Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

in WvW

Posted by: SoulstitchMMO.1396


I am tired of guilds claiming towers/keeps/supply, and not defending/upgrading.

In my opinion. Whoever upgrades an objective the most, should have claim rights to it. Whoever spends the most gold should get the option to claim it if they choose.

Also the Claim option should not even be available until after an upgrade is purchased. And then make the claim option available from the Quartermaster.

Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

in WvW

Posted by: Jamaz.9837


Pretty simple fix:

Allow any guild to claim. If no influence buffs are present for any span of 5 minutes, remove their claim.

Ehmry Bay – The Shadowmoon

Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

in WvW

Posted by: SoulstitchMMO.1396


I don’t agree with that either. If you put the money into upgrading it, it should be yours till it’s lost.

Right now the claiming mechanic is worthless.

Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Whilst I can see what you’re getting at, what about the guilds that throw down excessive amounts of siege/gold/manpower to take the tower to begin with? Upgrades aren’t everything involved in a defense, players and siege equipment are involved, or the players running supply from a nearby camp etc.

There is, and cannot be, a perfect system.

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Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

in WvW

Posted by: SoulstitchMMO.1396


The people that take the objective, are already rewarded in item drops, experience, cash, and karma.

Then often leave on to the next objective.

There needs to be more incentive to stay, and defend (beyond points) and those that claim are for the most part not doing that. They just claim and leave.

Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

in WvW

Posted by: Scyntrus.2458


claiming just puts your emblem on the flag. any guild can upgrade if they really wanted to support their server.

After arguing with an engineer for a while, you begin to realize that he actually enjoys it.

Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

in WvW

Posted by: Tine Sionnach.8629

Tine Sionnach.8629

claiming just puts your emblem on the flag. any guild can upgrade if they really wanted to support their server.

It does more than just puts emblem on flag, it allows your guild and your guild only to activate 1 or more 12hr buff that your guild spent influence on unlocking. Which can and does many times help decide the fate of that tower. I have seen people log into WvW and run tower to tower that we own trying to find one that is not claimed just to claim it and leave WvW without helping take or defend anything not building siege or nothing they just want their guild emblem seen. It needs to be changed how I dont know but one way would be to allow only guilds with buff to activate claim towers or keeps. I know I am in a small guild we always have the buffs to activate. We may not be able to upgrade the tower or keep to 100% every time but more times than not we do or at least get t3 walls and t3 weapons and every time drop at least 6 arrow carts 2 catas 3 balistas and depending where a treb. <we do this to every tower not just the ones we claim.> The ones we claim you can tell because team mates start calling them fort knox. Usually because we have enough siege every one on our server can man something with a few extra pieces.

Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

in WvW

Posted by: SoulstitchMMO.1396


claiming just puts your emblem on the flag. any guild can upgrade if they really wanted to support their server.

It does more than just puts emblem on flag, it allows your guild and your guild only to activate 1 or more 12hr buff that your guild spent influence on unlocking. Which can and does many times help decide the fate of that tower. I have seen people log into WvW and run tower to tower that we own trying to find one that is not claimed just to claim it and leave WvW without helping take or defend anything not building siege or nothing they just want their guild emblem seen. It needs to be changed how I dont know but one way would be to allow only guilds with buff to activate claim towers or keeps. I know I am in a small guild we always have the buffs to activate. We may not be able to upgrade the tower or keep to 100% every time but more times than not we do or at least get t3 walls and t3 weapons and every time drop at least 6 arrow carts 2 catas 3 balistas and depending where a treb. <we do this to every tower not just the ones we claim.> The ones we claim you can tell because team mates start calling them fort knox. Usually because we have enough siege every one on our server can man something with a few extra pieces.

Pretty much this. Guilds claiming, then doing nothing for a tower, is ridiculous. That was the point of claiming a tower. Now, there is no point unless you have the buff.

Random guilds tagging and leaving does nothing. Let the guilds who stay and build, and defend a tower, get to claim it. Not random guild running by…

Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

in WvW

Posted by: kgptzac.8419


The problem is twofold: Claiming the tower and activate the buffs has nothing to do with upgrading it, and any guild can claim any objective with no way to unseat them.

Solution: Guild that claims a tower have a discount when upgrading it, and any guild who spent significant more amount of money upgrading a tower can claim it from a guild that owns it and do nothing about it.

a shard of crystal in the desert.

Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

in WvW

Posted by: Chiggerbite.6572


I agree that changes need to be made. There needs to be more incentive for guilds to claim. There needs to be more responsibility laid on guilds that do claim.

I’m not sure I agree with ownership being based on who spends the most at the upgrade NPC though. The reason being in matches with heavy action, guilds may claim a tower, but if the supply camps are flipping like mad and the yaks are getting killed off, it could take hours for upgrades to complete. Then it becomes which guild has a presence in that wvw zone for longer. You’ll end up cutting out smaller guilds that may only have members in one or two time zones. In some circumstances, it’ll become a race to upgrade points. With supply camps, it may actually hurt your server more if you start upgrading right away, draining all the supply in that camp. Yes, the ‘whoever spends the most gets the claim’ proposition will probably work with the ‘safer’ points, but points that get contested frequently won’t see as much benefit due to lack of resources to complete upgrades.

My suggestion would be to give guilds more incentives by claiming. Give them something to encourage them to claim and defend their claim. Maybe award them a certain amount of gold that gets deposited in their guild bank for every 15 minutes they can hold a point that they’ve claimed, provided boons for, and started upgrades on. Providing bonus gold for successful defenses would encourage the guild to stay and defend… and encourage folks to claim points other than the ‘safe’ ones. Maybe the amount of gold can be tiered. Alternatively, influence could be awarded.

Whatever the reward, the point would be to offer an incentive to a claiming guild for actually defending a point and upgrading it.

Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

in WvW

Posted by: SoulstitchMMO.1396


Then how about whoever spends the most get’s to keep it, however if you’ve activated buffs on it, then it’s yours during the duration of the buff?

Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

in WvW

Posted by: aKIRA.7123


how about make claiming cost a certain amount of guild influence to dissuade people who just want their emblem to be seen?

you cant make it so expensive that small guilds cant claim tho. i too am a member of a small guild, but we have art of war lvl 4 and want to claim to give buffs

Azuna Hatsue | Sonya Hayashi
Jaunty Chaps [LAD]

(edited by aKIRA.7123)

Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

in WvW

Posted by: SoulstitchMMO.1396


how about make claiming cost a certain amount of guild influence to dissuade people who just want their emblem to be seen?

you cant make it so expensive that small guilds cant claim tho. i too am a member of a small guild, but we have art of war lvl 4 and want to claim to give buffs

That is a wonderful idea. Costing influence would certainly be awesome.

Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

in WvW

Posted by: aKIRA.7123


this is what i envision:

cost to claim:
stonemist – 2000 influence
keep – 1000 influence
tower – 750 influence
camp – 250 influence

or something like that. you could work the numbers in your head all day, but unless its actually considered by anet, its just academic.

Azuna Hatsue | Sonya Hayashi
Jaunty Chaps [LAD]

Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


A simple solution would be to have you be able to claim over another guild if you have an active buff, or not be able to claim if you had no wvw buffs active.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

Change Claim Mechanic: Whoever spends the most

in WvW

Posted by: kash.9213


I’d agree to having to have a buff active to claim a keep. You can even just pop a magic find buff to claim and sit on the rest until you know there will be a stretch coming up of heavy action. Part of the game is timing those buffs. I’d actually like to have the option to hand off or relinquish claim of a fort, for when my buffs are running out but I know another guild has some ready to roll. Maybe I’m seeing it this way since the guilds on Maguuma talk to each other some and that’s how it would probably be here. I can see how it could end up as an in-server competition between guilds if your server doesn’t have much of a community though.
