Clean wipe

Clean wipe

in WvW

Posted by: Knob.6835


As much as I enjoy the linking system, I don’t think it will work. A lot of players from the low tiers enjoy the low tier environment and now everyone is forced to play a high tier style of game play. No one wanted to play in a dead tier but that didn’t mean they wanted nonstop action. Also players have developed a competitive hatred for other worlds. Now they get paired together & it’s causing a lot of discord between hosts & guests (not all). The guest world have lost their identity, switching team speak servers every couple months is hell for everyone & there are multiple other problems that I don’t see getting solved. World linking solves one problem but creates a whole host of other problems.

I believe the best solution to this is a clean wipe. Remove all worlds and create all new worlds. I would still remove at least 2 tiers. Even with the new update & with all the people who came back I do not believe gw2 has the players for 8 tiers but we have way to much for only 4 tiers (NA but same principle for EU). With 5 or 6 tiers it would make each tier a different style of play, & reduce queues. With a clean wipe and free transfers people could finally reunite with all their friend who moved out of the dead tiers & form a new identity. In a sense, everyone gets screwed equally instead of screwing all of the low tiers. What do you think?

Clean wipe

in WvW

Posted by: Dhemize.8649


As much as I enjoy the linking system, I don’t think it will work. A lot of players from the low tiers enjoy the low tier environment and now everyone is forced to play a high tier style of game play. No one wanted to play in a dead tier but that didn’t mean they wanted nonstop action. Also players have developed a competitive hatred for other worlds. Now they get paired together & it’s causing a lot of discord between hosts & guests (not all). The guest world have lost their identity, switching team speak servers every couple months is hell for everyone & there are multiple other problems that I don’t see getting solved. World linking solves one problem but creates a whole host of other problems.

I believe the best solution to this is a clean wipe. Remove all worlds and create all new worlds. I would still remove at least 2 tiers. Even with the new update & with all the people who came back I do not believe gw2 has the players for 8 tiers but we have way to much for only 4 tiers (NA but same principle for EU). With 5 or 6 tiers it would make each tier a different style of play, & reduce queues. With a clean wipe and free transfers people could finally reunite with all their friend who moved out of the dead tiers & form a new identity. In a sense, everyone gets screwed equally instead of screwing all of the low tiers. What do you think?


They may as well delete and clean everything out as opposed to this method. What’s going on now feels like a silly after party when the matches people cared about are already over.

Clean wipe

in WvW

Posted by: FogLeg.9354


A lot of players from the low tiers enjoy currently fights they have missed for so long. If you have opinion about something, speak for yourself, please, you are not speaking for everyone or even for majority.

I am from low tier server and I have not heard anyone in the game complain about linking. Not from my server, not from the host. Everyone is just busy fighting. And happy.

Clean wipe

in WvW

Posted by: Norbe.7630


can we have those lotsa players from low tier enjoying and not enjoying the merging
can we post some screenies of their chat/rant/whatever about the situation to see who speaks correct and not just ettins

Duterte Death Squad [DDS]
Gate of Madness

(edited by Norbe.7630)

Clean wipe

in WvW

Posted by: Reh.5986


Yeah low tier here too. I understand some of the sentiment behind things being too busy. It can be a bit of a culture shock.

I’m loving it though. We can roam, havoc whatever and there will always be fights. Camps flip back and forth and actually get defended. Small skirmishes between roaming groups everywhere. You just have to be more aware of where the blobs are and ready to disengage if you’re about to get rolled by a larger group.

Oh and SM fights are basically a slideshow lol

Clean wipe

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


I’m from a lower tier (6 I think) – BP … I do love the big action that I have now being grouped with the higher tier server.. BUT.. It has simply become a place for me to come and fight if I want to. Taking, keeping, towers, camps, keeps, etc is no longer something that’s really a big deal other than the blobs looking to attract people to fight it seems. Nothing wrong with that of course. But I am BP.. and right now BP doesn’t exist in any represented way other than me saying it out loud. Fort Aspenwood is the world I’m hosted on and I have nothing to say against the people there. They do things their way and that’s all good. After the dust clears and I’ve had a few hours of intense blobbing I would really love to just go off and see what BP has done. I would love to go off with a small group of my homies and brand a bunch of stuff with our BP colour of the week.. But I can’t…. and THAT is where this things is a fail for me. If it becomes permanent and if it turns out that BP will no longer even exist then it truly would cause my engagement in WvW to drop off even more than it already has. The reset night was awful of course. The next two days/nights were quite fun. But the novelty of the fights has worn down for me at least. I will go in a couple times a week I guess to have a little blob fun, but the days of going in every day and reclaiming things for BP and running havoc on other maps “for The Pass!” don’t exist anymore ( at least not right now ). When those days are possible once again then my WvW presence will go back to daily.

In the meantime I’m happy for those who really like this set up. I hope it makes the majority happy ( if it does ) because at the end of the day ‘majority rules’. For me, I won’t cry and whine about it all.. I will just change my play style and find things to do that I like 2nd to WvW but still like to do with friends. Kick butt, have fun, repeat…

… just call me … Tim :)

(edited by Balthazzarr.1349)