Citadel Waypoint, Siege Weapons
I really don’t see a problem with this. All it amounts to is a slight home-field advantage. on the garrison and 2 towers.
If you want to hold those objectives, you will just have to keep supply running to keep up. It keeps one side from being entirely shut out.
Otherwise there would be nothing keeping the attacking side from burying the citadel exits with siege.
Thats exactly what happens a lot of times in EB, after all.
Hint: That aint their citadel. The players down on that ledge don’t have invulnerability. You can hit them with your own siege weapons.
How do I know this?
I played a match where we put catas on the ledge to fire at enemy ballista. The enemy ballista took us out.
You can fire back. You just didn’t spend the supply to do so..
protip, build siege and fire back.
Whining on the forums about it is not pvp.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
Hint: That aint their citadel
Protip: See how that says “Defender”, and not “Invader”? That means it IS their citadel.
You also can not get to that spot without dropping down from citadel.
That said, they are also far enough to by no longer invulnerable, and can not actually get back to there without dropping all the way down and running around to the side entrance.
You can actually hit them there with your own siege, but building it while under their guns successfully would take a couple of clever tricks.
I’m guessing the 3 of you also take advantage of this situation.. I want to say exploit.
Building Siege weapons where they cannot be accessed is BS pure and simple. Look at the minimap in the pic, you can see the stairs they run down out of Citadel WP and the slope that leads down to where the Trebs are built. Yes you can sometimes hit them from the floor with GTAoE, and yes it’s theoretically possible to build Siege where I am standing in the pic, but you would also have to build that Siege while under fire from enemy Siege. Look again at the pic and you will also see at the left of the fence there is a Ballista, I have 5k health because of that Ballista while trying to take that screeny. It’s an exercise in futility to build Siege to take out Siege in that position.
As for “seeing no problem” because it’s home field advantage… the home field advantage is being able to assault any point on the map from the centre.
Hint: That aint their citadel. The players down on that ledge don’t have invulnerability. You can hit them with your own siege weapons.
How do I know this?
I played a match where we put catas on the ledge to fire at enemy ballista. The enemy ballista took us out.
You can fire back. You just didn’t spend the supply to do so..
ready to have your mind blown?
yes, same ledge, even closer spot, invulnerable
and after reporting this a few times, the devs that are working on this issue stated they are doing fixes for a lot of spots that allow players to be invulnerable and build siege in areas that can’t be reached by enemy players at any time.
hopefully this is one of them, because it was in the reply i received.
also, here is a quote from matt when he replied to the last thread regarding these spots
Matt Witter
Game Designer
You should not be able to deploy siege in your start areas. I’ve found a few of these spots on center map and they are in the process of getting fixed. I’ll do a pass on the home worlds as well to see if any spots have been missed. Please feel free to submit a bug if you have found a spot to place siege while in your safety area."
and by the last screenshot i posted, that is a safe area, so no siege.
and this is a starting area, because it is innaccessable by enemies. you can build siege there with no thread of enemies even trying to take things down and if you happen to get the siege up, it is 10x harder to take that tower, because once you get it, you have to get the siege down before they kill you build sites.. nearly impossible (yes nearly, you can get lucky, but its still bs). and if you dont get them down, the walls and gate of your brand new tower go down in minutes because of their siege in the spawn placement
I was under the impression that it was fine, given that you can only do it in your own borderlands and as someone else said it gives a “homefield” advantage.
For the record, no, I haven’t build siege near our citadel to take advantage of the terrain, but with an organised group I have taken out siege sitting on one of those ledges. It only took a few minutes and we locked them out of that area with ballista afterwards.
But if Matt says it’s not working as intended and is going to change… oh well. I thought it was an interesting handicap.
Welcome to the magical world of the ballista and arrow cart. Use em.
as much fun as it is to use an arrow cart and ballista to kill siege tha tis placed on the top tier, you have to actually own that tower to hit them with it, and some are too far back to hit with ballistas as well (want another screenshot? lol)
so you have to build something ridiculous like a catapult… so good luck getting it built and hitting it before its dead, if you don’t lose the tower first.
problem is that they built completely safe in their spawn and then siege from safety of their spawn, no worries of every being struck
u can destroy siege weapon but cant killed them. my guide manage to destroy siege weapons top of map supply camp on the ledge.
Here is an example of Kodash(DE) again building Trebs in the Citadel, this particular 1 is built behind the steps. My guild tried to attack it from the ledge below but got Invulnerable spam.
Its an exploit of the flawed gamedesign…