Making this post because our server can use more people to fill in the different timezones and even the peak hours! We have no queues and if there is one it will be for EBG and only lasts 15 minutes. The amount of guilds we have for WvWvW are extremely low! I can count maybe 5 and all with less then 3 party full. We are not so bad and could use much more leadership in the borderlands, our EBG map is starting to do very well during peak hours, taking SM and holding it for a while. We start to fall off when people are getting off.
This is a announcement for those guilds who are looking to be recognized for there talents and cannot get into a queue to save a life! Come enjoy queue free all day long Fergusons WvWvW!
If your also looking to join a guild since your a loner or with a small group you can message me ingame or any of our other officers/leader.
Tyrone Jackson ill
Alexi Rominov
We are [SANC] !