Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Gizmo.8921


It seems we will be matched against eachother after this reset.

I am hoping that this will be a good match up between top tier servers and we can have some really good battles. I myself play on SoS and I call both IoJ and SoR servers to show some true sportsmanship and not gang up 2v1 against a server. Saying that – I also hope SoS will not gang up against one of the server with other server.

Lets keep it fun and keep the battle going 3 ways.

May the best server win!

Sea of Sorrows

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


If it serves a tactical purpose why not?

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Cirus.5748


Ganging up is part of the WvW, all is fair.

If you’re good enough, you’ll always win anyway.

Vanguard Of Exiled Mercenaries – Blackgate

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: BAEK.8561


Wait, what? 2v1 in WvWvW is both normal and strategic gameplay. If it’s 2v1 for the WHOLE week, then you’d have an argument.

{Sanctum of Rall} Since Day -3
Weekend Guardian/Elementalist
No Guild Affiliation

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Gizmo.8921


I didn’t say that there is something wrong with ganging up, I am just hoping that it would be more fun if servers would stand up for themselves – this is after all a battle between top tier servers… so each should have enough man power to produce even battles.

Yes ganing up is fair and all that – but it be more enjoyable without it imho…

Sea of Sorrows

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Tyaen.5148


I for one expect to target SoS all week. I doubt IoJ will be able to hang.

That said, I also expect the SoS/SoR match up to be every bit as close as last time with IoJ putting up a better showing than CD did.

Tyyaen – Engineer (80) [SS]

(edited by Tyaen.5148)

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: TurtleMuncher.9750


Pretty sure we going to get ganked after all the kittenflinging , doubt we will win the rotation but at least there will be bodies to kill


Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Gizmo.8921


After recently being in a match up against all three in the last few weeks and judging solely on how people made comments in the match up threads, GO SoS! Kick their bums without mercy.

Aye unfortunatelly I can see SoR and IOJ teaming up on SoS – if it happens, oh well – the victory will be ever so much sweeter

Sea of Sorrows

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: psirca.9452


Oh purlease, we let HOD have some map coverage tonight by not defending a tower we had. What happens? HOD starts trebbing our keep. SOS tries to kill them off and go thru, repelled SOS then goes for every northern supply camp. We were at one point repairing 3 gates, one wall, and still kept all of you out. Someone even took out the treb on us. Put the double teaming discussion to rest. You do it, you continue to do it and after this week, I don’t think you need to beg for mercy. You think you have it together but you double team like all the others.

Sometimes IOJ is just better than you.
We eat double teams like double creams. Been that way since day 1, always the enemy of both sides and always attacked north and south everywhere, it wouldn’t be new to us to fight 2 at once and I have never seen one formal alliance call made where we “won’t” attack someone until this HOD thing. That became take backsies when they couldn’t figure out that we only allowed them on our map to keep you busy. They didn’t perform so they were removed.

If IOJ is good at anything, it’s multitasking, thanks to our headstrong small groups and guilds.

(edited by psirca.9452)

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Freelancer.4526


Red = Dead. That goes for both servers.

Tales of Tyria | Team Legacy |

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


No worries, I got tons of siege I saved up while we were spawn camping TC and ET.

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Play to win

It’s only logical, if you can manage it, for two servers to tear apart another on a map to capture locations. That’s so you can score points.

If your enemy has as many, or gains more points than you, then you turn your attention on him to get ahead.

As for future insights about SoR and IOJ teaming up on SoS, it’s funny you should say that seeing as SoR can smash SoS all on their lonesome. Did it once already, so much so that SoR got bored of the match and stopped logging in.

Hopefully SoS will keep the match interesting right to the end this time.

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: FuzzyStarburst.3071


SoS vs SoR last week was a very imbalanced match, and I doubt you’ll find anyone who would disagree. Blackgate was meddling, Halloween was interrupting. One night SoR had everything, one night SoS had everything. It was a mess, and pretty unenjoyable. I hope both side can turn out at the same time this week, and I hope that SoS’s Oceanic guilds can respect PRX, who did an AMAZING job last week. I fought the NA primetime, I fought the Oceanic primetime, and there’s no doubt to which one we’re planning against more.

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


SoS vs SoR last week was a very imbalanced match, and I doubt you’ll find anyone who would disagree. Blackgate was meddling, Halloween was interrupting. One night SoR had everything, one night SoS had everything. It was a mess, and pretty unenjoyable. I hope both side can turn out at the same time this week, and I hope that SoS’s Oceanic guilds can respect PRX, who did an AMAZING job last week. I fought the NA primetime, I fought the Oceanic primetime, and there’s no doubt to which one we’re planning against more.

Last week’s SoR matchup (and all the stuff you mention above) was really good for the growth and cohesion of SoS. We learnt a lot across the board, and I suspect you will find it a more even match this time (hopefully to our benefit).

Sea of Sorrows

(edited by Actinotus.6410)

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: cjadthenord.4928


IoJ nobody here, just popping in to say last night (early morning?) was a lot of fun. While most of my North American friends were hitting the hay I logged into our Borderlands when we had almost nothing and didn’t leave until we had just about the whole map covered. Thanks to Noms, of course. But also to everyone else who took the game seriously enough to organize teams but had fun doing it.

Really looking forward to the next matchup, even if it is against SoS again. I feel like we’ll get off to a much better start, and with the general mood in chat being positive, I can tell we’re gonna have a much stronger showing. See you guys in EB ;D

Officer and Co-Founder of “The Power of Friendship”
Isle of Janthir Murderbot; let me kill your face!
Look at my charming hat! <|:D

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


Seriously? Already the talk about 2v1 has started, and the matchup hasn’t even been announced.

Let’s face facts. In a 3 way competition, there is always going to be perceived 2v1’s. Read any post about any matchup, and you’ll hear that accusation. It’s the nature of the beast.

As for IoJ not being able to hang, we’ll see. Maybe we’ve lost some of our bandwagonners, Halloween is over, and the cleanup on the east coast is underway. We’ll find out where we sit this evening. No sense in calling us out without knowing what we’re capable of.

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Kissbel.3475


SOR dont Need to Double team we never have and never will – if you RED Your Dead

Arelis Caba [FEAR] mesmer pro
(Sanctum of Rall)
I Speak for my Self not my Guildies

Call to IoJ and SoR - from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Jonathan.1580


Silly post. Depending on the map composition/score I will encourage double teaming the instant it becomes beneficial. The intrigue of this aspect of WvW gameplay is one of the reason why it is so much more addictive than sPvP… OP you should chew on this some and possibly just recant the entire post =)