champ bags and wxp, like in eotm

this is just population imbalance whine thread #101348

Yeah. People need to really get their facts straight.

K-train = organized map where zergs/blobs rotate the map, sometimes in peace, for champ bags/loot. Aka: EOTM.

Blob vs Blob mentality

in WvW

Posted by: Depraved Ambience.7942

Depraved Ambience.7942

You guys are being anal about the use of the term ‘ktrain’ and completely missing the point of the original post. This is what WvW is often like for ET these days, and it’s just not fun. It’s not fun because there is no current way to address the complete imbalance in WvW, so it’s literally nothing more than ‘bigger population = winning’. There is no strategy necessary, no skill – just throw bodies at it until you win. Being steamrolled, even if they other two servers are fighting each other, is disheartening and ruins the fun of what should and could be a great game mode. As it stands now, unless you are lucky enough to be on or pay to transfer to a 24/7 blobbing server, WvW is frustrating as all hell.


Blob vs Blob mentality

in WvW

Posted by: Kaiser.9873


Then move off of ET. If ET isn’t fun anymore the only thing keeping you there is you.

No one is moving to ET, and apparently many are moving off of ET. This happens all the time to servers. Server pride is one thing, but sacrificing your fun when all the other people are leaving is not smart.

Anet can do nothing about people leaving servers of their own will, and Anet cannot make anyone move to a server that is on life support.

I really don’t understand people from lower tiers spouting off about things they do not know. Higher tiers are anything but a KTrain. KTrains don’t bother to upgrade, KTrains do not bother to siege up anything, KTrains don’t bother to fight over structures, and KTrains tend to avoid combat.

There are tons of battles big and small in the higher tiers. They happen constantly. Hard to go from point A to point B without fighting in some way, shape, or form. The battles aren’t always “blobfights”, nor are the battles always determined by the larger force. There are roamers constantly looking to pick off stragglers, there are havoc groups constantly flipping camps/towers, and there are larger forces attacking keeps, defending keeps, and fighting in open field. This is what WvW was meant to be.

Blob vs Blob mentality

in WvW

Posted by: Depraved Ambience.7942

Depraved Ambience.7942

Again, you missed the point. A person should not have to transfer to enjoy one of the game modes. It should be available to every single player in every single server. It would be better if the WvW were more balanced in some way. I’m not advocating that WvW becomes as ideally balanced as PvP, for example, but “The answer is to transfer” is not addressing the fundamental problem.

Blob vs Blob mentality

in WvW

Posted by: Kaiser.9873


Again, you missed the point. A person should not have to transfer to enjoy one of the game modes. It should be available to every single player in every single server. It would be better if the WvW were more balanced in some way. I’m not advocating that WvW becomes as ideally balanced as PvP, for example, but “The answer is to transfer” is not addressing the fundamental problem.

You missed my point. Anet CANNOT make ET have the same WvW experience as other, higher tier, servers. Making it more “balanced” for lower tiers would ruin it for higher tiers, since every single suggestion that I hear from lower tier players to “balance” WvW seems to revolve around some kind of alliance system or a megaserver system ala EotM. Each of these would render WvW play a joke. An alliance system would make matches even more skewed as guilds would jockey to be on the winner, and EotM is NOT real WvW.

Server merges would eliminate the unbalanced matches, at least temporarily, but the most vocal from the lower tiers are adamantly opposed to server merges.

I started on CD, which has had 4 or 5 major falls over the years, and after the second I, and my old guild left CD for higher tiers. T1 wasn’t the answer for me, but T2 fits what I want from WvW. Buy the gems or farm the gold to get out of there, and rediscover what WvW is really supposed to be would be my suggestion.

If you aren’t getting what you want out of WvW on ET then you have three choices.
1. Leave ET.
2. Reassess what you want from the game.
3. Quit the game.

Blob vs Blob mentality

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


After reading the original post, is it me or is the OP’s name too befitting?

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.