Cakewalk best guild in EU?
They clearly understand the meta. Look at all those female humans.
Dunno. They are all running the most broken meta stuff going . Lots of scrappers dh and druids.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
Yeah 2 berserkers and 2 DHs in the first fight. Most pro part, the DH that got downed by the S/D P/P thief.
2nd fight. Tanky druid on 23k health with concentration sigil and Sw/D, scrapper, 2 DH. With a druid like that sustaining you skill just took a nose dive out of the 10th floor.
3rd fight. Power rev on 23k health?! How can you even begin to say anyone running that has a pair? Rev is silly enough without needing health padding, take the training wheels of and run zerk, at least bring it down to 20k.
Props to Exy the warrior that ran core instead of elite in the 4th fight.
Yeah that druid is where I’m calling it. They might be best guild in frandliness, giving out free cakes, baking muffins but running low risk builds like that won’t get many calling you good.
There is organized Cake hunt when Gandara gets their server. So they pretty much left to play BDO cause “we are bored” . Guess they are back.
There is organized Cake hunt when Gandara gets their server. So they pretty much left to play BDO cause “we are bored”
. Guess they are back.
Cake hunt? Wow thats pathetic. How salty can people get nowadays?
In my opinion there are far too less famous guilds in this game that produce content like this. They are not gods, but at least better than the average roamer you usually encounter. I’m not a fanboy, heck I even killed some of them in 1v1, had some good fights.
I also love how you people judge them by their builds. Since when gave anet a kitten about wvw balance? They made some changes, but primarly for pvp…
Get some mobility and disengage if you think you can never ever win.
Keep going cake, this is at least more entertaining to watch than every gw2 esports video.
(edited by beatthedown.2651)
I don’t think people are denying their skill. They know what they are doing but you can’t deny that they are also carried more then skill because of the builds they run, and the stats too, I thought 17k health on my thief was a it over bored but when you see druids and scrappers in the 20k mark it just seems a bit silly. I would love to see theres same people run thives/mesmers/eles/reapers as well but its always the same berskers/dh/druid and scrapper mintage. And yeah I agree about the esports comment lol
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
There is organized Cake hunt when Gandara gets their server. So they pretty much left to play BDO cause “we are bored”
. Guess they are back.
I also love how you people judge them by their builds. Since when gave anet a kitten about wvw balance? They made some changes, but primarly for pvp…
Get some mobility and disengage if you think you can never ever win.Keep going cake, this is at least more entertaining to watch than every gw2 esports video.
It’s about risk vs reward. If I see a bunker druid there’s no point watching as they should win all 1v1s and survive 1v5 to at least run away. It’s boring to watch as the result is a forgone conclusion, they win. If a video contains footage of mistakes made to learn from, good plays with less widely used weapons and skills then that is interesting. Fighting against builds you should lose to but pulling a win by punishing the mistakes made is interesting.
Running fotm low risk high reward builds is not very interesting, if I want to see that I’d go play WvW, it’s full of them.
This is much more interesting if only because it shows ways to use portal even without a group.
Edit: Watching paint dry is more fun than a fair number of GW2 esports videos especially if you have patches of sun on the paint that is being dried. Which patch will be dry first? WHO KNOWS!
(edited by apharma.3741)
I thought it was pretty cool.
Yes berserkers and bunker druids could use a tone down in WvW. But apart from that they have a burst chrono and some DH’s which are fine. And after two patches of shaves i feel scrapper has been sufficiently nerf batted.
[lion]~ riperonis
I dont like guild groups. Hope the zone blobs will farm them.
Now post the videos where they die over and over to zergs or other guilds, lol. All gameplay footage of the “best” is biased.
Now post the videos where they die over and over to zergs or other guilds, lol. All gameplay footage of the “best” is biased.
Whats so bad at dying against a huge blob. There is no skill involved. Saw them getting chased by a blob that big, my decent pc started getting fps drops. Just a salty commander wasting server resourcres.
The funny thing is that this bullkitten-mentality helps them making footages. At some point people stop chasing them, but some tryhards still don’t give up as long as they outnumber them. They get rekt most likely since they are nothing but zerg sheeps thinking their own usual playstyle needs skill.
(edited by beatthedown.2651)
@apharma 20k-23k health on rev isn’t really that hard to get to with marauder and valk.
[Oath] [VR] [PA] and some other baddies in the past.
(edited by Arsoras.4058)
I like the fact that guilds like Cake EXIST because I think the small scale roaming scene is getting smaller and smaller, so it’s nice to see some are still having success with it.
However, are Cake the best? No. Don’t mistake that for me saying I’m better because I’m probably not, but I have seen people best them in equal fights multiple times, what you see in their videos is unfortunatly just the ones they win. They don’t show the deaths they have whilst trying to get this footage. It’s a shame actually because skilled play doesn’t always have to end in you winning the fight. Don’t get me wrong, they ARE good, just don’t take the vids they upload as a proper representation of how they perform all the time because it won’t be like that at all.
I Silent – Thief
…. That’s about it.
It isn’t really fair to try and claim CAKE or any guild is the best for small group roaming (EU or NA). One nice thing about small group roaming is that (assuming mostly equal skill/strategy) a lot of the fights between small guilds will come down to the decisions made within the fight and how the fight was approached.
And for people saying people should include deaths in videos, as a video maker I can just give my perspective about that. I will only rarely put deaths into my videos and usually at the end of the videos (or the start). It feels like deaths break up the flow of the video and from my experience very few viewers actually appreciate the nuances and little plays that can make fights you lose worth watching. And usually when it comes to losing a fight when I watch back over my recording I almost instantly identify the mistake(s) that made me lose the fight. While watching lost fight recordings is good for getting better at the game, it doesn’t make particularly interesting viewing, except in special circumstances, ie 3v10+ where you kill 10 and then a zerg comes and runs you over.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer
How can a player change profession in 5 sec in the middle a fight?
It was done here in the clip as the Guardian with 12 sec on the game clock changed to a Warrior in 5 sec at 7 sec on the game clock.
I don’t know how to determine if someone is “the best”, but I do know that even excellent players get killed all the time, even by lesser skilled players. Edited videos tend to project an aura of invincibility just by their nature, and nobody is going to be able to live up to that.
I appreciate the quality of the Cake videos, and the tips some of them give to other players. They’re evidently skilled, even if it is impossible to know if they’re “the best”.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
(edited by Choppy.4183)
OK maybe the clip was edited from two players’ screens.
Sometimes they stream on Twitch so you get to see all of their mistakes too. We also had the pleasure of watching a sleepy TCG fight them.
This game must be in such a state, not sure you can say that stuff like that is the ‘best’.
Even the GvG scene left playing this game, is so tiny compared to what it used to be, so is the roaming scene; because of balancing. Probably why there’s so little roaming groups nowadays and little quality to fight, I guess alot of people are playing Overwatch instead.
Playing that kind of comp vs a pug group that chases you is pretty boring for everyone, it’s like a premade in sPvP vs random, or a boonshare Guild group vs disorganised pug blob, just with wvw builds/gear and pugs generally worse than in sPvP, I wouldn’t even bother playing with those pugs either.
You should make a reddit account, if you keep posting these threads
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Fun video. Hopefully Cake will go for a bit more variety in their future composition to spice things up a bit – Dragonhunter and Druid stacking is of course very effective (and rather broken) but it’s way cooler when you have a few more high risk dps classes amongst the midst spiking sidelines and generally being all flashy and cool
I don’t think people are denying their skill. They know what they are doing but you can’t deny that they are also carried more then skill because of the builds they run, and the stats too, I thought 17k health on my thief was a it over bored but when you see druids and scrappers in the 20k mark it just seems a bit silly. I would love to see theres same people run thives/mesmers/eles/reapers as well but its always the same berskers/dh/druid and scrapper mintage. And yeah I agree about the esports comment lol
Thats cause ranger and engineer have higher base health pool,meaning if you sit on 17k hp on thief you have extra i think 400-500 vitality,if a ranger sits on 20k health means he got extra 4k health i think.My full zerker ranger “means every single piece is zerker” with just shout runes is around 18k health.Also you got to account those thingies put into ascended gear,which can mean extra health aswell.
But yeah,he was tankier sort,more heals and those boons,oh boy,non stop protection,average of 15 might without elite,nonstop fury/swiftness even resistance poped few times and that quickness was kitten long.Pretty crazy stuff for a guy spaming aa on staff most of the time.Shame what has ranger become in last few months
Still one of best roaming videos to be seen,and great editing.
I don’t think people are denying their skill. They know what they are doing but you can’t deny that they are also carried more then skill because of the builds they run, and the stats too, I thought 17k health on my thief was a it over bored but when you see druids and scrappers in the 20k mark it just seems a bit silly. I would love to see theres same people run thives/mesmers/eles/reapers as well but its always the same berskers/dh/druid and scrapper mintage. And yeah I agree about the esports comment lol
Thats cause ranger and engineer have higher base health pool,meaning if you sit on 17k hp on thief you have extra i think 400-500 vitality,if a ranger sits on 20k health means he got extra 4k health i think.My full zerker ranger “means every single piece is zerker” with just shout runes is around 18k health.Also you got to account those thingies put into ascended gear,which can mean extra health aswell.
But yeah,he was tankier sort,more heals and those boons,oh boy,non stop protection,average of 15 might without elite,nonstop fury/swiftness even resistance poped few times and that quickness was kitten long.Pretty crazy stuff for a guy spaming aa on staff most of the time
.Shame what has ranger become in last few months
Still one of best roaming videos to be seen,and great editing.
I am fully aware of the base hp, my point is that neither druid/scrapper needed to use any extra vitality stats, at least not going into the 20k mark. Still, it is a shame how some class’s can get stacks of boons by just aa or afking.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
I don’t think people are denying their skill. They know what they are doing but you can’t deny that they are also carried more then skill because of the builds they run, and the stats too, I thought 17k health on my thief was a it over bored but when you see druids and scrappers in the 20k mark it just seems a bit silly. I would love to see theres same people run thives/mesmers/eles/reapers as well but its always the same berskers/dh/druid and scrapper mintage. And yeah I agree about the esports comment lol
Thats cause ranger and engineer have higher base health pool,meaning if you sit on 17k hp on thief you have extra i think 400-500 vitality,if a ranger sits on 20k health means he got extra 4k health i think.My full zerker ranger “means every single piece is zerker” with just shout runes is around 18k health.Also you got to account those thingies put into ascended gear,which can mean extra health aswell.
But yeah,he was tankier sort,more heals and those boons,oh boy,non stop protection,average of 15 might without elite,nonstop fury/swiftness even resistance poped few times and that quickness was kitten long.Pretty crazy stuff for a guy spaming aa on staff most of the time
.Shame what has ranger become in last few months
Still one of best roaming videos to be seen,and great editing.
I am fully aware of the base hp, my point is that neither druid/scrapper needed to use any extra vitality stats, at least not going into the 20k mark. Still, it is a shame how some class’s can get stacks of boons by just aa or afking.
If it wasn’t for Marauder I’d see your point, but the minor loss in offensive stats for a few thousand more health seems silly to pass up. Marauder gear + Amulet with Durability runes and the rest Zerker will get you 20k+ on Engi.
@apharma 20k-23k health on rev isn’t really that hard to get to with marauder and valk.
My point wasn’t that it was hard more that they don’t need to bulk up on health with how much sustain and mitigation they have on the weapon sets and to some extent the legends.
@dat OTAN zerg, the druid was also using concentration sigil for 33% boon duration, don’t really care to watch it again to figure out the food but it’s most likely either damage reduction +15% boon duration or 20% boon duration with might on crit. If he was running nature magic that’s another 20% and durability can push it another 20% giving you upto 93% boon duration.
(edited by apharma.3741)
nature magic…. do you mean natural resonance? it’s 50% then (not 20%) if that’s what you are referring to.
nature magic…. do you mean natural resonance? it’s 50% then (not 20%) if that’s what you are referring to.
Minor in nature magic.
Thought you were talking about the rev.
Good point I didn’t make that clear. Edited my post to clarify that, thank you.
Ah CAKE, the gank guild. Lol I’ve seen this guild mostly run in about 5 manned groups. They then gank 1 or 2 people by themselves and chew on the backside of blobs. No to say they don’t run good builds and know how to play them. But the Cake guild isn’t the best at all.
Rakeyfirebrand: Elemental
Tradtheterror: Necromancer
Red guard is best.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
tha gank guild which ragewhispers when you kill someone in a 1on1, and tell each time “had lag”, “your build is insert synonym for excrements” and then claim “Im the best guard EU, you just had luck I was afk”, ive seen better guilds which didnt need to 2on1 me.
Maguuma – Predatory Instinct [HUNT]
who are these cake guys anyway ?
I am still very impressed by Cake’s many solo roaming videos like Vaans and another DH I can’t remember.
I don’t play on EU, but my own experience fighting in NA is that not many players in NA exhibit the same skill as Cake members. I feel that NA roamers are strong because of their build and not because of their skill. I am pretty average myself, and outplay many NA roamers, but still lose to many of them because their build was just…cheesier than mine.
Cake is different. I watch their videos, non-cheese looking builds. and they win. with skill.
HUNT has spoken. IMO one of the top guilds in small scale / solo roaming in NA.
Incredible vid, keep them coming. They truly know how to kitten a zerg off. They didn’t win in the end. But they definately held out for a long time against these numbers. That is quite impressive. Better then what most people can do in such circumtances with these numbers.
There is no need for them to be best guild ever. But to complain about ‘’cheesy builds’’ As if any average joe with a ’’cheesy’’ build will just win a fight outnumbered. Your average player would get wrecked in nearly all outnumbered fights. Heck with all the complaints at the pvp forum from said average players finding this or that OP while spreading misinformation. Chances are an average joe is really nothing special, nothing to write home about as the term implies. 1 v 2 is for the average player already an obstacle. Any match-ups where the ratio is bigger then 1:3 is nothing short of impossible. Heck ussually when figthing zerg or larger groups with these ratios the response is to either get bobbed or get the kitten out. This is just pettyness. Nothing short on putting another handicap on the most glaring Obvious handicap they already had. to not call them good. Ridiculous. If it weren’t the builds people would simply call everybody they ever fought ever noobs. Which they did. while it’s likely that they are just regular players more so then pros or noobs.
Ganking tails in zergs is exactly what a havoc/roaming squad should do. the fact that they can survive this long espically in the last fight where the ratio of players to players was equal to or bigger then 1:2 regardless of the zerg bieng split or them ganking a tail should be commended. And that was one heck of a big fat sloppy tail they had to work with in the last fight shown.
And sure they don’t show losses. But if u can win even half or a third of your fights in which u are outnumbered 1:2 or greater. Then what is thier to ’’expose’’ them for? That they lost in a fight they were ‘’supposed to lose’’.
Some response in this thread.
‘’Unless u win these fights with even more handicaps I can stack on thier already pe-existing handicaps, And change, revoke, increase the difficulty of said handicaps and add more after said Handicaps were also overcome. then yes maby then u are Average, hurr, durr, durr’’
Also don’t forget the classicall.‘’ I took a kitten on them with my XYZ build and they got salty or whenver I beat them, they use excuse XYZ as to why they lost’’
Those enemy zergs are small. My roaming video i fight like against +50 dudes.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
[This post has gone off course into negative commentary, it is now closed.]