Can we get Account Based WXP Ranks?
I am against that.
I am for reducing the WXP requirement to level up (by a lot) or being able to buy the level up with gem.I’d like to think you were being sarcastic, but im not too sure.
Wxp p2w?
Teso rvr cant come soon enough.
:( that would be really tragic if they made us all leave for new games with such intellectually degenerate game design such as this new kitten proposal. Give us account based rank now, we can tell you are hiding something. Is there some kind of lame business world patent that stops you from doing it? If so just tell us so we can at least direct our insults where they need to go in the business community instead of the creative artistic side that seems to take the blame for degenerate economics.
i guess someone has to be contrary.
your profession has nothing to do with how much youve played wvw, or with any of the mastery lines.
On the contrary it has EVERYTHING to do with how you are able to handle your profession and skills in wvw. If you are a level 50 warrior it is totally different from being a level 5 necro. Some classes are way easier to get wxp from.
I understand that people want things easy but wxp should be a toon xp measurement not an account wide. If you want an account wide then give the bonus that you can spend to account wide but a level 3/80 necro should not get a level 50 title simply because an alt played more wvw
It doesn’t have nearly enough to do with it man, you are so fos we can smell it. All it takes to blast your lame argument out of the sky is….. spvp rank….. the rank they did right. GTFO
I find that having wxp be soulbound has actually pushed me to play WvW with my alts more and has helped to further individualize them.
I want my characters to be specialized in certain things and I want them to each have their own accomplishment.
I’ve noticed that in the majority of all these complaints about this or that account-wide limitation being “bad for alts”… it’s never about alts being special and unique, it’s about players using them as generic build templates they want to swap between or using them to get around farming limits.
Too bad you cant chase a high rank/title like one character players can. USE YOUR HEAD. Alts are about having more fun and less redundancy. Five 80’s is five times more fun than one 80. USE YOUR HEAD.
Having Guard Stacks on a freshly made level 2 toon should not happen.
Sure, so let’s limit it to level 80’s only. Would that not fix that issue? Then you have to at least work at a class and know the class in PVE before you get the bonuses.
What if I got level 80 by crafting? Being lvl 80 doesn’t mean you know your class, build or what that class is good/bad at in WvW.
To me, character bound is a good idea. My warrior has sacrificed his life many times over to uphold the pride of my guild, why should my thief be rewarded for his bravery in the line of battle?
(whoa I went full RP there… I need help)
LOL! Yeah you got a little crazy there! no I totally agree with this, and that is the hard line to balance. But there IS something to be said about your WvW experience as a player that you should be rewarded for, not just your warrior. Yes?
Not only something to be said, but more to be said.
Yus please make WXP account bound and reset-able like skills/traits, it jus feels like a grindfest atm for OP siege ; ;. (does cata really need a 50% damage buff? . .)
^ But you get the point right?
The point comes from your one character complex. If you had at least 2 80’s you would understand your point is shallow. We are above and beyond your point. Your point is unbalanced in favor of you. We enjoy real points that promote equality for multi character players.
Too bad you cant chase a high rank/title like one character players can. USE YOUR HEAD. Alts are about having more fun and less redundancy. Five 80’s is five times more fun than one 80. USE YOUR HEAD.
Please keep a civil tone.
While five 80s might be five times more fun than one 80, it also took five times as long to level all those characters to 80, didn’t it?
I can chase any title a player with only one character can, it’ll simply take longer to get there. I’m committed to this game and I don’t mind if maxing out everything on everyone takes a few years. I played guild wars for six years, I’m comfortable taking the long approach.
Northern Shiverpeaks
^ But you get the point right?
Not really. What you posted is not what anyone has asked for in this thread. Making wxp account bound instead of character bound is 100% reasonable if only for the fact that the other side of pvp already has account based lvls.
Exactly, why does pvp have account wide ranks where there it is way more important what class you play and what you are good at, e.g. Im rank 50 only played on necro then switch to thief and I have no clue what I am doing, but I am still rank 50 lol ?
Wvw is a lot different I am sure the veteran wvw players know.
Makes no sense atm, make wvw ranks acc wide !
^ But you get the point right?
Not really. What you posted is not what anyone has asked for in this thread. Making wxp account bound instead of character bound is 100% reasonable if only for the fact that the other side of pvp already has account based lvls.
Exactly, why does pvp have account wide ranks where there it is way more important what class you play and what you are good at, e.g. Im rank 50 only played on necro then switch to thief and I have no clue what I am doing, but I am still rank 50 lol ?
Wvw is a lot different I am sure the veteran wvw players know.
Makes no sense atm, make wvw ranks acc wide !
The design goals I like, it’s the implementation that’s horrible. I want to have a build for my Engineer and have it be different than the builds for my Warrior, Ranger, Guardian, and Elementalist. Problem is there’s no incentive to actually do that since the system too closely acts like the Glory system than it does the Experience system.
If I gain experience and level up on my Elementalist (the only char I have under 80), I gain a trait point, a skill point, and a native adjustment to my attributes for that one character. However that character has specific class options for me to build towards that differentiate it from my other classes. This difference creates class diversity and unique play experience whilst also limiting how much I can progress by capping out at 70 trait points at level 80. WxP however doesn’t follow these basic rules and allows the character to have unlimited access to every option available. This is akin to say a Thief being able to gain the skills, traits, and weapons of every other class in the game; no limitation. Sure it’ll take the same amount of time as if he’d leveled a Guardian to obtain those class options with the Guardian, but there’s no incentive to split that versatility built into the system, and encouragement of the contrary.
The way WxP is designed is similar to the Glory system where you gain points overtime that accumulate to establish a prestige rank and use those points to unlock things in the game mode that’re only available there. Thus WxP is just extremely poorly implemented as the design team didn’t even bother to look at existing structures in the game to reference how new structures should be implemented…way to fail.