Can This Ranger Do Well In WvW?

Can This Ranger Do Well In WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Pooka.3420


Movie showing how fast i can murder a supply camp as a BM bunker build.

Wonderful for camps, but I’m not sure how it would work pvp? those stacks of bleed were really nice though… any videos vs players? I’m curious to see how it works out with ppl who use condition removals/transfers


That’s my latest

I have more on my channel

Pooka can admit when he is wrong.. I thought I had the perfect build and I still think its very viable as a glass cannon.. but.. kitten.. this guys build opens up a new world.. I had all the bunker armor etc as I was working on a bunker/ traps build.. so i just changed out the signets. and ran this build.. went into WvW and wasted a thief and a elle and an engineer at the same time.. They had to call in a group to get me..

Can Pooka say.. he loves you?

Highbeams(Druid) Pooka Pook(Ranger) – Yaks Bend

Can This Ranger Do Well In WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Groups are usually what eventually get me heh
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Can This Ranger Do Well In WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Cempa.5619


Can This Ranger Do Well In WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Lepew.7890


I have a couple of rangers I use for WvW.

1. Zerker gear/glass cannon/longbow/sb 30/30/10/0/0… have around 50-60% crit chance with around 80-90% crit damage, typically run spiders as pets. This ranger is good for piercing attacks through massed foes. Barrage from LB is the central weapon, useful against those on the walls, or those sieging walls, or in the middle of a pack to slow retreat. If there is any large scale action or keep taking/defense, this is the one I play. I use healing spring, RaO, muddy terrain, speed trinket, condition removal trinket. You must be aware of position at all times, evade and fall back in the face of a threat.

2. SB 20/20/0/0/30 magic finder build with wolves. I run around in MF gear and flip camps, kill sentries solo. I get my daily done on this while putting pressure on undefended camps etc. This guy is not very strong in any kind of 1 on 1 matchup. You can do a lot with a strong pet, sent it in, get aggro, pull it out, pet swap to dump adds, and take out one guy at a time. I went with piercing arrows and faster short bow attacks which allow you to line up several targets and bring them down at the same time.

I have heard of bunker builds (0/0/30/10/30) in which you run defensive gear and let your pet do the damage (typically cats), and you build for regeneration. Your damage is weak and limited to pet burst from jaguar, but you are hard to kill. My experience is they are bad for flipping camps as DPS is so low that someone will likely arrive before you finish. I would much rather run my guardian who in a strong altrusitic healing build with a hammer can put out DPS and survive.

I have heard trap builds are fine where you drag people into your traps, and you use entangle etc. I really hate giving up the run speed trinket, and I really hate not having the condition removal trinket, but I suppose you could dump both for more traps. Entangle is a real game changer at times; RaO means you can avoid CC and get away from bad situations.

McDingus – DDLG guild – Stormbluff Isle

Can This Ranger Do Well In WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Sarlack.4096


This happened to me an hour ago, I immediately thought of this post and the Ranger community and put this together =P

Can This Ranger Do Well In WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Cempa.5619


This happened to me an hour ago, I immediately thought of this post and the Ranger community and put this together =P

Come on, you can’t just leave this video here and not explain! Are those 2 really that bad or do you have 1000 health regen per second?

Can This Ranger Do Well In WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Cempa.5619


This happened to me an hour ago, I immediately thought of this post and the Ranger community and put this together =P

0/20(I/X)/30(III/IX/XII or XI)/10(VI)/10(VI) Spec. All 12 Slots (except weapon) P/T/V including jewelry, Runes of the Ranger in Armor and Exquisite Ruby Jewels in all trinket slots. Zerker Weapons with Sigil of Flame.

For the 30 WS traits if I run Signet of the Wild I have the 30 Empathic Bond spec’d, If I run Signet of Renewal I run Barkskin.

Raven/Owl Pets.

I’ve also had success with:

2 x PTV Accesories with Ruby Jewels
2 x Ascended P/T/Crit Damage Rings
1 x Ascended Amulet P/T/Crit Damage
1 x Ascended Back with P/T/Crit Damage

Spec – 20/20/15/10/5 and REALLY Liking it

Knights Weapons with Sigil of Fire, Master MAintenance Oil and Curry Butternut Squash

3K Attack, 40% Crit rate, 75% Crit Damage, 3K Armor/2K Toughness. Still using 2 bows..

Buddy helped me with these awhile back, both were very strong 1v1, 1v2 builds


Which build and gear?

Can This Ranger Do Well In WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Sarlack.4096


This happened to me an hour ago, I immediately thought of this post and the Ranger community and put this together =P

0/20(I/X)/30(III/IX/XII or XI)/10(VI)/10(VI) Spec. All 12 Slots (except weapon) P/T/V including jewelry, Runes of the Ranger in Armor and Exquisite Ruby Jewels in all trinket slots. Zerker Weapons with Sigil of Flame.

For the 30 WS traits if I run Signet of the Wild I have the 30 Empathic Bond spec’d, If I run Signet of Renewal I run Barkskin.

Raven/Owl Pets.

I’ve also had success with:

2 x PTV Accesories with Ruby Jewels
2 x Ascended P/T/Crit Damage Rings
1 x Ascended Amulet P/T/Crit Damage
1 x Ascended Back with P/T/Crit Damage

Spec – 20/20/15/10/5 and REALLY Liking it

Knights Weapons with Sigil of Fire, Master MAintenance Oil and Curry Butternut Squash

3K Attack, 40% Crit rate, 75% Crit Damage, 3K Armor/2K Toughness. Still using 2 bows..

Buddy helped me with these awhile back, both were very strong 1v1, 1v2 builds


Which build and gear?

That’s not current, ATM Moment I am kinda keeping my “unconventional” spec close as I round it out. PM me of you want more details Cempa

As for the skill level cant really say since they ran but apparently the guy who PM’d me thought he should of pounded me…

Can This Ranger Do Well In WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Arekai.5698


No ranger can be viable in WvW.
Im sorry to disappoint you.

Can This Ranger Do Well In WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Melamorte.2870


No ranger can be viable in WvW.
Im sorry to disappoint you.

I read it on the internet.

[CoF]Meldios – JQQ

Can This Ranger Do Well In WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Sarlack.4096


No ranger can be viable in WvW.
Im sorry to disappoint you.

I read it on the internet.

Therefore it MUST BE TRUE!