Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Hakato.9650


Here’s the score as of yet and the map. Props go out to the BPA for working together.

Those HoD guilds that moved to Kaineng did put a fight, they held their garrison for an amazing 2 hours.. But it fell… Like everything does to the BPA. Although these are the worst 2 servers in the WvW community, just letting you know what the score and what it all looks like here at the bottom bracket.

Any guilds are welcome to join Borlis Pass. Along with those guilds that moved to Kaineng.


Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Leogolas.6941


Well, still to early to tell . Who knows , you may see a very big group of angry mobs marching its way to BP home ground tonight.

[TSA] The Stuffed Animals
~We Are Deadly When Required~

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Hakato.9650


Haha I hope so, I always love a great competitive battle.

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Aephyx.2351


I wouldn’t call those servers the worst. They just unfortunately have a lower pop or less people interested in WvWvW. That’s what bugs me about these server match ups is that they are based off of population more than anything else. And when the “matchmaking” finally levels out, the same “top” 3 and “bottom” 3 servers will be stuck fighting each other for several rotations. Anyways, good luck to you guys.

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Hakato.9650


Well the difference is every week the winner from the bottom bracket moves up and the loser from the next bracket moves down to the lower bracket. So the rotation is never the same.

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Looks like another waste of a week shutout match for KN and DR :|


Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Rusty.8697


Hopefully with our mass exodus this week, Anvil rock will be a fairer fight for you guys next week. We’re currently sitting in our only keep, right next to our only tower (both held by [ANV])

Silborn, General of Defenders of [Hero]ism

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Idgarad.6105


DR has a bot problem. I think many of the macros came here to farm due to the low pop. Our PvE zones are plagued by them. In one weekend I ended up reporting 400 different botters, and that was just in Cursed Lands and in the water in each of the borderland zones.

“No Mercy for the Panda Kids. We don’t want you. We don’t need you.”

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Hakato.9650


That’s upsetting man. You should move to Borlis Pass, we actually keep good watch on our botters. Although there are still a bunch of them haha.

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zierk.4289


Wow that’s a crazy spread so early in the match. I play on JQ and you would never see that so early. Do people on the red/blue server’s not WvW much?

Zierk [VA] Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
Vigiliant Addiction – Multi-Gaming Community

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Mooncow.6847


I for one do not wish y’all good luck because I want Kaineng to win and I hope no new guilds transfer there

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Mr Girly Man.6893

Mr Girly Man.6893

It’s not that we dont’t WvW much, its that we don’t have enough people to fill every borderlands. Not to mention the fact that it is always 1v1 as far as servers. Devona’s and Kaineng can only play on one map at a time, and most often we aren’t playing on the same one. So it is Devona’s with a half full borderlands, Kaineng with a (usually) half full borderlands vs any given green team who can field both borderlands at the same time.

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Im on Kaineng, and am one the Commanders out there during this friday night as the matches reset.

Only one guild xfered to Kaineng from HoD and that was RMA a brazilian guild.

They worked well with our small guild who also xfered in last week from Dragonbrand, Warsworn… along with our allied guild iSPY.

KWBH was also out with a small group messing around on Kaineng Borderlands.

We held off Borliss Pass on 2 fronts for those 2 hours: Garrision and Etheron Hills … our group of 20 was basically ping ponging back and forth defending both, as was RMA.

for such a small server… and only a few small guilds… we put up a heck of a fight. We were mobile all over the map doing what we could to split up Borliss Pass. For a while it worked and for a while it did not, in the end tho we were outnumbered.

This night tho it was a 2way battle. Devonas ws no where to be found… i think they had a few things in Eternal Battlegrounds, but other than that, didnt see many of them.

For being the smallest server in the game, Kaineng does rather well and has more in WvW than you’d think. Just very little organization with the ones we DO have out. Other than a few guilds that show up, and now our own small alliance which is taking form, we dont have much in the ways or super guilds and super alliances. Things are slowly building for us, as we recruit and try to funnel those new to the game into WvW. We have a few Commanders within the guild and a few more within range of getting thier own books so we can direct the non-allied and non-guilded members of our community.

Kaineng has only one way to go… and thats up!

Hats off to Borliss Pass! Thnxs for the fun evening. I know the map will be all green again in the morning, but we’ll be out again tomorrow night for some fun again!

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] –

(edited by thenoobler.7540)

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Oh and hats off to that wonderful save on Etheron Hills when Borliss downed the keep lord and we trickled in for a save!

Was so many fun times such as this last night to list them all!

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] –

(edited by thenoobler.7540)

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Fervour.3146


This is epic from Kaineng citizens. Read up threads showing their fighting spirit so I went over from HoD to check it out. We were once 0 on base but the people there fought to the very last and still did not lose morale.
All i can say is Kaineng being last in the WvW list is mainly because of the population. Always tend to get swarm by a 1:5 ratio enemy especially from BP.

But it was fun playing around killing lone runners and trying to defend.

*Anybody who likes challenge/underdog/undying spirit, can come over to Kaineng to help out.


To be the best, I have to beat you.
Remilieve Lv 80 Ranger
Guild: None :)

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Xirin.8593


But it fell… Like everything does to the BPA.

Really? Chest-thumping in the lowest bracket after you were relegated to it?


[AoN] All or Nothing

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hakato.9650


Really? Chest-thumping in the lowest bracket after you were relegated to it?


First of all it wasn’t chest thumping at all it was the truth. Everything was falling to the BPA. I never lie and people respect me for that.

Anyway aside from ignorance, Kaineng that was a HELL of a fight last night man. You guys did swell for being a small server. I was the warrior on the steps at Etheron Hills that took you guys down haha. The one with all Devona’s gear.

Devona’s Rest has to be kitten at us this morning, they were at our tower’s guild claimer in Redbriar and me and my group came in and killed them haha. It was 5v6 so it was a fair fight.

Hat’s off to DR for almost having all their towers back this morning. I woke up and said “Well this just won’t happen.” Also you guys should work on getting your members to lvl 80, me and someone from my guild 2v6ed ya’ll at redvale supply camp with guards down.

Great job at that garrison Kaineng, we didn’t expect the 4 ballistas waiting on the other side of the inner gate. But atleast our server managed to get them trebs haha.

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hakato.9650


Also at the beginning I think Kaineng focused on Devona’s Rest orb? I don’t think that was a smart idea considering you guys should have allied them. You should find out what guild took their orb and slap them.

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Also at the beginning I think Kaineng focused on Devona’s Rest orb? I don’t think that was a smart idea considering you guys should have allied them. You should find out what guild took their orb and slap them.

Dont know who it was, but it wasnt Warsworn, iSPY or RMA. No one from our own alliance.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] –

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Hakato.9650


Hat’s off to your guys Alliance, we had some great fights between Krew and ya’ll.

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

(edited by Hakato.9650)

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Ya I was telling everyone in Mumble, these Krew guys prolly gunan be our main adversaries this match lol

fun fights :P

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] –

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hakato.9650


I’m so glad you guys moved to Kaineng. The Borlis Pass server is just a few guilds from moving up a couple brackets. I can’t wait for tonight to face you guys again, maybe I’ll see you on the battlefield soon.

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


I was at the fight where BP had gotten into Eth and killed the keep lord, and we all trickled in 1 and 2 at a time as we traversed the map trying to stop you guys. That was total chaos and fun to watch. I’ve got it on video, I’ll post it later today for those that missed it. I died as soon as I walked in the room, but the camera angle proved to be better for recording the whole thing with me being dead, so I guess it worked out. haha

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Ashane.3520


Really? Chest-thumping in the lowest bracket after you were relegated to it?


First of all it wasn’t chest thumping at all it was the truth. Everything was falling to the BPA. I never lie and people respect me for that.

You do know just because you told the truth, dosent also mean you werent chest thumping… right?

There were several different ways of wording what you posted, but you choose the most aggressive version to try and get more people to your failing server, which has fallen into the last bracket vs two servers who never have queue, who never have even a combined 60 people in all 4 maps.

Honestly? Its absolutely pathetic that it took you two hours. Any other decent server would have accomplished the same in (at most) 30 minutes.

Good try though I guess.

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Hymnosi.5928


From borlis pass,

last night was the first time we had full servers in all 4 battlegrounds since beta. We also just walked away from getting crushed by NSP who apparently had dropped 2 brackets from the previous week, so we were ready. I lead the charge on Eternal Battlegrounds for the most part until about 12am EST.

There’s still a lot of disorganization, even on Borlis Pass, but it’s clear that numbers > strategy in most situations. We were able to cover all 4 servers, even though our initial strategy was to simply cover our own.

It would be cool if we could somehow roll up these servers into one giant server to start climbing the ranks.

Hymnosi – Lv80 Engineer
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


here’s a video from last night when daevona’s rest showed up on kaeneng borderlands and really really badly wanted their camp:

(note: at the end we zerg dived because we wanted to regroup at spawn and wanted to end the battle in style). i guess DR really wanted that camp, but apparently they didn’t move away from it from there.

anyways glad to wake up to a score board that isn’t 100%/3orbs for us in a match against kaen/DR for once. unlike previous matches against these servers, this one should be interesting for a change.

gg to all who we faced on kaeneng last night.

EDIT: here’s the same battle from a guildie’s perspective:

got another video from last night rendering, showing some action against kaeneng.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

(edited by dirtyklingon.2918)

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zaq.3762


I am with Devona’s Rest, and am a Commander of a growing guild there, the United Devona Front. Many of our issues have been listed by previous posters, but I will note some of them from first hand experience on the battlefield.

DR is a great server and has a talented community. As stated, we are under populated when compared to a larger server like Borlis Pass. Despite this, I have been apart of several stalemates with Borlis Pass in open field fighting that has lasted an hour or more. Thats notable. We have also out manuevered our rivals and taken key positions consistantly, though with great effort. Our problem is holding them. Like a remote Terran outpost on Charr, we can only hold out against the zerging onslaught for so long. I am dang proud of our efforts though, and have witnessed numerous victories in the face of overwhelming odds. There is no greater feeling in WvWvW.

Another issue we face is the Orbs. Those are gone usually within the first few hours of a reset, and guess who has all three. Thats an additional 150 points to each stat Borlis pass gains, per player. So you add the numbers, then add the bonus, and its easy to see why DR is struggling.

I am completely confident that were we put to scale with any server, including our current rival Kaineng, without the intervention of a giant like Borlis Pass, we would succeed. Our experience is unrivaled when it comes to a smaller theater of war, perhaps ONLY by Kaineng. We have been pushed into a crucible thats forced us to communicate and work together in a way I would wager few other servers have. However since this is not going to happen, our second front (or third) is morale. Nobody wants to play a game they are always going to lose, no matter the effort they place into winning. I understand that, and try to encourage our players to continue to participate in WvWvW. But many are growing disinterested. Our guilds have stepped up and increased recruiting efforts to give people a sense of belonging and comradere, but we can’t tell them the sky is blue if it’s green. Borlis Pass green.

Anyway, that’s a glimpse into Devona’s Rest. We are a proud server, and even prouder people representing our guilds. Our ability to win is only capped by our ability to compete on an equal scale, and even on our current one we still find victories that would make any player proud.

Viva la Devona!

Devona’s Rest
Gamers United Nations [GUN]

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


eh borlis pass often doesn’t have queues past friday night unless we are doing exceptionally well. we just tend to have queues on teh friday night at reset.

when i woke up this morning no one server had more than one orb according to the score board.

i hope that wasn’t your entire wvw population suicide zerging into my guild at the camp outside your spawn in kaeneng last night. it was entirely our own decision to let you have it, because we were needed elsewhere and that camp and the tower(which was underdefended, but you guys didn’t move on at all for some reason) were low priorities.

you guys have put up equal or greater numbers than us in previous matches.

also i tell my own server not to hide behind the orbs. on matches like borlis pass had last week, my guild did just fine killing NSP zergs with 3 orbs to buff them, out manned and out gunned with small numbers.

we hope this match proves to be interesting, but i already see signs of defeatism. the match isn’t over yet, and you guys are more than capable of bringing the numbers and plays to even things up against us if you put in the effort and time.

quite honestly, although our BPA did an excelent job last night, borlis is not that great overall. we suffer from fair weather morale in particular. last week we were fielding far less numbers than either of you guys brought out last night by sunday.

don’t hide behind excuses like being out numbered or orbs. my server has done far too much of that alternated by arrogance and it’s only hurt us imho.

let’s make this match interesting this week. that means not giving up. that means not letting borlis pass have 100% of the map.

when BP has 100% of the map, there’s nothing for my guild to do in there, and we are forced to play our alts. no one wants our alts to hit 80, or at least not our enemies. do you really want to face commando groups of 5-15 mesmers? no i didn’t think so.

get in there and give us a run for our money.

PS @ kaeneng – with all the bluster lately from you about owning zergs with much smaller numbers, this is what you guys put out last night against us in the field:

i was hoping for more from you guys. i expect to get some epci quality videos this week from you people, do not dissapoint me again. /vadervoice.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: aramina.2591


Borlis Pass member here, I have to take my hat off to Kaineng, you guys put up an amazing fight last night. RMA, that was an extremely well executed attempt to take the hills in the Borlis Pass BL in the first 10 minutes, I’m really sorry my guild had been on its way south on that side and had to wipe you out. I actually spent most of the night at a supply camp, calling out when people were invading or sneaking around, but what I saw was that there was a lot more organization and cooperation on your server this time around and that’s awesome. In all honesty, I hope that you guys keep getting better because it’s always more fun to root for an underdog, even when I’m on the opposite side.

Aramina Eventide, Engineer
UV, Borlis Pass

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


I promote Kaineng a lot on the forums, but many of you might not know that I used to play on Devona’s Rest. I moved to Kaineng in part because I thought it would be more fun in the bottom tier if there was an actual legit 3 way battle each week instead of 2 servers fighting head to head and 1 of them always being greatly outnumbered. Kaineng wasn’t even a blip on the radar back then.

I can vouch for what Zaq is saying. DR was a great community when I was on it. I know they’ve gone through a fair bit of restructuring lately, having lost some bigger guilds, and they’re in the same boat with Kaineng in the small numbers department, but they are definitely worth a look at if you’re trying to find a new home. Right now DR and Kaineng seem to be fairly neck and neck in WvW, and I hope we both continue to grow evenly so we can maintain a fun 3 way battle over time.

“I am completely confident that were we put to scale with any server, including our current rival Kaineng, without the intervention of a giant like Borlis Pass, we would succeed. "

That part’s wrong though.

Good luck DR. See you on the battlefield.

Edit: D’oh. Zaq deleted his post. Anyhow, the message still stands. DR is worthy of consideration for transfer guilds as well.

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

My first server was Borlis pass, but I switched to Maguuma since most of my friends were on there.

The most fun seems to be in the middle of the rankings. Everywhere else it’s just the same 3 servers every week. Had a blast last week playing against Yak’s Bend and EB

Anet make Rev great again.

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


just want o reiterate, borlis pass is far from a giant.

we’ve had plenty of defections going back before week longs and continuing into last week.

most of last week’s match alot of nights my guild found ourselves to be the only guild in force on the particular map we were on that evening, until our big rally on thursday.

take a queue from us, do what it takes to organize between guilds, don’t leave out the smaller/casual guilds.

borlis pass is also looking for down transfering guilds and players to join our team on the BPA. if you’re willing to play ball with a relatively small alliance of guilds of varying sizes and time commitments, maybe borlis pass is for you. players looking guilds we have a good variety of guilds here, from my own social casual PvX rated R guild, to wvw focused guilds like krew burn and cs. we have a number of quality average or large sized guilds, as well as a couple zerg guilds if that’s your thing.

anyways, don’t get me wrong at kaeneng and DR, i speak for my guild, and i feel the feeling is mutual among member guilds of the BPA, the thing we desire most is good wvw matches with alot of epic battles. that doesn’t mean we’re gonna coddle you guys and not try to win completely, but it’s best for us as well as you when you guys don’t give up easily and quickly like the last time we were matched with you guys.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zaq.3762


@ dirtyklingon

You’re arrogance gives you, and the guild you represent, a black eye with me and hopefully anyone else who read your post. Quite honestly it makes me wonder if you’re even old enough to be playing, or if you’re some WoW kid polluting our servers like so many others. You would be stripped of office and command if you were one of mine.

Devona’s Rest
Gamers United Nations [GUN]

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zaq.3762


@ Fubuki

Hahaaa! Well, I will say that when I’m present I discourage confrontations with your server. Reason being is it wouldn’t benefit us. I’ve had conversations with other GLs who’ve suggested an alliance of our two servers. We can’t all agree, but I for one would be open to negotiations… And no, we won’t assassinate all you’re leaders once we have them all in one place >_>

Fair weather and following seas Kaineng! See you on the front!

Devona’s Rest
Gamers United Nations [GUN]

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


We didnt give up last time we were matched either, it was simply our best effort to stay on the map at all vs your overwhelming population.

We got plenty of new blood for this week so were going to be putting out stiffer resistance.

The only thing I take issue with in this thread is the post asking for people to switch FROM Kaineng and DR? No thanks.

Kaineng is getting a queue on one map at most now, you got a queue for all 4. And to be honest were not gunning for you because we know we cant beat you yet. Were gunning for second place for a second week in a row building our momentum. We developed lots of new tactics that we employed against Fergie last week but to be honest fergie is a lower pop server than BP is. I estimate fergie’s wvw population is 1/2 your wvw population.

In our primetime this week we should be able to contest 2 maps daily.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


@ dirtyklingon

You’re arrogance gives you, and the guild you represent, a black eye with me and hopefully anyone else who read your post. Quite honestly it makes me wonder if you’re even old enough to be playing, or if you’re some WoW kid polluting our servers like so many others. You would be stripped of office and command if you were one of mine.

dont’; be silly, i’m trying to encourage you guys to stay in the battle this match for a change.

dont’ pretend borlis pass is a giant or that amazing. we’re on teh bottom tier for a reason.

you have a chance against us, even know we don’t own 100% like the last time our servers fought.

but imho, last reset our servers fought, daevona’s put up a much better fight than they did last night.

you guys were literally throwing your repair bills en masse into the meat grinder of about 8-15 people. then when we left, you failed ot capitilize on that and go after the tower(which we were a bit confused by since we expected with your numbers you would take that tower quickly easily).

don’t hide behind numbers or orbs. play smart and work as a team, and you can give a good account of yourselves. that’s what i want to see from my own server as well as our opponents in this bracket.

like i said, i am pleased at what i see on the score board this morning. you guys can make this match interesting, unlike the last match we faced you guys.

it’s not arrogance to say what the posted videos illustrate btw.

i for one hope for better from you this week. i mean that to encourage you guys.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


We didnt give up last time we were matched either, it was simply our best effort to stay on the map at all vs your overwhelming population.

We got plenty of new blood for this week so were going to be putting out stiffer resistance.

The only thing I take issue with in this thread is the post asking for people to switch FROM Kaineng and DR? No thanks.

Kaineng is getting a queue on one map at most now, you got a queue for all 4. And to be honest were not gunning for you because we know we cant beat you yet. Were gunning for second place for a second week in a row building our momentum. We developed lots of new tactics that we employed against Fergie last week but to be honest fergie is a lower pop server than BP is. I estimate fergie’s wvw population is 1/2 your wvw population.

In our primetime this week we should be able to contest 2 maps daily.

i wasn’t asking anyone to transfer from yoru servers to borlis pass, just saying, hey, if youre down transfering maybe take a look at us too.

we rarely have queues out side of friday nights btw. please don’t use that as an excuse. our server did previously and it did not serve us well.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Xirin.8593


I really hope the small sample size of Borlis Pass posters in this thread isn’t representative of the server as a whole.

If it is, I can’t imagine why anyone would want to play there.

[AoN] All or Nothing

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


what i’m trying to say here is

i am pleased borlis pass doesn’t own 100% of the map the morning after the reset in the bottom bracket vs these two servers yet again.

i am saying, don’t give up, keep coming at us. last time our servers fought it was boring.

i am saying, don’t use excuses like orbs or queues or population as reasons to stop coming at us.

i am saying, our server has done those things in teh past too, and it did not go well for us as a server.

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Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

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Posted by: Zaq.3762


@ dirtyklingon

i am saying, SHH! You’re making it worse!

Devona’s Rest
Gamers United Nations [GUN]

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


@ dirtyklingon

i am saying, SHH! You’re making it worse!

and i am saying, bro don’t get mad, get even.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zaq.3762


@ dirtyklingon

Ok, thank you. I got it. Noted. I’ll pass it along. Best of luck to BP and HoM!

Devona’s Rest
Gamers United Nations [GUN]

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fervour.3146


I think transferring from HoD to Kaineng is a big difference in power but its all for the fun of this game.

Not to be mean to BP but Kaineng and DR would be the first place to drop by since we have the lowest WvW population.

To be the best, I have to beat you.
Remilieve Lv 80 Ranger
Guild: None :)

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sundial.9015


My my, looks like someone is extremely sensative today.

Great fights last night Kaineng, your defense of your garrison till the end was quite impressive.

I was hoping this match wouldn’t be like last time we fought you and you guys are not disappointing at all

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


Some video clips from our matchup last night with BP throughout the night, and a cameo of DR at the end.

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zaq.3762


@ Fubuki

That was a great video! Still smiling. Thanks!

I especially loved the beginning, when Borlis broke through the gate. The chatter was hilarious, but I could totally feel you’re frustration Glad you had that victory!

Devona’s Rest
Gamers United Nations [GUN]

(edited by Zaq.3762)

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473



I wasnt aware we were fighting Devona’s Breast…

Apathy Inc [Ai]

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mr Girly Man.6893

Mr Girly Man.6893

it was entirely our own decision to let you have it, because we were needed elsewhere and that camp and the tower(which was underdefended, but you guys didn’t move on at all for some reason) were low priorities.

Lol, arrogance. ‘We LET you have it because were needed elsewhere.’ AKA you were getting beat on another side of the map and you felt it was more important to be over there, which is why we tactically went to the other side of the map to draw you away from where you were.

you guys have put up equal or greater numbers than us in previous matches.

Okay, keep kidding yourself on this one. In the high-pitched words on Aerosmith, “Dream on, dream on”

we hope this match proves to be interesting, but i already see signs of defeatism. the match isn’t over yet, and you guys are more than capable of bringing the numbers and plays to even things up against us if you put in the effort and time.

Whoever said we had signs of defeatism? We are realistic in knowing we can’t place first but in no way, shape, or form are we going to stop playing or trying to win. And once again, we don’t have your numbers.

quite honestly, although our BPA did an excelent job last night, borlis is not that great overall. we suffer from fair weather morale in particular. last week we were fielding far less numbers than either of you guys brought out last night by sunday.

Paraphrased, Our server is SOOO bad, you guys must be horrible for losing to us. Let me tell you about a time that we lost that has no relevance. Why even say this? Why talk bad about your own server?

don’t hide behind excuses like being out numbered or orbs. my server has done far too much of that alternated by arrogance and it’s only hurt us imho.

Orbs, believe it or not, are a factor in this game. 150 to all stats and 15% more life is a pretty sizable advantage.

let’s make this match interesting this week. that means not giving up. that means not letting borlis pass have 100% of the map.

when BP has 100% of the map, there’s nothing for my guild to do in there, and we are forced to play our alts. no one wants our alts to hit 80, or at least not our enemies. do you really want to face commando groups of 5-15 mesmers? no i didn’t think so.

Is it possible to be more arrogant?

PS @ kaeneng – with all the bluster lately from you about owning zergs with much smaller numbers, this is what you guys put out last night against us in the field:

i was hoping for more from you guys. i expect to get some epci quality videos this week from you people, do not dissapoint me again. /vadervoice.

If you watch the video, you will see a bunch of randoms outside cliffside, the majority are not level 80. Go ahead and tell me in that video if you see more than 2 people from the same guild. And, I am pretty sure everyone can tell from the video that we were holding you off at your spawn point. Eventually you are going to take it back. Good job on taking it with overwhelming numbers.

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


last match we foguht you guys barely got bored of locking kaeneng in to yoru spawns to the extent my guild stopped doing wvw. after the reset night we didn’t see DR at all.

yeah i debated not puting that video up, but after weeks of kaeneng’s saber rattling about how you guys own groups far larger than yours all the time, i figured, hey why not.

kaeneng in general is putting up a much better effort so far this match than the last in which we fought. the fact the map isn’t 100% for us right now says that alone. last match we got 100% within a few hours of the reset and stayed there to the extent most of BP’s regular wvwers didn’t do much wvw at all that week.

i guess i can post video from the previous match up where my guild plus some PUGs fights a largeish DR zerg over their tower for a while fi you want. didn’t see you guys in those numbers after that.

we didn’t see DR last night until that camp, and the reason we left was because we were getting bored of grinding you guys into meat into your spawn.

also i was reminded by the previous video from teh kaeneng guy, that we had a couple engagements with WAR with just a few of us and they did roll over us quite nicely. not gonna lie we should not have engaged with 4 people against those numbers.

overall this is the best we’ve seen from kaeneng yet. so props to you guys.

to DR i understand what it feels liek to not see the numbers you would wish in wvw.

as for the orbs, yes they give an edge. they don’t give the win by themselves. the match doesn’t end when the orbs are taken by a single server. on thursday the newly formed BPA made a major push against NSP who had all three orbs and we did pushed them hard that night.

as for numbers, my guild goes into wvw regularly with 5-15 members and fights larger groups. we’re a social casual pvx guild. a wvw focused guild i am sure can do better than how we do with 30-40 people like i saw in that camp last night.

anyways current report from a guildie running around in wvw this afternoon is it’s quite alot of fun and unspecified opponents are putting up some excelent resistence. keep it up guys, let’s make this match one for the ages!

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Borlis Pass vs Kaineng vs Devona's Breast - WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hakato.9650


All of you are mad and arguing for no reason. Also, great video Fubuki but unfortunetly we were busy taking all 3 orbs to be apart of your video.

Great fight DR and Kaineng, you guys made a good push on your orbs this morning. Had some amazing fight and loved the action. But the orb in Kaineng has yet to fall at dreaming bay. Bring us some action tonight!

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior