Bringing the Guild Wars to GW2 [GvG Concept]

Bringing the Guild Wars to GW2 [GvG Concept]

in WvW

Posted by: Promas.8627


‘But the guild wars name is a lore thing’ – i know, dont care

Hello, my name is Trixus and i want to tell you about this idea i’ve been having.
In the last two years i’ve been playing everything gw2 has to offer (pve, spvp, wvw, gvg), but i feel it’s highly time for something new.
This is my concept idea on how to implement an official GvG mode.

Before writing down my concept on how to implement a GvG gametype, it’s interesting to take a closer look at why it should be implemented and what’s the problem with the current available content.

Problems with WvW (From a Guild PoV)

  • Winning is based on coverage, not skill ;The duration of a matchup is one week. Even if your server is best during prime time, you can still lose if you have no night/morning teams
  • Never 100% fair due to 3 server system
  • Winning or losing doesn’t even matter ;Server ranking isn’t even ingame
  • Highly dependent on other random people on your server you don’t event know

Problems with current GvG

  • Can only fight guilds of the other two servers you face that week
  • No ranking system
  • Guilds have to organise everything themselves
  • Easy for trolls to intervene
  • Small playerbase, hard to get into
  • Not appealing to people who have few friends/small guild
  • Not enough tactical elements to make it interesting

Why people want GvG

  • Guilds want to test their skill
  • Guild fame and ranking
  • Large scale fair battles
  • New and fun pvp mode

My concept of GvG
Guild Halls
In my concept of a GvG mode, i will try to combine elements from GW1 GvG and GW2 WvW. It starts with the introduction of Guild Halls, which are very similar to the Guild Halls from GW1. Guild Halls are locations/buildings a Guild can own, and can come in different forms (e.g. a castle, a ship,…). A Guild Hall has its own instance and only members of the specific guild can enter. A Guild Hall map is bigger than just the Guild Hall main building, and should provide some land and an enemy base.

Guild Halls can be used for GvG’s, but they might aswel be used for PvE stuff (player housing, buying npc’s, pve tower defence). Guild Halls can be bought for a reasonable amount of gold (e.g. 100g).

To get an idea of how a Guild Hall was used in GW1, take a look at some older GW1 maps:
Druid’s Isle
Hunter’s Isle

Bringing the Guild Wars to GW2 [GvG Concept]

in WvW

Posted by: Promas.8627


In a GvG two guilds will face each other in a 20 versus 20 battle. In order to enter a GvG, the guild must register itself as available for GvG. The game will then look for an enemy guild of similar rank and the matchup will start. The game will randomly decide which guild will be the defender and who will be the attacker. The GvG match is played on the Guild Hall map of the defenders.

On the GvG map both guilds have a basecamp with a guild lord. These camps can be compared to the keeps we have in WvW. In order to win the GvG, a guild has to defeat the other guilds lord.

A basecamp should have multiple front gates (multiple gates allow for tactical siege placing) and also a weaker back gate (harder to reach, easier to get down, sneak attack, SPLIT gameplay). Siege weapons we know from WvW can be used (except for long range trebs), but the amount of blueprints you get is limited (e.g. 5rams 5ac 3cat at start of GvG). In order to build siege and repair gates you need supply. There are a couple of supply depots on the map, which have to be captured before you can take supply. The distance to these camps should be equal for both Guilds. Supply can only be caried by the players. Entering the enemies basecamp can be achieved by destroying the gates or walls. In the middle of the Guild Hall we find the Guild Lord NPC with a couple of veteran mobs.

In the middle of the map, between the basecamps and out of siege range there is room for an open field battle. Here we have a flagstand that can be captured (capture style same as spvp). After 15 minutes in GvG, the guild that owns the flagstand will receive additional siege blueprints and a stat boost(e.g. 3rams,3ac,1golem and stat boost +100 to everything).
If both Guild Lords are still alive after 30 minutes, the Victory or Death mode will be entered as a tie breaker. Here both Guild Lords will start moving out of the basecamp walls to the center of the map. A Guild Lord has a high HP pool which does not regenerate, but can be healed up (e.g. by water fields).

Winning or losing a match will affect the guild position on the GvG ladder, and should result in an easier/harder matchup next time. The ability to rewatch a top GvG match (e.g. all matches of top 20 guilds) when it’s over will allow more people to get into this game mode.

The reward for winning a GvG should mainly be guild fame and fun, but other currencies like guild merits and guild commendations can be added. A gold reward for the players would be good too, but it should be based on the enemies guild rank. This way you prevent GvG farming for gold in the low ranks and at the same time you reward the people who play very well. (e.g. winning from a rank 10 guild gives you 4g, winning from a rank 200 guild gives you 50s).

To enter a GvG, a fee of 100 Badges of Honor must be paid (per guild). This way BoH get a use and there is still a reason to play WvW.

Because of the layout of the map there are alot of different tactical aproaches to win a GvG match. A team can play offensive of defensive. They can go for supply camps or straight for some gates. They can try capping and holding the flagstand or just ignore it. They can stick together as a big blob or seperate in smaller teams and maybe sneak to the backgate. Deciding where and when to place siege is important aswel since blueprints are limited. Falling back into the Guilds Lord room might allow you to make a push with the help of friendly NPC’s. You can go for different team setups (focus on blob battle or on roaming teams and mobility). Guilds should always be aware of what the enemy is doing and think ahead on how to counter them. I hope you get the idea that this gamemode can provide more than just a 20v20 blob fight and that tactical planning is needed.

Bringing the Guild Wars to GW2 [GvG Concept]

in WvW

Posted by: Promas.8627



What if you don’t have 19 friends who play this game? Can you still enjoy this new mode? Yes you can! With the Mercenary system guilds can hire you to fight for them, and get a full team of 20 people together.
On a new interface window, called ’Mercenaries", you are able to register yourself as an available mercenary, and provide some extra info (e.g. Can play war/mes, full exotics, have ts). Guilds who are looking to complete their 20 man team can then browse through the mercenary list and invite people over to their guild hall. From there the mercenaries have the ability to join in the next GvG fight.
This is also a great way to find people who are interested in GvG and recruit them for your team.

Idea: Mercenary rank
Earn Mercenary points by winning GvG’s for other guilds. Your rank is displayed in the mercenary interface.
Pros: Way to show skill/experience
Cons: Harder for new people to get picked by guilds

Post on Reddit: Link
Post on GW2 Forums: Link

Let me know what you think about this concept and discuss any ideas you might have aswel. If you like it, dont forget to upvote and share so we can let ANet know what the players want.

Mix GW1 guild halls with GW2 WvW concepts and current organised GvG’s to create a new gamemode with guild ranking.
This is my concept, but don’t be afraid of the idea. Think how you would implement a GvG mode and join in the discussion.

Bringing the Guild Wars to GW2 [GvG Concept]

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


What if GvG played and felt like a big10 football game on gameday – with a dogeballl twist (oh come on, any given day in gw2 so reminds me of something you would find in that fictitious Obscure Sports Quarterly reference). Anyway, I know this is vague, I will try to flesh it out better. But that is where my head is at.

Bringing the Guild Wars to GW2 [GvG Concept]

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


As soon as you start to talk about a “GvG map”… Its not really GvG anymore. Its a premade sPvP match, otherwise known as tPvP. We can call it gPvP just for laughs.

I cannot speak for any guild as my main guild left long ago and I am no longer doing any organized raiding, but I really dont think GvG is about those things you say its about. I cannot give the reasons why. The best thing I can compare it with is open world PvP. Some like it and some hate it, but putting everyone in a instanced premade PvP map to correct the flaws of the system… wouldnt make it open world PvP anymore, would it?

A considerably simpler solution and less veiled under fancy the “GvG” name would be for Anet to simply expand sPvP. Allow up to say 40vs40 on a couple of new maps that mimic WvW/PvE maps more than the current fairly kittenty arenas. This way a guild can invite another guild for an sPvP match if they want to. Incorporate a guild challenge into the system – participate in a match from start to finish with two full guild teams. If guilds decide to do 20vs20, the rest can be spectators (the challenge of course start at minimum 20vs20 then). I dont know if GvGers would ever bother to use such a system, but hey if they dont then worst case scenario is we got 40vs40 random PUG sPvP on large maps.

(edited by Dawdler.8521)

Bringing the Guild Wars to GW2 [GvG Concept]

in WvW

Posted by: Promas.8627


GvG or gPvP, call it what you want, the concept doesn’t change. I used the GvG term because it’s a mixture of GW1 GvG and current GvG PvP (sPvP + WvW + GvG) and it’s content would be ideal for (organised) guild groups.

The current GvG style we have in GW2 plays the way it does because of the limitations in what players can organise by themselves in a WvW matchup. It’s small in comparison to what it could be. I’m just brainstorming a bit and throwing ideas out here to get a discussion going on about large scale organised guild battles.
The obsidian sanctum arena should stay where it is so that guilds who like the current playermade GvG setup can keep doing it.
This new GvG mode (or gPvP ) should not just be for the guilds who are currently doing GvG and it should not literally replace it. It should be interesting for everyone who enjoys PvP and organised fights and draw in a much bigger part of the GW2 community.

Bringing the Guild Wars to GW2 [GvG Concept]

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


While I think Guild Halls should be in the game, it would likely kill off WvW as we know it. GW1 had one of the best GvG systems and it is a shame they didn’t bring that over with GW2. Same engine so we know it is both possible and probably not a massive change.

Unfortunately we also know how resistant they have been to GvG changes even getting caught in game stating their disdain for GvG. Their employee being recorded disrupting a GvG match is the sole reason OS was changed to be more GvG friendly.

Then of course we have the far more obvious issue of no meaningful WvW patches in months. ANet has abandoned the WvW forums and unless they have a slew of stealth patches in the works WvW development has been abandoned as well.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

(edited by Straegen.2938)

Bringing the Guild Wars to GW2 [GvG Concept]

in WvW

Posted by: nearlight.3064


I like a lot of these ideas, but the Victory or Death idea is a bit absurd sounding in my mind lol. The mercenary system wouldn’t be good, as we don’t want hotjoin GvG, we want guilds that have a strong connection with eachother.

And also no siege other than rams plz. ACs would just make it annoying and dumb.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Bringing the Guild Wars to GW2 [GvG Concept]

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


GW1 had one of the best GvG systems and it is a shame they didn’t bring that over with GW2.

That’s the thing, right? It’s all there. Who knows what Anet was thinking when they decided to drop GvG…