Can we PLEASE rotate the colours more?
Yes! Give me purple! Or that blinding shiny white. That would be awesome. Maybe even pink. Or pewter. Go Buccaneers! Woo. Cry. Sob. Josh Freeman…
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
We always, ALWAYS win (the one time we didn’t was because of an exploit!) and as such we are always Green. This makes WvW Map completion very difficult to get.
First-World Tyrian Problems at its finest.
Well this is a change of pace, someone complaining about winning! I like it!
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
“we purposefully unbalanced the system to ensure we’d always be #1… but now we’re stuck always being #1.”
Northern Shiverpeaks
World Completion is such a pest , why do I have to PvE so much just to get that kitten legendary
Ruins of Surmia
Interestingly enough we just were discussing this with Habib, master of all things WvW and I think we will do this soon, if it is as easy to do as we hope. It will just make things a little more interesting.
If you’re that good, just take the keeps/towers you haven’t got yet. Make a server-wide coordinated effort to get map completions. I’ve been red for months (just turned blue for the first time in all that time) and I have full WvW map completion on 4 characters. That includes the almost impenetrable green EB keep. >.<
Good, because getting 100% if your server is always number 1 is a pain
Swampy made this suggestion:
scrap the rating altogether…
Winners move up a tier, losers move down a tier…FIXED
This is such a good (and simple?) idea
This is a great idea. I hope it happens.
Interestingly enough we just were discussing this with Habib, master of all things WvW and I think we will do this soon, if it is as easy to do as we hope. It will just make things a little more interesting.
Thank you!
Red is much easier to make out on the terrain, if anything the 1st place should be red, not last place. But a rotation or randomization would be best.
I eventually server swapped for a week to get the Blackgate EB Keep POI and vista, since it hadn’t changed hands in over a month. It still hasn’t changed hands since then – about another month. It was OK – folks on BG are really nice just like on JQ, and I also finally got to complete the Blue BL JP.
I stayed out of WvW to avoid accusations of spying, and because I didn’t feel like killing JQ buddies. At the end of the week I hopped back to JQ, quite a lot of gold poorer.
[The Flameseeker Prophecies] 4/11/13
Itinerant, no guild.
Interestingly enough we just were discussing this with Habib, master of all things WvW and I think we will do this soon, if it is as easy to do as we hope. It will just make things a little more interesting.
I like you, new guy. I like you a LOT! You’re so full of great communication and good news.
Henge of Denravi
This would be a nice, welcome change if it is easy to implement.
No one should have to transfer servers just to get world completion due to their server being ‘stuck’ in third place. I’ve had guildies discussing doing this very thing recently so they can work towards their legendary.
Mixing it up during the match ups is always a little fun.
On TC we have been green, blue, red and possibly green again all in one month. Working as intended!
Congratulations Sunspots. But for those servers that are stuck at the bottom and haven’t moved to the top spot in MONTHS, it is a real issue.
I see no problem with rotating up the colors. Shouldn’t really impact the WvW matches too much.
I don’t think it’s a bad idea, but don’t do it for OPs sake. No one in WvW cares about map completion and the colors make a huge difference.
If anything, I think Blue should be the #1 server’s spot and Green/Red rotate between #2 and #3.
wasn’t there supposed to be map rotation soon?
Here’s a suggestion.
Do something about the Vistas as POIs in WvWvW.
I’ve been literally unable to get last 4 points for 3 weeks now because our server is never on the green side.
Interestingly enough we just were discussing this with Habib, master of all things WvW and I think we will do this soon, if it is as easy to do as we hope. It will just make things a little more interesting.
Fuschia is nice. Peuce, too. And a true daffodil yellow would not be amiss. You know, you did say ‘interesting’
Leader of The Ethereal Guard
I’m on a server that gets to unfairly jump on two demoralized servers and see no problem with getting easy PoI’s while controlling EB, all three BL’s, and have dozens of our zerglings dancing on their spawnpoints. As a big pufferfish in a very tiny bowl with two goldfish squeezed under me for several months, I see no problem with the way things are currently set up.
I agree! If someone can’t bribe an entire WvW guild to transfer to their server or just hop to a winning server instead, they clearly don’t deserve that one little point of interest that really has nothing to do with WvW whatsoever.
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood
Why do people care so much about WvW map completion? Oo. I mean i’ve never known a single person working on a legendary ever get hung up on the world completion. Usually its the, well idk, 700g precursor or something. You kno there’s no reweard for it right?
If you play WvW enough you eventually take everything, i have wvw map’s done on 2 characters jus from playing not even trying to do maps. o.o
>>I think colour rotation would be really awesome an fair tho, an not based on points^^
Why do people care so much about WvW map completion? Oo. I mean i’ve never known a single person working on a legendary ever get hung up on the world completion. Usually its the, well idk, 700g precursor or something. You kno there’s no reweard for it right?
If you play WvW enough you eventually take everything, i have wvw map’s done on 2 characters jus from playing not even trying to do maps. o.o
>>I think colour rotation would be really awesome an fair tho, an not based on points^^
But what server do you play on? For some servers it can be done but others have a terrible time getting all the keeps. Not to mention the people who don’t like wvw don’t always have a group that can grab that odd tower at 9am when the zergs are not around. It can be a bit rough.
I agree! If someone can’t bribe an entire WvW guild to transfer to their server or just hop to a winning server instead, they clearly don’t deserve that one little point of interest that really has nothing to do with WvW whatsoever.
Exactly, actually.
Nobody deserves any of the point of interests. None.
If your server can’t earn that point of interest, then work on other parts of your legendary. If you’re done with all the other parts, figure out whether the benefit of transferring to a server (and perhaps back, but most carebears don’t care about WvW, so they don’t need to transfer back) with control of that PoI is worth the cost. If so, go for it. If not, wait till some bandwagon moves around.
Implying that anyone deserves full unfettered access to content when players have the ability to stop you is misguided to the highest degree.
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift
I’m on a server that gets to unfairly jump on two demoralized servers and see no problem with getting easy PoI’s while controlling EB, all three BL’s, and have dozens of our zerglings dancing on their spawnpoints. As a big pufferfish in a very tiny bowl with two goldfish squeezed under me for several months, I see no problem with the way things are currently set up.
I agree! If someone can’t bribe an entire WvW guild to transfer to their server or just hop to a winning server instead, they clearly don’t deserve that one little point of interest that really has nothing to do with WvW whatsoever.
This made me lol irl – almost spilled my Friday evening margarita. Well played sir.
And yes, for overall fairness and to shake things up it would be fun to rotate colors independently of rank. Some keeps are slightly easier to take than others, and they all have a slightly different atmosphere. Keep it even, so nobody can claim unfair advantage or foul.
[The Flameseeker Prophecies] 4/11/13
Itinerant, no guild.
(edited by Midnightjade.3520)
i need two vistas and two points of interest to complete my legendary. to just complete it, i have everythign else. I have tried to organize groups to bash their heads against the walls to just break downthe doors, and not even cap the keep, but to take the points i need. it has become increasingly difficult, and we have been red for the past 4 weeks. so incredibly frustrating to continue as red constantly with no community to take the keeps needed.
Mix things up kitten what would it actually mean if you could jsut change colors for us
Anet, do not force people to change servers to get world completion. really, its sorta ridiculous, you get enough money from us.
(edited by Gryph.8237)
They just want you to use Gem Store to make a transfer …
Am I right Arena Net?
Congratulations Sunspots. But for those servers that are stuck at the bottom and haven’t moved to the top spot in MONTHS, it is a real issue.
I see no problem with rotating up the colors. Shouldn’t really impact the WvW matches too much.
Dependings on the tier being stuck at first is as bad as being stuck at third. The borderlan maps are probably not as big of a problem for the first place server but I don’t really see any of the sides having an easy time taking the others’ keep and the tower next to it in EB except maybe right after reset.
Thanks anet, for another week of red. good planning. I am really, unimpressed.
You try and log into a game, join the battlegrounds YOU need to get world completion and see how YOU feel when your outnumbered 2 or 3 to 1. GREAT JOB ANET. lets force the SAME matchups time and time again, and see if we get the same results. It’s the definition of insanity. do the same thing over and over and over again and expect different results. CHANGE IT kitten gt;!@
Just want to say thanks for forcing some of us ot have to pay to get world completion. Thanks. really.. thanks.
(edited by Gryph.8237)
As it stands, the server I am on (Jade Quaggan) is always first. We always, ALWAYS win (the one time we didn’t was because of an exploit!) and as such we are always Green. This makes WvW Map completion very difficult to get.
Can we please just have the colour randomized?
So wait you ALWAYS win but are incapable of taking other servers garrisons/keeps/towers to get your completion ?!?!?!?
well my server has been kitten red for 5-6 weeks. THANKS ANET! AWESOME SYSTEM!
inb4 they change the colors from green-blue-red into pink-purple-cyan
Chibi Asura San (Engineer), Hikaru Masai (Guardian), Selene Minerva (Revenant)
Guild: The Bunnies [Bun] ~ Server: Jade Quarry
As it stands, the server I am on (Jade Quaggan) is always first. We always, ALWAYS win (the one time we didn’t was because of an exploit!) and as such we are always Green. This makes WvW Map completion very difficult to get.
Can we please just have the colour randomized?
So wait you ALWAYS win but are incapable of taking other servers garrisons/keeps/towers to get your completion ?!?!?!?
Yes, it may seem strange but this is true. If you are on a strong server and win but are facing strong opposition, the enemy will always have core centers upon which it can rely and which it will defend strongly.
BG and SoR EB keeps in T1 are really good examples. Taking them as a JQ attacker is very very difficult – those servers are not in T1 by accident!
In addition on the rare occasions we take them we usually cannot hold them for long.
Rotating spawns in WvW would equalize the battlefield. As a side-effect, it would also allow world completion for those that have been waiting for it for weeks or months, especially on server groups where the opposing forces are well organized and the battlefield tends to remain static for long periods of time.
[The Flameseeker Prophecies] 4/11/13
Itinerant, no guild.
Well I’m sorry if I don’t agree on all counts. Swap colours, I don’t care, but for the sake of world completion, kitten!
I’ve been playing since launch and I’m only 50% (ish) towards completion because I don’t PvE.
Hey lets make it even easier for PvE players, while WvWers are shown the shoulder once again.
If you participate on a regular basis, you will visit all areas of WvW. If not, suck it up like we have to.
Why do we have to do SO MUCH PvE to do world completion?
Surely for the honored title of World Completion, you should be familiar with all areas of the game?
(edited by Jacklo.4230)
inb4 they change the colors from green-blue-red into pink-purple-cyan
Don’t give them any ideas for next April Fools.
When SoS used to always be #1 I had no problem getting WvW map completion.
Interestingly enough we just were discussing this with Habib, master of all things WvW and I think we will do this soon, if it is as easy to do as we hope. It will just make things a little more interesting.
TYVM For the reply!
As it stands, the server I am on (Jade Quaggan) is always first. We always, ALWAYS win (the one time we didn’t was because of an exploit!) and as such we are always Green. This makes WvW Map completion very difficult to get.
Can we please just have the colour randomized?
So wait you ALWAYS win but are incapable of taking other servers garrisons/keeps/towers to get your completion ?!?!?!?
Not everyone can afford to be on 28 hours a day to grab the keep in the 4 seconds before it’s retaken.
Well I’m sorry if I don’t agree on all counts. Swap colours, I don’t care, but for the sake of world completion, kitten!
I’ve been playing since launch and I’m only 50% (ish) towards completion because I don’t PvE.
Hey lets make it even easier for PvE players, while WvWers are shown the shoulder once again.
If you participate on a regular basis, you will visit all areas of WvW. If not, suck it up like we have to.
Can you tell me how this would affect the WvW?
Just rotate the colors every reset. Not a huge deal. Even if you participate on regular basis, a single commander can’t assault the Garrison all by himself. In contrast, a “veteran” in WvW (as some here implies) would actually have no problem adapting because they’re so familiar with the land, now would they?
WvW players don’t demand that PVE map completion be made easier, even though it’s just as time consuming as WvW map completion is. So why should PVE players be allowed to EZ-mode WvW completion instead of earning it?
Also, most importantly, the maps are balanced based on rankings, thus swapping colors would ruin matchups. This change will damage WvW solely to make life easier for lazy PVE’ers, and that ain’t cool…
(edited by Mif.3471)
WvW players don’t demand that PVE map completion be made easier, even though it’s just as time consuming as WvW map completion is. So why would PVE players be allowed to EZ-mode WvW completion instead of earning it?
Also, most importantly, the maps are balanced based on rankings, thus swapping colors would ruin matchups. This change will damage WvW solely to make life easier for lazy PVE’ers, and that ain’t cool…
I don’t know, maybe because in PvE you don’t have to rely on your server’s poor WvW performance against the Horde of enemy server to nail that one Vista? (I’m looking at you, Stonemist Castle). As far as I see, there is no “balance” in the map. The Borderlands, for example, are exactly the same. In Eternal Battlegrounds, there are varieties in the landscape, but don’t really change much: there is no buff that reduces the effectiveness of the rams in the valley keep or something. At the end of the day, Green Army can always seize control of Southeast Keep while Red Army seize control of Southwest Keep and Blue Army seize control of North Keep and nothing would change other than the distance to nearest safe outpost.
I don’t live in America, at night (when I can play), my server is practically empty, while the enemy (both of them) have SWARMS (to not have the Outmanned buff is actually very uncommon). At this point, the glory of WvW is not an option. Should I be denied map completion just because I live in different timezone?
Besides, Green, Blue, Red, you can already change position based on rankings. What would changing the position more regularly do to your server’s performance?
I have a community based idea that might work. It’ll need cooperation of the majority. Luckily, the PvE community is bigger than WvW. So… you could simply take over the queue’s to do it
I’ll have to post the concept over the weekend. It’s something we could do by the end of the week if warranted.
Yes please.
I’m 1 vista away from world complete and it’s right in the corner of EB.
Our server is not doing so well since large guilds left thanks to free server transfers.
I support this 100%.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
No one left SoS because of free transfers, lol.
I don’t have a clue as to why peole who play WvW (i include myself in the ranks of wvw’rs) think that pve map completion is hard at all. You can do it solo, you don’t need anyone else, let alone a huge massive blob to take a keep for 5 minutes. How can you possible expect an aspect of the game that is completely solo-able to be made easier. Map completion on the pve side of things is a joke.
Map completion in wvw depends on other players, heck, massive amounts of other players. At higher tier servers there are places you cannot take at all, unless you wait until 4am and then you only take it for 10 seconds. The important point is that you need and have to rely on other players to help you get world completion, and no one wants to stop a guild event to take a tower that is not helpful in eb, etc.
Making the legendary is hard enough, and I don’t want to have to rely on having 70+ players around me to take specific keeps to get points/vistas.
I know a large percentage of players transferred servers a lot to get wc back when it was free, and ill be 100% that they transferred for WvW points and not PvE points.
I think requiring people to transfer servers to get completion is in poor form. I also think making players rely on their server’s capability in wvw to get map completion is also very poor form.
You realize, we’re all in the same boat across all servers. Even though I agree that map positioning should have been randomized from the beginning, it’s not needed for this. This is something we can all achieve with just a little effort and cooperation from the community.
I hope the colors really do get randomized every week! Green is undoubtedly the strongest 1/3 in EB and it’s unfair that the strongest server gets the easiest 1/3 to defend. It would be so nice for the weakest server to be green one week, then red the next, the blue, and so on randomly to spice things up. Being the same color for weeks and weeks and weeks gets pretty boring after awhile
(edited by MrChandMan.8253)
The idea of the POIs in WvW were that you had to capture something before you could say ive been here. Not to sit on your lazy kitten and wait till you are that color. If you always win, just capture the tower.