Commander Title? Questions?

Commander Title? Questions?

in WvW

Posted by: Behemoth.3571


Ok I currently Bought Commander Title after farming 100g.

Now I can’t figure out how to use any of the features its suppose to have.

First. No Icons or anything Placeable on Map Like Attack/Defend Markers..
Second. No way to control who is in Squad or to Invite players to Squad or Kick Players.
Players must click on you to Join.
Third. Anyone can Spam in Squad Chat.

Commander has No control over anything besides being a Light Bulb for a zerg…..
Unless their is Commands that I am Un aware of and Can not find to allow some order within the squad it seems like a total waste of 100g.

Can’t even see Squad Members on Map.
or see Anything related to squad besides Disband/Create squad……..

Are their any Menu’s or Commands I am Unaware of?
otherwise it’s a pretty disappointing feature to spend 100g on.

(edited by Behemoth.3571)

Commander Title? Questions?

in WvW

Posted by: Ater Viator.7235

Ater Viator.7235

1. You place markers by holding Alt + rightclick
2. A commander has no automatic control, leadership is earned, not bought.
3. Use /Squadinfo in chatwindow
4. As a commander, you are supposed to lead attacks and charge into the fray, what else do you need than a blue icon that shows people were you are?
5. Farming is stupid

I’m a commander, and thanks to the title, me and my guild dominate WvW. But yea, I use the ingame chat + mumble (voice chat) constantly. Leadership is hard work.

Ingame: Draug
Guild: Three Crowns
Position: Commander

Commander Title? Questions?

in WvW

Posted by: Hissatsu.3174


As it is now, commander needs serious upgrade. 30 people in squad is ridiculously low. Either increase that to ~100 or allow commander’s goals, map drawings and waypoints be shown to anybody.

Only blue icon is useful as of now, everything else is just… not.

However, yes, leadership does not come from farming 100g, but from knowing how to lead.