Collaborative Development

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Collaborative Development implied to me that there would be a collaboration between devs and players.

7 Months later we got not a single word on WvW other then a Mod saying we can’t talk about things in developement.

Correct me if im wrong here, but where is this Collaborative Development?

I think its time the WvW Devs step up ther Game a bit, and Take the 20 mins it takes to Answer some Questions of the Community, i asure you we will endure those 20 Mins you cant work on the Progress of WvW.

To me and i think many other People in WvW we feel left out, and only see Advances in LS SPvP and PvE, all importaint, and what a surprise, even communication happens.

I for one am not buying those In works can’t talk Excuses.

Remember that WvW along with GvG is one of the major income Factors in your game, and its also a large chunk of your Core Playerbase.

So again i ask you to take those 20 mins or make it an hour or a day week whatever, im more then willing to wait that time it takes to properly reply to your paying customers longer for those “works in Progress”

Your Playerbase needs some Clarity !

Keva Windrift
Wolfs Rain

(edited by Atlanis.1473)

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: titanlectro.5029


I’m pretty sure they gave up on the CDI, and pretty much all forms of “looking ahead.”

They COULD continue to share parts of their vision of the future with us, complete with a huge disclaimer at the top saying, “This is all tentative, we are not committing to anything.” Instead, I guess they prefer giving us the silent treatment until we all turn into angry rage monsters.

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This is my Trahearne’s story

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


At this point even an ANet F-U post to the WvW player base would be nice.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

Collaborative Development implied to me that there would be a collaboration between devs and players.

7 Months later we got not a single word on WvW other then a Mod saying we can’t talk about things in developement.

Correct me if im wrong here, but where is this Collaborative Development?

I think its time the WvW Devs step up ther Game a bit, and Take the 20 mins it takes to Answer some Questions of the Community, i asure you we will endure those 20 Mins you cant work on the Progress of WvW.

To me and i think many other People in WvW we feel left out, and only see Advances in LS SPvP and PvE, all importaint, and what a surprise, even communication happens.

I for one am not buying those In works can’t talk Excuses.

Remember that WvW along with GvG is one of the major income Factors in your game, and its also a large chunk of your Core Playerbase.

So again i ask you to take those 20 mins or make it an hour or a day week whatever, im more then willing to wait that time it takes to properly reply to your paying customers longer for those “works in Progress”

Your Playerbase needs some Clarity !

Keva Windrift
Wolfs Rain

This has been discussed ad nauseum on other parts of the forum. The player base would LIKE clarity – this is not a sub game where you are constantly paying for the game – your attitude shows the ‘Entitled’ mentality. I, for one, would not respond to a post like yours – it would darned if you do and darned if you don’t.

WvW is but Guild Wars has to do with lore not with Guild vs Guild fighting. One should understand the lore of the game before posting. In GW1, Guild vs guild fighting was coincident with the game. You should read Guild Wars 1 Lore .

Balance is a hard thing to do in this game since we have sPvP, WvW AND PvE together.

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


The player base would LIKE clarity – this is not a sub game where you are constantly paying for the game – your attitude shows the ‘Entitled’ mentality. I, for one, would not respond to a post like yours – it would darned if you do and darned if you don’t.
If you don’t play WvW that’s fine, but those who do are “player base” as well, and while there is no Monthly Fee there are still purcases done by those people.

All modes but WvW get proper attention, i have played GW1 and i don’t see how the lore plays a role here.

Again were talking about a Game Mode, for many the “End Game”.

And your totally right, i feel entitled cause i purcase things and this is the game mode i mostly play, i did not ask you for your oppinion, but its astonishing to me that it doesnt take even 10 mins for some White knight to come here trying to derail the treat.

My post was neither rude nor nonsical, it was aimed for A Net devs.


Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

The player base would LIKE clarity – this is not a sub game where you are constantly paying for the game – your attitude shows the ‘Entitled’ mentality. I, for one, would not respond to a post like yours – it would darned if you do and darned if you don’t.
If you don’t play WvW that’s fine, but those who do are “player base” as well, and while there is no Monthly Fee there are still purcases done by those people.

All modes but WvW get proper attention, i have played GW1 and i don’t see how the lore plays a role here.

Again were talking about a Game Mode, for many the “End Game”.

And your totally right, i feel entitled cause i purcase things and this is the game mode i mostly play, i did not ask you for your oppinion, but its astonishing to me that it doesnt take even 10 mins for some White knight to come here trying to derail the treat.

My post was neither rude nor nonsical, it was aimed for A Net devs.


I do play WvW but that is not the point. The point being how can you demand anything when you don’t own it? You purchased the right to use it – that is all. You are NOT entitled to anything – read your EULA – that spells out your rights and you agreed to it.

A.Net was more talkative at the beginning but too many people got nasty with them and A.Net took this approach. I am not on either side, but just stomping your feet demanding something makes you look like a 2 yr old, having a temper tantrum.

If you word you question less condescending and negative and more cooperatively, you might get an answer. After all, one attracts more flies with honey than with vinegar.

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Collaborative Development implied to me that there would be a collaboration between devs and players.

But yes, there is:
They Develop… stuff. We Collaborate by still caring/playing. Here you go – Collaborative Development.

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Well then, i don’t think i have worded my Post negatively, i just stated some facts.

And no i wont sugarcoat those Facts.

You talk of demanding, i talk of asking for an answer, even tho English isnt my Native i do not think those are the same things.

Might or might not get an answer, my dibs are on not getting, still felt the need to put a post here and state my view on things.

Im pretty sure A-Net is aware that “the WvW players” generate a revenue for them, and that some of them are not very happy about the No Info Policy, im not here to make them like me, nor am i here to flame around, i simply ask for an answer.

As for the insults you posted, even tho nicely covered up, ill ignore them.

Not worth my time.


Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: MasterD.4790


The player base would LIKE clarity – this is not a sub game where you are constantly paying for the game – your attitude shows the ‘Entitled’ mentality. I, for one, would not respond to a post like yours – it would darned if you do and darned if you don’t.
If you don’t play WvW that’s fine, but those who do are “player base” as well, and while there is no Monthly Fee there are still purcases done by those people.

All modes but WvW get proper attention, i have played GW1 and i don’t see how the lore plays a role here.

Again were talking about a Game Mode, for many the “End Game”.

And your totally right, i feel entitled cause i purcase things and this is the game mode i mostly play, i did not ask you for your oppinion, but its astonishing to me that it doesnt take even 10 mins for some White knight to come here trying to derail the treat.

My post was neither rude nor nonsical, it was aimed for A Net devs.


I do play WvW but that is not the point. The point being how can you demand anything when you don’t own it? You purchased the right to use it – that is all. You are NOT entitled to anything – read your EULA – that spells out your rights and you agreed to it.

A.Net was more talkative at the beginning but too many people got nasty with them and A.Net took this approach. I am not on either side, but just stomping your feet demanding something makes you look like a 2 yr old, having a temper tantrum.

If you word you question less condescending and negative and more cooperatively, you might get an answer. After all, one attracts more flies with honey than with vinegar.

This post is bullkitten. So next time you have bad service at a restaurant or a store…don’t complain….you don’t own the store or it’s employee’s so you have NO RIGHT to complain….

He did not word it condescendingly, although you took it that way.

You pay for the right to play the game….absolutely…. it doesn’t mean there isn’t a standard that is expected from the people you are giving money to. Just like in my restaurant scenario….it is actually well within their right to treat you like kitten at their restaurant…and it’s well within you’re right to complain…but they don’t HAVE to do a godkitten thing about it….but guess what… they understand it’s not conducive to business so they have a standard of quality they maintain….same thing here. Sure… they don’t HAVE to do anything…. BUT… it is pretty standard that when you ask for collaboration with your user base….that you at least communicate with the people you asked for collaboration with…. I mean…. seems pretty standard.

The animosity that continues to grow here is coming all from Anet’s side. All they have to do is communicate…. yes I know that there will ALWAYS be trolls….and kittens… but I would be willing to bet most of the vapid hostility would die down if they at least gave us SOME semblance of where they see WvW going instead of the mysterious….“guys I promise we’re working on something.”

Gamadorn the epitome of a hotjoin hero

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Jamais vu.5284

Jamais vu.5284

WvW is but Guild Wars has to do with lore not with Guild vs Guild fighting. One should understand the lore of the game before posting. In GW1, Guild vs guild fighting was coincident with the game. You should read Guild Wars 1 Lore .

Or maybe it was named like this because GvG was originally planned to be the core feature of GW1 and PvE only the tutorial for it.

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Adula.3698


Anet really doesn’t care about what is going on in the game anymore.. They haven’t fixed a single bug brought up in CDI because they’re too busy sticking their kittens in your gem gold :P

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

CDIs, what are they?

I see them as nothing more than a bluff, and it worked for the first 3 CDIs; they got people in and talking about what they want. But the 3rd one was just wrong, a lot of players asking why talk about EOTM when it has only been out a month.

We were expecting a 4th by now, but again it hasnt appeared. I believe this is due to total failure of the Season 2 rewards. The WvW dev only had one thing to do, make sure people got their rewards. But it didnt work, and they had to “quickly” get a fix out.
A lot of players, some of whom are new, were able to see posts from players who’ve been here since beta, and they were shown that nothing much has changed in WvW since launch.

Newer players posting suggestions on how to improve the game, only to be told we suggested it a year or more ago. People posting that classic WvW blog page on it’s future, only to realise that too is over a year old and nothing has been done.

So in the end anet have probably realised creating a 4th WvW CDI will cause even more negativity; just look at the Call To Arms thread, people demanding why they want our footage when they have neglected us for 2 years. A week later and still no answer.

When silence is their answer, infracting and deleting and banning, what exactly can we take away from this?
If they were really working on something, they still would not be claiming they cannot talk about it. If it was to be released soon, they would at least give us a brief description, but also stating the release date is not definite.
Saying they are working on something but cannot talk about it, it is now the same as they are not working on it at all, that is the state of the game for WvW right now.

So dont expect a 4th CDI until the mods do some clearing of the forums, i.e. for those who complain to much to obtain enough infractions to “warrant” a permanent ban from the forums.

This post will probably be one of my last due to the above, so enjoy whilst you can!

The WvW Forum Poster Formerly Known As Omaris Mortuus Est

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


CDIs, what are they?

I see them as nothing more than a bluff, and it worked for the first 3 CDIs; they got people in and talking about what they want. But the 3rd one was just wrong, a lot of players asking why talk about EOTM when it has only been out a month.

We were expecting a 4th by now, but again it hasnt appeared. I believe this is due to total failure of the Season 2 rewards. The WvW dev only had one thing to do, make sure people got their rewards. But it didnt work, and they had to “quickly” get a fix out.
A lot of players, some of whom are new, were able to see posts from players who’ve been here since beta, and they were shown that nothing much has changed in WvW since launch.

Newer players posting suggestions on how to improve the game, only to be told we suggested it a year or more ago. People posting that classic WvW blog page on it’s future, only to realise that too is over a year old and nothing has been done.

So in the end anet have probably realised creating a 4th WvW CDI will cause even more negativity; just look at the Call To Arms thread, people demanding why they want our footage when they have neglected us for 2 years. A week later and still no answer.

When silence is their answer, infracting and deleting and banning, what exactly can we take away from this?
If they were really working on something, they still would not be claiming they cannot talk about it. If it was to be released soon, they would at least give us a brief description, but also stating the release date is not definite.
Saying they are working on something but cannot talk about it, it is now the same as they are not working on it at all, that is the state of the game for WvW right now.

So dont expect a 4th CDI until the mods do some clearing of the forums, i.e. for those who complain to much to obtain enough infractions to “warrant” a permanent ban from the forums.

This post will probably be one of my last due to the above, so enjoy whilst you can!

You know what, the delayed Rewards sucked yes, it was dealth with and done with.

Really i don’t care if stuff messes up now and then, it happens, it still beats Nothing by a long shot.

My Guild still plays on a Daily basis, it is still fun to WvW, i only wanted to express that standing still is already moving backwards.

GW2 has the Potential to be one of the best Competitive games on the Market, it is almost there too, but like a child if you don’t tend it daily with care and love it will not
reach its full potential.

Perhaps i did come across a bit Negative, but if i did i did cause i care about the Enviroment i play in with my Friends.

It’s just a game, i agree, but since they asked for Collaboration, and got alot of it from the Playerbase, they should really take heart and give us some Insights.

Can’t be done overnight, maybe not even in 7 Months, but show us what you fix, and what you work on, Involve the players, don’t exclude us.

At least the Path its taking, and a roughly estimate of time till new things happen.

Gives People something to look forward too.


Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Kraag Deadsoul.2789

Kraag Deadsoul.2789

At this point even an ANet F-U post to the WvW player base would be nice.

I think their lack of communication and neglect of WvW qualifies as a de facto F-U already.

So many souls, so little time. ~ Kraag Deadsoul

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: este.8651


Its frustrating because here we are trying to take a knee and get honest. We get no reply or most importantly we don’t get any feedback on what we can do. Server identities are real and have the ability to come together and help anet solve problems regardless of the fact that there is only one wvw dev. It doesnt have to be this way but theres no real way of communicating. Forget the Q&A.

Server communities could easily prioritize main issues regarding wvw and compile them into a format that is easily understood. Either through polls or discussions with guild groups,etc.. Then on the fipside we can also identify all of the things we like about WvW and also provide that information in a way thats needed. The point being using the community as a resource.

Once the main issues are identified you really have something to work with. You can prioritize issues that can be fixed and integrated into ongoing development. WvW doesnt have to take any resources away from ongoing development but work more in a parallel with the living story.

One example could be like this….You now know what everyone likes about wvw for the most part and you also know some of the main issues people have. So maybe one issue is that people are kind of burnt out on the wvw layouts and want something new but not a lot of pve content. So integrate the living story into moving around objectives or buffs similiar to bloodlust and you have a win/win. You have to understand the amount of hype is generated by the wvw player base. Anything you give to them has to bring massive sales.

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.3290


Let’s face it, without viable competition in the bizarrely small-field of massive-multiplayer online PvP; ANet doesn’t need to do a single thing.

There is no need for them to innovate, no need for them to divert resources from the much more value-added time they put into LS and PvE content.

Even if they are inclined to devote more resources into WvW, they have to carry the rest of NCSoft’s NA sales since the company only hits in NA have been the GW series. The company would have gone bankrupt a decade ago if it hadn’t been for the large Korean subscriber bases of the Lineage series.

I just hope they don’t expect us to be pleased or to be exceedingly loyal if viable competition is released.

I don’t know what it is about the PvE in this game; but it’s not as engaging as the original GW was for me. I played that game for years and only dabbled in PvP.
PvE seems…unrewarding compared to even this game’s predecessor and WvW is the only game-mode where achievements seem solid and earned.

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


Anet doesn’t have to do a thing as long as people keep playing the game, no matter how unhappy about it they are. Why would they say anything?

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Ulion.5476


Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

At this point even an ANet F-U post to the WvW player base would be nice.

I think their lack of communication and neglect of WvW qualifies as a de facto F-U already.

They already have posted it:

You are welcome.

I think the real mistake, apart from the whole neglect thing, is that when it came to testing EOTM, they most likely invited “well-known” sPvP guilds to do it. Seeing as anet is trying really hard to push GW2 into tournaments.
We all know they really need to change their thinking, and any future testing should be done by players who actually play the mode that they want testing, not players anet want to cosy up with.

The WvW Forum Poster Formerly Known As Omaris Mortuus Est