Boring WvW

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


I’ve got more karma than I know what to do with

Forge rare’s.

WvW definitely needs help. Especially with rewards (gear or titles/ranks).


(edited by Nikkle.4013)

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Alsonia.4753


MY problem is that since the removal of Orbs; the purpose of BLs have been nullified and now nobody plays in a Borderland other than their home for defense; and everyone just clogs into EBG.

Without a reason to play BLs why should we even try to waste our time in them?

Gloria Taril | Guardian of [ICoa]
Repping Beastgate since day 1.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: jerrak.3148


Fix WvW. It’s dying.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Car.3805


With dwindling populations entering into WvW maps, I get more and more annoyed each time I see “is there a mesmer portal in JP?” And who can blame them? It certainly is more rewarding badge-wise to do the jumping puzzle than to actually play WvW. I have around 3k kills and nothing to show except maybe 200 badges. I certainly get more badges spending 10 minutes in the puzzle than I usually get spending an hour in normal play.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


I love WvW, i only play WvW, with if i dont need gold not 5 minutes in PvE.

I have lots of fun with WvW even now, Im ON desolation in IRON, we are currently trying to fight and doing a great job with what we have.

I dont need a reward, being a support guardian i dont get 4 bags after 5 hours but i dont mind that much.

What i want is more, i want more WvW, just talk about the features, just ask us what we want, IRON is 100% WvW with 200 members, and these rewards things we get for points is nothing we care of.

Just fix guild and as other people have said here, tho i just heard of the release of the new Darkfall, i might just go there as its much more what i want and is what i hoped to get here but didnt…

[IRON] Gaming

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


With dwindling populations entering into WvW maps, I get more and more annoyed each time I see “is there a mesmer portal in JP?” And who can blame them? It certainly is more rewarding badge-wise to do the jumping puzzle than to actually play WvW. I have around 3k kills and nothing to show except maybe 200 badges. I certainly get more badges spending 10 minutes in the puzzle than I usually get spending an hour in normal play.

Why do people get mad at mesmer porting jp’s. People spend less time failing at a puzzle and get siege prints at the end. Means they will be back to fighting quicker. More people on the field. People should really be mad at the people who run the puzzle poorly and take 25 minutes, especially if there is a que for the map. Takes less then 2 minutes for 10 guildies before logging off to take a portal up and give me 20 prints. Badges are too rare to be a steady source of prints. And my gold drains quickly upgrading hills/bay from 0-fortified wp. Only downside is you have one or two less mesmer’s out in the field.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Cynful.8472


I’m not sure WvW will make it to February. It really needs some serious attention now if there are going to be anything but out manned buffs on at least 3 out of 4 maps even in T1 by the time the update rolls out. The lack of attention and attainable progression is really hurting the population.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: PredatoR.5247


should just add relics, like a former game my crew and I played (aika)

about 20ish relics total
most pve based and few were pvp based
Axe relic: 10% attack vs other servers / 15% tier 2 / 20% tier 3
Shield relic: 10 % tier 1 / 15% tier 2 / 20% tier 3 ( defense against other servers)
Hp relicx2: 10% tier 1 / 15% tier 2 / 20% tier 3 (HP)
Sword relicx2: 10% tier 1 / 13% tier 2 / 15% tier 3 (physical attack bonus)
Rod relicx2: 10% tier 1 / 13% tier 2 / 15% tier 3 (magic attack bonus)
Lance relicx2: 10% tier 1 / 13% tier 2 / 15% tier 3 (skill attack bonus)
key relicx2: 3% t1 / 6% t2 / 9% t3 (drop rate bonus)
coronet relicx2: 10% t1 / 15% t2 / 20% t3 (magic defense)
armor relicx2: 10% t1 / 13% t2 / 15% t3 (physical defense)
blood relic: 5% t1 / 7% t2 / 12% t3 (move speed bonus)
feather relic: 5 / 15 / 30 (accuracy bonus)
mirror relic: 5 / 10 / 15 (crit rate bonus)
water relic: 10% / 20% / 30% (boon duration bonus)
experience relicx6: 10% / 13% / 15% (experience bonus)
Statue relic: 10% / 20% / 30% (cooldown)

So, a lot of those could apply to this game, and each server could have a maximum amount of like 10 cap slots. So, depending on what your WvW leaders thought as important, thats the relics you would have. Obviously the losing server would have the weakest buffs, but they would at least have something. For example using my matchup:
Sea of Sorrows: Axe / Hp / Sword / Rod / Sword / Exp / Exp / Water / statue / key
Stormbluff Isles: Hp / Shield / Rod / Mirror / Feather / Lance / Lance / Blood / Armor / Armor
Jade Quarry: Coronet / Coronet / Key / Exp / Exp/ Exp / Exp

And it would be a constant fight over them, adding a reward that everyone is seeking. That way pve’rs would have a reason to come fight, then go farm when they have what they want. Then be forced to come back once Sbi or JQ takes the good pve buffs.

Jericho The Usurper[Agg] – Aggression

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Llaama.1735


If we need more players in wuvwuv I have a very simple proposal that will require about 30 seconds of coding for our friends at Arena.Net:

  • Loot bags from players killed in WvW have a 33% chance to include a Black Lion Chest key


Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: sachiel.8051


No, having the BL’s the same doesn’t make sense in the fairness department; it makes sense in the “it’s easier to design one map than three” department however. They should have made three different maps and let the #1 in the tier perhaps have the slightly more difficult to defend map. They need to redo the BL maps for some variety. I liked learning all the varied terrain of Mid/Hib/Alb and the change of pace of fighting in different environments.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I notice now that when I get into a map and we have no commander (more common than you think with the SoS server – and we’re T1 atm) what happens to me and my friends is we leave the BL and join one which is more organised.

To me its the communication between groups that is very important, I find the crossed swords icon, contested points icon and commander icon important but I want more.

Do the commanders here feel the need for more tools to communicate with the rest of the players (mainly random non large guild groups)

In you party you can set waypoints, I would like commanders to assign groups waypoints, or have tools to send siege blueprints via pigeon carriers to groups and place an siege icon on their map to show where they should place it. Draw arrows showing what paths they should travel, areas to patrol/scout perhaps.

Sure you can choose to ignore commands but I think a lot won’t or would like feeling they are more than just part of the zerg.

I think the party system could be improved more so people aren’t roaming solo…


-commander UI
-more rewards
-more maps
-more siege.
-guild capes
-unique rewards
-hire elite mobs (set loose a rampaging giant perhaps) like alterac valley summoning the giants
-more traps in keeps

I’m sure there is a lot more that list was just a combination of the ideas from two pages.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Troop.1369


I hope this thread won’t serve as an excuse for when SBI drops in T2.

Black Talons – We make you nervous.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


I am WM-GW2 lead officer, “Jang Gun”.
…My loyalty to ANet is hitting the floor these days.

Hello Jang Gun, Sorry to hear that ^^ … but that is a personal feeling. Only you can change, not anet. I’m certain you are a strong leader for your guild. Takes a lot to post the type of post you crafted. I do not intend to troll it, so let’s get to the beef.

1. A unique reward only for WvW (seems like PvE and sPvP has some, but why not WvW)?

WvW has unique rewards, badge armor and weapons … but they all share the same skin as karma armor from gods. Adding unique skins here would help. Also keep in mind WvW should focus on server rewards, not personal. you can go in and get a chest/monetary reward by doing the jump puzzle. Seems silly to have a JP in a battle zone, for the same reason you are asking for a personal reward.

2. Raid UI (the most basic thing that was supposed to be implemented, this is nonsense)

As in squad UI? Not Raid UI, something to manage, see, and communicate within a squad? I’ll agree to this. Would be more useful for squads and commanders to do something. But please do not ask for a Raid UI and large party UI where you can click on player bars. I would like improvements to the squad functions. Right now they are fairly useless.

3. Motivaction to WvW (something like a buff to all server members – increase drop rate in dungeons?)

You get this already. Seems like your just less informed about WvW. Please do some further reading, you will see what you get and how you get it.

4. Guild cape system (the current GUILD system is total crap, I feel sympathy for it)

There is an emblem system, through the guild armorer. It’s neat, but not great, we all love capes.

5. Implement a temple type mechanism on the center island of each borderlands (simliar to orbs but can be fought over constantly)

The quaggan island, ruined temple is there. Are you asking each to have a mini StoneMist? I like the idea. Also … improve the quaggan power for goodness sakes, give them the same level of power the dredge, hylek and ogres have. Quaggans are way too weak.

6. New MAP (How do we even have 3 out of 4 maps to be exactly the same)

Balance. Server borderlands = the same for the same reason. We all start in our own areas on each map. It’s called balance. How the battles play out is up to the servers. I would like the borderlands to change, or have something to give it a refreshing feel. It’s very stagnant atm, but it’s the same for some equal footing for each server.

7. 20v20 structured PvP (2 towers, 2 supplies, and a center flag)

Not a bad idea, but I’d rather see something that will never happen. GvG – but this was exciting, but this is not GW1, and I have to remind myself that.

8. Give points based on player kills (not just capping objectives)

You get points per kill, they just come in different formats. Player kills are personal, not server wide, thus they fall into your hero’s achievements. Server wide objectives are based on affecting the WvW.

9. Rankings of players and/or guilds for WvW

Would be nice, especially if it’s not based on (tier1 server = top 100 guilds)… some manner that provides guilds from the lower tiers to potentially be able to place #1-10 overall if they deserved it. Options that give a fair shot at lower tier people and guilds. This would also help populations of people even out the servers (this is just a hunch, we’d also server transfers from top to lower occur unless that is accounted for).

Currently in WvW, the most important factor in playing is “Why do I have to WvW?”. This is very important.

You can’t answer that? Firstly, you do not HAVE to do anything. GW2 is not a sub game where you feel the need to do ‘x’ to get ‘y’ (carrot on a stick). You play because you WANT to play. If you are not enjoying an aspect, it may be because the game is not for YOU. Everyone WvW’s because we love it, have fun, and enjoy each others company in doing so.

… But is the reason that they are not providing such is because they lack the skills or they don’t try hard enough or they aren’t motivated themselves? …

last, i will believe ArenaNet.

^^ wow, if you left this line out, I would believe your starting to sound childish. Insinuating the developer has no skills on their own forum? but i will once again give you the benefit of the doubt.

You can always come back when you think the improvements you are asking for are in place. your not tied to this game with a sub bud.

~Xgammon, Darkhaven [RE]

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jabtangs.9251


I hope this thread won’t serve as an excuse for when SBI drops in T2.

0/10 post.

1. T1 roster isn’t likely to change for the next 2 weeks.
2. Who cares about WvW these days anyways?
3. This isn’t a T1 only thread, it applies to every person on every server.

Jophiel Jabtangs – Mesmer
War Machine [WM] | Stormbluff Isle

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Dear Hunter.8365

Dear Hunter.8365

I hate that the colors are based on place in the tier. It is driving me crazy being blue for so long. We were blue for a month straight, 1 week red, then blue again for the past 2-3 weeks. We have been moving up in the tiers we just get unlucky that when we move up we get put in second place.

Dear Hunter The Colorful Charr Guardian
USA (United Sanctum Alliance)
Sanctum of Rall

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


1. Some means to modify it from a numbers game.
2. Overlook not to be able to treb SM, should be from ANZ or Ogre’s
3. Maps, with reset the maps should pull from a pool.
4. Ladder system to view some stats, we all love stats. Need some reason to try to improve
5. Upscaled players = free badges
6. Drop rate of exotics is terrible. Would be nice if this was bumped, hell toss in a precursor once per month per server. Some lucky guy actually makes money.
7. Money … speaking of money … it’s very light in tight battles, you go through as much in siege, repairs, and random trash (yes thats the only thing we get outside of badges and the odd unid’d dye- maybe 1 or 2 yellows every 5-6 hours).

Outside of that, I think I’ve supported what I feel are relevant to server wide benefits. I only wvw because I enjoy playing against players. If I need money though, I have to dungeon and farm in cursed? Makes no sense. How many times does a pve or dungeon player die? (I hope you answer 0 in pve, and maybe 1-2 if your not paying attention in some dungeons). WvW – we die alot, because we fight players, not AI. We repair a lot more than them, WvW feels like a choice between repairing and battling or saving some coin.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sureshot.6725


I’m not bored and still having loads of fun in WvWvW.

I’ve yet to get all the rewards available from Honor Badges.

Winning WvWvW gives the entire server population rewards already.

This game has only been out for a few months and February is only two months away from now. Thus these cries of doom and gloom and desperate pleas for immediate action to save WvWvW just make me laugh.

Now there are some good suggestions in this thread for improving WvWvW I just hope they don’t add any more rewards as there are enough already.

I’m all for new maps, tactical tools and even cosmetic rewards like capes or guild rank boards but item/stat rewards hopefully remain as they are or you can count me out.

The last thing I want to do is feel compelled to chase a carrot to stay competitive in WvWvW. The carrot chase is the main reason I looked for alternatives to WoW and SWTOR and thankfully found GW2.

(edited by Sureshot.6725)

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


There are many things that this game needs to improve. Before jumping to conclusions, I assert that we need to give ANet a chance to actually fix the problems. Some things are coding issues or involve a LOT of content creation in order to give the community something worthy of our set standards. This game is incredible and I love it. I was a huge GW1 fan and I am disappointed that certain things have been left out of GW2 that there were already excellent systems for (see: Guild Halls, GvG, HA, Capes, Ladder Rankings, Individual Ranks). The addition of those things would put this game over the top. They have done right by me in creating a product that we can all get enjoy, it would be even better if they took the good systems they had in GW1 and applied them here. I respect your opinion, General. ANet has kept the community largely in the dark. If they told us what to expect or what they were working on, I think many of our minds would be put at ease. This is a young game. Let it have an opportunity to grow.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ratbastrd.6358


Lots of good ideas in this thread. Didn’t see it mentioned yet, so I will: tower/camp upgrades should not cost gold. Make them cost karma, or add another WvW-centric currency akin to karma (or even make honor badges more accessible and use those). Anyway, /signed for positive changes to WvW.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jabtangs.9251


I’ve yet to get all the rewards available from Honor Badges.

not sure what you mean by you are yet to get all the rewards from badges, when there’s only armor/trinkets to get from them and there are clearly other methods (and faster too) to get the equivalent stuff.

Winning WvWvW gives the entire server population rewards already.

what to you get by winning? pride? pffft.

This game has only been out for a few months and February is only two months away from now. Thus these cries of doom and gloom and desperate pleas for immediate action to save WvWvW just make me laugh.

Yes it has been out for a bit more than 3 months and there hasn’t been a single patch regarding WvW. Orbs were removed which made the whole battle less intense. Each server can just unite their own BL and fortify it and who cares about the other two (well you could if you have enough manpower).

Plus, we are already losing all the WvW players to the FotM or other games like PS2, because THERE IS NO CONTENT. You having fun doesn’t mean everybody else is, and clearly we are losing people because it is not fun for them. What is going to happen in 2 months when ANet does nothing? More people will quit while you will have fun with 1/10 or less people than what it used to be 2 months ago.

Jophiel Jabtangs – Mesmer
War Machine [WM] | Stormbluff Isle

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Lots of good ideas in this thread. Didn’t see it mentioned yet, so I will: tower/camp upgrades should not cost gold. Make them cost karma, or add another WvW-centric currency akin to karma (or even make honor badges more accessible and use those). Anyway, /signed for positive changes to WvW.

Building off of this, I have mentioned before that a guild that has claimed a territory should have the option to use guild influence to upgrade the territory. BoH or Karma would be good as well, but wouldn’t fix it as much as improving the role of a guild in the gametype.

Making more recognition for a guild holding a fortification such as giving the NPCs your guild tag would also help. Notifications that a territory held by your guild is being attacked in such and such map when you are not zoned in would also increase both guild pride, add importance to claiming territories, increase participation, and overall immerse players more in the game.

I also think that you should be able to run supply to a tower and deposit it. Yaks would still drop off more, but I think it would make sense that you could run supply yourself as you would in any actual war. I really think they need to increase the scope and influence of guilds in a game mode that is a war with other servers in a game called Guild Wars. This is especially true since guilds largely make or break a map in WvW.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

(edited by Esoteric.5490)

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: aNTarTis.2561


imo ANET only focus is sPVP, ther developers are kinda fans of League of Legends, and thats all they care/update.

Commander of [XO] Xtreme Online –

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: kanikani.2430


What I would love to see (though this will probably never happen) is each server gets to choose their own BL map out of a list of 20, have it be like a monthly vote system where you get one vote per hour participated in WvW. Then have those BL’s have upgrades purchased by points earned (firestorms, roaming mobs, etc. nothing game breaking just flavor) in the week by the server (reset every week) and voted on by players every 24 hrs. Would be great to give players an immediate sense of contribution/power/server pride.

But in all reality there are 1000’s of ideas in this subforum a lot of which are great, but I am sure most will not get even read by the team involved. Why do game companies run like this? I wish I had this kind of input for my business.

Anyways yeah time is much more important then they realize.

Ishionna (80 Ele)

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283


WvW was just poorly thought out when it was designed. It’s a pseudo-competitive PVP and a poor replacement to open world PVP. The maps are too small, the point system encourages a certain kind of play, and there is no permanence to it. For people that want a PVP server or even a Dark Age of Camelot experience, it just isn’t there.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Yes it has been out for a bit more than 3 months and there hasn’t been a single patch regarding WvW. Orbs were removed which made the whole battle less intense. Each server can just unite their own BL and fortify it and who cares about the other two (well you could if you have enough manpower).

I agree with most of what you said, except about the orbs. Orbs being removed made it more intense in terms of close nit, orbs only provided a target and a way to increase gaps between teams. Now its more a slow tight race, but making up points is basically more challenging / next to impossible based on time left.

But, servers who could grab the orbs early and basically play keep away, grew monumental leads which made the other servers just not jump in. Orbs being removed was a positive change.

But I still would love more fixes to some of the mechanics, as well as maps. The note above about having the server vote on your home borderland of the week, is a fantastic suggestion.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fudge.9527


A lot of good ideas in this thread, hopefully someone at ANet is keeping an eye on this.

I would just like to add that the idea of ‘farming’ a jumping puzzle in WvW is not good game design. I’m fine with a 1-time reward (badges and blueprints) and an achievement for completing it…but not any more than that. Make a new WvW daily achievement that rewards those badges and blueprints instead. It’s just ridiculous that you can be involved in several skirmishes or tower / keep captures, and still get inferior rewards compared to people simply taking a mesmer portal to open a chest or two. Reward players for actually…you know…participating in WvW

And as already mentioned, some other incentives to play would be great; ranks and / or exclusive-looking WvW gear. Right now it’s just a huge gold-sink and the only rewards to reap are PvE boons and a (brief) sense of accomplishment.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Gravity.2691


./Co-Sign. WvWvW needs serious attention and help

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kaizen.1704


To sum up WvW this is how I see it.

I waypoint in, run around, bam die in 2 seconds.

I waypoint again, try to figure “How the hell do you find everybody?”, give up, run around some more, bam die in 2 seconds.

I waypoint again, run around, see 2 red names, all of a sudden 10 red names appear from no where, bam 2 seconds later die.

I waypoint in find a group, find other players bam they die in 2 seconds. Find a smaller group of players, bam they die in 5 seconds.

How is this fun? Nobokitteneps playing if you die and have no chance, Dying where you stood a fighting chance is that is fun.

So you can only have fun in WvW if your in the exact same spot as everybody else in your world. But even then, because you know your skill, and participation means absolutely nothing, only the fact that your there means something, How long will that keep you playing? and how long is that going to be fun?

Its not fun, end of story.

(edited by Kaizen.1704)

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Alathon.8451


/signed, I don’t agree with everything Jang Gun asked for, but I share his concerns and observations about the decline of WvW and <i>perceived</i> lack of attention by ArenaNet.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: jhaybz.5217



the people of Tyria must be heard…

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Pinkus.2860



the people of Tyria must be heard…

Because i’m sure this is the first time these concerns are being raised… >.>

Pinkus – Webmaster

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Reslinal.2359


The game play in WvW is getting stale day by day. Considering people are already getting tired of WvW three months after game launched, I am afraid by the time the WvW stuff roll out in February, it will be too little too late. ANET really needs to act fast and communicate much more with our WvW players, where is our WvW AMA?.

Blackgate Engineer

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: BlahTeeb.3254


Too many posts to go through, but here is one of my ideas.

First off, design more maps. Have at least ten maps to use in WvW. The central battleground can stay the same… however, every week, for that whole week, the entire server can take a poll to vote on which map will represent their server for the next week’s battle.

I can see servers becoming good at defending certain maps and good at attacking other maps. This war, if your server has a good solid operation for a map, you can keep choosing it until an opponent figures out a way to counter. This won’t fix the numerous issues of “motivation” but it will at least add flavor.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Their problem isn’t just limited to WvW it’s global and here’s how.

We were told from the very beginning that this game was supposed to be about choices, if we chose not to do something fine, it wasn’t necessary.

I’m not a PVPer in fact i hate the very notion of it but I do believe wholeheartedly in the idea of people being able to play how they wish to play. From my point of view they should not bleed together pvp and pve at any time. So I disagree solely with his suggestion that server boons from WvW should bonus only the dungeon drops and not the entire world drops. We were told that pvp and pve were supposed to be separate coding entirely via interviews, yet every patch that “balances” pvp directly affects pve damage that never gets fixed until months later and then never returned to their previous figures. (Cond damage is a great example, it was nerfed across the board between multiple professions before many of the professions’ coding was separated and cond damage is still nerfed for many of the professions to this day never returning pve to what it was before pigeonholing people into a single build/spec) They are further requiring pve players to enter pvp with their design with requiring that wvw maps be included in 100% map completion, and it being part of the monthly activities. The only games to truly survive in our time and who are the most successful are those the separated pvp and pve with everything including their patches.

Which brings me to my next point. In other companies including the elephant in the room, they have large teams for pve and a large team for pvp. They both submit their data for testing before releasing the content in a single patch. Almost every PVE patch has an equally large pvp patch. The idea of the games today should be that pve and pvp content should release similtaneously but both would be given the same amount of attention to detail and size of content when released.

Please bring this simple design to your game, by coding pve and pvp damage effects separately per profession, by eliminating WvW and pvp objectives from timely achievements, by making 100% world exploration a pve only system of achievement, and by releasing large content blocks for pve and pvp similtaneously with new designs and rewards.

This simple plan will go a long way to restoring this game to greatness it began with at launch.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: DKzPixel.3792


A lot of good ideas and some that are not sustainable, however it’s time Anet Dev’s came back with some feedback. You’ve had plenty of time for meetings & decisions, you removed the Orbs and gave us less incentive to WvW, capping camps/towers in a zerg is not fun (fast but not fun). I think it’s time for Devs to let us know we’re being ’listened’to and that improvements are on the horizon. We at the DKz are dedicated WvW’ers and we don’t want any more of our Server or our Opposition servers to quit due to lack of content/objectives. The ball is squarely in the hands of Anet & they need to do something fast, and let us know that we’re not wasting our time in hoping for improvements. Give us what you promised at launch guys we all had such ’great expectations’ only to have them dashed yet again...

DKz Pixel (Leader)
The Order of Digital Knightz [DKz]
Commander Dkz Pixelette – Borlis Pass US since Beta!

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: vsutra.8214


If we need more players in wuvwuv I have a very simple proposal that will require about 30 seconds of coding for our friends at Arena.Net:

  • Loot bags from players killed in WvW have a 33% chance to include a Black Lion Chest key


Best idea, ever. While everyone else had really good suggestions, the above, would really be sweet. Doesn’t even have to be 33%, even 10% and people will come running. As every 80 who only plays WvW truly knows, you will never see a key ever again once you commit yourself to WvW.

Expanding further on what has been said, especially in terms of urgency. I believe many players here come from some sort of experience, and the ability to read the decline of a game, while never 100% accurate, is however fairly close.

When a lot of these folks say lets look into WvW improvements now and not in Feb, they are genuinely concerned and share a common experience that tells ‘em, it needs to be resolved as soon as possible. Most should already know that once you lose a player, it’s very improbably that player will come back.

We are a generation of players that has seen the fall of many mmos, believe it or not, folks are actually using that experience and are trying to express themselves. I sincerely hope, Anet looks into WvW improvements, as I too share the opinion, that things will fare badly overall if WvW goes ignored.

(edited by vsutra.8214)

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


I really wonder if WvW will survive until February. Now until then is about the same amount of time as the start of one week matches to now. They really need to give up on the idea that SPvP is going to be an e-sport like LoL and put focus on the competitive feature that has far more people playing. We’ve had to play on the same two maps since the start. At the very least, they should have made the three BL aesthetically different. Make the red server’s BL have a volcano theme and the green server’s BL have a jungle theme or something. They need to do that and add more maps.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: wolfie.7296


i noticed this. it took a long time for blizzard to reward pvp. it simply is not respected for some reason. the historical fact of blizzard and wow not rewarding pvp nearly as much as pve, should have been obvious to the developers. why players know this and devs don’t know this rather basic point is the question. agree with the op.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


This isn’t really an improvement suggestion to WvWvW, but I think this may be a nice addition (if it isn’t already in the game but I’ve never noticed it).

While playing PVE, it wold be nice to get a ‘Server Wide’ message when you’re WvWvW is losing. It may give some people the incentive to jump in to retake the map even if it’s only for a 15 minute stint.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jedahs.2713


This topic needs to be stickied!

Seriously Anet. Most of the people on this forum bought this game for WvW.

Apart from bug fixes, nerfs and a bandage over exploits (orb issue) WvW has received zero attention.

Meanwhile, sPVP got a complete revamp and PVE is already receiving their 3rd one time event…. 1 time event. Seriously you guys are spending so much time and effort on ONE TIME events, I don’t get it at all.

If you want money, just put up new costumes to sell every week. Infact, you should have made the Scythe Skin 2000 gems (it currently is 30g, which is roughly 1666 gems). You would be rich just from that.

Meanwhile you have created a truly dynamic environmental but you don’t seem to care about it at all. Is the WvW team really underfunded or something?

Jedahs, Sea of Sorrow’s 1st WvW Commander
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: lobo fett.4705

lobo fett.4705

did someone mention in here that people getting badges, dont come in wvw to actually do wvw to get them, they just go directly to jumping puzzle and leave?

ninja fett/lobo fett/Eagle eye Fett

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: CheapGamer.3691


The bottom tier is still fun, little to none exploiting and abusing.

Engineer Cheapgamer [TRON] Magumma

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

100% agree. Perhaps we should write letters and mail them to arena net.. I am sincerely convinced they don’t read the forums or care what is said here. If hundreds of us let them know we are out the door, they have to eventually listen. City of Heroes thumbed their nose at the pvp community and where did that get them? Cancelled.

Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: ashleydoll.8563


Just introduce one hardcore server that has open world PvP and loot for anything not specifically soulbound (maybe tweak what is and isn’t soulbound for this server).

Dark Age of Camelot did it even though the regular servers only had dedicated PvP areas and most of the game world was PvE, but they came out with one or two hardcore servers and they became really popular.

Not saying they shouldn’t work on WvW or sPvP, but I think it would be a good idea to give something to the people who want a real challenge. It’ll probably never happen though.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Krakah.3582


Just introduce one hardcore server that has open world PvP and loot for anything not specifically soulbound (maybe tweak what is and isn’t soulbound for this server).

On that point, it would be far easier to just label 3-6 servers as dedicated to WvW toseparate the population. So that WvW minded players can have the 24/7 coverage needed for good competition, and anytime drop in play without getting burned out trying to cover weak time slots.

Also once the PvP critical mass of players leave, WvW and S/TPvP will be a sorry shadow of it’s current state, with chances of recovery slim to none at least for the PvP side of this game.


(edited by Krakah.3582)

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SleepingDragon.1596


Truth be told… Most people will bandwagon and hop onto a winning server just to reap the benefits for WvW. But the same people who bandwagonned and hopped there won’t contribute to the success and make WvW competitive. If ANet wants to fix this, they can easily. It requires some modifications to the benefits gains in PVE. Why should a PVE person reaps the full benefits? Even if they didn’t hopped onto the server, the rewards for crafting/gathering/etc. should be tied to contributions made to WvW.

Contributions includes:
1. Guild members taking part in WvW battles.
2. Donations of money to WvW into a pool that can be used for upgrades of castle, forts, towers and camps. Instead of making only those who part-take in the WvW pays for all, make people who wants the benefits from WvW contribute one way or another from their dungeon runs, etc. (Yes, ANet is allowed to take a % of the donations so they can run their business…)
3. Increase the amount of loot and provide better loot for WvW.
4. Make badges more meaningful. Different armor skins should be given for WvW folks.
5. Ranking system for guild kills and personal kills.

Zerg and outmanned buffs complaints are pointless. If nobody wants to take part in WvW in your server, then something needs to be done to entice them. Penalizing people on other servers who contributes to their success of the server doesn’t help. People take the benefits for granted and not knowing that there are people who spend money just to do WvW and sacrificed their time to benefit the server as a whole. I know many does the WvW for the fun and competitive environment it provides, but whatever the reasons, why should the rewards of WvW apply to the whole server when the people in the server didn’t contribute? It would’ve been different if their dungeon loot was automatically shared with the server. Yes, maybe ANet can force a sharing of dungeon loot and tax it by another 10-20% to get their cut?

-S o S-

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zee.1294


Here is some good idea for WvW that will make everyone interested :

How bout adding spatial shards that give extra bonus to stats like +2 to power or +2 to Vitality or something like that that spawn on random time on random locations only on WvW maps. Shards stay life for 5 min , if no one loot it it vanish ,then spawns back in different time on different spot.
Just a idea….

Viggen ( SF ) warrior – JQ
Want some…..come get some !

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jabtangs.9251


I agree with most of what you said, except about the orbs. Orbs being removed made it more intense in terms of close nit, orbs only provided a target and a way to increase gaps between teams. Now its more a slow tight race, but making up points is basically more challenging / next to impossible based on time left.

But, servers who could grab the orbs early and basically play keep away, grew monumental leads which made the other servers just not jump in. Orbs being removed was a positive change.

But I still would love more fixes to some of the mechanics, as well as maps. The note above about having the server vote on your home borderland of the week, is a fantastic suggestion.

Well at least in T1 matches the orbs made a reason for the other two servers go team up against the orb holding server to fight it back. And when one server gets the orb, it’s 1v2 for them now.

With the orbs gone, there is no reason to attack another server’s borderland other than keeping their own front line (1 tower + 1 keep) while you unite your borderland where it is easier to hold.

But it doesn’t matter with the orb or not everybody has a feeling that WvW is fading, and at a fast pace.

Jophiel Jabtangs – Mesmer
War Machine [WM] | Stormbluff Isle

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Crackbone.5710


The whole thing is a real shame.

There must be a lack of creativity in the development team to let this game mode, which was/is popular fall by the wayside to cater to the PvE crowd.

The PvE players have had their day. Events on a monthly basis, new dungeons and rewards.

Let’s recount what’s happened since launch for WvW :

1. Removed orbs due to exploiters and slippery slope mechanics.

That’s it. We have less of a game in WvW than we did during launch. Nothing has been added. Nothing.

ArenaNet, I supported this game mode with my time, effort (and going as far as to create a fansite devoted to it), and in return myself and my fellow WvW players have received… nothing.

No development, no engine fixes (culling), no new rewards or progression.

I am sorely disappointed that you’ve neglected the very game type that could have been something so much more grand and epic with just a little love.

You’ve let it slip through your fingers.

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Slips.4692


Still think they missed an opportunity by not making each servers’ borderlands unique (Seeing as each server is named after locations in the game, the home borderlands could have had similar terrain, weather, structures etc as the server name would suggest – . Ensuring interestingly different WvW maps each new matchup.

Slips [HoB]
Aurora Glade – EU
ex-Piken Square – EU