Bonuses for being loyal to your server

Bonuses for being loyal to your server

in WvW

Posted by: Lionhearted.7169


Why not have a bonus system for being loyal to your server
1month = 500 karma, gold + buff bonus per month
3month = 2000 karma, gold + buff bonus per month
6month = 3000 karma, gold + buff bonus per month
12month = 5000 karma, gold + buff bonus per month

buffs could be anything, tho only obtainable through loyalty.
eg. 6months may give you a 5% damage bonus in WvW
12month may give you a 10% damage bonus

Surely some kind of a loyalty bonus system would give people more incentive to stay.

Bonuses for being loyal to your server

in WvW

Posted by: katanah.8431


^this^ I think this is a great idea! I started on TC since day 1, most of my guildees are the same way but, I have seen the impact in WvW playing against servers that rolled us in the past then play against them again and cant seem to find anyone at any time. I can only guess this is due to transfer offs. Id like to see some stability in WvW, I understand players want to move so they can play w friends and a couple transfers wouldnt cause impacts like we have its the whole guild transfers that do it. If they had something to gain by staying I dont think the issue would be so bad. Totally agree with this suggestion!!

Bonuses for being loyal to your server

in WvW

Posted by: Brome.7036


Just have realm points loke DaoC

Bonuses for being loyal to your server

in WvW

Posted by: Taemek.1602


The loyalty systems generally only work is thier is progression within ones character wether it be via itemization or statistical progression like levels or skills etc.

GW2 at end game has no progressions except a means of control your enemy via owning everything in WvW. So the loyalty rewards would have to be based around that as I said in a previous post to you Lion, what happens to people who start the game on a Guest pass or just fresh to the game? Theives are already putting out crazy damage as it is, 35k burst damage for example. In 12 months time with a 10% bonus, crazy……

The loyalty rewards would have to be unfortuntaley, only fluff. Which competetive players who play only for PvP simply do not care about. PvE players on the other hand would be all over it.

Maybe have Gems as a reward, 12 months on 1 server = 800 gems or whatever and some fluff items like boosters, repair canisters, rare dyes etc.

Bonuses for being loyal to your server

in WvW

Posted by: Taemek.1602


Also, I can’t seem to edit my last post, but as I pointed out in the other thread, Loyalty based bonuses only work with subscription based games. I could buy this game, play for 1 day, then quit for 1 year, come back and have all the bonuses that other guy has who actually put the time in to play for the whole year.

It just simply wouldn’t be fair and again is the reason why, if any rewards go forward, they would have to only be fluff and thats unfortunately, not enough to get people to stay.

Bonuses for being loyal to your server

in WvW

Posted by: Ghedoriah.4290


Have them available at those points, but only tradeable for badges then. e.g. to claim your reward after the first month, you need to trade 25 badges for the chest and obviously have more badges required per increment.

Means folks will have had to have actually played to claim them, whilst still giving them a reward for their time.

Sea of Sorrows

Bonuses for being loyal to your server

in WvW

Posted by: mulch.2586


Isn’t there something like this in game already, that when you transfer you don’t get the WvW buff bonuses for awhile?

Bonuses for being loyal to your server

in WvW

Posted by: Ghedoriah.4290


Maybe, but to be honest, I don’t think most people notice whether or not the buffs are working anyway.

Sea of Sorrows