Bring Wurm tunnels to the new map

Bring Wurm tunnels to the new map

in WvW

Posted by: Snotra.8132


I’ve played the new map, and the most annoying thing to me is the lack of mobility around the map, even if my server owns the entire thing. I literally have 1 wp to use and its no where close to being useful.

I realize the new maps took a long time to make and ArenaNet probably won’t just scrap them. Therefore I would like to suggest they implement the wurm tunnels from EoTm. That any server could use as a way to traverse the new map easier. My original thoughts were putting 1 around each of the northern towers, and then another near the southern camp, possibly near that vista. I don’t imagine it would be hard to implement and given some of the open areas they probably won’t have to change anything, they could even just put some type of a vendor/portal there honestly.

Just a thought to help the new maps out.


Bring Wurm tunnels to the new map

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Whelp, it’s already been turned into EOTM 2.0 aka pve-land, may as well add another function to actually traverse the map.

Slightly related: I legit, for the first time ever, jumped into home BLS and it took me 7 mins traversing from top to bottom and into some fire keep where I got turned into an admittedly cool looking hellhound, and just started running around looking for players to kill. That’s a 15 min transformation running around. Didn’t find any enemies. When it ran out I did encounter ONE enemy and they didn’t wanna fight.


That’s a long time running around in that massive map. It’s a bit too much.

Bring Wurm tunnels to the new map

in WvW

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948


Please do NOT add any more gimmicks to the new map. Instead simplify the map, shrink it by 25% and remove all the gimmicks.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]