Change request: if no fort buffs then no fort claiming

Change request: if no fort buffs then no fort claiming

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


The only purpose of claiming forts is to run a fort buff (and to display your banner). Some people think it provides bonus influence to the owner but it doesn’t. It’s purely for buffs. If you don’t have buffs running, there’s no reason to claim anything.

To that end, if a guild isn’t running buffs, they shouldn’t get the option to claim.

Or let them claim, but every few minutes do a check: if the owning guild isn’t running a buff, the fort becomes unclaimed again.

I’m tired of getting caught running guild buffs, losing the fort we had and then not being able to claim anything else because literally everything in the world is claimed by nobody-knows-who and none of them are running buffs.

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