Can we get an answer regarding server alliances?
Why would they care?
Especially when its more likely just the better servers grabbing the weak servers forts for the free points before they attack each other.
Yep, Blackgate is fighting against 2 servers that are teaming up. The map says it all. Half and Half for the 2 servers going up against us in a ganking motion.
It wasn’t that type of situation ageN. On our server today we were pushed off by the other two servers working together. This was done very clearly, one would start attacking Hills Keep and then the other would literally come and hold the bridge by lowlands to prevent reinforcements. They wouldn’t attack anything just the whole other team would sit there and prevent anyone from spawning back.
There were sitings of both groups of zerg from the other server running past each other and not fighting on the way to attack our locations. These weren’t random takings but coordinated assaults.
So you think that in chat someone said. “Hey guys, only kill Blackgate” and everyone listened, and suddenly a partnership was born between the other 2 factions? Wvw is a machine that cannot be controlled.
Maybe anet should care because it’s an unfair advantage over the server that is being handicapped. Strategy isn’t even a factor at that point. It makes WvW worthless and boring.
How would you stop something like this…? If two servers talk outside of Guild Wars 2, like on an outside forum on TS/Vent it’s really outside of Anet’s control. For one Anet can’t monitor the world, and second there would be no real way to prove it.
80 ~ Thief/Guardian
This is exactly why there are three factions…
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry
Dude, this is why there are there are three worlds fighting each other instead of just two. It makes things interesting =)
Personally I think alliances are something to be expected and not regulated against, but an official response from anet would be appreciated and I’m interested in hearing their stance on the matter.
Thats kinda the reason why its a 1v1v1. So two lesser server can team up againts a dominant server.
Yep, Blackgate is fighting against 2 servers that are teaming up. The map says it all. Half and Half for the 2 servers going up against us in a ganking motion.
Kind of how BG and ET did to SoS ay?
Thats kinda the reason why its a 1v1v1. So two lesser server can team up againts a dominant server.
Well I’ve heard that people have been reported for posting mumble/voice comms for other servers to join and help coordinate efforts, and whilst I think that reporting people for stuff like this is ridiculous its important for anet to be clear about their stance here.
Is this a serious question? That’s the entire purpose behind the 3 faction format..
So you think that in chat someone said. “Hey guys, only kill Blackgate” and everyone listened, and suddenly a partnership was born between the other 2 factions? Wvw is a machine that cannot be controlled.
And two smaller servers SHOULD gang up and double team 1 BIG server which is dominating. This is why 3 way pvp works….and why 2 faction pvp always ends in an epic fail. Anyone who played Ilum on Swtor knows this. And Arenanet know this.
3 way pvp works precisely BECAUSE spontaneous ganging up on the powerful server happens and balances things.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
So you think that in chat someone said. “Hey guys, only kill Blackgate” and everyone listened, and suddenly a partnership was born between the other 2 factions? Wvw is a machine that cannot be controlled.
And two smaller servers SHOULD gang up and double team 1 BIG server which is dominating. This is why 3 way pvp works….and why 2 faction pvp always ends in an epic fail. Anyone who played Ilum on Swtor knows this. And Arenanet know this.
3 way pvp works precisely BECAUSE spontaneous ganging up on the powerful server happens and balances things.
That isn’t what is happening lol. It is clear there are three kinds of people in this discussion; people who are being teamed up on, people who are doing the teaming up on; and people who don’t really understand the level of the teaming up.
Last night about 50 red attacked our keep at the north, about 80 green ran around the keep right past all the red people (like 20 feet from them) and went around the side of the keep without attacking a single red. At this point we thought we were going to be sandwiched but that didn’t happen. Instead this huge Green force ran right by the other team and took up position on a bridge to stop our reinforcements and respawns. They didn’t take the Sentry 40 feet away, the supply depot just south, or the tower undefended just in front of them. They had 1 purpose and only 1 stop us from defending against Red. This happened across all the continents last night. Ohh and then there was the joint group of red and green camping spawn on one borderland. Rather than pushing us in and then fighting each other 60+ green camped the main path out of spawn and 30+ red camped each side path out for hours.
(edited by Cayden.4587)
The problem is there are apparent claims of a losing server and dominate server tag teaming the other non dominate server.
The problem is there are apparent claims of a losing server and dominate server tag teaming the other non dominate server.
That is exactly what happened to us. We weren’t dominating or even winning we were in second before it started but then there was a clear organized push against us. I’m talking situations like your chasing 10 green with 20 guys and then a group of 40 red come plowing through the 10 green don’t attack a single one and kill you while the green team stops heals and then goes back to attacking your supply. Once done killing you the red team ran off the other way they didn’t follow the 10 green and kill them 200 feet away in the supply camp and take it. They had clearly been called in by Green (probably out of game voice comms) to help.
The only way ANet could fix this is if they eliminated the #2 Server’s ability to attack the #3 Server once #3 was x% of Server #1’s score. The #2 Servers players would then be forced to work with #3 to pull the game back closer to balanced.
I can say that anybody from Blackgate thinking Crystal Desert and Gates of Madness were teaming up on them intentionally is mistaken lol. You might look at the fact that you guys were in the lead point gain wise last night, so the obvious choice on who to attack is the guy in the lead, it is simple strategy, and not at all an “alliance” against you guys. And personally on the Crystal Desert side we were holding up in the Gates of Madness borderlands and Gates of Madness and Blackgate were both constantly attacking our southern tower as well as our eastern keep. We could just as easily say “Oh look, Blackgate and Gates of Madness must have an alliance against us.”
In my opinion the only time that anyone can safely say they are being teamed up on is if they are already losing and still being constantly attacked. If you are ahead in points or even in potential point gain, you are going to be attacked constantly until things balance out…that’s just how it works, that’s how it is actually supposed to work. All this talk of servers teaming up on the underdogs though, that’s just kind of sad to be honest, and if you really need that kind of advantage well then go for it I guess, whatever makes you feel good about yourself lol.
Leader and founder of [BIO] on Sea of Sorrows
Arena.Net has already stated in the past when WvW was first being released to the public, that if anything they would encourage this sort of play. It’s how WvW is supposed to work. It’s war. Just beware when backing a strong force into a corner.
Even if there is an Alliance, once they have done what they wanted to do with Blackgate, what then? They fight each other. If they are teaming up against Blackgate, that means Blackgate is more than likely strong enough to beat back 1 server.
So once the Alliance turns on each other, Blackgate will come back to mop up the mess.
In my opinion the only time that anyone can safely say they are being teamed up on is if they are already losing and still being constantly attacked. If you are ahead in points or even in potential point gain, you are going to be attacked constantly until things balance out…that’s just how it works, that’s how it is actually supposed to work. All this talk of servers teaming up on the underdogs though, that’s just kind of sad to be honest, and if you really need that kind of advantage well then go for it I guess, whatever makes you feel good about yourself lol.
Wonderfull you obviously have a good grasp of nothing……..this was not a lead isssue this was not a superiority issue. This WAS removal of a server from the WvWvW feild. So the other two teams could play WvW cause we know two teams is boring right……right isn’t that what everyone said two teams is boring……..yeah your right one 320 man team vs 160 is boring and stupid. Fix it Anet or continue to bleed players onto higher pop servers until your ladder system is a nonexistant ghost.
Furthermore it is sad to think that in the A bracket there would have to be Treatys and alliances for servers to stand on their own.
I understand WvWvW but thats not happening what your getting is 320 vs 160 i could post scores and screenshots but apparently this is how the GREAT PvPers play. Typical johnson waving “cry some more noob we’re leet” your not really your just double teaming a server. If this is HOW ITS DONE i see this game dying in short order.
Just for reference this is not a single server issue or a single thread issue…..
Sanctum of Rall
In all honesty, it sucks when it happens to you, yes.
But, it is bound to happen in a 1v1v1 match. The best you can do is try and outlast their burst on you and pray you’re teammates don’t get demoralized.
How do you intend ANet “fix it”? By limiting how many points each side can capture? What if 1 side is so overwhelming powerful they can sweep TWO servers and own everything? Will they be limited to owning 1/3 (or more cos equal capture points would end in equal results) of all maps? Rather than complain about it, I suggest giving ANet some ideas of how to fix it.
Sea of Sorrows
Working as intended.
Now Musty Britches since someone decided Shortbus Rider was offensive… [LoS] [NSP]
How do you intend ANet “fix it”? By limiting how many points each side can capture? What if 1 side is so overwhelming powerful they can sweep TWO servers and own everything? Will they be limited to owning 1/3 (or more cos equal capture points would end in equal results) of all maps? Rather than complain about it, I suggest giving ANet some ideas of how to fix it.
It is hard to post suggestions on how to fix human nature. As a representative of the number one server in the game i would have hoped you might have said “we never do this and find it intolerable” or something like that. However what we get is preaching from the number one server and i would assume a large alliance that probabally does this as well.
As i said a fix for human nature (which by the way is to win / succeed) is hard, my point was that almost all people complain that a 2 sided fight is boring and would destroy WvW. However that is exactly what they are doing is creating a 2 sided fight with lopsided teams and guess what the outmanned buff does’nt come into play because the “teams” are even. I can speak to my PvP experiance which goes back to shadowbane and i have never seen a PVPer who wanted a fair fight. They want advantage wether it be numbers, build, equipmet whatever. since supposedly build and equipment are minor influences i guess the solution would be numbers. since there appear to be a great number of server alliances my suggestion would be WvW 2 servers, thats what is happening now so give them what they want 2 sided battles.
Lets see that solves numbers, equipment and builds…… beans
And yes as a pvper i seek to gain any advantage i can, however i dont have to play two of the three positions to win.
Sanctum of Rall
(edited by Xercisis.9768)
How do you intend ANet “fix it”? By limiting how many points each side can capture? What if 1 side is so overwhelming powerful they can sweep TWO servers and own everything? Will they be limited to owning 1/3 (or more cos equal capture points would end in equal results) of all maps? Rather than complain about it, I suggest giving ANet some ideas of how to fix it.
It is hard to post suggestions on how to fix human nature. As a representative of the number one server in the game i would have hoped you might have said “we never do this and find it intolerable” or something like that. However what we get is preaching from the number one server and i would assume a large alliance that probabally does this as well.
As i said a fix for human nature (which by the way is to win / succeed) is hard, my point was that almost all people complain that a 2 sided fight is boring and would destroy WvW. However that is exactly what they are doing is creating a 2 sided fight with lopsided teams and guess what the outmanned buff does’nt come into play because the “teams” are even. I can speak to my PvP experiance which goes back to shadowbane and i have never seen a PVPer who wanted a fair fight. They want advantage wether it be numbers, build, equipmet whatever. since supposedly build and equipment are minor influences i guess the solution would be numbers. since there appear to be a great number of server alliances my suggestion would be WvW 2 servers, thats what is happening now so give them what they want 2 sided battles.Lets see that solves numbers, equipment and builds…… beans
And yes as a pvper i seek to gain any advantage i can, however i dont have to play two of the three positions to win.
Sorry I did not know I appeared as such to you. However, I can say for a fact that TA has not “allied” with any opposing server to take down any one opponent server. I just want them to stop free transfers to “FULL” (lol) servers..
However, 2v1 is kinda why WvW is a 3-sided game. Any one server can just decide to not attack another server and gang up on one opponent, and the other side seeing this might not attack back as well. Not planned in any way, but it happens. I don’t hit you cos you’re not hitting me. When there’s no one left to hit, I might start hitting you. I guess this is my way of seeing it lol xD
Sea of Sorrows
Sorry I did not know I appeared as such to you. However, I can say for a fact that TA has not “allied” with any opposing server to take down any one opponent server. I just want them to stop free transfers to “FULL” (lol) servers..
However, 2v1 is kinda why WvW is a 3-sided game. Any one server can just decide to not attack another server and gang up on one opponent, and the other side seeing this might not attack back as well. Not planned in any way, but it happens. I don’t hit you cos you’re not hitting me. When there’s no one left to hit, I might start hitting you. I guess this is my way of seeing it lol xD
The issue is when it happens and it clearly isn’t just a random occurrence because there are 3 teams. I have given the examples of this further up so I don’t want to repeat them but you should spend a second to read them and respond with the understanding that those type of things are happening.
Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s any way ANet can enforce anything like that. I’d like to see ideas though on how to combat them if there are any
Sea of Sorrows
I don’t think other than a format change (WvW) that it could be done either. I understand that technically it’s completely legal, but i find it humerous that people say 2 sided fights are boring despite that being exactly whats being done.
A quick drop onto the server this morning shows a two sided fight on all battle grounds with points equally balanced between two servers……
anyway i said my two cents plus a bit more I just hope this isn’t the trend but based on reading it is.
Sanctum of Rall
It’s surprising this hasn’t happened already. Why split points 3 ways, when you can split them 2 ways. The WvW buffs have been pitiful so far because they only accumulated over 24 hours, but now they will keep growing up to a week.
Some might think they are just fluff, but if they add even 1% to something, people will want it.
This is a stupid comment for the following reasons:
It may be working as intended but that doesn’t mean it is right.
Working as intended doesn’t mean it doesn’t wreck the game for the people on the receiving end.
Working as intended doesn’t mean that it won’t cause people to stop playing WvW or leave the game and just peg Guild Wars 2 as another fail MMO.
Working as intended doesn’t mean that it won’t make people use the free xfer and come to YOUR server and jam up YOUR queues.
Working as intended simply put doesn’t make it good game design.
Everyone can see it is working as intended and that isn’t really the issue at hand. In the end you are really hurting yourself by not caring because with it not resetting every 24 hours ppl who care will flock off the servers that are getting double teamed and onto the ones doing it this week and your 30 minute queue will become 1+ hours.
The entire point of 1v1v1 is that two gang up on one. If your server sucks so much that a temporary alliance with you isn’t strong enough to hold the other server in check, then the best course of action is to take your stuff before the other server does.