Borlis Zerg falls victim to infamous Kaineng Meatgrinder!

Borlis Zerg falls victim to infamous Kaineng Meatgrinder!

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645



The brave defenders of Kaineng managed to wrestle control of various enemy encampments as well as a keep in the Borlisian homeland -(STOP)-

The evil Borlisian barbarians attempted to take back keep with 3 golems. The Brave Kainengian forces held the keep lord’s room for a period of two hours against constant attack by overwhelming Borlisian Forces -(STOP)-

Borlisian Attackers wiped out at least twice despite outnumbering valiant Kainengian defenders -(STOP)-

Tactical Retreat completed-(STOP)-

Medals of Valor recommended for members of [Nuke] and [LaZy]-(STOP)-

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

(edited by gandhigonewild.3645)

Borlis Zerg falls victim to infamous Kaineng Meatgrinder!

in WvW

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


kaeneng managed to route us once last night fighting 3:1 against lowbies(we wanted to bring our fresh alts into wvw last night for lulz) after about 10 or so minutes at the doors to yoru spawn on your borderlands.

i have yet to see any real resistance from keaneng, and tbh the onyl other time i’ve seen anyone from yoru server was a rbief moment when your zerg spotted our 15 man guild group friday night then turned a sharp 180.

anyways, i’d love to join your server because we love beign out manned in target rich enviroments. we get a bit annoyed when all the hardcore wvw guilds dissapear from wvw until the score is 10:1:1 and there are no targets to cap or people to fight. gets pretty boring.

oh well i’m sure next week it’s will be ehmry again who will run them all out of wvw within 3 hours and we’ll have another week of fun again.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Borlis Zerg falls victim to infamous Kaineng Meatgrinder!

in WvW

Posted by: fingis.2867


So this is how it is at that end of the ladder? lol

Borlis Zerg falls victim to infamous Kaineng Meatgrinder!

in WvW

Posted by: Lucubration.8361


You guys took a keep? Good going, Kaineng.

Borlis Zerg falls victim to infamous Kaineng Meatgrinder!

in WvW

Posted by: GregorClegane.6237


Kaineng will control all Borlis controlled lands in a matter of time.

[KAIN] 80 Warrior Commander
Ser Matthew

Borlis Zerg falls victim to infamous Kaineng Meatgrinder!

in WvW

Posted by: Bahatsu.4521


Lol a medal recomendation for Nuke?

Did you use them as meatshields or something?

-Bahatsu [PVP] NS
WvW Officer of PvP Inc.
“There is no shame in finishing second… When it was to me” -Bahatsu

Borlis Zerg falls victim to infamous Kaineng Meatgrinder!

in WvW

Posted by: trixsterjl.2136


Gotta love the hater with the excuses. We were on our lowbies. Waaaa. Dude, wake up 4 of 5 of the people in any given raid are Lowbie tunes leveling. Anyway, yes, Borilis own everything on the map at almost all times. Mad Skill taking on 20 to 30 players in the zone with a full queued zone.
The post was meant to be funny, but since you brought it up apparenly you have to have brains to take a non-reinforced door with 3 golems that each hit the door for 2.5 percent a hit. And I guess lowbies cant cast AE or operate Seige to keep walls clear, I forgot that rule. Pound your chest all day, but we roll you like punks when we are even close to you in numbers. We get to play when we want though, no queue and lots of green people to kill. You get to set up siege outside our entrences and kill the 5 red guys stupid enough to run out. Enjoy winning my friend.

(edited by trixsterjl.2136)