Recently came back to the game, met some new friends who started and started a new guild.
There is no structured group composition in this guild right now, the aim of the guild is to run about 5 people.
At the moment we are average 2-5 people depending on the timezone.
However for the past 3 weeks since coming back I have not been having fun when roaming in WvW. I will simply outline the reasons why I think Roaming in WvW is a piece of (insert the word you like).
1. Condi pressure: It feels like there is no variety in the fights when it comes to roaming, it is a constant cycle of condition based thieves, and condition based mesmers. Admittedly, there are occasional Power Warriors.
When fighting in small scale group fights (5 or less), it is a constant cycle of condition based classes and condition based group compositions, notably epidemic spam from necromancers.
As a new guild with players still learning the game as well, this is not very fun to fight, we literally walk up to find a fight of relatively even numbers and the whole group is suddenly dumbfounded with conditions which we do not have enough cleanses for. This continues to be the case even when running a shout guardian with trooper runes.
2. Blast finishers do not benefit roaming: There are not enough beneficial skills that also happen to be blast finishers for roaming builds, as such we cannot take advantage of the light field blast finisher combo.
3. Thieves have way too much mobility, when they have low health they are able to run all the way till they are out of combat and then run all the way back in the fight when many of us still have cooldowns, this just seems unfair.
They are possible to kill with conditions but it is a nightmare to deal with when running power builds for many classes.
4. Warriors have way too much everything, its not like they are impossible to kill but after cycling through their high burst, defensive stances and crowd control, then they finally start running as if they Usain Bolt.
5. Mesmers and Usain Bolt Comparision: Speaking of which mesmers have the same thing combine blink with continuum split and they become Usain Bolt.
6. Druids also play like Thieves: I feel like there is way too much stealth on a class that already has access to range and mobility.
These encounters become problematic, because they become irritating to deal with especially when trying to develop a new roaming guild for a server that constantly has to deal with being outnumbered by higher tier servers. It is hard to keep players motivated when you get into a fight and its not even fun, hell sometimes the fight either does not last 10seconds due to the amount of conditions or it lasts like 10minutes due to the amount of mobility and stealth.
Yes there is always the option of ignoring those players but as soon as the opponent notices a new or inexperienced player in the guild they relentlessly chase after that player forcing them into combat. It is very stressful exhaustive and quite frankly not very fun to play. It actually makes me want to zerg or quit playing instead.
(edited by FirstInfantry.2795)