Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Zoph.5193


There are people UNDER the eternal battlegrounds map near Durios Gulch from Eredon Terrace, they are able to attack us and our doors without us being able to reach them. I’m just wondering how this glitch hasn’t been fixed yet, and why these people doing aren’t being banned.

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


i will look into this if i can get in, asked my guild, but they are all on the other side of the zone.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Cleo.2196


i was standing inside DG tower with no1 near me all the walls were up and the gate was at full. i stood and watched an npc die and respawn and i stood near it, next thing i knew i was being attacked here is a pic of it, notice no1 is around me and and the npcs are in the attack stance, EVERY1 on EB at that time will agree that the walls never fell to allow some1 to get in or the gate. this was when we were being attacked by ET from the north with trebs and when HoD took QL and was moving to langor. not only were alot of ET using this cheat but they were also using the fly hack or whatever its called while all this was taken place, i managed to click on 1 of them and report the cheating little chit. sry if there is any spelling mistakes doing this post in the middle of being attacked by 2 teams so kinda in a rush.


Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Dimok.6187


I was in that group that took Durios. I didnt see anyone cheating, just the usual can’t see anyone till they’re right on top of you garbage. You sure it wasn’t the 5 trebuchets they had trained on that wall hitting you? I have a strong feeling 90 % of what you people cry foul is actually just issues with the game, and what you can or can’t see attacking you.

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: emoleas.4309


This is currently a serious problem with ET hacking/exploiting. They are able to kill our Yaks with nobody being visible in addition to all the other things happening.

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Dimok.6187



This is currently a serious problem with ET hacking/exploiting. They are able to kill our Yaks with nobody being visible in addition to all the other things happening.

Because we control when the game decides to render us, amirite?

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Strange.9607


Tebs don’t hit for 1500 nor do they stack vulnerability

[CRS]Strange Tw (Mesmer)
Member of Henge of Denravi

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: JoolaPrime.6390


This is currently a serious problem with ET hacking/exploiting. They are able to kill our Yaks with nobody being visible in addition to all the other things happening.

I agree it is a serious problem when players aren’t rendering on screen. But it is not an exploit, its a tech limitation ANet currently employ. Happens on all sides of the conflict – no one controls it not can they abuse it. This one lies firmly in the hands of ANet.

Enemy Invader

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: emoleas.4309


You’re telling me you used 30 people to zerg a yak that 10-15 of us were guarding… and nobody saw anything the entire time? even after the yak died?

A likely scenario.

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: JoolaPrime.6390


Its as likely as a zerg of 30 people (that you couldn’t see to count) all using the exact same exploit at the same time to beat yourkitten

That’s one organised zerg for sure.

Enemy Invader

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Richard.8207


Can you guys from ET just go with the standard “if someone from our server is exploiting, please report them so the scum get banned and don’t mess with our fun.” Trying to defend people that might be exploiting just makes the losers who want to exploit think they have your support, and ArenaNet are the only ones that will be able to verify if there was exploiting or not.

By the way, I hope the OP sent the screenshot to ArenaNet’s exploit e-mail address.

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: JoolaPrime.6390


If someone from our server is exploiting, please report them so the scum get banned and don’t mess with our fun.

Enemy Invader

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Shintai.5618


And you use the catapult to door exploit yourself?

But else I agree.

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


Do you really think someone would exploit to kill a Yak? When you pile 30+ people within 5 meters, they warp in with swiftness, you are gonna get rendering issues. Happens to be all the time.

As for the invisible hack, it happened to me last night. Seemed like someone got stuck in the wall when it was rebuilt. Maybe when it was taking over the wall rebuild on them. Somehow after that they could move around invisible within the first floor of the tower. It didn’t seem like they could leave though. Think I eventually killed him with AOE bleeds.

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Cleo.2196


i have about 8 screen shots from the dmg done to me in about a 10 second period, the graphics from the attacks will show its not a treb. i only play an ele so i couldnt tell u what attack that is or from what class but im guessing a warrior or some sort of fast blade class. maybe u guys would have a better idea of what is causing this graphic in an attack


Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: MyDublin.8924


I was there when this supposedly happened. I told them then and I’ll say it again here, the two people were NOT under the ground, they were there for all to see. Not their fault some people can’t configure their network or computer correctly to display enemy players. I attacked them both no problems though they were very fast using swiftness etc., ran in fast, killed dolyak, ran out fast.
To be perfectly honest, the others at the “Dolyak sniffing” run were most of the time afk, as always really. I was surprised I was the only one actually defending, the others there just left themselves on walk even when it was dead.

There’s an awful lot of maliciousness and lies on SBI server, I would pay absolutely no attention to reports of this nature unless video proof is shown to back it up.

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


Things like this happened when the game is basically optimized for kitten. They can exploit and hack and do whatever it is they do and then blame the rendering. Which Anet then tries to explain away in such a way as to make it out like its not their Micky Mouse optimization that causes it.

So it is a snowball effect. The game performs like garbage for most people, which in turn causes ‘expected’ issues, bugs, conditions, and then those issues, bugs, conditions, are used by the cheaters as to why they are happening. Its a vicious cycle.

Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Corvindi.5734


MSI Afterburner is a free product that will let you assign a hotkey to record so when you see something fishy in game, you can get evidence of possible misbehavior.

Youtube will then be happy to host it, and Guild Wars 2 Guru has no problem letting you post the link to your video, either.

Don’t post the link here of other players exploiting/botting/whatever, because it is not allowed on the Anet official forum. It falls under the rather punny category of ‘character assassination’.

Screenshots make for lousy proof. Video is the way to go.

“…we don’t expect you to be forced into dungeons at endgame.”


Cheating on Eternal Battlegrounds. SBI vs HoD vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: nuance.1806


I was also in this keep, though a few hours earlier – I was attacked and killed from below, rezzed, ran up the wall and then watched the door being attacked over and over, for like 5 minutes – with no one outside the door.

Folks, this wasn’t a ‘game loading’ issue – I run GW2 like butter, on max settings. There wasn’t anyone near this keep at the time I was there – and the occasional treb fire we were taking at the time was minimal (wall was 90%, and easy to repair).

Definitely, 100% positive people were under the floor. Folks in teamspeak were admitting they know how to get down there, and that it’s easy to do. Now, I didn’t ask details, but the evidence in front of my eyes was pretty much impossible to ignore.

I couldn’t get a name – just that it was an ET ‘invader’. I was being hit by a water attack – though I didn’t get a screenshot.

MyDublin, did you see this while you were building flame rams all over SM, bragging about how you were burning through resources in chat? Yeah, that was a class act.

Rootling ·:· Branch Walker ·:· Root Hacker
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(edited by nuance.1806)