(edited by JPM.3541)
Commanders rank filter / credibility
In past games there was no such thing as a ‘commander’ icon, you learned who to follow based on their performance and abilities. Suddenly because we have a commander tag, you feel obligated to follow them… why? You are not capable of making your own decision in game on if you should follow someone or not?
What does rank have to do with leadership anyways? Someone that avoids fighting and just PvDoors will have a higher rank that a leader that tries to play for PPT or fighting, yet by your standard the PvDoor hero is better.
There are much bigger issues then your inability to determine who to follow. We have a commander system that means nothing. For some reason they tied squad creation to commanders only, then they decided to create no interface for the squad. Most recently they created a LFG tool that doesn’t have a section for WvW. And that is just the stuff related to leading.
Run tagless, target the commander.
In past games there was no such thing as a ‘commander’ icon, you learned who to follow based on their performance and abilities. Suddenly because we have a commander tag, you feel obligated to follow them… why? You are not capable of making your own decision in game on if you should follow someone or not?
What does rank have to do with leadership anyways? Someone that avoids fighting and just PvDoors will have a higher rank that a leader that tries to play for PPT or fighting, yet by your standard the PvDoor hero is better.
There are much bigger issues then your inability to determine who to follow. We have a commander system that means nothing. For some reason they tied squad creation to commanders only, then they decided to create no interface for the squad. Most recently they created a LFG tool that doesn’t have a section for WvW. And that is just the stuff related to leading.
Lol dude, my inability to determine who to follow? are you real?…. this is not about me, is about all players inside a map.
Rank has alot to do with this, if you do not spend hours on WvW you wont get rank.
So pretty much represent experiences on field, if you dont have it you dont have tools to work.
3 commanders working in the same map, spliting zerg just becuase.. for example.
Is not a minor issue, if you thing you have all this figure out then cool.
Alot of new players get insisde WvW everyday and they just follow icons, they do not have your special abilities to choose the best leader.
So you should think in the bigger picture.
Still alot of thing to resolv for sure, but this is not minor.
I would like to see some variation in commander tags with new colors for commanders who earn them. That would make the commanders better and also make it easier to have more than one on the map.
Rank doesn’t give a much better picture of the commander’s tactical skills and leadership than the gold cost does, tbh
you don’t need to know much to follow a zerg train for a few weeks and farm up the WvW ranks.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Guys are you real? commandr over 300rank or 400rank is the same for you as one as rank70?
Im mean really…it has alot to do with leadership and skills because you have to spend alot of hours to get a higher rank like this.
So its has alot to do!
I agree on colours, thats could be a good option.
It takes more than a few weeks to gain 400 rank.
Guys are you real? commandr over 300rank or 400rank is the same for you as one as rank70?
Im mean really…it has alot to do with leadership and skills because you have to spend alot of hours to get a higher rank like this.So its has alot to do!
I agree on colours, thats could be a good option.
Colors are a good option; my main isn’t rank 400 but i have put in more hours scouting, tailing zergs, defending, and zerging on alts than most people around 400 so should i not be allowed to command?
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
Rank doesn’t really tell you anything since its not account bound.
What if your top commander decided to run on his newly made warrior?
Does that make him a nooby commander?
Guys are you real? commandr over 300rank or 400rank is the same for you as one as rank70?
Im mean really…it has alot to do with leadership and skills because you have to spend alot of hours to get a higher rank like this.So its has alot to do!
I agree on colours, thats could be a good option.
WvW rank is accumulated fastest by zergballs that PVD. So maybe when u say ‘good commande’ you mean the best guy to follow to grind out your WXP ranks as quickly as possible? If so, then you deserve the troll tag that takes you all off a cliff.
The commander tag lacks practical functionality within WvW for it to be a really useful tool for those experienced enough to have it. That needs to be addressed before we go tying the ability to get the tag to rank (which would only be a nice boon if WvW ranks were account bound).
You don’t need special powers to know who the legit commanders are and who the people are who had 100g to blow.
I would leave the blue commander tag as is available for sale to anybody, but I would add maybe three more tags you could not purchase until you have sufficient rank. blue->green->yellow->red
This is similar to other abilities you need sufficient rank to use, like traits and gear.
I did alot of that too… and i belive that yes 400rank is a good filter. If you like wvw and want to command, why not reach that rank to command?
Instead we have new commanders of low ranks or almost experienced, we will get solid ground commanders.
That can be only good, since after that you know that we are following a dude who really likes WvW and worked alot the reach higher rank a lead others.
Its like fair enough.
I would leave the blue commander tag as is available for sale to anybody, but I would add maybe three more tags you could not purchase until you have sufficient rank. blue->green->yellow->red
This is similar to other abilities you need sufficient rank to use, like traits and gear.
this is cool. agree.
Also about account bound well agree too.
I only use 1 character, so if you stick to WvW today you need to work just in one.
If you are a commander… and a high ranked one, i belive you wont switch to you noob character to command….
I don’t think making it more grindy to get is a good thing.
If you like wvw and want to command, why not reach that rank to command?
Because the activities that good commanders spend their time on reward very little in terms of rank, and the activities that do reward a lot are not effective uses of a commanders time(with respect to the task of leading their server to victory)
Northern Shiverpeaks
Making commander tags signify rank seems like a great idea to me.
I did alot of that too… and i belive that yes 400rank is a good filter. If you like wvw and want to command, why not reach that rank to command?
Instead we have new commanders of low ranks or almost experienced, we will get solid ground commanders.
That can be only good, since after that you know that we are following a dude who really likes WvW and worked alot the reach higher rank a lead others.
Its like fair enough.
Just to confirm, you are talking about best Zerg ball PVD Dorito to follow and mechanic to ensure it gets the most followers yes?
If you like wvw and want to command, why not reach that rank to command?
Because the activities that good commanders spend their time on reward very little in terms of rank, and the activities that do reward a lot are not effective uses of a commanders time(with respect to the task of leading their server to victory)
It is a contradition to say on one hand anyone running with a zerg can make hundreds of rank points in a few weeks, but the person leading the zerg can’t expect to make many rank points.
Sry but, i belive that you everytime lead to take something camp/tower/keep/castle commander still take points for tha,t same defending.
So… i dont see that commander can be under rank just becuase they are lding or…idk.
If for any reason, you dont get more ranks commanding than the guys you are leading… then you should spend more hours working on you SV to get higher rank and more experience.
But i belive that is not necesary.
Is like the excuse to be a lower rank commander or the option to be a higher rank one.
(edited by JPM.3541)
Making commander tags signify rank seems like a great idea to me.
That is possibly because you have not thought it through. If Dorito changed colour with ranks then every WxP grinding kitten kiddy would be running around with their tag on.
It is a contradition to say on one hand anyone running with a zerg can make hundreds of rank points in a few weeks, but the person leading the zerg can’t expect to make many rank points.
The contradiction is that “being an effective commander” and “leading a zerg through PvD cycles” are not the same thing. at all.
Northern Shiverpeaks
It is a contradition to say on one hand anyone running with a zerg can make hundreds of rank points in a few weeks, but the person leading the zerg can’t expect to make many rank points.
The contradiction is that “being an effective commander” and “leading a zerg through PvD cycles” are not the same thing. at all.
I think we may be wasting our time here we are talking about a different game to what these guys are talking about. Sadly I think the game we are referring to is in the past.
While I agree something needs to be done to vet a commander, I do not think tying it to WvW-rank makes it any more legit than the current 100g standard.
Many of the folks running around with high WvW rank simply follow (or lead) the karma train, and that is where the majority of their experience (rank) is derived from. Just how PPT is a measure of coverage, wvw-ranks is just a measure of time spent doing “wvw things”, it does not measure how successful a person is or will be when tagged up. Just proves that they spend a lot of time on one character in WvW
Another factor is alts, this game already frowns upon alts enough. Basing WvW-rank does not take into account commanders that have alts with tags.
Like the OP I am from Sorrows Furnace, we have had a lot of new commanders lately. The only thing I can really say is:
-Remember everyone has to start somewhere, and granted there will be people that are just tagged up for the novelty. (Likely time will weed these folks out)
-“WvW” is very different for many people. Some think it is all about “attacking as much as you can”, others think it is about defending/attacking equally while worrying over PPT, some think it is only about using siege (wars) to get PPT (IE: avoiding PvP), and some think it is about open world PvP (IE: avoiding siege).
-Leaving EB helps most times…Lets face it, on every server pretty much EB is the place where skilled players go to die and PUGs thrive. I spend time there because on a low-pop server there are usually good fights to find. But it is a magnet for fairweathers/karma trains/siege-monkeys/etc.
I think what he is getting at that there isn’t an easy way for newer or wvw inexperienced players to see at a glance who is an experienced commander since anyone can drop 100g and get a tag. I also think commander tags should be color coded and earned.
Probably a good number of new players follow thesenew commanders around and think the way those noob commanders are playing is how WvW is played.
Of course us who play WvW a lot can easily determine who is a good commander, it’s not always all about us.
[url=https://] [/url]
(edited by clint.5681)
I agree in alot of aspects, getting in the main issue (rank/credibility) i can quote:
" it does not measure how successful a person is or will be when tagged up. Just proves that they spend a lot of time on one character in WvW"
TRUE, but you need at least that to command (in my opinion) that should be a minimum requirement. Spend alot of time in WVW before you tag up, thats why rank filter that i sugest.
“-Remember everyone has to start somewhere, and granted there will be people that are just tagged up for the novelty. (Likely time will weed these folks out)”
True, but if you are a regular player is cool. If commmander want to lead, then repect other players and spend alot of time here to get your rank higher.
I think what he is getting at that there isn’t an easy way for newer or wvw inexperienced players to see at a glance who is an experienced commander since anyone can drop 100g and get a tag. I also think commander tags should be color coded and earned.
Probably a good number of new players follow thesenew commanders around and think the way those noob commanders are playing is how WvW is played.
Of course us who play WvW a lot can easily determine who is a good commander, it’s not always all about us.
True, i do run WvW alot… but i do think that… new players get in and maybe they run that way no cool commanders… and then no comming back to WvW just becuase bad experience.
If anything, I would like to see it “time-gated” like many other things in this game. I wanna say I had over 2000hrs in WvW before I ever tagged up (I may be wrong so I would have to verify that), but I know it was around 9months of 100% WvW. I would also like to see the WvW commander tag split from the PVE commander.
I agree with the OPs sentiment, just did not think WvW-rank really is a good measurement of it. (Since people can get several ranks a day just farming centaurs/skritt/sentrys/camps/karma train zergs)
EDIT: In typical, predictable fashion, it appears that “buying” rank will become more and more common, thus making it even more unreliable in regard to player skill/correlation.
(edited by King Amadaeus.8619)
I do have xtreme hours on WvW too so this is why im droping this.
But there is not actually another way to show your time spended in WvW than RANK. So i dont see why this is not good measurement.
Is better to leave this system without filter? why whould be not good rank? if they spend hours there…and i mean alot of months to get their ranks we should respect that.
Edit here: And how is better work with low rank commander instead this idea?
I dont believe that a small groups/farmers or whatever will get to rank 400 and doesnt learn anything.
And also believe that is not the way you will get to 400. If you reach 400 im sure you did alot more than farm sentry or small things…. and i mean alot.
400 rank is not a few weeks reach, so i still belive this is a great idea since WvW experiences is rank based.
Totally make sense to me.
(edited by JPM.3541)
Bro, honestly 400 is a ridiculous rank, like you said it is not achieved in a few weeks or by farming WXP very quickly. Do many people have it? Sure, but they are in the minority. They have it because they play 1 maybe 2 toons, which in the grand scheme of things is not the norm. Most people have at least a few alts, and some even have A LOT of alts. If they made the rank account bound I would be more apt to go with your way of thinking, but even then there are people I know on SF and other servers with a lot of WvW rank (because they play 1-toon) and I wouldn’t follow them to a picnic.
System kind of has a way of filtering itself. The bad commanders stop getting followed, and eventually tag down and find something else to do.
Me personally, I got my tag to help out during the afternoon/evening shift before all the regulars get on, back then there used to seldom ever be a tag running from 3pmEST-5pmEST. Nowadays we have so many that I do not even need to tag up, some of them go and some stay. Only bad thing is that you have to spend a couple of weeks watching these people fail before they realize what they’re doing wrong or they just find something else to do. But to me, that is just part of the process.
At the end of the day, I would rather have an inexperienced commander tagged up than none at all. At least he can use the dorito for a rallying point, and hopefully the pugs are helping him out along the way.
(edited by King Amadaeus.8619)
I do have xtreme hours on WvW too so this is why im droping this.
But there is not actually another way to show your time spended in WvW than RANK. So i dont see why this is not good measurement.
Is better to leave this system without filter? why whould be not good rank? if they spend hours there…and i mean alot of months to get their ranks we should respect that.
Edit here: And how is better work with low rank commander instead this idea?I dont believe that a small groups/farmers or whatever will get to rank 400 and doesnt learn anything.
And also believe that is not the way you will get to 400. If you reach 400 im sure you did alot more than farm sentry or small things…. and i mean alot.
400 rank is not a few weeks reach, so i still belive this is a great idea since WvW experiences is rank based.
Totally make sense to me.
Rank is still not a GOOD way of showing time invested that is the problem. Experience should play a role in deciding commanders, but your suggestion does not fufill that need adequately.
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
System kind of has a way of filtering itself. The bad commanders stop getting followed, and eventually tag down and find something else to do.
Nowadays we have so many that I do not even need to tag up, some of them go and some stay. Only bad thing is that you have to spend a couple of weeks watching these people fail before they realize what they’re doing wrong or they just find something else to do. But to me, that is just part of the process.
I do know you are allways around on WvW, and dont get me wrong, im not trying to confront.
For me thats is a problem, and a waste of time. We dont need that kind of commanders around, thats is more like for regular players allowed if you wanna to see whats happening or try the field.
You know alot of commanders start trying, then go away after dont get followed but in the middle is like weeks of waste of time.
Also is easy to see that to you, or me or another guys who played alot… but still not good for regular players that just get in.
I know that the system works as you say… im just saying that need to change asap, and the only way to do it atm is rank based since there is not another way to work on that…and ANET is not going to drop a extreme change to work this out.
So rank based is like a possible solution, that can be apply without a extreme change.
Thats why supporting this idea, of course there is like 1million of other options, but are they possible to implement?
I dont believe is better as is atm, we need a change.
(edited by JPM.3541)
Do you not already have the option to choose who you follow?
It is a contradition to say on one hand anyone running with a zerg can make hundreds of rank points in a few weeks, but the person leading the zerg can’t expect to make many rank points.
The contradiction is that “being an effective commander” and “leading a zerg through PvD cycles” are not the same thing. at all.
Different people have different ideas about what makes an effective commander. Some of the worst, most arrogant, obnoxious and wasteful commanders I have seen firmly believe themselves to be the best. Some of the best commanders I have seen are low key, careful and courteous, but people who want to zerg all day don’t like that style.
Rank is simply one aspect of WvW experience and skill that can be quantified and objectively compared. The other stuff is subjective.
rank might be a useful measure of a commander’s experience if rank were account-wide, but it’s not. I regularly follow commanders who have alts (some with commander tags, and some without). some of those alts will have very low rank.
there is no substitute for knowing who you’re following and what their playstyle (and command style) is. knowing what rank they are doesn’t help with this unless you know whether the person you’re following has alts (and what ranks their alts are). but if you know this much about them, you already probably know enough to be able to tell whether you should follow them or not.
Rank is simply one aspect of WvW experience and skill that can be quantified and objectively compared.
I get that, but it feels like it would encourage bad habits in commanders-in-training.
ie: prioritizing personal rank gain over what’s best for the server.
Do you really want a potential commander to be faced with dilemmas like “we really need to defend this upgraded tower, but I need to grind out more ranks asap for my commander badge.. so I should probably just let the enemy take it so I can flip it back afterwards”
Northern Shiverpeaks
As long as rank is still character bound vs account bound this idea sucks.
However due to market inflation its probably time to raise the price.
I have 4 alts that I command from, with plans to get tags for two more. You would end up stopping me from doing that.
Would your idea also end up stripping tags from those who don’t meet the rank requirement? New Small guilds would never have tags. Players who could be good commanders have to time grind to get the tag. Even after r400 you’re gonna end up with commanders who do the things that caused this post in the first place. The only difference is now they rode the Karma train for 4 months.
GrandmaFunk, that is what most of the commanders do anyway – grind for WxP and loot. How many times have you looked at a map to see the commander way off in the distance at someone else’s keep while your inner towers fail? How many times have you seen one run a zerg past a flipped, unbuffed supply camp while your keep and towers starve for upgrades?
If there was some way to roughly quantify at least how much time they had spent on the maps, I think that would be better than nothing. I also think it would be great to have some way to quickly distinquish one commander on the map from another so we could more effectively run multiple zergs.
I like the idea of color coded commander tags. However, let the player choose the color of the commanders for themselves. i.e. let me tag different commanders with whatever color I want, so at a glance on the map, I know who (by my ranking) is out there and who I might want to follow.
GrandmaFunk, that is what most of the commanders do anyway – grind for WxP and loot.
… and the proposed system would raise the entry bar for the commanders that don’t do that.
which is the problem.
I get that the idea is to trim the fat(ie: too many commanders), but this would throw the meat out and keep the fat.
Northern Shiverpeaks
System kind of has a way of filtering itself. The bad commanders stop getting followed, and eventually tag down and find something else to do.
Nowadays we have so many that I do not even need to tag up, some of them go and some stay. Only bad thing is that you have to spend a couple of weeks watching these people fail before they realize what they’re doing wrong or they just find something else to do. But to me, that is just part of the process.
I do know you are allways around on WvW, and dont get me wrong, im not trying to confront.
For me thats is a problem, and a waste of time. We dont need that kind of commanders around, thats is more like for regular players allowed if you wanna to see whats happening or try the field.
You know alot of commanders start trying, then go away after dont get followed but in the middle is like weeks of waste of time.
Also is easy to see that to you, or me or another guys who played alot… but still not good for regular players that just get in.
I know that the system works as you say… im just saying that need to change asap, and the only way to do it atm is rank based since there is not another way to work on that…and ANET is not going to drop a extreme change to work this out.
So rank based is like a possible solution, that can be apply without a extreme change.
Thats why supporting this idea, of course there is like 1million of other options, but are they possible to implement?
I dont believe is better as is atm, we need a change.
No I totally understand your point, and I do wish that there were a better system. I just do not think that WvW rank is a feasible means, because of the aforementioned: alts, fact it is not account bound, and that it still does not measure the aptitude of the commander. It just assures you that they should know what they are doing since they have spent _ amount of time in order to gain said rank. Granted that might be a better system than the “pay 100g” one we have in place now, it still would have many drawbacks.
Going off your suggestion I came to a few ideas:
-Split the PVE and WvW commander tags if they are going to stay at 100g for a tag. Then all of the folks that bought it for PVE would have to really decide if they wanted to commit another 100g.
-Have each current commander’s tag and future purchased tags to be chosen by the player to be classified as either: PVE or WvW, and color code them as such IE: Blue for PVE, and Red for WvW. Then when a PVE-colored (Blue) commander enters WvW, people would have an idea of their experience level and that they are likely more PVE-centric than some of the WvW-only folks.
-Make the tags based on WvW achievements, which are account bound rather than the character bound wxp/ranks.
-Obviously the achievements would need to be reasonably attained, but still enough distance that “Johnny come lately” wouldn’t be able to farm it in 30 days.
-Kills, defenses, captures, etc could/should all be taken into account to insure that said player(s) has experienced a broad spectrum of WvW.
While I believe that any/all of these could help the situation, there would still be issues, and people would still be unhappy.
And when all of the highly ranked commanders move off of your server because of drama or community issues you will have big gaps with no commanders and less wxp coming in to get new commanders. I’m not saying the commander icon is a good system but I think the problems you are having with it might be more indicative of an issue with the WvW community on your server.
I have 4 alts that I command from, with plans to get tags for two more. You would end up stopping me from doing that.
Would your idea also end up stripping tags from those who don’t meet the rank requirement? New Small guilds would never have tags. Players who could be good commanders have to time grind to get the tag. Even after r400 you’re gonna end up with commanders who do the things that caused this post in the first place. The only difference is now they rode the Karma train for 4 months.
I mean what is this? Small guild wont be able to have their tags?
What guild have to do with this? Rank is player-character bound.
And did you check all the information? you WILL BE ABLE TO GET TAG, after you really get the rank require., otherwise you wont.
Thats why is this post about, to avoid no experience commanders.
So yes if you want to command you should spend more time on WvW, if you want rank account bound then you can open a new topic about that… i dont disagree on that, but is not a solution for this topic.
You can still using your tag for PVE, or Guild sync if you need to.
So there is no easy way to get to 400rank, 4 months… of Karma training?
stop saying this kind of stuff.. at least you support this with experience.
If is so easy to reach that rank and you wont learn anything in that time..why still having alot of low rank commanders and also players?
Is not easy to get to 400 rank so, stop talking about that as easy thing and that make no difference!
Whe are trying to avoid ignorance.
No I totally understand your point, and I do wish that there were a better system. I just do not think that WvW rank is a feasible means, because of the aforementioned: alts, fact it is not account bound, and that it still does not measure the aptitude of the commander. It just assures you that they should know what they are doing since they have spent _ amount of time in order to gain said rank. Granted that might be a better system than the “pay 100g” one we have in place now, it still would have many drawbacks.
Going off your suggestion I came to a few ideas:
-Split the PVE and WvW commander tags if they are going to stay at 100g for a tag. Then all of the folks that bought it for PVE would have to really decide if they wanted to commit another 100g.
-Have each current commander’s tag and future purchased tags to be chosen by the player to be classified as either: PVE or WvW, and color code them as such IE: Blue for PVE, and Red for WvW. Then when a PVE-colored (Blue) commander enters WvW, people would have an idea of their experience level and that they are likely more PVE-centric than some of the WvW-only folks.
-Make the tags based on WvW achievements, which are account bound rather than the character bound wxp/ranks.
-Obviously the achievements would need to be reasonably attained, but still enough distance that “Johnny come lately” wouldn’t be able to farm it in 30 days.
-Kills, defenses, captures, etc could/should all be taken into account to insure that said player(s) has experienced a broad spectrum of WvW.While I believe that any/all of these could help the situation, there would still be issues, and people would still be unhappy.
This is cool, nice contribution, that can also work out i think.
Achievment is very workable for this matter.
Edit here> We are trying to talk about ideas that actually can make a change, not just complaining.
This reply is great. Ty
I understand your frustration, but these ideas really won’t work. I say this as a commander who spends 99% of my time on the home borderland. Because I am not out there grinding wxp my rank is only 240. My first priority is defending/upgrading the homeland so even though I am experienced and a “good” commander, I would be penalized because I choose to forego wxp in favor of the best interests of my server.
People should learn quick enough who is good and who is not, good being a subjective term.
Quaggan OP [QOP], League of Extraordinary Siegers [LEXS]
Ehmry Bay
And when all of the highly ranked commanders move off of your server because of drama or community issues you will have big gaps with no commanders and less wxp coming in to get new commanders. I’m not saying the commander icon is a good system but I think the problems you are having with it might be more indicative of an issue with the WvW community on your server.
I do know that too, but this could help us but also we need to think bigger.
There is alot of SVs in the same situation, so we can work with ANET to try to change this so we can help to make this fair enough for alot more ppl and just not moving out from my SV to another one.
I understand your frustration, but these ideas really won’t work. I say this as a commander who spends 99% of my time on the home borderland. Because I am not out there grinding wxp my rank is only 240. My first priority is defending/upgrading the homeland so even though I am experienced and a “good” commander, I would be penalized because I choose to forego wxp in favor of the best interests of my server.
People should learn quick enough who is good and who is not, good being a subjective term.
Thanks, well i hope Anet maybe check this out… im sure there is SOMETHING that can be change to get better results.
experienced players know who the experienced commanders are
Newbie commanders will attract the newbie players.
Part of your job as a server to be competitive is to help train and guide the newer players.
Nothing should change on minimum requirement except maybe increase the price since gold is now easier to get.
However I would be in favor of commanders being able to “nominate” each other for bigger and better titles.
Originally my idea was change commander to “General” and all General tag purchases come with a 1-time consumable that if you are in a squad and use it, it gives a “vote” to the General whose squad you are in.
As you gain votes your title and icon progresses
5 votes = commander
10 votes = veteran commander
25 votes = legendary commander
**Possible twist to this – those with votes to their tag CAN if they choose give their votes to other commanders – when in their squad you can click a button that gives 1 of your votes to them.
just some of my thoughts.