Commanders in WvW

Commanders in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Alchemist.3692


So about 5 of us were at another server’s garri – we got to the inner gate (down to 50% before their zerg came at us) so we requested help from the pin. Now, it took some time and the pin was swimming underwater for a while so we thought he/she was doing the quaggan nodes instead of helping us at watergate.

Little did we know – this person did not know WHERE watergate was and had at least 20-25 people following them and instead of asking right away, he/she just kept trying on their own (and the embarrassment of asking can be understood). While in this particular instance it didn’t matter because we were up against servers who couldn’t match our coverage – but when we do get matched up against those with the same or better coverage it will pose a problem.

Anet really needs to do something about the 100g requirement for commanders. This person was basically doing PVE since launch and decided they since they had the gold they would go and buy a commander tag – then realized it was useless for PVE so they jumped into WvW with it.

Maybe ANet should have some sort of requirement like badges + gold or hours in WvW + something else. This is just ridiculous and has lead to a lot of frustration when trying to coordinate with people who have no idea what’s going on but has a large group following them.

The name was blacked out for sake of anonymity. I don’t want to put anyone down – I blame ANet for this entirely and no one else. I’m not against people being new to certain parts of the game – but it’s ridiculous to lead a group of people with you in to oblivion.


(edited by Alchemist.3692)

Commanders in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bogey.5423


I don’t think it is entirely commanders fault. If you called out help for watergate, then surely there are people in that 20-25 people following commander that should know where it is and come there on their own. Why would they continue follow commander that was just swimming around?

That commander eventually found it, so it was lesson learned. Elitist commander with zero people skills is even worse than inexperienced commander that is at least willing to learn. Running with big blob AoE tagging or how much time they spend on map doesn’t really make any better leader. I don’t know if any additional requirement for commander tag really makes better commanders. I think people just eventually don’t follow commanders that are bad.


(edited by Bogey.5423)

Commanders in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


You can’t really blame the troops. I’ve followed commanders running in circles for minutes on end before I realised the guy was a totally clueless.

OTOH, with others, it only took me a few seconds to realise the guy was a kitten-hole.

I prefer clueless.