Clarification about WvW map slots

Clarification about WvW map slots

in WvW

Posted by: ilmau.9781


Hello there, me and my community (SFR Server) would like an official clarification about how the map slot works in WvW. We are sure there was something already posted around but we can not find it anymore, this forum is really huge ^^"

So, to sum it up, if we got it right map cap as potential amount of slot for each map can be filled with either players (ofc) and then, minion? sieges? golems? minis?

Have a lot of sieges actually reduces the amount of players who can get in the map?
The same is true for minions (rangers pets for example) or minipets?

We really would like to understand EXACTLY how this works.

Thanks in advance, the SFR Community

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Clarification about WvW map slots

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Its separate caps. Players is one and siege is one. Anet will probably never say what EXACTLY is the limits.

Minis and minons have no cap afaik. Everyone on the zone can run MM necro if they want. You’ll probably make the server explode but that’s another problem.

Clarification about WvW map slots

in WvW

Posted by: Synosius.9876


I think op is trying to say SFR que times are too long.

Clarification about WvW map slots

in WvW

Posted by: Taxidriver.2043


its a secret they cant tell u.

Clarification about WvW map slots

in WvW

Posted by: Gladys.3542


WEll maybe if that server would stop PPT so hard that all the ppl go there the que would not be 99 million all time.

But what do i know maybe they like it so they can all PVE more.

by Hola.

Clarification about WvW map slots

in WvW

Posted by: maybe.5086


Well, if map cap is permanently lowered, Anet should consider reducing server population cap as well. WWW is part of calculations I hope.

Clarification about WvW map slots

in WvW

Posted by: epszz.5134


We would really like to know what’s going on.



Clarification about WvW map slots

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Well, if map cap is permanently lowered, Anet should consider reducing server population cap as well. WWW is part of calculations I hope.

I don’t think WvW is part of any of Anets calculations.

Clarification about WvW map slots

in WvW

Posted by: ilmau.9781


Still no answer of any kind…

what s the problem with giving such infos around?

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Clarification about WvW map slots

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


The problem is you ask it in the wvw subforum, something the Devs completely ignore unless they seek for another victim for their forum specialist programs.

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.