BoH or new currency?

BoH or new currency?

in WvW

Posted by: Helcor.9527



Will you be able to use Badges of Honor to pay for the new armor and whatever else this patch brings or will there be a new currency?

BoH or new currency?

in WvW

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


I don’t think this patch will include armor

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

BoH or new currency?

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


I would think the best possible way to deal with this is release a new currency that doesn’t drop as often but make it so you can trade your badges of honor in for the new currency at a 10:1 rate or whatever A-net decides the drop rate to be. This will make it so the people playing WvW this whole time could actually use the thousands of badges they saved.

BoH or new currency?

in WvW

Posted by: Helcor.9527


I would think the best possible way to deal with this is release a new currency that doesn’t drop as often but make it so you can trade your badges of honor in for the new currency at a 10:1 rate or whatever A-net decides the drop rate to be. This will make it so the people playing WvW this whole time could actually use the thousands of badges they saved.

That would be good. I wasnt sure if there was any word on how this is going to happen when it does come out.

BoH or new currency?

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


I would think the best possible way to deal with this is release a new currency that doesn’t drop as often but make it so you can trade your badges of honor in for the new currency at a 10:1 rate or whatever A-net decides the drop rate to be. This will make it so the people playing WvW this whole time could actually use the thousands of badges they saved.

That would be good. I wasnt sure if there was any word on how this is going to happen when it does come out.

No word yet. I would assume they wouldn’t just make BoH’s useless. That would anger a lot of people.

BoH or new currency?

in WvW

Posted by: Conner.4702


A new currency would be bad, but I fear that’s what will happen. Let’s just look at what is already in game

Guild Commendations
Ascalonian Tears
Seals of Beetletun
Deadly Blooms
Manifestos of the Moletariate
Flame Legion Charr Carvings
Symbols of Koda
Knowledge Crystals
Shards of Zhaitan
Fractal Relics
Pristine Fractal Relics
Badges of Honor

If you you want to throw in the guild ones as well

This list need to be made 50% smaller in my opinion. Not add more to it.

BoH or new currency?

in WvW

Posted by: Mada.5319


Either they introduce a new currency or remove badges from the JP with the update. I don’t want all the spots in a map being taken by a horde of pvers trying to farm the jp just for badges to get the new gear.

BoH or new currency?

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


they should combine all dungeon tokens into one single currency….

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

BoH or new currency?

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.9018


A new currency would be bad, but I fear that’s what will happen. Let’s just look at what is already in game

Guild Commendations
Ascalonian Tears
Seals of Beetletun
Deadly Blooms
Manifestos of the Moletariate
Flame Legion Charr Carvings
Symbols of Koda
Knowledge Crystals
Shards of Zhaitan
Fractal Relics
Pristine Fractal Relics
Badges of Honor

If you you want to throw in the guild ones as well

This list need to be made 50% smaller in my opinion. Not add more to it.

Many currencies = good. More things tied to single currency is bad, as it causes inflation and devaluates cheaper goods. Just look at Gold – people might as well just trade in Powerful Blood/Ectoplasm as real currency, since they have actual value.

Different currencies are for different things/goals – they should not be mixed. I`d prefer badges being used only for Gift of Battle and siege blueprints, while wvw armors/weapons have separate currency. – Seafarers Rest Server community website

BoH or new currency?

in WvW

Posted by: Eliyahu.1467


BoH or new currency?

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.9018


They are not “worthless” since those currencies exist for specific purpose and always have established value for those items/purpose. Its not “traded” currency like gold, it has fixed value. If they are worthless for you, you dont have to earn them – since most of them are earned via specific activities, allowing players to work toward different goals with different ways and play styles.

Confusing? Yes. But you don’t need ALL currencies, you select what items you want/what play style to achieve them – and work toward them. Pretty straightforward and rewards whatever you prefer to do – Fractals, Dungeons, Guild Missions, WvW etc. – Seafarers Rest Server community website

BoH or new currency?

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.9018


Karma is a second “general” currency – its used for hell lot of things and its anything than useless. Because its used for so many purposes, adding more and more stuff to be bought with karma is inadequate – instead new currencies are added.

You woudnt go to dungeon to earn “useless” tokens. You went maybe for other purpose and got tokens as a bonus. If you dont care about achievements, appearance of the gear etc. you might ignore them. (than again, instead of grinding dungeons if you were only interested in other aspect of the game, you could do it). I dont see a problem. Their purpose is not to be trader – but for specific things: for example like buying Dungeon armor sets.

Problem with using unifying currency for many purposes is – prices on different things will be different, and ways of attaining that currency will be different in effectivity as well. If you play WvW and want WvW armor that cost say karma or gold, you might find that some other activity provides lot more karma/gold than WvW. If you want ascended gear that cost karma – you might find you also want 10 other things that cost karma and your total need in currency raised 2-5x times. Point is so that people could buy things they want, tied to activities they like, by doing those activities. If there were 2 flat currencies like in beginning – gold and karma, for example fighting in WvW would be not optimal way of obtaining WvW gear. If dungeon armor costed gold – crafting and AH trading could be better way of attaining it instead of doing dungeons. If Ascended gear costed karma, one could spend whole days doing dynamic events instead of doing fractals. Differing currencies prevent fluctuation of values relatively to other goods (i.e. something costing 10 tokens is cheap, but not when you need 500 tokens on item from other category that uses same tokens, in this case where every token counts it would be waste), and rewards specific activities with tied rewards.

For items all people might need, regardless of specific activity type – theres already multiple ways of attaining them – for example for fractales, for laurels (and soon likely in WvW Ascended gear for badges) – Seafarers Rest Server community website