Cheating, the Winning Expectation and Server Pride

Cheating, the Winning Expectation and Server Pride

in WvW

Posted by: kzarkarnage.8230


First I would like to say " Well done Anet, tremendous effort in capturing the feel of
" The Thrill of Victory and The Agony of defeat" in your approach to MMO Pvp in a large combat format.

I played Dark Age of Camelot for over 10 years and led battlegroups of a 100 plus almost nightlyfor 6 years. After leaving DAOC, I never thought I would ever find that atmosphere again. I have been playing this game since beta and love the WvW game design with very few exceptions.

Lately I find it very disturbing reading posts and listening to in game chat regarding this GREAT game. All you hear is how cheaters are ruining the game. Obviously the cheating is a problem but cheating has always and will always exist in such an environment, doesnt matter what game you play. Anyone who thinks differently is not being realistic. The fact is some players and guilds must be Elite ( in their own minds ) and these individuals are willing to compromise their intregrity for that feeling! Letting individuals such as these ruin your gaming experience is your own fault!

It is the MUST WIN all the time expectation that is ultimately ruining your gaming experience. When playing in such a massive PvP arena such as WvW you have to expect to eventually fall on hard times and feel the pain and shame of getting it handed to you. Whether the playing field is fair or not. Sometimes you have to pick yourself up, figure out how to beat you enemy and take the fight to them regardless of how bleak the outlook is.

You must not lose HEART! You must fight the fight especially when fighting an enemy who would try to steal victory through the art of cheating. Constantly complaining and switching servers will not solve your problem.

Pick a server, represent that server, WIN or LOSE, stop the ridiculous server jumping and show some SERVER PRIDE! Ques are no longer an issue.


Kzar of DAOC

Don’t fear the Release and If it moves Kill it!

Cheating, the Winning Expectation and Server Pride

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


sorry. the cheating is worse here than it was in dark age.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Cheating, the Winning Expectation and Server Pride

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


it’s true cheating / hacking has in fact been around since the first mmo – the difference is now it’s gone mainstream and has become blatant. as if people don’t care if they get caught – it’s so obvious and in your face that it’s become a problem. It’s not like one or 2 people trying to get away with murder – it’s like whole guilds doing server transfers regularly wrecking the game for hundreds / thousands of honest players- people practically showing it off on youtube – people transferring to servers to say ‘you guys suck" and garbage like that – it’s one thing to try to avoid a TOS violation, it’s quite another to say Kitten the TOS. in the early days even cheaters had respect for the rules and tried to be discreet….and when they were caught – they were slammed….but now’s like the cheaters are flat out challenging anets authority …and thats a problem.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

(edited by Ricky.4706)

Cheating, the Winning Expectation and Server Pride

in WvW

Posted by: gidorah.4960


why would they care if they get caught anet hasn’t done anything about it