Can WvW be more fun and profitable for Gw2?

Can WvW be more fun and profitable for Gw2?

in WvW

Posted by: panda the chop chop.4712

panda the chop chop.4712


We all already know what we want, here are a list of how we all can have our cakes and eat it:

Create new gem store items for wvw only!
exp: -wxp boosters
-Siege packs (large amounts of siege for gems)
-wvw “Gem Special supplies”
-Gem only types of siege (mercenary siege) ^built only by the above^
-Selling bulks of Siege Masters Guide for gems!!
-special finishers for only wvw --———————————————
-special banners for only wvw <-- |ALL THESE FOR GEMS|
-special supply traps --———————————————
– Guild banner trims when they claim anything! earned by influence ect. <— unlocked with gems
-1 time use special mass area heal/buff/dammage/ect. (how cool would it be to use like a lightning storm that hits all those trebs you cant reach? or wall of fire that causes cripple and burning for a long duration and cannot be cured untill a set time after touching it? everyone is dropping and your buddy bought a mass heal to help everyone?
– 1 time profession buff (wvw only) rangers shoot 2x farther, eles aoe is 2x larger, warriors attack 2x faster theifs lol yes…. stealth last 2x longer! gardians heals 2x more or shout buffs last 2 x longer, mesmer can portal 2x more ppl and clones last 2x longer, necro wells 2x larger and conditions last 2x longer ( still removable) idk about engineer? but create those turret instantly and double them maybe 10% less dammage ?

my head hurts now lol but these are some small ideas, we need to stop complaining they know what we WANT great, if they truly listen to the community start giving REAL REASONABLE IDEAS! all of these ideas do not make any group better if they are they are easily attained then anyone can have it then there is not reason why one cannot use it also. but again these are my ideas and opinion and everyone is free to theirs.

IGN: Itspanda

Can WvW be more fun and profitable for Gw2?

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


Pay to win items would be a no. Anything is fine. Armor, skins, finishers, etc. I would be willing to pay a fee to play wvw that had its own team devoted to it to make it better.