Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Roamers paradise you say? With the constant buff on our server it would turn into something else for you :/

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: mini.6018


Gvg is the only form of deathmatch in this game along with duels.You say gvg on a cap mode like in spvp.I give you a tip, spvp failed becausec of cap mechanics and bunkering to cap.People want to kill other players period not to bunker in a kitten circle.

Bloodlust is only in favour of the zergiest server and zergiest server always wins.

You need all the people you can get to counter the Visunah (just an example sry) 100 man blob? Tough luck, you just gave them bloodlust for free.

You want to cap bloodlust to have a chance to resist against the megablob? Tough luck again, You just lost too many people running arround the map trying to cap it and the blob makes even more ppt.

Bad ideea is bad, not in itself standalone but because the bad mechanics of wvwShould have been magic find for example, or reward a chest of loot every 10 minutes for whoever holds it.Idk ,im just shooting it out like that.

(edited by mini.6018)

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: Sol.4310



You see people, this is the reason why I despise roamers. They think commanders/GvG leaders doesn’t require skill to command and lead. You have already formed your opinions about “no/little/some skill required on GvG commanders” and expect no flaming to be thrown at you?

Tell us kittencrap about you come from gw1 GvG doesn’t give you the right to claim anything or otherwise, simply because top tiered fights in GvG require precise coordination and builds. If you have never even participated in the top tiers of GvG, please refrain from even commenting about them.

The next amount of kittencrap is how “commanders” should communicate with roamers.

1) The kitten orb system is a broken piece of junk. In the first place the population coverage is already not balanced. Think this as chess pieces, each side has the full set, but coverage = missing either a queen/rook on someone’s side.

Then you add in +150 stats. That’s like giving you 3 extra pawns. Holy crap, is this your idea of balance? Even adding any form of stats is broken.

2) Roamers =/= Havoc groups. When you say roamers, I see plenty of kitten buggers running around killing upleveled/terrible 80 players. Then does nothing about capping camps or slow them zergs but spam /laugh command. And it’s not just 1. Are we supposed to reward these roamers who waste their time doing nothing except wasting some people’s time?

3) “making sure your Zerg/PvE train can take them Keep’s/Tower’s.” I see you come from a lower tiered server. It’s quite obvious when you wrote “PvE train”. This is not even remotely good for the servers. Rather than getting more players to play WvW, it has now fallen into a useless PvE train farm, isn’t that right?

4) You do nothing remotely constructive in WvW. Ever seen commanders typing “Stack on pin.”, and you’re off doing some crap like hitting stragglers? Trying to get people to “cap points” is like trying to fit a key inside the needle’s eye. Good luck to commanders to “communicate”.

PS: In my mind, there are certain terrible words describing you.

Do you know me? seems you know me well?

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: Sol.4310


Gvg is the only form of deathmatch in this game along with duels.You say gvg on a cap mode like in spvp.I give you a tip, spvp failed becausec of cap mechanics and bunkering to cap.People want to kill other players period not to bunker in a kitten circle.

Bloodlust is only in favour of the zergiest server and zergiest server always wins.

You need all the people you can get to counter the Visunah (just an example sry) 100 man blob? Tough luck, you just gave them bloodlust.

You want to cap bloodlust to have a chance to resist against the megablob? Tough luck again, You just lost too many people running arround the map trying to cap it.

Your understanding of SPvP seems to be very basic, you shouldn’t comment on something you have no idea what your talking about. Maybe you should watch the 24/7 SPVPGW2 twitch channel and learn more about SPvP.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: mini.6018


Gvg is the only form of deathmatch in this game along with duels.You say gvg on a cap mode like in spvp.I give you a tip, spvp failed becausec of cap mechanics and bunkering to cap.People want to kill other players period not to bunker in a kitten circle.

Bloodlust is only in favour of the zergiest server and zergiest server always wins.

You need all the people you can get to counter the Visunah (just an example sry) 100 man blob? Tough luck, you just gave them bloodlust.

You want to cap bloodlust to have a chance to resist against the megablob? Tough luck again, You just lost too many people running arround the map trying to cap it.

Your understanding of SPvP seems to be very basic, you shouldn’t comment on something you have no idea what your talking about. Maybe you should watch the 24/7 SPVPGW2 twitch channel and learn more about SPvP.

Is the apple an orange? GvG is deathmatch hence:
Your understanding of GvG seems to be very basic, you shouldn’t comment on something you have no idea what your talking about. Maybe you should watch some GvG twitch channel and learn more about GvG.
Kthx have a good day.

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


All I’ve done in wvw ever was roaming, either solo or in a small group.

This patch is amazingly fun for me. The ruins are awesome places to fight at, very well designed, filled with little tricks, no stupid walls or gates players can hide behind with 30 arrowcarts, they make escaping zergs (and frustrating them with decaps) very easy.

People are giving way too much importance to the stat buff and ppt. Me? I just care for some good fights and there’s plenty to be had now.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: Sol.4310


All I’ve done in wvw ever was roaming, either solo or in a small group.

This patch is amazingly fun for me. The ruins are awesome places to fight at, very well designed, filled with little tricks, no stupid walls or gates players can hide behind with 30 arrowcarts, they make escaping zergs (and frustrating them with decaps) very easy.

People are giving way too much importance to the stat buff and ppt. Me? I just care for some good fights and there’s plenty to be had now.

Sure is allot of fun, there is plenty more action now its great, roamer’s now know where to go to find the action.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: Sol.4310


Gvg is the only form of deathmatch in this game along with duels.You say gvg on a cap mode like in spvp.I give you a tip, spvp failed becausec of cap mechanics and bunkering to cap.People want to kill other players period not to bunker in a kitten circle.

Bloodlust is only in favour of the zergiest server and zergiest server always wins.

You need all the people you can get to counter the Visunah (just an example sry) 100 man blob? Tough luck, you just gave them bloodlust.

You want to cap bloodlust to have a chance to resist against the megablob? Tough luck again, You just lost too many people running arround the map trying to cap it.

Your understanding of SPvP seems to be very basic, you shouldn’t comment on something you have no idea what your talking about. Maybe you should watch the 24/7 SPVPGW2 twitch channel and learn more about SPvP.

Is the apple an orange? GvG is deathmatch hence:
Your understanding of GvG seems to be very basic, you shouldn’t comment on something you have no idea what your talking about. Maybe you should watch some GvG twitch channel and learn more about GvG.
Kthx have a good day.

Maybe you should do your research on who your talking to before you make yourself look stupid. I did check your twitch channel btw your very good at pressing 11 and never targeting and swinging freely into the air. So much skill its mind blowing how does one learn these advanced GvG tactics.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: mini.6018


Maybe you should do your research on who your talking to before you make yourself look stupid. I did check your twitch channel btw your very good at pressing 11 and never targeting and swinging freely into the air. So much skill its mind blowing how does one learn these advanced GvG tactics.

Some spvp deadgamemode fanboy? Can i have your autograph please? I could sell it for a ton of “nobody gives a siamese kitten”.

(edited by mini.6018)

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: Bandog.4310


Roamer’s will take up holding bloodlust, a zerg comes throw caps all the points and moves on to take there PvDoor, within few min’s the roamers will de-cap and take back the bloodlust buff’s or decap at least. This will promote small teams, effective PvP team’s who find zerging boring.

Nice, but in reality after zerg leaves, you will find noone on the point to fight, so no PvP, just boring capping and without a personal reward.

GvG Team’s now can do something that requires skill, try holding the bloodlust with your 20 man team vs other 20 man teams with pug’s and roamers hitting you from all side’s, this will require more skill and tactics. Rather then zerg balling in 20 man group where you have no idea what the hell is going on.

I’d love to see videos of the top GvG 20 Man Team’s using tactics and skill holding bloodlust.

Good GvG teams will eat PUG and roamers for breakfast, and that is because they use skill and tactics. There is no challenge in this.

GvG Team’s Take a look at this video, I’m not going to hate on you guy’s as I know Bloodlust will effect your idea of GvG. But this isn’t what I would call GvG. I won’t get into detail but by watching that video I’m sure you have no idea what hell is going on from viewers point of view, you can’t see anything bar massive spam of skills and zerg ball. Sure build’s come into play here, but it’s same for everything you need right build for anything.

This is where you are very wrong. In better GvG guilds every class has a specific role, varied by build, key skills are timed and called, you try to pick weak targets, res your people, heavy melee follows a commander, but medium/light/range classes fight individually on a periphery and assist melee and each other, and so much more…

Maybe have a look at a video with a commentary – it should open your eyes a bit to what’s involved –

No QQ or Flaming Please, I’m just trying to point out the positive side to this update.*

Sorry dude, you’re making some good points, but overall you have no experience with organized guild fights, neither GvG nor open field fights, and you’re just making assumptions based on how zerging works. Perhaps this is also how developers think, which is the key problem.

Please tell us which server you are from and which guild you are in, maybe it will clarify your point of view a bit. Have you at least ever been on comms with your guildmates (hint: teamspeak, mumble, ventrilo)?

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: Sol.8341


Sol 8341 > Sol 4310 .

I have more achievement points ! almost 9000.

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: Shiren.9532


To be clear, the Roamer’s paradise is the new capture locations and mechanism, not the buff that’s given as a reward.

The buff itself hurts the majority of roamers in unbalanced match-ups (which is most of them).

Would people care about capping the capture points if it weren’t for the buff?

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: nothing.7941


Regards to GvG, I don’t believe that 20 vs 20 requires much skill in term’s clutch plays, skilled reses, player’s calling targets and calling clutch spikes. You will never see top tier game play in such big fight’s. I do understand it require some level of skill, builds being key factor but outside of that, all you see in that video is group following there leader (Targeted) around in a ball dropping combo fields and spamming skills at random targets which is basic game play. Where is the advanced PvP game play in that video???? 10 vs 10 would be ideal, at least then it require allot more tactics and skill.

Wrong, you’re clueless and obviously have never participated in one single gvg, so I find your opinion on the required skill worthless, especially being based on a single video. The point is gvg requires an even playing field which the buff destroys. Do you really not get that?

Martin Firestorm, Borlis Pass
Gaile Gray wrote:
Oh wait, read Martin Firestorm, he says it better…

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


as a roamer: love the map changes, hate bloodlust.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: UrMom.4205


If they would just freakin remove the stat buff and replace it for something else. Jesus christ is it that hard to listen to the kitten community. FAK…..ok i’m done

Team Raven [TR](Dead)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


No QQ or Flaming Please

Go Troll elsewhere. The first thing you do in your post is claim GvG doesn’t require tactics and skill. Obviously that’s wrong. If my guild did a GvG with the same classes and traits as Red Guard I’m positive we would get rolled because we aren’t near their level of skill.

Ignoring organized GvG for a second and focus on just WvWvW guilds. We want to play WvWvW together in a group with our guild. We don’t want to split up, big epic fights is the whole point of WvWvW. We don’t want to play on a different map. When we come upon a fight we want them to be fair.

Just tonight my guild group came upon a great guild that we really respect. We would never turn down a chance to fight them and likely lose. But instead we see that that have +150 stats currently. That killed our enthusiasm to fight them and basically ruined our raid night.

If you shirk from a fight due to a disadvantage i’d call you strategic but would also feel that you don’t really enjoy challenging yourself or your guild.

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


Just because you don’t understand what’s going on in a GvG doesn’t mean there is no skill required.

Honestly, as someone who roams, does sPvP, raids, and does GvGs, GvGs require far more attention and skill than anything else in the game.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma –

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: Wamgor.9347


I would like to say thanks to ANET for the map change, well the effort into using that wasted space before, whilst keeping the jumping off garrison into water, just opening up more places to attack objectives from with this new space and better defended positions. Not sold on the bloodlust buff personally because it spoilt GvG’s and it will also hinder underdog servers when they are already hindered enough… your putting back in something which you removed without even changing it… ORBS/bloodlust you have your priorities mixed up on the buffs…

Outmanned should buff combat performance if anything… and people would fight over WXP/Karma/Gold/XP buffs especially if you gave slight reward for taking those points. I want to beat bigger numbers through teamwork not because I have a gear or “orb” unfair advantage over them… its demoralizing for quite a few players from smaller servers coming against bigger ones, I know their mentality they will quit WvW, there will be less fights and que all the semi justified whine posts on the forums.

On the one hand you did a positive change with the map, its a great design and suits multiple styles of play. But on the other hand you reintroduced something that not only alienated the entire gvg guilds (who make a big chunk of organised wvw) I know you don’t really care about them, but also most the wvw population too because of the ignorance and contempt you have for us. Buffing dominant server(in combat performance) makes unbalanced match up’s more unbalanced… (reward them in other ways)

With the leagues coming up FSP vs WSR vs Vabbi… FSP +150 Stats on each player, already outnumber the opposition… why can’t you see how kitten that is for ALL the players involved as it spoils their wvw experience… Competitive match up’s are the most fun, no need to buff dominant server leading to a exodus of WvW.

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: AydenStar.4216


The changes to WvW are a roamer’s paradise and it should be.

I am a WvW zerger who loves open field fights but I can’t stomach this GvG 20vs20 deathmatch culture. There are no profession or build disparities. Its one cookie cutter comp vs the similar cookie cutter comp zerging around picking of stragglers most of the time. I really think 5v5 deathmatches would be better to watch and would involve more group composition. I would like in the near future to be a place where two large guilds can shoot the fair one but I would like at that time for there to be more build and profession diversity.

Bloodlust - Roamers Paradise (Thanks Anet)

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


I gained 40 points for my server lastnight, by my self.

Crazy Leg