C-tag just prestige.

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Atm Commander Tag is just prestige. I want it to be well earned with enough experience within wvw. Not given to a noob for 100G which he/she farmed in CoF for 1 week. This is stupid. I do NOT want to run under a person who just became a commander and thought he could run a entire server the first day at school. I am not happy.

Xifix | Thief
Website: http://xifix.weebly.com

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: Naffy.1493


Atm Commander Tag is just prestige. I want it to be well earned with enough experience within wvw. Not given to a noob for 100G which he/she farmed in CoF for 1 week. This is stupid. I do NOT want to run under a person who just became a commander and thought he could run a entire server the first day at school. I am not happy.

U mad bro?

Tree Dink – Sylvari Guardian
Os of NSP

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


U mad bro?

Yes. I am very mad. But I am also realistic. A commander tag should be earned through wvw experience.

Xifix | Thief
Website: http://xifix.weebly.com

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Commander tags are used in PvE as well.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


People (at least on my server) understands quite fast if the guy with the tag have a clue or not. If he doesn’t, people won’t follow him. Simple as that.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


People (at least on my server) understands quite fast if the guy with the tag have a clue or not. If he doesn’t, people won’t follow him. Simple as that.

Brings back the argument if that people should have a tag at all? Right?

Xifix | Thief
Website: http://xifix.weebly.com

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Commander tags are used in PvE as well.

Understood, but it should be replaced by a “Guild Tag” instead to not be confused.

Xifix | Thief
Website: http://xifix.weebly.com

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Brings back the argument if that people should have a tag at all? Right?

If they want to help the economy by removing 100g from the game they are free to do so .

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Brings back the argument if that people should have a tag at all? Right?

If they want to help the economy by removing 100g from the game they are free to do so .

Dude, this is bigger than the game’s economy. This is human feelings.

Xifix | Thief
Website: http://xifix.weebly.com

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


I don’t mind a new commander displaying their tag if they’re actively trying to command (or learn to).

but I do expect commanders to comply with a few simple rules:

1. turn off your tag if a more experienced commander requests it — too many tags on the map can be detrimental if pugs don’t end up where they’re needed.

2. turn off your tag if you’re not doing something that actually requires people to be able to find you (i.e. turn it off if all you’re doing is killing centaurs or skritt in a borderland).

the fact that you spent 100g to get a commander tag is not a good justification for having it turned on at stupid times.


The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

what’s worse than bad commanders? random people complaining about it. like it should require some 6 year military service to acquire when half the time these people can’t/wont follow what a decent commanders ask them to do anyway. there should be requirements for these people just to follow a commander or play wvw and (imho) give the option to kick those who don’t do what you ask them to do.

hows about a little devils advocate for ya? obviously there are people who are detrimental to a server, but hearing people whine about it is annoying too. find the original “commander tag sux” thread and complain there. they’re working on changes, give constructive feedback there.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

A commander tag is earned. We all know PvE commanders, LA commanders and troll commanders. None of them have the recognition that hard-working WvW commanders have.

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: Noroz.9527


The Tag isn’t “earned,” per se.
Followers are.

What people need to realize is that to be a good commander, you need experience. There’s no way around it.

No tag on the map? Turn yours on and communicate.
Have the tag, but another commander is there? Watch him/her and learn.

Talk to commanders, let them teach you.

And if you are a new commander and someone whines? Ignore them. They are bad.

Commander Noroz Vi Britannia
Northern Shiverpeaks
[AS] Artificial Strife