Commander needs to be on more then 1 Character
DoctorWhy kind of agrees with Daish, even though DoctorWhy isn’t a commander.
Why must we talk in 3rd person?
Yeah I like the idea so all my level 1 toons are commanders from the start :P
It’s silly that it’s not like that. Some of our commanders have bought multiple commander books which feels unnecessary.
Draw agrees with Daish.
Mulch figgers a commander can take a vacation from commanding if s/he only has one book.
The thing is a commander is sort of a brand name. On my server we love Mara. But if Mara’s book appeared on some new character, we’d not recognize her.
fivekiller is not a commander on his server for this very reason.
fivekiller quite often leads in /t but likes to switch characters from time to time, especially when his teammates aren’t killing arrow carts up on towers becaue they “can’t reach them” and he needs to get his elementalist.
fivekiller thinks they could at least sell a second tome for 5-25g that would unlock it per character if someone has already purchased the 100g tome.
I’d like a new method of obtaining the skill book instead, which will also solve your problem here.
Currently, the single-character 100g book promotes gold buyers and PvE farmers. Very often these players obtain the book for ‘prestige’ perposes rather than for leading WvW. It’s very harmfull for the WvW ‘pug environment’ to have these random people running around with a commander icon, who often haven’t got any idea how to even play WvW, or worse, use a mindless zerg for their personal farming perposes (taking them to puzzles, ect.).
Instead I believe a new way of obtaining the skill book needs to be created. So I suggest it is made account-wide based on WvW activity. Add a few new WvW achievements or tiers to existing WvW achievements, resulting in a book requirement of something along the lines of:
- 200 hours spend in WvW.
- 200 objectives captured (camps, towers, keeps, SM, nothing else or it’s too easy to farm).
- 20k supply used.
This will allow any character on an account to obtain the skill book since it would be achievement based.
It tells other players this commander has played WvW before and it isn’t just another gold buyer/farmer.
Thorny Scrub – Thief
This is basically asking why should all map completion be done on another character when you’ve already done them on your main. Starting a new character means you’re creating a new progression path. In the worst cases, you should be starting everything brand new. Thank ArenaNet that they combined achievements to account rather than characters themselves.
Daish incorrectly believes he’s some sort of commander. Daish actually just spent 100g so he can have a commander icon over that particular character. You purchased a consumable for that character, albeit an expensive one. If Daish wants another character to have that icon, he should have another 100g handy.
Daish should also understand how gold sinks work. Not sinks made of gold, they work just like regular sinks but with extra opulence, but the gold sink mechanic in MMO’s.
WvW is one giant goldsink. I don’t think we need to limit player organisation for the sole perpose of putting a sink to prevent farmers from having too much gold. Farmers will always have gold, thats why you need to add fluff things to the game like legendary weapons to keep them busy. The commander book is currently used as a prestige icon for farmers because of the lack of other perposes gold has for farmers.
Meanwhile, WvW players are broke as competitive/structured WvW play is extremely expensive and actually requires daily farming to even keep up with. I think these dedicated WvW players need another way of obtaining the skill book, and other players deserve to know that a WvW player is leading them, not a farmer.
Thorny Scrub – Thief
It kind of scares me to know that people have commander with <1000 objectives captured and <4000 WvW kills. I don’t even play all that much, and when I do I’m never in the big fights (always duoing camps or five manning towers); yet, I’ve managed to accumulate higher WvW stats.
Musty thinks the whole darn “commander” think is borked…
Musty thinks they should just toss it and start over with something that makes some darn sense.
Having 100 G does NOT make you a “commander” or “leader”. Totally stupid idea.
“- 200 hours spend in WvW. – Yes
– 200 objectives captured (camps, towers, keeps, SM, nothing else or it’s too easy to farm). – Yes
– 20k supply used. – Awww heeeeellllll no! I can see people just building crap all over the place using all the supply at all the keeps”
Now Musty Britches since someone decided Shortbus Rider was offensive… [LoS] [NSP]
(edited by Musty.3148)
The idea of a “Commander” is entirely stupid. Just like warhammer, anyone should have the ability to form a warband (large group) and work together. The Commander idea is just an expensive title and waste. “Oh look, a commander. Lets follow this guy, he has 100 gold.”
Charr – Ranger
Human – Guardian
“This entire thread needs to be spoken in the 3rd person”, Arctix said swiftly.
DAoC, EQ2, WoW, AoC, L2, UO <freerps> <myth>
<wrath> <banda> <insurrection> <jaded>
Phrozen thinks the commander title should be something that is obtained through the guild they are in. I.E. influenced based and the guild leader (no I am not a guild leader) should be the one to obtain the title and it should require some crazy amount of influence and take days if not weeks to progress. Just sayin, a commander is a well known person and who better to be commanders in guild wars than guild leaders.
The fact that you have 248 skill points suggests you don’t use superior siege, which suggests you aren’t that great of a commander.
Pinkus agrees with Phrozen in that commander tag should be something obtained through the guild but Pinkus also thinks that to weild the commander tag you need to have x amount of progression in terms of WvW achievements. Hybrid the ideas and it will mean that commanders are meaningful and the players using them have a pretty solid understanding of the battlefield.
(edited by Pinkus.2860)
Another issue that needs a developer response. Why are commander books not account bound, is there any plan to make this happen?
The fact the commander title is a money sink is itself kitten It should be a community vote thing. Say 10 commanders per server?
Guilds should also be considered in this topic. If a guild contributes together to earn the 100g for the book then members from the guild shouldn’t have to wait for whoever consumes the book to be online. The guild should be enabled to have one person at a time lead a large group. Even if this goes back to the topic of adding a separate method of earning the book, for example with influence or some related fashion.
Daish is almost up to 800k Karma / 248 Skill points that’s with only 62% World Completion and Daish wants to play 1 of his other level 80 characters in WvW
but Daish would lose his Commander icon and there is no way Daish is going to spend another 100g Daish would rather quit the game
can Anet make the Commander tag bind to the account and not just the 1 Character but you have to be level 80 to press the “Create Squad” button
Oh god it’s Daish from Frostmourne.
Nirmuu 80 Warrior [GC]
iEuthanasia feels like this thread needs more 3rd person Dev postings to be truly full of win.
Conversely, iEuthanasia disagrees with the OP in every way, shape and form.
Daish is almost up to 800k Karma / 248 Skill points
I’m from SoS and the only reason people can’t stand you is all this third person speak. cut it out!! I sieged a keep with you once and I thought this commander is ok, and has some smart tactics. then you do this third person rubbish and it suddenly feels like I’m following some fool around the map.
Do yourself a favour and stop talking like a nutcase. The only thing you will be remembered for is the idiot that talks like this.
Ignicity doesn’t understand the reasoning for all of the 3rd person hate from Thobek.
Ignicity tells Thobek to put the lotion on its skin.
Ignicity – 80 Necromancer
Unreal Aussies [uA] – Isle of Janthir
Daish is almost up to 800k Karma / 248 Skill points
I’m from SoS and the only reason people can’t stand you is all this third person speak. cut it out!! I sieged a keep with you once and I thought this commander is ok, and has some smart tactics. then you do this third person rubbish and it suddenly feels like I’m following some fool around the map.
Do yourself a favour and stop talking like a nutcase. The only thing you will be remembered for is the idiot that talks like this.
you just made me cringe now that i know he types like that in game, how have you not blocked him yet? he’d be the first to enter my block list if i saw him spamming chat with 3rd person jibberish
The fact the commander title is a money sink is itself kitten It should be a community vote thing. Say 10 commanders per server?
you can already turn Commanders icons off by joining a 1 of the Commanders Squads it will turn the rest off
Daish thinks thats a bad idea there should be some kind of player vote system and the top 3 should be shown on the map (but you need a Commander Token before you can be voted for)
Gold for 1# Silver for 2# Bronze for 3#
No it doesn’t. You bought it on one character. Whatever reasoning you have for it being cross account is the same reasoning it shouldn’t be cross account.
kurrata thinks any zergling can become ultralisk
kurrata thinks each midless zergling has x amount of votes for all of zerglings life.
kurrata thinks zerglings vote for ultralisk with likes/disslikes and remove their votes
kurrata thinks ultralisk icon color changes relative to average score of all present ultralisks in WvW
BlackmagicKota has commander on Kota the Strong. Warrior, good for assault.
BlackmagicKota doesn’t have commander on Kota Southernwood. Mage, good for deffense.
Thus, when Kota the Strong wants to attack something, he has an army following him.
When Kota Southernwood wants to deffend something, he is left alone.
BlackmagicKota agrees that commander on all accounts is a good idea, also he enjoys speaking in third person.
Commander on Devona’s Rest
Exemplar’s of Virtue (FWAE)
Daish plays a Engineer for his main just getting sick running into the enemy trying to get his server to follow instead of hanging back
so Daish dies alot so Daish is wondering if playing a Guardian would be better for a Commander it can buff players and stay alive longer then a Engineer
but no way in hell Daish is going to spend another 100 gold
Daish would rather go play planetside 2 instead
900k Karma now 270 skill points
getting annoying
Daish wants to play 1 of his other level 80’s
Ilesyt has a commander on ele, He has died 2150 times.
But Ilesyt is enjoying ele alot.
Though he would like to get commander on another character too.
If that doesn’t happen, Ilesyt will have to pay 700 more gold for Commander on every class he will create.
Ilesyt is sad.
On a Side note, Ilesyt has collected 650k karma atm and has bought 3.5 karma sets already. He also has 350 skillpoints after having activated all skill points, even the Elites and he’s a norn.
Ilesyt would like to make Superior Siege, but he can’t because he always has to put down the siege, and superior siege uses up too many regular for just 1 siege.
He prefers to keep 5 rams over making 1 superior ram.
Otherwise Ilesyt will be even more broke than he already is.
Ruins of Surmia
(edited by Ilesyt.7084)
I think there need to be more than a few changes to the commander system. When you mouse over a commander it should show both their account name and char name.
Make it account wide.
Some people like me are getting commander so his allies can see where he is on the map as well as people not in squad. It really sucks that we don’t have this basic functionality without spending 100g for each char.
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance
SausageStorm agrees. Than again SausageStorm thinks the whole commander thing needs to be redone since anyone with 100g can get it.
SausageStorm SausageStorm SausageStorm
Subtle has 285 skillpoints
Subtle has every skill unlocked.
Subtle has full invader gear.
Subtle does his best to lead the zerg everynight.
Subtle wishes that he could level a guardian and not have to buy the commander book again.
Subtle also heard if you say Sausagestorm 3 times in the mirror the madking comes and eats you.
Yaksbend Commander
Please tell me this isn’t the same Daish that once played on the Destromath server in WoW. God help us if it is and you’re a commander.
Seren wishes there were guild commander books obtained from guild influence, like a green commander icon only people in your guild can see.
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
only a game which advertised it self as being next gen because one need not grind to be viable, would one have to grind to have less than basic standard organizational functionality of raid groups.
only in a game that promotes itself through the line" play the game not the ui" would guild wvw leaders spend so much time puzzling out where their guildies are and spend so much effort juggling groups and coordinating members to stick together because the UI is intentionally kittened.
only in a game where you buy gold with irl cash would you have to spend $100 or spend hundreds of hours farming and saving gold to buy basic mmo ui functionality that is subpar on a single character.
only in an ncsoft game would players have to beg for something like this.
only in mmo’s would people defend this going live or even publicly talked about at all.
remember kids “play the game, not the ui”
and ofc:
kurrata thinks any zergling can become ultralisk
kurrata thinks each midless zergling has x amount of votes for all of zerglings life.
kurrata thinks zerglings vote for ultralisk with likes/disslikes and remove their votes
kurrata thinks ultralisk icon color changes relative to average score of all present ultralisks in WvW
Siofra thinks this isn’t a bad idea.
But Siofra also fears that this system can be exploited by certain commanders and their (big) guilds who would downvote other commanders.
Siofra believes the commander book should be bought with badges of honor and a hefty amount of karma/gold.
And Siofra also suggests the commander book should be temporary.
Siofra says the commander book should reset once the match is finished.
Siofra believes this would lead to commanders actually investing time in WvW and/or are at least doing a decent job.
Commanders who aren’t cut out for the job will eventually stop buying the books this way.
And they have a way out. Right now, commanders are stuck to their role.
Siofra knows that you can disable the commander status but people will still recognize them, hence forcing them to become a zerg magnet again.
Siofra believes spending a 100g (which you can get solely from PvE) is not the right way.
Badges of honor are only available in WvW and they will ensure that you have the necessary experience in WvW to wield the commander title.
Siofra would also like to say that being able to enable commander status in PvE is just silly.
Orr might be the only exception however. But Siofra even thinks that’s a stretch.
Siofra firmly believes that this way, many of the problems with commanders would just vanish. Including the one in this thread.
Siofra would also like to suggest a guild commander book to be added.
Different colour, cheaper price, same possibilities BUT only visible for the members currently representing your guild.
Siofra would like to edit in that Siofra has no desire to become a commander whatsoever.
Siofra prefers a small party, not zergs.
Siofra just notices the flaws is the system and how it’s effecting cooperation as a server.
Siofra thinks there should be a commander system in place, but not this permanent.
Everything in WvW resets weekly (2 weekly after everything is in place).
The commander system should reset at the same time.
This has been Siofra’s 2 cents.
Siofra has been hearing a lot of valid complains in this thread and hopes any developer out there is throwing this into a meeting.
(edited by Siofra Crumble.2098)
DK thinks the whole commander book should not be on top of basic standardized mmo raid group functionality.
DK thinks he is tired of spending so much time and effort on orgnizing groups constantly through out each wvw session.
DK thinsk commander book is only good for herding PUGs around.
DK finds it hilarious that his server tends to have 3-4+ commanders on top of each otehr on any given map on any given night because the only reason any of them use it is because of lack of raid groups.
DK thinks that fighting the UI then grinding gold to have a cut down version for a basic feature is insulting.
DK thinks commander book was badly thought out and thrown together hastily.
DK thinks the gold tuning was too high in beta when it was 3 gold.
DK thinks if there must be commander books at all, it should be bought with influence and usage of it should be part of the permissions by rank tab.
DK thinks even if that was changed as such, it would still be far from being as useful as basic standard mmo raid group functionality.
DK thinks this song is appropriate:
Ly Ann is a commander and Ly Ann is a guild leader.
Ly Ann disagrees with commander title to be account cause theres arround 6 commanders per map allready and increasing wich is very bad.
Ly Ann disagrees with the guild idea, cause by experience takes alot of time to keep chatting in ts with guild and talk in team chat at same time and keep moving or everyone just stands arround waiting.
Ly Ann agrees that commander book shouldnt be sold for gold and should had experience to WvW, badges or something else, or actually 100g + 1000 badges or more and more achievements.
Any goldseller or goldbuyer can be a commander, imagine if bots decide to have commander and everyone follows them killing mobs? xDD
Ly Ann doesnt like this 3rd person post.
Ly Ann at ur service
Daish best commander.
Fred here thinks commanders should stick to their brand name.
Fred doesn’t like the idea of randomly named commanders with level 1 chars.
Fred likes it when everyone recognizes a commander and knows his abilities. (Fred uses “his” and not “hers” because Fred doesn’t think females can lead. Fred is a bit primitive.)
Fred thinks things are fine as they are.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
Siofra believes the commander book should be bought with badges of honor and a hefty amount of karma/gold.
And Siofra also suggests the commander book should be temporary.
Siofra says the commander book should reset once the match is finished.Siofra believes this would lead to commanders actually investing time in WvW and/or are at least doing a decent job.
Commanders who aren’t cut out for the job will eventually stop buying the books this way.
And they have a way out. Right now, commanders are stuck to their role.
Siofra knows that you can disable the commander status but people will still recognize them, hence forcing them to become a zerg magnet again.
Ilesyt believe Siofra is crazy.
Ilesyt likes to have Invaders set or otherwise some money.
With Siofra’s idea, Ilesyt will be broke and unable ato buy Commander anymore.
Ruins of Surmia
Siofra would like to point out to Ilest that I realize rebuyable books should be cheaper and payable every two weeks.
Siofra would suggest a certain amount of badges, gold and a tad influence.
Siofra would not dare to suggest an exact price without the proper calculations.
Pifil likes speaking in the third person.
Pifil would like to see commander (and ranks in general) be earned in WvW. Pifil thinks players should be promoted from private/trooper upwards due to doing well and (more slowly) demoted due to poor performance or prolonged inactivity.
Pifil thinks this would be an additional incentive for WvWvW.
Pifil knows that changes to this would result in an ungodly uproar due to the fact that current commanders have spent gems on buying the gold for the book. Either way Pifil doesn’t think that the ability to create a “raid” sized groups should be purchasable.
Ilesyt would like to point out to Siofra that Ilesyt buys a lot of siege and I saving badges for invaders. If Siofra’s plan were to come true, Ilesyt would be unable to buy siege Anymore.
That would also mean that bigger guilds will be able to get out more Commanders and that more random Commanders might try to become commander, if even for a week because the prices would be much lower.
Ruins of Surmia
Daish only has Videos of him Commanding in Wintergrasp
for Besetment.9187
spawn camping 120 players is fun
Wintergrasp may of been basic but for a unguilded player to get 1000’s of other players to follow him not many people can do that
you can see out of 100’s of people Daish is the only 1 typeing