Commanders and message count

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Cynical.1723


I don’t expect this post to have too much support from the community as their are not that many players with the commanders book to have issues but as a commander myself on countless time I am unable to reply message in /T due to message suppression.

As a commander it’s important to give instructions to your team and this suppression rubbish is preventing it. I appreciate why it has been introduced but I am posting to find out how much of a real issue this is to other commanders?

Or as a commander how do you get around the issue?


FS Commander

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

This is an ongoing issue that most Commanders agree with from what I’ve seen.

Many get around it by having a ‘comms officer’ help with typing commands and information.

For this reason, I should have called my commander toon Boskone so that minions could say on /t “I speak for Boskone.”

Yes, its lame and yes its geeky

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: zippy.7168


I thought the book is just a fashion item to get a blue cap which looks like a pyramid

But i agree, it is a problem if u have to write comands for people who dont join ts for some odd reasons

Zippy Bln (80 Guardian)
Dzagonur – Commander
[HON] – Officer

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Zorion.7504


I thought that /squad didnt have that issue, am I wrong?
The one thing that buggs me the most is actually commanders using /map /team and giving orders like, take down that cannon, or behind!

/squad works wonders for leading your squad, /team /map works wonders for trash to use and for commanders speaking to other commanders. But for commanders using it to relay orders to his closest soldiers need to get a big spanking

So pls. more /squad usage! =)

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: allways.9270


Well .. it´s said, that the book gives 2k Toughness – under the condition the Commander tag is active – therefore there are a lot of “commanders” that .. well .. are useless.

Point number two .. you need to change the choice of words within the radius of 10min – learn better English, or the language used on your server .. if the block pops out wait 30sec – if you write again – anything within this period of time, the “blocks timer” will reset.

Also .. the commanders & squad leaders usually brainstorm thrue TS/Ventrilo/Mummble – communication software – which allows easier handling of troops & alters the set of rules around giving orders.

Charr Engineer
Death is Energy [DIE]
Underworld server; WvW – UW border/defence

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Suz.2169


Also .. the commanders & squad leaders usually brainstorm thrue TS/Ventrilo/Mummble – communication software – which allows easier handling of troops & alters the set of rules around giving orders.

Chat is only useful to give directions to people who aren’t in voice comms so they have a clue on what’s going on.

Commanders communicate to their guilds with voice comms, and so their guild doesn’t even need the commander icon in the first place – they know what to do.

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Wizard.4056


What a coincidence! I was just about to make a rant topic about this but you already made one. For no reason I constantly get muted today. Its frustrating as hell and the limit for commanders should be MUCH higher. We just lost 3 supply camps becauase I couldn’t tell people where to go.

Please look into this..

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406


I thought the book is just a fashion item to get a blue cap which looks like a pyramid

I know that’s what I use mine for!

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Hmm, personally I have never suffered from this (and yes I am very vocal in /t)

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: kribre.9683


Same probleme here, multiple times I’ve had to tell other people on the comms what to write in teamchat for the people who are not on the comms. A bit annoying to be honest :/

[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Azaruil.3406


Learn to relay information more efficiently.

i.e. Take out oil, place rams then get on cannons

as opposed to






“I smell like pomegranate.”

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Max Castle.6173

Max Castle.6173

This issue is a critical reason why I don’t flag up much anymore. If pubs joined the squads I guess that would solve it, but until then it’s a real hamstring.

Flag [PRO]


30/30/30/30/30 Memer

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


I haven’t encountered this problem yet.
One thing I would like to see is a proximity based supply counter. Not enough people join squads making /squadinfo less useful, and also not everyone in your squad is with you always.

If you could have /supply and it counts user supply in a 5000 area radius it’d be fantastic.

Aurora Glade [EU]

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Warlord Lu Bu.7905

Warlord Lu Bu.7905

I don’t expect this post to have too much support from the community as their are not that many players with the commanders book to have issues but as a commander myself on countless time I am unable to reply message in /T due to message suppression.

As a commander it’s important to give instructions to your team and this suppression rubbish is preventing it. I appreciate why it has been introduced but I am posting to find out how much of a real issue this is to other commanders?

Or as a commander how do you get around the issue?


FS Commander

This problem is a constant pain, and partly why I prefer to lead a smaller group rather than the main “zerg”. I always try to reply to everyone’s questions, so in a smaller group I tend to get chat blocked less often.

One way around this is to continue to recruit more people to join my guild which uses a voice chat. Only problem with that is many people are just casual gamers and are too shy to get a voice chat. :/

War Legend Lu Bu – Commander
[WäR] Warband of Absolute Retribution
Borlis Pass

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: lioka qiao.8734

lioka qiao.8734

I have to agree that the excessive message limit should not apply to commanders in wvw maps. Once you hit that limit it totally breaks your control over your troops. I found that it takes about an hour of coordinating the map for it to hit with normal talking. It also hits alot faster when you ping locations instead ( I was trying to do that to use less message to move my militia but hit the limit faster).

Also the /supplyinfo command’ s range is really tiny, like melee range almost. It needs to be bigger to be more useful, like 1200 range. I have to estimate my militia’s supply based on the number of camps we raided and find myself hitting more camps than may be necessary. I can’t expect everyone to join my squad even after I ask.

Little red Lioka

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Neutro.3079


I totally agree that message suppression should be removed from commanders.

I opened a topic about the same subject like a month ago, like here a lot of ppl agreed but we didn’t get an answer from arenanet, i hope you get more lucky!

There is a good solution to that problem until it is fixed: if you lead while speaking on teamspeak or such with your server mates, just ask if one of the people on teamspeak can write your orders in the chat for you while you can’t. Then you say in chat before reaching the limit that this guy is speaking as yourself so everyone should also listen.

Worked very well for me!

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


I do not agree that message suppression should change.

I do; however, believe that people are generally xenophobic, self-absorbed, and ignorant to the point that they are unwilling to consider centralized voip (ventrilo, teamspeak, mumble) services. By that I mean,

  • People don’t know what they don’t know.
  • People do what they know.
  • People don’t like change.

On servers where there is centralized voip service,

  • Commanders spend less time typing and more time:
    1. looking over the horizon
    2. sharing the strategic vision
    3. communicating tactical resteers
    4. collaborating among themselves
    5. facilitating pug and new player success
    6. managing proactive teams instead of firefighting or anti-terrorism
  • There is more organization and coordination.

Yes, there are challenges. But there are also challenges with chat. It is stupid to simply discount a tool or technology because one has fear, uncertainty, or doubt.

Until you achieve suppression satisfaction, consider that there are alternatives out there to augment your comms. AND yes, that might mean you have to move your guild voice comms to the server comms. YES, it may mean that you have to move heaven and earth to get people on your server into the server voip… But it is worth every bit of blood, sweat, and tears!

Why let the perfect get in the way of the possible?

Post-Script Edit — Jade Quarry owes much of its collaborative sustainability to its cultural embrace of server-wide teamspeak3 (and JQ web resources). And yes, JQ still struggles every day with those that would rather stand apart than be a part.

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: The Mexican Cookie.3690

The Mexican Cookie.3690

I’ve never been suppressed before, and I use chat for all my commands, as TS isn’t very popular. I feel like to be suppressed you either have to be someone who types like:

or you are potentially an insane typer who spits out fat sentences every half a second. Perhaps try to compress sentences more, or be more selective in what you type in chat? I myself say quite a lot when I command, however I’ve never been suppressed and sometimes I feel that I’m saying too much anyway. People don’t really like to see their screen get spammed, regardless of who is spamming.

I agree with what that guy said about the /supplyinfo command’s range being terrible, that needs to be increased to 900 or something.

#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

(edited by The Mexican Cookie.3690)

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Nidome.1365


Really for an area of the game that relies so much on Comms, it’s a shame that the game does not have some form of built-in voice client linked to group and squad joining.

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Crushnaut.8307


This is one of those issues that makes me wonder if anyone in house at Anet actually plays this game hardcore. If not, I would be more than happy to take that job.

Egg Baron ~ A daily Guild Wars 2 blog.

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: vespers.1759


less commander spam? i don’t see a problem here.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: amberlin.5124


Less typing chat, more voice comms. This weird, obsessive, broad-based repulsion to VOIP in GW2 is truly remarkable and very odd (relative to other games in this space). The only thing I can count as being the real barrier is that WvW is server-centric and not guild-centric (which, if you think about it makes the game kinda stupidly named).

Nidome +1. Anet -1.

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


VoIP. If you need to tell people in /team what to do, tell other people to type it out as you explain it in the VoIP.

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Gremlin.1096


I’ve been locked out of a /say, /map, and /team as a commander for at least 7 minutes to upwards 9 minutes – I had to restart the client to get rid of the error. Not everyone on the map uses VoIP, and although I admit that I am a very fast typer, locking a commander out for so long was unacceptable.

What is the exact algorithm for determining spam? Does the act of typing to see if I’m not suppressed count toward the spam message count? Someone pointed out that it might have been what I said too: “pull out from 2m buffed supervisor.”


[MKF] Sylphia Zephyr

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


Needs a fix for commanders. You expect something more than a blue icon when you pay 100g.

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

Commanders and message count

in WvW

Posted by: Phantom.8130


commander needs…… an incredible amount of things added to it. 100 gold for a blue dorito over my head makes me feel like the world’s biggest sucker. removal of chat suppression in WvW is one of the many things that need added.

for those bringing up VOIP, you’re all completely missing the point. ALL VOIP is third party software and have absolutely no connection to the game whatsoever. the game itself needs to be able to stand alone without extra tools being used. currently, there are no in game voice options, and the typing option is neutered. that ain’t gonna cut it.