Bring back one day matches

Bring back one day matches

in WvW

Posted by: Mordyth.9018


With free and easy transfers, server strength is shifting around like crazy. It’s happening too fast for weekly rankings to keep up with and all but a couple of matches are over by Sunday. Anet, do you want you players to sit through these dull matches for months before, according to you, things are finally sufficiently balanced? I’ll put aside whether that will ever happen but at least refresh things enough to keep people interested consistently.

Mithrull (TSym) Sanctum of Rall

Bring back one day matches

in WvW

Posted by: MrPicklez.6473


Sigh, agreed 100%. I was looking for a balanced matchup so that I could transfer to one of the servers (xferred last week to enjoy the Yak’s Bend/Sanctum of Rall/NSP matchup that ended with <2% score difference).

A quick glance over that matchups show that basically NONE of them are close. You’re killing your own game. I don’t want to win by 100k points, I don’t want to lose by 100k points, I just want to be in a freaking matchup where people are out fighting and having fun. Get rid of your stupid orbs (sorry, you failed to emulate relics), end free server transfers, and do SOMETHING to enforce server balancing. The player base WILL NOT balance the servers themselves. Look at Jade Quarry xfers, look at SoS xfers. Now look at GoM and Dragonbrand, and now ET. Hah, great job.

Until this is fixed, I guess I’ll be one of the few that transfers to the balanced match (if there are any) instead of the completely one-sided match. I play this game for the PvP, not to win some meaningless matchup. Might as well abuse server xfers for my own enjoyment while I still can.

Bring back one day matches

in WvW

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

I’d like 3 day matches until free xfer is disabled.

Enough time to get some stuff going but short enough that you don’t have to sit around miserable for too long.

Or preferably, just disable the free transfers please. We’re good on that, it needs to become paid now.

Bring back one day matches

in WvW

Posted by: Banono.4597


I also agree 100%. At least with the one day matches everyday at 5pm all three servers would show up and the huge point difference would only exist for a few hours. It is not fun for the guys stomping two lame ducks, and its even worse for the guys getting the boots put to them.

Bring back one day matches

in WvW

Posted by: Gallant.3259


I firmly agree with two things; first, the server transfers should be locked down or require gems to accomplish. Second, we need to wash this whole ‘record’ free and start over with a better method of ranking the servers against each other once the huge server jumping issue is done and over with.

Free transfers, where people can bandwagon around to winning servers over and over again without penalty, means that any data you accumulate that relates to server populations, to server skill, or even to basic information such as time zone, completely and utterly useless. It is not killing your game – it is destroying your statistics and creating ridiculous and impossible matchups between servers that on a core level should never even see each other.

Stop it. Stop it right now, and start over, because Try #1 has utterly failed.

Bring back one day matches

in WvW

Posted by: dnoisette.9153


A good lenght for WvWvW matches would be 3 days, in my opinion. Maybe it’s time to give it a try, or get back to one day matches until server transfers are no longer free. At the moment, it isn’t funny to be the one getting stomped nor to be the one winning, covering all points and running around in circles without anything to do.

Bring back one day matches

in WvW

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

1 day matches were fun but if they wanted to perma 1 day amtches the upgrades and siege needs to be a bit cheapr for that, paying a gold for a waypoint to have for a few hours isn’t worth it in a way, same goes for 37s wall upgrades.

3 days would sound good too, and still, cheaper upgrades to make them more viable for the shorter matches, these upgrades were made thinking of a two week system. 3 day actually sounds great that should be around the time you normally have a good idea who is going to win anyways.

And at that point servers start going perma outmanned. I like this 3 day idea.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)

Bring back one day matches

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


AgreeAgree, one day matches. I think the biggest problem with w3 is people and there lack of stamina when loosing.
When you (Anet)get a point system that works and mechanics that stops people quitting W3 until the next week starts I dont think 1 week matches are very healthy.

Things need to be implemented to help the loosing sides to catchup and prevent Champagne gamers only playing when their teams are winning.

  • Give people some form of Karma for playing during bad times so everyone gets incentives to get in there and stick with it.
  • Agree on orbs role change, they should be for PvE stat improvements not to buff combat ability.
  • There should be extra tasks triggerable for winning server to help drain the numbers from W3 battle.
  • Remove all mechanics that punish you for playing when loosing, like cash syncs.
  • Greatly increase the rewards for defending a keep when you are outmanned. So atleast people will get in their and give it a go to defend.


Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

Bring back one day matches

in WvW

Posted by: Nevron.9413


I made a thread about wanting one day matches back for a week upon closing free transfers. Needless to say, I agree with needing one day matches back for a week, but only once free transfers are shut down.

Guild – Shadow of Apophis [SoA]

Bring back one day matches

in WvW

Posted by: Yazule.9142


personally I think it should be 2 day/5 day matches

fri night to sun night and then sun night to fri night

some of us work for a living

Bring back one day matches

in WvW

Posted by: Ethos.3902


WvW matches should still last one/two weeks but be split up into “games” or “sets” by getting rid of the current ongoing scoring system. Each “game” could count up to a certain set amount of points and the first server to reach that amount wins one game and the score counter resets. After a certain amount of games won a server would win a “set” and all assets in WvW would reset to default control. Win the most sets (resets) and a server would win the 1week/2week long match.

Matchups in which one server is completely dominating the others would reset more frequently (perhaps every 2-3 days) allowing more opportunities for the lesser standing servers to participate while still maintaining strong competition and long duration match resets (maybe every 5-6 days) on more evenly placed servers if the scoring system was redesigned properly.

Bring back one day matches

in WvW

Posted by: Helcor.9527


1 day matches were fun but if they wanted to perma 1 day amtches the upgrades and siege needs to be a bit cheapr for that, paying a gold for a waypoint to have for a few hours isn’t worth it in a way, same goes for 37s wall upgrades.

3 days would sound good too, and still, cheaper upgrades to make them more viable for the shorter matches, these upgrades were made thinking of a two week system. 3 day actually sounds great that should be around the time you normally have a good idea who is going to win anyways.

And at that point servers start going perma outmanned. I like this 3 day idea.

3 days would be perfect. And its true about the perma outmanned.