Commander Compendium... problem + solution.

Commander Compendium... problem + solution.

in WvW

Posted by: Leeain.2431


I know, in the others mmorpg you can see smalls party in RvR and there is no cooperation etc etc… that’s why Anet found this solution:
An expencive book that will limit the number of smalls party and will shift the attention on a few leaders…

But… what is really happening?

1 – You farm/buy 100g and you take the book for yourself.
Ok. No problem. It works, congratulation now you are a raid commander!

2 – Your guild buy the book all together…
and here the problem…
20-30-40-50 (or more) people give the money to the Guild Leader and he buy for himself the Commander Compendium…
He gain the achivments, he gain the ability to create a raid, he doesn’t pay 100g alone, he gain prestige and glamor…

What about the others guild members? Nothing…
They are forced to play only if the Guild Leader is online… if not, there is no raid option.

What will happen if the Guild Leader quit GW2?
If he have some problems?
If he is unable to play for a reason?
If the guild is dismiss?

The guild members are unable to play in a raid… well they can join PUG, but everybodhi knows wich kind of problems you can find…

So… they have to pay again 100g in this way the co-leaders and the guild manager can byu the commander…
Again the same problem… the guild members don’t recive any achivments, no bonus, no raid options… again other players benefit from it…

What will happen if co-leader quit GW?
If they have some problems?
If they are unable to play for a reason?
What happen if no one is online in that moment?
What happen if the guild is dismissed?

People can’t risk to waste money…
Poeple shouldn’t pay for something they will not gain and which will benefit another account!

All players should spend 100g for the Commander Compendium?

No point because play in a guild means help eachother…
Play in a guild doesn’t mean help only the guild leader… and there is no point to have 300000 players in a guild with the Commander…

I have a solution.

- Create a Commander a Guild Reward buyable with guild influence.
Lv1- allow Leader to create Raid.
Lv2 – allow co-leader to create a Raid.
Lv3 – allow guild manager to create a Raid.
Lv4 – allow officer to create a Raid.

In this way no one waste money, no one will gain benefit just for himself and all the guild will benefit from this.

The leader leave the guild?
No problem Commander il bind to the guild and not to a player… new leader, new commander.
Same things for the co leader and co.

I’m not talking about remove the current Commander Compendium… if you are a solo player or if you want the Commander for yourself just for pride you can buy it… i’m suggesting to add this other options. Expecially because, right now, the Guild reward is a bit thin and dull.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes, is not my language. :P

(edited by Leeain.2431)

Commander Compendium... problem + solution.

in WvW

Posted by: Dao.8156


I like the core concept here. We should have more guild wars not ego wars.

I don’t think we need multiple levels of this, simply a “member may represent guild as a commander” guild permission and limits on how many may represent at a time based upon the gold and/or influence spent.

Brilliant idea.

~ Dao

Commander Compendium... problem + solution.

in WvW

Posted by: Waking.6052


Very cool idea

Guardian Commander “The Lord Saves”
Mesmer Commander “The Lord Knows”
Fort Aspenwood

Commander Compendium... problem + solution.

in WvW

Posted by: Tumbero.3945


You dont need a commander to make raids pvp wvw all you need is some teamplay, if you need a commander or you leader to play you sucks and i can say you cant afford beign alone with others. sad.

SBI Firstborn.
(LX) Legion

Commander Compendium... problem + solution.

in WvW

Posted by: Leeain.2431


This is just your opinion…

If you are a supporter you NEED the raid.
You have to keep an eye on the “party window” because you have to take care of all your team mates. You have to be quick and you need to see where they are and go there if they need you.

But… if you are just a random skills spammer, and you care just about kill (and not help your party members) you don’t need a raid.
This is sad and players like this sucks and have to learn a lot.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes, is not my language. :P

(edited by Leeain.2431)

Commander Compendium... problem + solution.

in WvW

Posted by: Balzaimon.4895


Having a “Commander” option for guilds to purchase with influence sounds like a good idea. It would probably need to be costly in influence to balance it with the current Commander Compendium’s gold cost. Either way it represents time spent playing the game, except people can buy gold with real money, making it cost influence would be a more reasonable representation of experience playing and using teamwork.

Sirruhk Saiikesh (Warrior)
Balzaimon (Gaurdian)
Tarnished Coast

Commander Compendium... problem + solution.

in WvW

Posted by: spartanx.1364


Having a “Commander” option for guilds to purchase with influence sounds like a good idea. It would probably need to be costly in influence to balance it with the current Commander Compendium’s gold cost. Either way it represents time spent playing the game, except people can buy gold with real money, making it cost influence would be a more reasonable representation of experience playing and using teamwork.

I would not mind an influence option that can only be seen by your own guild.

As far as the OPs concerns I think the Signets are not to bad. Yea your guild raises the money for a commander tag up so their leader or their commander get lead his guild in battle. He dosent get all the glory. In fact he is under more scrutiny then any other player in your guild. Your commander has the burden of command. He has to make decision that can determine your server’s success on the battlefield. If he messes up he takes the brunt of the blame then second his guild.

As far as if he leaves the guild or game scenario. That usually signals the end of the guild anyways.

As far as the commander not there to play. You are putting all the responsibility on the commander/guild lead and minimal accountability on your members. You do not need a command signet to take camps and make sure towers are defended or have steady supply lines.

My guild has over 20 commanders and some times we dont have a single signet on because we only have 20 or so people in wvw just taking camps and defending towers. And if you have more online its actually good practice to learn to play together with out a signet, we did for a couple weeks.

Basically as guild you should not become reliant on your leader/commander. Learn to be efficient wit out one all the time. You will be a better guild because of it. Also become more active in your WvW community dont just think hey we are XYZ guild we dont need anyone else. Attach your guys to another guilds commander if you need to. Heck they might need you to bolster their numbers to push a tower or keep.

Tytos The Ascended – Tytos Hill – Dee Oh Tee – Conductor – TC

Commander Compendium... problem + solution.

in WvW

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


Having a “Commander” option for guilds to purchase with influence sounds like a good idea. It would probably need to be costly in influence to balance it with the current Commander Compendium’s gold cost. Either way it represents time spent playing the game, except people can buy gold with real money, making it cost influence would be a more reasonable representation of experience playing and using teamwork.

Transferrable guild commander pin using influence would be handy…. that way there is always someone in the guild that can lead. The guild commander icon would have to be visible only to the guild or other commanders… perhaps have a different color <yellow> so the commander who is leading can see where guild squads are on the map.

At the very least they need a /private option for commander pins so only those people currently in the squad can see it. To many pins running around and guild can do their own things without kitten everyone off.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

Commander Compendium... problem + solution.

in WvW

Posted by: MrKnieves.4162


What about if the guild leader doesn’t want the hat but rather have one or more officers have it? Also, a guild can have more than one blue dorito. This is a “solution” for a problem that don’t exists.

Zheenn [Warrior] [Commander]| Alondra Del Mar [Thief] | Lorean Alisk [Elemental]
Rough Trade [RTGC]
Crystal Desert

Commander Compendium... problem + solution.

in WvW

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


What about if the guild leader doesn’t want the hat but rather have one or more officers have it? Also, a guild can have more than one blue dorito. This is a “solution” for a problem that don’t exists.

The easiest solution would be for commanders to flag themselves private and turn off the commander pin except for those people currently in the squad.

I was referring to Balzaimon.4895 comment about using guild influence to purchase a guild commander pin. I think he was suggesting that only the guild would be able to see the commander pin…. I just added in that it would be nice to transfer it within the guild if needed.

Just hashing some ideas around and making wishlists

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry