Commander Aquisition Improvments

Commander Aquisition Improvments

in WvW

Posted by: Discordian.5384


Currently in order to Get Commander you have to PVE, Collaborate with a Group of people, Swipe a Credit card, Or play the crap outta the TP.

So off the top of my head i came up with a suggestion for Fixing this.

Everyone in a Guild that has claimed a Keep receives 1 Token after X amount of time of maintaining Keep control.

Have an NPC that when you click him Allows you to Use a Token for someone in your guild

Depending on their WvW Rating( describing that Soon) each token is Worth More token points so it takes Fewer tokens with a higher Rating. This is to prevent Nominating players with less experience in WvW to Commander

The WvW Rating would be a system. Would be Determined by a combination of, Kills(least important) Siege assaults, Active time in WvW( only increases while sieging, defending and getting npc assistance)

Once a char is Nominated to commander they have to then spend X Badges of honor to obtain it.

What do you guys think all criticism is accepted.

Commander Aquisition Improvments

in WvW

Posted by: Discordian.5384


No replies on this.. Good ideas, Bad idea Horrible idea.. Gimme something ppl im lonely in here. All i have is my thoughts and most of those are not sane

Commander Aquisition Improvments

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


this is a good idea. basically it gives someone commander, by being a popular vote for people that play enough to give enough enough capture tokens to buy the commander icon

i think arena net needs to wipe all commander icons, refund people their gold if they have it, and implement something like this…. it will help people kittenally do lead, get the vote for the people they lead, and not just let people who buy an icon run around WvW like an idiot and watch people follow them for the fun of it.

every person needs to be able to get a vote though, not just guilded… some unguilded people are great leaders on some servers, and can be voted by the people who follow them

Commander Aquisition Improvments

in WvW

Posted by: Discordian.5384


Yea i agree about the unguilded i just cant imagine Anet creating a system to allow donation to anyone on your server, so i figured it would just be easier for a player who is a good leader to join a highly active guild to get commander then leave the guild if guilds aren’t their thing

Commander Aquisition Improvments

in WvW

Posted by: AXEL.8362


This is a good idea. While 100g seemed a lot of gold before beta now we know its a pretty small ammount of money.

Getting that small ammount of gold is not a qualification to lead anything. You could get that gold easily if you are in a big clan (popularity), if you buy gems or if you play the tp. Trading skills, popularity or real life cash are not any qualification to be commander. Right now we have a million commanders and 95% of them has no clue about what to do than zerging. I guess because the intention of those 95% was just vanity in the first place and not helping.

I suggest:

A. Powering up the requirements: keep the 100g, add a wvwvw title about defending stuff, a minimum spvp rank and pve world map completion. That way we know at least that they know the game properly.
I would actually make getting the commander title pretty hard and demand for the creation of a legendary weapon, but thats just me. A medium difficoulty should be fine.

B. Have a public list of commanders and an option for the rest of the players to deactivate their commander rank. eg: 1000 players vote on firing X commander, that X commander cannot be commander for 1 month.

Also not very related make the commander icon dissapear in cities and pvp. Or at least give the rest of the players an option to hide it.

Commander Aquisition Improvments

in WvW

Posted by: neoxide.7320


I don’t like the keep claim idea. I see 2-5 different guilds crowding around the keep lord waiting to put their banner up. I can’t imagine how many would try this.

Someone before suggested that commander becomes a guild upgrade. If they made it a very expensive upgrade, and perhaps made it only account for WvW specific influence, and only available to a single person at a time (could be purchased for guild leaders and maybe officers only) it would be pretty good.

Commander Aquisition Improvments

in WvW

Posted by: Zierk.4289


We don’t even have a means to directly trade with another player, I can’t see them implementing a system where we can donate to another player. :/

Good idea but I don’t see it happening personally.

EDIT: trade securely. Sending someone an item via mail and saying pay me back after you get the item doesn’t seem very smart to me.

Zierk [VA] Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
Vigiliant Addiction – Multi-Gaming Community

Commander Aquisition Improvments

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


I don’t like the keep claim idea. I see 2-5 different guilds crowding around the keep lord waiting to put their banner up. I can’t imagine how many would try this.

Someone before suggested that commander becomes a guild upgrade. If they made it a very expensive upgrade, and perhaps made it only account for WvW specific influence, and only available to a single person at a time (could be purchased for guild leaders and maybe officers only) it would be pretty good.

im pretty sure he was meaning about capture.. ie… if you are standing in the circle and get exp karma etc, u get thta 1 badge for capture… which allows you to give a vote to someone to be commander

dont let supply camps give this though, people will farm camps for badges, at least towers requires coordination and groups large than 5 in most cases

Commander Aquisition Improvments

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.7653


I have a discussion on this going on in this thread.

Some people are making great points.