(edited by TorquedSoul.8097)
Capture and Kills by server (2016-03-20)
All I noticed here is Yak’s Bend got carried by siege-bunkering lol.
I am aware of the old problems with kills. Up until two weeks ago the kill data was erratic. That problem no longer exists.
The only problem that currently exists is global reset flushes that I can easily correct for by adding up two totals.
Would you like to see a chart?
Ah yes…
In the current matchup, the server with the highest KDR (~1.8) is fighting both the two on the very lowest in KDR (~0.4).
But guess who’s gonna win? Yep, probably Abba, the lowest ranked server there. Why? 100% pure nightcapping. No, seriously, we cant even call them Blobbadon anymore because their zergs no longer exist, they have had nearly zero daytime presence!
But whatever. I just find this absolutely hilarious.
I am aware of the old problems with kills. Up until two weeks ago the kill data was erratic. That problem no longer exists.
The only problem that currently exists is global reset flushes that I can easily correct for by adding up two totals.
Would you like to see a chart?
Even you acknowledge there’s bugs.
It’s not accurate.
I am aware of the old problems with kills. Up until two weeks ago the kill data was erratic. That problem no longer exists.
The only problem that currently exists is global reset flushes that I can easily correct for by adding up two totals.
Would you like to see a chart?
Even you acknowledge there’s bugs.
It’s not accurate.
I was talking about the reset flushes for which I can correct for. I am attaching a chart to illustrate the current problem. The kill evolution is smooth but then has a value reset during the NA and EU resets. This is easy to correct for so the data in the charts can assumed to accurate unless you are saying that the data from Anet is erroneous in which case, believe what you want.
Ah yes…
In the current matchup, the server with the highest KDR (~1.8) is fighting both the two on the very lowest in KDR (~0.4).
But guess who’s gonna win? Yep, probably Abba, the lowest ranked server there. Why? 100% pure nightcapping. No, seriously, we cant even call them Blobbadon anymore because their zergs no longer exist, they have had nearly zero daytime presence!
But whatever. I just find this absolutely hilarious.
If they have nearly zero daytime presence, how is that different from other servers having zero nighttime presence? When they’re nightcapping for all of their points, how are they outstripping the other servers who are daycapping for all of their points?
I can’t remember the site that lets one see what servers had how many people on as a graph versus time—perhaps the nightcapping spree lasts longer?
I was talking about the reset flushes for which I can correct for. I am attaching a chart to illustrate the current problem.
How exactly do you correct it without manually doing so?
This is easy to correct for so the data in the charts can assumed to accurate .
This is where I have a problem with your stats analysis: Having to correct the API feed means the data is not pure. Therefore, it’s not accurate.
You can absolutely make educated guesses, but definitively? Nope.
If they have nearly zero daytime presence, how is that different from other servers having zero nighttime presence? When they’re nightcapping for all of their points, how are they outstripping the other servers who are daycapping for all of their points?
I can’t remember the site that lets one see what servers had how many people on as a graph versus time—perhaps the nightcapping spree lasts longer?
Take a peek on score curve this weekend if you want to have a good laugh. Also, its all about extremes and the concept of exponential growth and loss, since its a shared ppt pool. Keep in mind points per dolly as well, again an exponential growth which only increases as they gain tiers. Even vs no zergs, small groups/solo players will be constantly backcapping. Good luck going even a “high” 400 ppt daytime/primetime, its actually not that easy. During the night however, servers can tick 600+ with ease and dollys pumping out points like theres no tomorrow.
(edited by Dawdler.8521)
I was talking about the reset flushes for which I can correct for. I am attaching a chart to illustrate the current problem.
How exactly do you correct it without manually doing so?
This is easy to correct for so the data in the charts can assumed to accurate .
This is where I have a problem with your stats analysis: Having to correct the API feed means the data is not pure. Therefore, it’s not accurate.
You can absolutely make educated guesses, but definitively? Nope.
I think I explained this to you before. I grab api data every 5 minutes throughout the week. I have around 2000 api snapshots by the end of the week. All I need to do to correct for these reset flushes is add the total value after the flush to the total value before the flush. Its not really that complicated. All servers on all tiers on all regions have the same reset times so they are all happening at the same time. So all I need to do is find the files that that I need to grab from in one tier, and then have a simple script to extract the data from those files.
There is no “educated guess” here. I am taking numbers directly from the API data.
Take a peek on score curve this weekend if you want to have a good laugh. Also, its all about extremes and the concept of exponential growth and loss, since its a shared ppt pool. Keep in mind points per dolly as well, again an exponential growth which only increases as they gain tiers. Even vs no zergs, small groups/solo players will be constantly backcapping. Good luck going even a “high” 400 ppt daytime/primetime, its actually not that easy. During the night however, servers can tick 600+ with ease and dollys pumping out points like theres no tomorrow.
The site I was looking for is: http://coveragewars2.com/timezone/
If you go to EU and look at Abbadon’s match-up, it seems they’re on top in population for ~8 hours and then are eclipsed by Far Shiverpeaks the rest of the day. Vizunah never leads or comes close to leading.
If you switch over to http://coveragewars2.com/timezone/?tab=ppt you can see that Abbadon leads ppt significantly for only two timezones where they average a tick of ~420 compared to Far Shiverpeaks’ ~78. Since Vizunah still ticks decently, it seems like a targeted assault on Shiverpeaks—Likely because Vizunah has a more people on during those hours.
Conversely, Shiverpeaks has scores of ~300 to Abbadon’s ~150 throughout most of the day.
So yeah, it seems like nightcapping, but I wouldn’t say they have 0 presence throughout the day. Also, since it’s only two timezones and is not currently winning them the match, it doesn’t seem like a fatal flaw. Obviously, it’s not ideal, but I bet that Shiverpeaks could make a few adjustments (such as targeting camps/yaks in their off-hours) that would allow them to win more easily.
P.S. I feel like I took a really contrary tone here, but I don’t totally disagree with you. I was just interested in seeing where the numbers led and how bad the situation was.
What about Ruins of Surmia server?
This won’t hurt [Much]
Ring of Fire
If npc kills go into the kill total and falling deaths go into the death total (which I thought they did at one time). Kills and deaths seem meaningless….
If npc kills go into the kill total and falling deaths go into the death total (which I thought they did at one time). Kills and deaths seem meaningless….
I think this is something I can check over on the API Board. I will go ask and post back here.
What about Ruins of Surmia server?
I actually miss all T9 EU servers
If npc kills go into the kill total and falling deaths go into the death total (which I thought they did at one time). Kills and deaths seem meaningless….
Here is the answer. NPC kills do not go into the total. However players deaths as a result of an NPC is tallied in the death slot. so this slightly lowers the KDR of a server. This explains why deaths a slightly higher than kills in the tier totals.
If npc kills go into the kill total and falling deaths go into the death total (which I thought they did at one time). Kills and deaths seem meaningless….
Here is the answer. NPC kills do not go into the total. However players deaths as a result of an NPC is tallied in the death slot. so this slightly lowers the KDR of a server. This explains why deaths a slightly higher than kills in the tier totals.
Thanks for the answer – I knew there was something “odd” that wasn’t stricktly player v player – just couldn’t recall what.