Change Season 1 endrewards
Have they even announced what rewards will be given at the end of the season? If so, where? I haven’t seen anything officially stated anywhere.
They said something like 1st in each league will have Dolyak finisher or something like that.
Probably some greens + 5 silver.
I can’t comment at this time as we haven’t finalized anything. In addition, you should look at it this way, if people flee lower league servers to get into the top leagues, it opens the opportunity for people to move to those lower leagues and finish 1st or 2nd, rather than being in the top league and finishing 6th or 7th. The rewards for finishing 2nd in the Bronze League will be markedly better than the rewards for finishing 6th in the Gold league.
I can’t comment at this time as we haven’t finalized anything. In addition, you should look at it this way, if people flee lower league servers to get into the top leagues, it opens the opportunity for people to move to those lower leagues and finish 1st or 2nd, rather than being in the top league and finishing 6th or 7th. The rewards for finishing 2nd in the Bronze League will be markedly better than the rewards for finishing 6th in the Gold league.
Good old Devon, entirely missing the mark again. Reward stacking, punish those that are entirely outmatched coverage wise.
As for the question there really is no way to properly measure an individuals contribution as most of the achievements reward those that zergball/wxp train around the maps. The league is an unbalanced mess with a slapped together schedule. The reward seems like the least important of the issues.
They really need to find someone else to run the WvW team,he is just making WvW worse each patch.