Victrixx [xVx]
Bring back the siege bug!
im kinda in agreement and kinda against it was a lot more fun invited more in field combat however also made people not even bother upgrading towers/keeps and made spawns get filled with 20+ golems (at least on our server)
also it was simply the victor has the most people with the possibility of counter attack
Against Riverside are we? Welcome to our world
If it helps Abbadon’s Mouth is just as bad, and blobs more.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
Against Riverside are we? Welcome to our world
If it helps Abbadon’s Mouth is just as bad, and blobs more.
It seems all the regional servers are like this but VZ and RS are the worst ive come across. We are horribly outmatched this week but it wouldnt be so bad if we could get some open field fights. Arrowcarts im our matchup are destroying the fun and i hope the siege bug returns lol.
Victrixx [xVx]
Well, actually AM is even worse than VZ/RS if you believe him and his friends.
We are so bad, that they feel themselves to be entitled to call us “the Wehrmacht” and comparing us to the Third Reich, while “asking us nicely” for fair fights by calling us cowards. Even when they do not have to play against us, they stalk us in our own threads and use every opportunity in other threads to mention the blobs of AM.
These days it’s just not possible to read the forums without a raincoat and an umbrella.
As for the AC’s, i think the normal ones are fine at the moment, if your opponent is using several of them to defend a gate, then it should take your more effort than just a few rams to open the door. The superior ones however are some kind of overkill and should be changed. they should take away some of the damage increase and should replace it with some more hp and protection.
There other ways to take a tower than rams and trash damage. The effort to take a fully upgraded and defended T3 tower or keep should reflect the effort to get it to T3. I understand that some of you don’t like sieges and find them boring and a waste of time, but try to see it from point of view of the people who spend gold and time to upgrade them.
(edited by Vortigern.1987)
Against Riverside are we? Welcome to our world
If it helps Abbadon’s Mouth is just as bad, and blobs more.
It seems all the regional servers are like this but VZ and RS are the worst ive come across. We are horribly outmatched this week but it wouldnt be so bad if we could get some open field fights. Arrowcarts im our matchup are destroying the fun and i hope the siege bug returns lol.
Pff we had both AM and RS last matchup. Needless to say we were happy for the change. I just don’t understand what seems to be DE servers’ fixation on points and not on battles. Also random dude above me, don’t generalise, I had nothing to do with any of that. Furthermore with French servers you will get retreating and white flag jokes, with German servers you will get WWII jokes and bratwurst jokes, stop being so sensitive and get over it, heck we even get don’t mention the war jokes.
I was only trying to relate to the OP tell me you guys are nothing like RS, and tell me that any server other than DE have not had an issue with the Cartage/Blobbage; one of your only guilds has in its videos so many open field siege placements, despite outnumbering the enemy overwhelmingly, we as servers get annoyed because all of this takes out the fun of WvW, any feeling of accomplishment, and comes across as slightly pathetic. Some people like to play the game with their weapons and strength of arms.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
(edited by Immolator.5640)
OMG that day was SO much fun. It was like… people actually fought people instead of siege fighting siege. It was amazing.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
That day was amazing . oh my kitten god.
I remember somebody saying
“hey guys. let’s put down a ballista here”
-good joke.
Everybody golem rushed or just slammed the door.
It was very action packed!!
I liked it very much.
Also random dude above me, don’t generalise, I had nothing to do with any of that.
I don’t generalise at all, i remember your name very well. In case you don’t remember:
Anyways gl with yo Arrow Carts and the endless zombie march of the Wehrmacht
(edited by Vortigern.1987)
Hmm fair does, either way, get over it you’re just too sensitive about this crap, I did say it once, but it’s kind of an accurate reflection; you try fighting both AM and RS and see if you feel any different about them by the end of the week.
You shouldn’t win battles by piling on meat shields and spending lots of money on weapons that do the fighting for you, it’s just a matter of principles. AM is one of the servers I have least regard for in terms of respect and skill, it didn’t used to be that way, only since the Server started shooting up from transfers or whatever it was, gain some courage and step outside your blob, then out from behind the Sup. Carts, then out of the tower, out of Cart range, and fight. You might be surprised.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
(edited by Immolator.5640)
I was bored. Not enough stuff hitting me as we were attacking.
Felt much better when there was more stuff hitting beyond various class aoe.
(edited by CreativeAnarchy.6324)
I reckon something along the lines of:
- Remove wall and gate tiering for towers. Reduce tiering for keeps to tier 2 max.
- Tower upgrades supply the full siege defence, in forms of the current oils/cannons etc and a set amount of defensive siege, such as two well placed arrow carts that come as part of an upgrade.
- Reduce ram, golem and catapult efficiency accordingly, but not heavily.
Overall increase flip rate of towers and increase viability of player vs player battles without making siege entirely useless.
I would like to see something along those lines.
Leucetius Vier – Necromancer | Adiella Vier – Ranger
Proudly representing The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade.
Against Riverside are we? Welcome to our world
If it helps Abbadon’s Mouth is just as bad, and blobs more.
I feel sorry for you guys. Never been as bored of WvW as I am now because fighting Riverside who seem to just build arrow carts.
It could be fun if Anet did something like making 1 day a week where special WvW rules apply such as servers are only allowed to place flame rams, or balistas do 200% more damage to let players mess around with bizarre strategies. It could also keep WvW interesting and fresh without creating match-ups where servers get absolutely smashed :p.
It’s wierd because there seems to be big disparity between what people express to want in forums and what happens ingame.
9/10 posts&comments support openfield, hate on ACs, hate the blob, hates the lag.
But the opposite is shown ingame. People saying one, doing other.
Or it’s just a vocal minority.
I understand ACs were made stronger because it was more realistic. If someone has aimed an AC at you, you need to move out, but if the damage is so minimal it doesn’t make a difference what you do. So I agree with the damage buff, how ever there are many aspects which are unreal. Like shooting an AC with no line of sight. Shooting arrows from behind the door and damaging seige and hitting playing. The point I am trying to make is, if you are using an AC, you should be prepared to take ranged hits from the opposition too.
New bunker meta sux
AC should give advantage when you go outside and try to kill enemy. Maybe rams should have some kind of “roof” so AC can’t hit under it and defender actually need to go outside.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
AC should give advantage when you go outside and try to kill enemy. Maybe rams should have some kind of “roof” so AC can’t hit under it and defender actually need to go outside.
And thatll not encourage zerging how? the problem is removing ac removes the only bonus outmanned people have against superior numbers
it was simply the victor has the most people with the possibility of counter attack
true and not true. I have seen fights where if you can crush the attacker moral they starts breaking up. but for the most part is more around whos got more people. doesn’t mean you can’t make them work for 3 grueling hours to do it >:)
It’s wierd because there seems to be big disparity between what people express to want in forums and what happens ingame.
9/10 posts&comments support openfield, hate on ACs, hate the blob, hates the lag.
But the opposite is shown ingame. People saying one, doing other.
Or it’s just a vocal minority.
The forums have never spoken for the silent majority. In my entire guild, only I bother to post here. Most could simply care less about the opinions or goings on in gamer forums.
Its that way on every game. Only way to truly get an idea of of what the general populace actually thinks is to run in game polls.
But if they did that?…then very little suggested here would ever get started…cause as vocal as we are…we’re still the minority
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
Good job Arenanet! Now give us chance use the Ac in SPVP and fractals
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
I know how to fix this, all projectile based siege need supply to be used.
Ram = no need supply.
Golem= eat 1 supply for 500 range movement (using portal also eat supply)
Treb = eat 10 supply for each shoot.
Cata = eat 5 supply
Ballista = eat 3 supply
AC = eat 2 supply
In addition, every 1000 range movement, player use 1 supply. Every 10 move, use 1 supply.
(Joke :p)
(edited by deviller.9135)
Dont think you will get any objections from Piken! We had great fun when the siege was broken. Not sure if Augery and BB thought the same :/
Deviller, you are absolutely crazy. (NOW you mention its a joke) Typically when the enemy sets up open field siege and we have even numbers, we stop them from getting it up by rushing them while they build, with fairly good success. If it gets to the point that they set up… what was that 5-6 ACs on you in open field, you either have lower numbers and they happen to be cowards, or you sat back and watched them do it. Setting up siege outside the choke in vale is understandable, but that seems like overkill. To the point that I wonder if they do it JUST because it upsets you.
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]
The only thing I see funny, why the hell your world team still guarding vale, especially in front line ? Go cap other camps, while leave a group of thief in there (fast, stealth) just to prolong encounter (it looks like you wont give up). Until your other team do the job and their zerg left the camp, destroy their siege.
If you want to defend:
1 3 catas in supervisor room (match the timing)
2. 5 – 10 AC everywhere
3. 5 ballista
4. 2 Trebs to hit bay (only 2 reason in defending vale: 1 bay, 2 tower upgrade).
5. 5 guardian (shield, wall, stability, hammer, staff), 5 gs/focus+x mesmer (staff necro will do) with boon removal.
6. /emote You Shall not Pass.
(its a bit excessive, you can defend with less than that).
(edited by deviller.9135)
Deviller, you are absolutely crazy. (NOW you mention its a joke) Typically when the enemy sets up open field siege and we have even numbers, we stop them from getting it up by rushing them while they build, with fairly good success. If it gets to the point that they set up… what was that 5-6 ACs on you in open field, you either have lower numbers and they happen to be cowards, or you sat back and watched them do it. Setting up siege outside the choke in vale is understandable, but that seems like overkill. To the point that I wonder if they do it JUST because it upsets you.
Do it against a good Eu group. You are going to be death in 10-15 s
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
I have no idea what respective BL the SS is from, but I stick with the notion of “you sat and watched them do it” that many ACs dont get built too quickly by what appears to be a pug group unless they are very unorganized and loose with their supply. I’m still trying to run over the situation of how you let them set up 6 open field arrow carts without stopping any of them from getting built, they arent particularly beefy siege, you know?
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]
We are not talking about 1v1 fight or 1v2 . We are talking about 1v3 or 4 and your opponent cuild AC’s . It’s close to impossible to kill all the AC
Some time ago it was fight vs Blob and now Blob + AC’s
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
I HATE ARROWCARTS. The worst is when your circling with an enemy group (zerg of it floats your goat) and then they drop a sup AC behind them… This has been happening more an more frequently.
Siege is not supposed to be in open field. It should ONLY BE FOR ATTACK/DEFENSE.
You say this is a pvp mode? Then for quaggons sake stop taking all of our pvp from us.
Sea Of Sorrows
wait… so in EU the enemy that outnumbers you 4 to 1 builds 6 ACs for no apparent reason? Someone better correct me before I say something to get myself into trouble, because thats just plain stupid.
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]
wait… so in EU the enemy that outnumbers you 4 to 1 builds 6 ACs for no apparent reason? Someone better correct me before I say something to get myself into trouble, because thats just plain stupid.
Sometimes you may rush them. But with vale wall, red circle in front of vale door, what will you think ? Enemy may be larger or have a large amount of siege.
wait… so in EU the enemy that outnumbers you 4 to 1 builds 6 ACs for no apparent reason? Someone better correct me before I say something to get myself into trouble, because thats just plain stupid.
Sometimes you may rush them. But with vale wall, red circle in front of vale door, what will you think ? Enemy may be larger or have a large amount of siege.
If the enemy has someone outnumbered 4 to 1, and they have ONE AC inside the camp actively covering the outside, a single AC to cover their advance is more than enough. How do open field tactics work~?
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]
Siege is not supposed to be in open field.
who say that? But you`re right, remove “all” siege weapons! Trebs/Golems/Ram are lame to.
and Anet pls take all the warri out from W3, i don`t like them. o.O
Sure… Then just this happens:
Sure… Then just this happens:
Points for not being a poor sport about it lol. The video legitimately made me laugh.
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]
Agree, the range of ACs is just to insane and gamebreaking sometimes. Hope it will be more limited in range personally
Sure… Then just this happens:
oh i forgot, remove all the Buildings to. ^^
I am really starting to hate siege. I don’t understand at all why if they buffed arrow cart as much as they did, they didn’t increase the amount of badges required or siege to build it. They are just giving away siege in rank chests, jumping puzzle, and drops from players and NPCs. It is ridiculous.
Siege needs to be re-worked IMO. Tactics that were used to avoid arrow cart rain are no longer viable because of the increased range. At durios tower in EB people would set up catapults on the hill between ogres and umber to take it, but now that AC have range, this isn’t as possible anymore. It sucks that the way you go about sieging a tower is totally based around where they have arrow carts and how many.
I am really starting to hate siege. I don’t understand at all why if they buffed arrow cart as much as they did, they didn’t increase the amount of badges required or siege to build it. They are just giving away siege in rank chests, jumping puzzle, and drops from players and NPCs. It is ridiculous.
Siege needs to be re-worked IMO. Tactics that were used to avoid arrow cart rain are no longer viable because of the increased range. At durios tower in EB people would set up catapults on the hill between ogres and umber to take it, but now that AC have range, this isn’t as possible anymore. It sucks that the way you go about sieging a tower is totally based around where they have arrow carts and how many.
Yea because thinking about how to do something is hard.
Let’s all just drop rams at the door and be done with it then. We all want easy boring mode.
I’m ok with all other siege but ACs. They all have their place, though I think we should still be able to block siege, but they fit well into the game play. ACs on the other hand completely ruin WvW. No line of sight needed, want to shoot through stone walls with an problem (wtf?!?). You can stack target a choke area make it completly impassable and instant death. You know there is a problem when siege is being used in open field fights. ACs should straight up be pulled from the game and never brought back.
- Blackgate
hm remove AC, you have to nerf the other to. Like the System from Warhammer, fixed Places for Siege Weapons. Nerf the Dmg & Range from ACs and only 2-3 Golems per Gate.